2025.01.24 17:29 EducationalYoungling My dishwasher broke for some reason
So i have a dishwasher, which i got from my parents, it is a bit older, but should have still been working. After wiping the display and buttons clean, the display stopped working, and the buttons stopped aswell. It sounds like it is trying to pump water out and doesnt stop when i open te door. No water is comming in. The reservoir is full, the tap works. I have tried disconnecting the electricity, doesnt do anything. I have left it u plugged for a couple days, still nothing. There does not seem to be anything wrong with the water lock. The display is still not functioning either. I am thinking the dishwasher is just broken, but i want to make sure, since i am not in a position to afford a new (or used) one. submitted by EducationalYoungling to Siemens [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 17:29 xatfi Uusi voimakas maastopalo aiheuttaa tuhoa Los Angelesissa
submitted by xatfi to Uutiset [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 17:29 yettidiareah How do you feel about being the soldiers filling the planes with migrants?
Im a Vet and the current removal of humans is in violation of Article 49(6) from the 4th Geneva Convention. This law was created out of concerns about of the forced removal of Jewish, Polish, Homosexuals and other "Undesirables". There is no way in Heaven or Hell actual American citizens aren't going to be removed without proper review. " I was following the orders of my NCO", ain't gonna cut it. Even if my concerns are ignored, keep this for reading.
submitted by yettidiareah to army [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 17:29 stack3dnews Refreshing Guava flavor on the way for the Relentless Energy Drink
submitted by stack3dnews to stack3dnews [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 17:29 Typical-Ticket7476 He’s right behind me.. isn’t he
My cousin’s blue eyed dog BREATH HOT on the glass. My poor dog with his back turned. submitted by Typical-Ticket7476 to CryptidDogs [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 17:29 cicigetsmebut Thoughts on Monday's inauguration chart, the civil rights movement, current events, and Pluto in Aquarius
Hi everyone!
I've been studying Monday's inauguration chart and I would make a general commentary partly to document this moment, but also in part to share a few things that frankly have me gobsmacked in their reflection of the astrology. Please forgive me if this isn't the right sub - I will glady repost where it is most appropriate. These are just a few of my thoughts. There is so much more. I would love to chat with whomever about this because I find it truly fascinating.
First, see the inauguration chart attached. One of the things I've really looked at closely is the Sun-Pluto conjunction in the 10th, along with the Lot of Fortune. I've heard Chris Brennan and Nick Dagan Best talk about this in relation to the consolidation of power in the executive branch, and that is absolutely true. I think the chain of dispositorship of the 10th house tells the story another layer deeper. This is a somewhat basic delineation but a worthwhile one to consider. Saturn-Pluto is ruled by Saturn in Pisces (which can't see Aquarius, and Saturn in aversion is also the first triplicity lord of Aquarius). Saturn is ruled by Jupiter in Gemini, and Jupiter is ruled by Mercury in Capricorn, and Mercury is ruled by --- Saturn in Pisces. The chain of dispostorship of those Aquarius planets continues in a cycle over and over again, almost as if the consolidation of power in the executive branch is either shared with a range of other actors who work together or such that the question of who is actually in charge becomes a more dynamic question than in other administrations. Keeping it short so as not to get into the politics - the attendance of CEOs at the inauguration gave us some hints about how this might play out.
Second, the Mercury-Jupiter contra-antiscia, with Mercury ruling Jupiter and Jupiter still loosely squaring Saturn - and Mercury copresent with the Midheaven, yet Mercury separating from Saturn and applying to Venus --- that whole thing definitely speaks to the TikTok debacle. I think it also speaks to a real weakening of traditional media's access to the White House this term and the relative decline of traditional media in favor of social media and in general, in favor of a more influencer style of journalism. Disinformation and misinformation will continue to really threaten our institutions, and I think the threats will be more severe than ever before. More than anything in this chart though, Mercury's application to Mars with the Moon completing a T-square makes me very concerned about this administration will treat dissidents. Mars on the IC could be it's own post. And finally, we might also see the law that created the Internet revisited, as I wrote about a few years ago here: https://medium.com/@messymercurial/we-asked-an-astrologer-whats-next-for-cda-230-7f2a7673bad1
Third, I couldn't help but notice that Cecile Richards died on inauguration day as Venus perfected its conjunction with Saturn. That symbology alone is of course indicative of what lies ahead for women's rights, womens' health, and policy that governs womens' freedom.
