[Never Enough][kins]

2025.01.24 17:41 scrambledOrFried1234 [Never Enough][kins]

[Never Enough][kins] Fill habs, run chickens, use deflector, no passing tokens unless it has been requested.
submitted by scrambledOrFried1234 to EggsIncCoOp [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 17:41 Mental-Raspberry3118 Buried emotions hide behind mirrored glass

submitted by Mental-Raspberry3118 to sixwordstories [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 17:41 kogelgewrichten “Queen Anne” style doll shown in a portrait of Charlotte Augusta Matilda by Johann Zoffany (c. 1771)

“Queen Anne” style doll shown in a portrait of Charlotte Augusta Matilda by Johann Zoffany (c. 1771) I thought her choker was interesting.
submitted by kogelgewrichten to Antiquedollcollecting [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 17:41 malenkydroog Current research in computer-mediated communication and telework

One thing that's sort of bothered me since the pandemic is that for all the importance of telework, I never saw much discussion in my circles (which includes people who work in communication and social network analysis areas) about links between telework and the (frankly rather large) body of research on computer-mediated communication (CMC).
This has been on my mind again as a lot of companies are wanting to bring workers back to the office, and OPM has just issued "return to office" orders for all federal workers, etc.
Grad school for me was 15 years ago, so I'm quite out of date on the CMC literature. I have made the occasional stab at trying to do a lit review, and I do see work linking telework practices to CMC, but for whatever reasons, I haven't found anything that seems on the face like good summary or "seed" articles.
So I thought I'd ask here: anyone know of (and want to share) some good articles on pros/cons of modern forms of telework? E.g., how it affects interpersonal communication processes, individual/organizational outcomes, etc.?
Thanks in advance for any responses. :)
submitted by malenkydroog to IOPsychology [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 17:41 Babynooka A really shityy county

submitted by Babynooka to crusaderkings3 [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 17:41 Faction_Chief /r/worldnews - https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/more-gaza-funding-needed-hit-ceasefire-targets-un-official-says-2025-01-24/

submitted by Faction_Chief to NoFilterNews [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 17:41 Dismal_Mistake4964 Do you think that we won’t have a sequel/port because of same sex relationships?

I’m very afraid abt that. it’s easy for Nintendo to just put another option to choose. You click create mii you choose the gender male or female and you edit the mii. in the area where there you have to put your date of birth and favorite color, it can have a place to choose which gender your mii is attracted to. I know that in Japan it’s not really ok with same sex couple. If it’s only this this that bother they can even not add that and we make gay couples like we are doing rn in the 3ds game. I just want a Nintendo Switch version (sorry for bad English)
submitted by Dismal_Mistake4964 to tomodachilife [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 17:41 Anti-Owl Kansas tuberculosis outbreak is now America's largest in recorded history

Kansas tuberculosis outbreak is now America's largest in recorded history An ongoing tuberculosis outbreak in Kansas has become the largest in recorded history in the United States.
"Currently, Kansas has the largest outbreak that they've ever had in history," Ashley Goss, a deputy secretary at the Kansas Department of Health and Environment, told the Senate Public Health and Welfare Committee on Tuesday.
As of Jan. 17, public health officials reported that they had documented 66 active cases and 79 latent infections in the Kansas City, Kansas, metro area since 2024. Most of the cases have been in Wyandotte County, with a handful in Johnson County.
Jill Bronaugh, a KDHE spokesperson, confirmed Goss's statement afterward.
"The current KCK Metro TB outbreak is the largest documented outbreak in U.S. history, presently," Bronaugh said in a statement to The Capital-Journal. "This is mainly due to the rapid number of cases in the short amount of time. This outbreak is still ongoing, which means that there could be more cases. There are a few other states that currently have large outbreaks that are also ongoing."
She noted that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention started monitoring and reporting tuberculosis cases in the U.S. in the 1950s.
Tuberculosis is caused by a bacterium that typically affects the lungs, according to KDHE. People with an active infection feel sick and can spread it to others, while people with a latent infection don't feel sick and can't spread it. Tuberculosis is spread person-to-person through the air when a person with an active infection coughs, speaks or sings. It is treatable with antibiotics.
State public health officials say there is "very low risk to the general public."
KDHE reportable infectious disease statistics show that statewide there were 51 active cases in 2023. That jumped to 109 in 2024. There has been one so far in 2025.
"Some of you are aware, we have and still have mobilized staff and resources addressing an unprecedented tuberculosis outbreak in one of our counties," Goss told lawmakers. "We are working collaboratively with CDC on that. CDC remains on the ground with us to support. That's not a negative. This is normal when there's something unprecedented or a large outbreak of any kind, they will come and lend resources to us to help get a stop to that. We are trending in the right direction right now."
Goss said that when KDHE got involved with the Kansas City outbreak last summer, there were 65 active cases and roughly the same number of latent cases. She said the number is now down to about 32 active cases.
For active patients, after 10 days of taking medications and having three sputum tests, they will generally no longer be able to transmit tuberculosis.
"They're no longer contagious," Goss said. "They can go about their lives, they don't have to stay away from people, and they can go back to work, do the things, as long as they continue to take their meds."
The course of treatment is several months long for active and latent cases.
"We still have a couple of fairly large employers that are involved that we're working with on this," Goss said. "So we do expect to find more, but we're hoping the more that we find is latent TB not active, so that their lives are not disrupted and having to stay home from work.
submitted by Anti-Owl to ContagionCuriosity [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 17:41 scornedcabbage Losing my patience with out Mark. What's it gonna take for him to wake up

