2025.01.24 17:51 InformalMatch3282 Absolut keine Ahnung von Autos - Was muss ich hier beachten?
Guten Abend Liebe Automobiler,
ich habe vor ein paar Tagen mal geschaut was so bei mir im Umkreis für Autos angeboten werden und dieses hier gefunden, was erstmal einen guten Eindruck von den Bildern macht.
Preis ist mit 3.800 € angegeben, da bin ich jedoch zuversichtlich dass ich da noch etwas runterhandeln könnte
Vielleicht ein paar Infos noch zu meiner Situation:
Ich fahre 3 - 4 Mal die Woche 25 Km einfache Strecke auf Arbeit
Brauche nicht super dringend ein neues Auto hätte aber gerne etwas größeres eben Limousine oder Kombi eventuell
Bin kein Schrauber also ist selbst viel machen keine Option (auch wenn ich es gerne lernen würde)
Ich suche bei dem Angebot irgendwie den Haken, da der Preis ja für die Beschreibung erstmal wirklich in Ordnung wirkt und sich sicher noch n bisschen runter handeln lässt
Das Auto muss jetzt auch kein Ultra Langläufer sein, das ich jetzt 5 Jahre oder mehr fahren muss, sondern wird eher ein Übergangsauto sein für ca. 2 Jahre. Einen Restwert dann noch zu haben ist natürlich schon
Passt das Auto zu mir? Gibt es da versteckte Kosten die ich nicht auf dem Schirm habe und die den Kauf nicht im nachhinein zu teuer machen würden?
Auf was müsste kch bei einer Besichtigung besonders achten?
Vielen Dank schon mal dafür, dass ihr euer Wissen mit mir teilt!
submitted by InformalMatch3282 to automobil [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 17:51 ddanudes What's the best piece of advice you've ever received in life?
submitted by ddanudes to AskReddit [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 17:51 Bunkie2315 Pokémon verification
submitted by Bunkie2315 to gameverifying [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 17:51 Bedbathnyourmom Fuck you Microsoft
Fuck you Microsoft rewards support team Fuck you
submitted by Bedbathnyourmom to corporatepurgatory [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 17:51 Yeah_right_sezu Audacy talk radio ads that drive me crazy
submitted by Yeah_right_sezu to CommercialsIHate [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 17:51 SonderPrince I am almost medically cleared to ride a bike. What second hand bike can I expect for around 30k to 35k?
Suffered from epilepsy and Just now my doctor reduced medication and is fine with me getting my license. Started my first job this month and the four hour 80km commute is draining because of road works. I can get 30k and upto 40k but I don't know the first thing about second hand bikes and what rates are good and what's a scam or about second hand dealers. Don't know what the rates are for cruisers or commuters or sporty bikes.I'm near kochi Kerala and would appreciate any advice you all may have. Writing this post late cause I got home an hour and a half ago.
submitted by SonderPrince to indianbikes [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 17:51 chriiiiiiiiiis is there anywhere to watch replays of this week’s match
was sick as fuck and knocked out and missed the whole thing :(
submitted by chriiiiiiiiiis to TGLgolf [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 17:51 Tall-Explorer-5508 Glowing cat
submitted by Tall-Explorer-5508 to CatsBeingAdorable [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 17:51 volveg How do I make a voice jump from one cleff to another? I'm going insane.
submitted by volveg to Musescore [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 17:51 AutoNewspaperAdmin [Top Stories] - FAA executive order follows a conservative talking point on diversity in aviation | NBC
submitted by AutoNewspaperAdmin to AutoNewspaper [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 17:51 Proud-Ad3420 Does anyone know any Gundam shops or action figures shops in Kuwait?
Help a brotha out 😭🙏
submitted by Proud-Ad3420 to Kuwait [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 17:51 muriel-finster How does he feel about reconciling with me?
Hi All! This post is both about the question and how I am currently reading spreads. I'm second guessing myself, which is the unintended consequence of the decision I made with regards to my readings.
I don't read reversals at the moment, simply because I find that when including reversals, I would get overwhelmed and the readings make no sense to me. Therefore, I want to try reading my spreads upright to get a better grasp of the meanings of each card. But, I do know that sometimes, despite a card being upright, the reversed meaning can apply to the situation based on the other cards in the spread. I also pull three cards for a question and read them as a story from left to right.