So, I am obsessed with Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. I love his chart. I had to take a look at it because the national holiday falling on inauguration day was crazy confluence and juxtaposition, and I think it really laid bare the kinds of themes that will play out in this term, but also over the next 20 years. His birth time is most likely an approximation, but upon a little bit of rectification, I think the Taurus rising chart with Jupiter in the first makes sense. It is clear that this administration marks the beginning of a major shift in how Dr. King is remembered, his impact, and his legacy.
And I think this shift is going to really tie in with a deep contemplation on our relationship to one another as Americans. Out of respect for his family, the moment we're in, and so much more, I will not get into the nuts and bolts of these changes, but while I do think some of this shift will be instigated satisfy some of the priorities of the actors who fall along the chain of dispositorship I mentioned near the top of this post. I also think it will ultimately give us a more complete picture of who he was, which will allow for a more nuanced and complex picture of his legacy and his work.
One thing I will point out is that Mars is critical in Dr. King's chart of purposes of timing and linking his actions to events that have broader significance for the country (sort of the same way Hillary Clinton's Mars is - IYKYK). Could be that he has the same Mars as the US sibley chart, but I'm not exactly sure why yet. This Mars retrograde marking the beginning of a change in how he is remembered, and coinciding with the release of the remaining classified FBI files is something to remember as Pluto progresses through Aquarius. Mars will station direct on his 3rd house Pluto and then Pluto over the next 20 years will transit his 10th house and hit his Mercury and trine his Mars in the process. If the charts could talk, in general terms, it is almost as if they'd talk about things like speech and communication, records preservation (specifically physically preserving artifacts of his life and work that have become digitized and are only available in digital form now), the role of foreign actors in both helping and hurting his efforts while he was alive, the content of his speeches and writings as a civil rights leader but also as a religious leader; ideas around manhood, personhood, and "somebodiness" as he talked about, the relationship of men to women in society, his political beliefs, as well as all matters of the 12th house. There is much more of course.
The final thing I'll say - related all of the content in this post - is that the Saturn-Neptune moment we are approaching in some ways really will be about history speaking for itself and us sitting with what that might mean for us in this moment. There is so much information to pay attention to, and Saturn-Neptune asks us questions about whether we really can handle the truth, whether we can forgive each other, and really whether we view our destinies as interlinked, and whether we understand the threads that run through our shared history. I think MLK day falling on the inauguration gives us some clues about the specific types of issues we will be collectively called to confront under the Saturn-Neptune copresence.
There is so much more I want to say but this post is already so long. Glad to continue the convo offline!
submitted by cicigetsmebut to Advancedastrology [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 17:29 TigerNet-dot-com Allen will be ready for first Hill run: 'I'm not going to face-plant on national TV'
submitted by TigerNet-dot-com to tigernet [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 17:29 3l_v34dug0 Tasas de interés en préstamos en Panamá estan brutales
Quice sacar un préstamo personal, pero veo que la mayoría de los bancos quieren trabarte desde 10% mínimo. Lo mas bajos que ví fue en Davivienda y Scotiabank,(aunque para hablar claro ya son la misma vaina), que estan en 8% con descuento directo y 9% pago voluntario. Pero lo que le sorprendio fue el rango de los intereses de banistmo que va desde 8% hasta 18%!!!!!. Para tener 18% prefiero usar una tarjeta de crédito y mamarme el interés de la tarjeta que estan por ese rango. Me enfocó para préstamos personales para empleados de empresas privadas, al final prefiero quedarme sin un real pero con deuda 0.
submitted by 3l_v34dug0 to Panama [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 17:29 RelativeMood1950 Does Cas scales to the overvoid or monitor sphere
submitted by RelativeMood1950 to powerscales [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 17:29 xxginol_cupcakiexx haiii should i cut or dye my hair somewhere?? i need tips to do my hair look more scenee >:3
srry for bad quality D:
submitted by xxginol_cupcakiexx to scene [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 17:29 TaxAffectionate6730 Russian sniper Liza Mironova in 1943.
submitted by TaxAffectionate6730 to wwiipics [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 17:29 RefBumpMax People I’d like to see in TNA this year
“The Nomad” Bishop Dyer (Baron Corbin) Donovan Dijak Calvin Tankman X-Division Fuego Del Sol Samuray Del Sol Tag-Team Kevin Ku & Dominic Garrini (Violence Is Forever) Knockouts Kylie Rae Macey Estrella (Lacey Evans) Samantha De Martin (Indi Hartwell) submitted by RefBumpMax to TNA [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 17:29 PrawnRT-2024 EMOTIONAL PERFORMANCE Love is A Losing Game - Amy Winehouse (Ami Alex Busking Cover)
submitted by PrawnRT-2024 to listentomusic [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 17:29 Ok_poop872 What kind of bug is this? i keep finding them
I live in an apartment unit and i keep finding this bug in my bathroom and now they are starting to find other place to go to in the unit. it seems like they are falling out of the air vent in the bathroom but idk. i wish i went what it was submitted by Ok_poop872 to whatsthisbug [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 17:29 misscurlssss If you were to make a honey perfume what other notes would you include?