Well, lets see.
-An innie coworker risked everything to make contact, and wound up dead
-He's become an accessory to a murder committed by a severance procedure doctor, who is also risking everything to oppose Lumon
-His outie life is being subsumed into a Lumon conspiracy in ways that it absolutely never should be in 'normal' circumstances
-His innie is clearly deeply involved in said conspiracy, and he made it clear that Lumon can actually mindjack him whenever they want to
-His neighbor, who wheedled her way into his life, turned out to actually be a crazy Lumon stalker.
-Oh and his innie is starting to claim his wife is still alive actually
And all he can fkin do about it himself is be a prick to his sister and sit around feeling sorry for himself.
What's it gonna take? A 3rd body maybe? This is getting very frustrating. I understand the idea is that Mark is not properly processing the tragedy of losing his wife and it has him stuck, but come on already, this is getting ridiculous. It's not realistic or relatable, and it's not interesting or good tv.
Mark should've been the standout character, and i think it's clear that was their intention. But they're blowing it. Instead, he's poorly written and his character arc is lame. It really needs to change very fast.
submitted by scornedcabbage to SeveranceAppleTVPlus [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 17:41 SalsaandTacos Favorite Taco in CDMX

Favorite Taco in CDMX Presented o
submitted by SalsaandTacos to tacos [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 17:41 Faction_Chief /r/worldnews - https://www.reuters.com/world/uk/uk-teenager-interrupts-sentencing-murders-three-girls-southport-2025-01-23/

submitted by Faction_Chief to NoFilterNews [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 17:41 Irish-Toucan Misty Rematch, Mono-Normal Hardcore Winning Team

Misty Rematch, Mono-Normal Hardcore Winning Team Palafin and Archaludon were an immense pain. Chancey Eviolite really shined. So far the hardest battle by far.
submitted by Irish-Toucan to pokemonradicalred [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 17:41 dorijanlikescars Tips for driving a larger car?

I have gotten used to driving smaller cars (Mk8 Fiesta, GB A1, Toyota IQ and Smart Fortwo). We own 4 cars, a Toyota IQ, a Smart Fortwo, a work van and an F15 X5. I haven't experienced any problems driving those other cars (apart from the van which I haven't driven). I usually drive the IQ as it's a small eco-box that works for city driving quite well, but it isn't always available to me and sometimes the only car left for me to take is the F15 which is obviously a tank compared to cars I've driven previously. I've driven it a couple times with my dad helping me by giving tips for dealing with the size while driving. I haven't had any close calls yet but I feel sort of anxious while having to take tighter low speed turns or manouver around a full parking lot. I'm mainly concerned about the rear right wheel which I don't wanna curb, which usually resluts in me going into the opposite lane for a split second while taking very tight low speed turns (paying extra attention around other cars in the opposite direction leads me to take those sharp turns well). I've had a license for a couple months by passing all my tests first try and am considered safe without being slow. I drive daily and put on a couple thousand kms both stop&go town driving and highway driving. What tips would you give me as a person going from a small manual 60hp petrol eco-box to a massive auto diesel powerhouse?
submitted by dorijanlikescars to BMW [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 17:41 Greedy_Jaguar_4646 Testveri szeretet (mar amikor nem tepik eppen egymast) 😂

Testveri szeretet (mar amikor nem tepik eppen egymast) 😂 Sjajjejakajajsjsksjsjsjsjsjsjjsjsjsjsjsjjssjsjj
submitted by Greedy_Jaguar_4646 to dagadtmacskak [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 17:41 Faction_Chief /r/worldnews - https://www.defensemagazine.com/article/russia-violates-new-start-treaty-terms-us-report-highlights-growing-concerns

submitted by Faction_Chief to NoFilterNews [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 17:41 bluemarguerites Vale la pena estudiar Biotecnología en Argentina?