The cards I pulled (using the traditional RWS deck) are as follows:
- Justice
- Eight of Pentacles
- Two of Cups
(Star on the bottom of the deck - sometimes I look to get an overall idea/theme of the reading)
With that said, the background to the situation is that me and this individual had a very big falling out due to his actions (or lack thereof). We see each other 4-6 times a week at the gym and things are kinda awkward. We have mutual friends, so whenever I'm speaking or he's speaking to them, we avoid the group like the plague because being in each other's presence is weird.
In terms of my interpretation, I see the Two of Cups as us if we reconciled or the act of reconciling. Therefore, he feels that in order to reconcile (Two of Cups), he recognizes that he would need to take accountability for his actions, as the situation was unjust and not fair at all to either of us (Justice). He understands that he would need to put in the necessary work to take accountability and address his actions that led to the falling out in the first place (Eight of Pentacles). By taking accountability and putting in the work, it would lead to us reconciling.
With the Star on the bottom of the deck, the overall theme is that he feels that there is hope to reconcile.
HOWEVER, since I'm not reading reversals, it's possible that this could be him feeling that the situation was unjust, and therefore, he's going to continue working on his own goals and objectives to bring balance and harmony to his own life. With the Star on the bottom, it could represent him healing from our falling out.
submitted by muriel-finster to tarot [link] [comments]
submitted by pululon to furryart [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 17:51 Rodrigoak77 Adept themed xQc comedy night
submitted by Rodrigoak77 to LivestreamFail [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 17:51 _soph_a_loaf When you hear a suspicious noise at 3 a.m. but you’re the only one home
submitted by _soph_a_loaf to lynxpointsiamese [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 17:51 AutoNewspaperAdmin [National] - Twilio shares pop 22% and head for biggest gain since Covid pandemic on growth forecast | NBC
submitted by AutoNewspaperAdmin to AutoNewspaper [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 17:51 Basketball_Reference Jokić is the first player since Curry in 2020-21 to attempt 10+ "heaves" in a single season
"Heaves" leaderboard this season: https://www.basketball-reference.com/leagues/NBA_2025_shooting.html#shooting::28
Same leaderboard, but for 2020-21 when Stephen Curry attempted 11: https://www.basketball-reference.com/leagues/NBA_2021_shooting.html#shooting::28
Note: We at Basketball Reference define a heave as behind half court.
submitted by Basketball_Reference to denvernuggets [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 17:51 TuckHolladay Anyone having trouble logging in?
I can’t log in. I was going to delete the app and redownload. It said all my data would be deleted also. That’s not everything in my boxes right?
submitted by TuckHolladay to PokemonHome [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 17:51 ThePremiumBoy I'm feeling stressed due to school exams
I dream to become a software developer in future. I'm in Grade 11. I have joined classes for JEE Test Preparation along with my school. However, I can't focus on study the whole year. I just procrastinated and can't control myself. I tried everything possible but I just can't study. Though I'm taking medicine now for ADHD. However, my school finals are coming very close and I'm stressed out. I feel I've wasted my parents' money. I am worthless. I'm worried about passing grade 11 and 12 now. Till grade 10, I was the topper. I've tired of listening to motivational quotes and tips. Telling to my parents doesn't helps much. I'm worried about my future. What if I fail in school? What if I don't get a good college? I can't take it anymore! Study is very tough too and I've studies very less the whole year. I don't know what to do
submitted by ThePremiumBoy to TeenIndia [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 17:51 AmericanGino Another thread taken down..
No message board is safe from Bry the Defiler! submitted by AmericanGino to tesdcares [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 17:51 AutoNewspaperAdmin [Top Stories] - 61% of young adults are financially stressed, report finds. Here's one safety net that can help | NBC
submitted by AutoNewspaperAdmin to AutoNewspaper [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 17:51 AutoNewspaperAdmin [Top Stories] - Twilio shares pop 22% and head for biggest gain since Covid pandemic on growth forecast | NBC
submitted by AutoNewspaperAdmin to AutoNewspaper [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 17:51 Noam_aniyodasheatapo שון
submitted by Noam_aniyodasheatapo to TheShonShow [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 17:51 Wyyvern_ Palehorse/Palerider - Lobotomy Domine [2025, new single]
submitted by Wyyvern_ to doomgaze [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 17:51 Smart_Cricket_5778 Fordham A!!
Just got the email!
3.9(high), 17(low), applied late Oct, last status checker update was yesterday
submitted by Smart_Cricket_5778 to lawschooladmissions [link] [comments]