I think I’m gonna keep doing these lol
submitted by misscurlssss to FemFragLab [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 17:29 Lyte-77 Pros and cons?
Indian applicant here. Ty in advance! submitted by Lyte-77 to USC [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 17:29 Maxwellsdemon17 Expect More Bulldozings
submitted by Maxwellsdemon17 to politics [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 17:29 Smooth-Ad-6173 Wealthfront Referral Code
For anyone looking to get an additional 0.5% on Wealthfront would LOVE i someone would use my referral <3 https://www.wealthfront.com/c/affiliates/invited/AFFD-G0ZR-3ZGA-RS4I
submitted by Smooth-Ad-6173 to referralcodes [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 17:29 Leaky_Balloon_Knots Has anyone gotten DLSS 4.0 working in DCS?
With the first games (Cyberpunk) getting updated with Nvidia's new DLSS 4.0, reports of far improved visuals are being reported. People have been able to copy DLLs into other games that don't have official support yet. Has anyone tried for DCS yet, and if so, does it seem to be improved over the current DLSS implementation?
submitted by Leaky_Balloon_Knots to hoggit [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 17:29 TripleApplePie help pls
Can't do it without You! Just a click to accept my invitation! Your Friend Are Grabbing a Free Gift - You Both Deserve Too! Don't Miss Out, Click to Get Your Freebie https://onelink.shein.com/8/4dbnphw2sp5c
submitted by TripleApplePie to Shein_PuppyKeep [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 17:29 jinxiyu North Korea preparing to send more troops to Ukraine war, says South Korea | Ukraine
submitted by jinxiyu to worldnews [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 17:29 lemkowidmak Villanova Baseball @VUBaseball: Only three weeks until Gameday! Let's GO! ✌️⚾️#GoNova https://t.co/O9iDui0X2q
submitted by lemkowidmak to phillysports [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 17:29 dickthrow1522 Is there any way to make these sneakers z see half an inch longer?
Is there any way I can get these just half an inch longer? They fit perfect besides my big toe hitting the top of the shoe just barely… They don’t make these in a bigger size so I would like to know if it’s possible to get them to fit longer? They’re kangaroo leather if that matters. I am open to any suggestions, no matter the price even if it means having the shoe reconstructed somehow, if you can point me in a direction of someone who provides that service I would really appreciate it! Thank you. submitted by dickthrow1522 to AskACobbler [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 17:29 Melodic_Side_1414 [Request] Textbook: Drugs, Brain, and Behavior; Author: Salamone; Edition: 8th; ISBN 13: 8220135626759
Please let me know if you have this as a pdf file!
submitted by Melodic_Side_1414 to textbook [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 17:29 Striking-Reputation5 Falsa P.Iva - nuovo contratto e clausole
Ciao a tutti, ho rinegoziato l'ingaggio con l'azienda che mi tratta come "falsa partita iva". Ho aperto P.Iva nel 2019 e da allora tale azienda rappresenta il 90% del mio fatturato. Nel nuovo contratto ci sono diverse clausole che non mi tornano e mi sembrano estremamente svantaggiose (una tra tutte, a voce si era detto che l'assicurazione è a carico dell'azienda, ma nel contratto ora leggo che è a mio carico) In particolare, mi sorgono dubbi sulla liceità di questo passaggio:
" Art. 3 Natura autonoma della consulenza
3.1 Il rapporto tra le parti sarà disciplinato, per quanto non previsto nella presente scrittura, dagli art. 2222 e segg. del Codice civile.
3.2 Le prestazioni oggetto del presente accordo verranno svolte senza subordinazione alcuna da parte del Consulente.
3.3 Il Consulente non avrà alcun potere o facoltà di assumere impegni e/o obblighi per conto della Società nei confronti di terzi, in particolare nei confronti dei clienti della Società, né alcun potere di agire in nome e per conto della Società stessa.
3.4 Il Consulente si impegna a rispettare le esigenze operative dei ns. clienti, durante lo svolgimento della prestazione, con osservanza in particolar modo degli orari, delle festività, della chiusura feriale degli uffici. "
Cosa implica? E' corretto anche se io lavoro appunto come dipendente in body rental ma ho la mia partita iva? Cosa posso fare per tutelarmi?
Grazie mille!
submitted by Striking-Reputation5 to Avvocati [link] [comments]