Buenas. Hace dos años estoy estudiando otra carrera pero biotecnología me parece muy interesante, tanto es así que estoy considerando cambiarme. Lo que no me termina de quedar claro es si biotecnología tiene buena salida laboral o no, escuché cosas muy distintas al respecto. Si alguien que esté estudiando actualmente o se haya recibido me puede contar su experiencia me vendría bien. También me interesaría saber cómo suele ser el día a día en los puestos de trabajo, si implican mucho trabajo de laboratorio o hay algunos que sean más de escritorio, por así decirlo.
La tercera pregunta es: si me interesara trabajar en algo relacionado con la bioinformática, es mejor empezar con biotecnología y después especializarme en eso o empezar con algo más general de análisis/ciencia de datos (que es lo que estoy haciendo ahora) y después especializarme en temas relacionados con la biología, genética, etc.
se aprecian todas las respuestas:)
submitted by bluemarguerites to empleos_AR [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 17:41 TrackaLackerBot Pokemon Sword & Shield - Lost Origin Elite Trainer Box is in stock at Target for $39.99 (MSRP)

View current status at https://www.trackalacker.com/products/showcase/pokemon-sword-shield-lost-origin-elite-trainer-box...
As of 01/24/25 12:41 PM EST
submitted by TrackaLackerBot to PokemonRestocks [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 17:41 Busy-Opportunity-764 Listening to preachers daughter and thinking of her

Listening to preachers daughter and thinking of her submitted by Busy-Opportunity-764 to Ethelcain [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 17:41 Faction_Chief /r/worldnews - https://www.axios.com/2025/01/23/trump-witkoff-iran-diplomacy-nuclear-deal

submitted by Faction_Chief to NoFilterNews [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 17:41 10akers Decrease in brand deals

Any other content creators here seeing a decrease in brand deals for the new year? Normally we’d be super busy but it’s absolutely crickets.
submitted by 10akers to content_marketing [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 17:41 PerspectiveSudden648 Is there an easier way to farm Star Crystals?

I have a pain in my bollocks with Derwin and his annoying quests to gather familiars to be studied, I am on my last errand before facing Shadar and I need two Jumbo Star drops to evolve the familiars (Temu pokemon???) to complete it. I have been grinding out levels on the path from Paridia to the clearing at the end of the trail and I swear everyone in my party will have 100% maxed-out stats before I get the star crystals I need to alchemize my Jumbo Star Drops. If I wasn't trying to level up anyways, Charley Derwin's tasks would be seriously annoying but I've tried to kill two birds with one stone in this case.
submitted by PerspectiveSudden648 to Ni_no_Kuni [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 17:41 Faction_Chief /r/worldnews - https://jpost.com/breaking-news/article-839105

submitted by Faction_Chief to NoFilterNews [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 17:41 ilovebiscuits101 Dog with lump for 3 years…finally got removed and vet is super worried. Dog has had zero changes besides lump.

My 70lb pound pit/boxer mix has had a growing lump on her side for about 3 years. A tractor supply vet said it was just a lipoma and I haven’t worried since. She wears a carhartt jacket because she’s a farm pup and when I took it off about a month ago, it had grown a good bit.
She acts fine, plays with her sister, eats and drinks, pees and poops. She’s always been a lazy girl and she does rest in the sun a lot, but she’s also almost 10 years old.
We got the mass removed at a new vet this last Tuesday. The vet seemed very concerned and we are still awaiting the results, and we sent it off to the Torigen, in case it is cancerous and we want to try that route.
Wouldn’t she have been more sick and declined more if she has cancer? Even after surgery, she’s doing totally fine besides being sleepy from her meds. I keep researching rib tumors and osteosarcoma, shouldn’t she have passed if she had it for 3 years??? I feel absolutely horrible I didn’t get it looked at more. Her blood test results were perfect besides a slightly elevated liver enzyme.
Also, I have her started on Dr.Harveys food and turkey tail just in case.
DOG BOXER MIX 70lbs 9 years old
submitted by ilovebiscuits101 to AskVet [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 17:41 Faction_Chief /r/worldnews - https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/ckgy6qlv5kro

submitted by Faction_Chief to NoFilterNews [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 17:41 Useful-Peanut-7678 708288452386 dialga raid on me

Trying to get shiny
submitted by Useful-Peanut-7678 to PokemonGoFriends [link] [comments]
