What is this lol

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2025.01.24 17:46 zombiee_brain What is this lol

What is this lol I’ve had these spots for like 3 years but I’m pretty sure they’re spreading. Not sure what they are, but I have clusters of them around the base of my neck. Sometimes they’re darker, sometimes they’re lighter. I haven’t noticed a real correlation except for the ones around my neck, they get darker and red when I get hot. Any advice lol?
submitted by zombiee_brain to skin [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 17:46 Astronaut-Proof [FS][US] CLOSET CLEAROUT TOPS/HOODIES/SHOES REPS & RETAIL: VET3M3NTS, B4LENCI4G4, 0FF-WH1T3, N1k3, NB, Y33ZY, PR4D4, L0U15 VU1TT0N, P0L0 RL, C04CH. All shoes size EU42-43 (US8.5-9, 9.5, 10)

Timestamp: https://imgur.com/gallery/APkDNTR
Part 1 from m0ncl3r through NB ALD: https://imgur.com/gallery/TdzYhSA
Part 2 from Off-wh1t3 to retail items: https://imgur.com/gallery/oSe4qaF
*Prices do not include shipping unless stated otherwise. Shipping within CONUS, if wanting to buy outside of US understand shipping will be a higher price.
*10% discount available if you bundle two or more items.
M0NCL3R Velvet Logo Black Cotton Crewneck: Bought off the BST here earlier this year. Not sure of batch, seller said it was TopM0ncler. Thick cotton material construction. Tried on but never worn by me. Tagged L but fits more like a roomy S, fitted M. Tags scan. SOLD
BLCG Paris Liberty Hoodie Oversized in Black from Jenny: One of the best batches for this hoodie right now. Distressing and print accurate to retail, blank weighs nearly 1kg. Size 1, fits like an L (refer to size chart). Never worn, still has Balenci tags. Just want to get my money back. SOLD + shipping
TH0M BR0WN3 White Cotton Hoodie: Bought of the BST a while back so not sure of batch. Size 2 (fits like a M). Worn twice washed once and air dried. Solid quality. SOLD + shipping
~~V3T Polizei hoodie: Not sure of batch, seems mass market but it is French cotton Terry fabric, very soft. Bought of BST, worn a few times but in 8/10 condition. Tagged S but fits like a L-XL. SOLD~~
-Ash Made V3T Polizei zip up hoodie: Lampo zippers, thick high quality blank. Brand new and never worn by me. Sized L (Unisex cropped fit with long sleeves, refer to size chart) $65 + shipping
-MVT V3T Motorhead Hoodie: Tagged XS but fits like oversized (xl-xxl). Very heavy and high quality blank, the print is very well done. Weighs over 1.3kg. Pains me to sell but need the money. $90 + shipping.
-N3W B4L4NC3 Yurts: Not sure of batch, bought off the BST a couple months ago. Never worn by me, 9/10 condition. Real suede and leather trim, no flaws. Size 9/EU42.5 fits 8.5-9. $45 + shipping.
N3W B4L4NC3 “Protecti0n Pack baby blue/navy: Real suede. Deadstock (never worn), no flaws. Tagged EU 42.5/US 9. Fits like 8.5. SOLD + shipping
N3W B4L4NC3 9060 x SML (C edition): Dark brown and gray color way. Insane quality and accuracy, I own many retail 9060s and I can’t tell these apart. suede is fluffy and the shoes are comfortable as hell. Worn around the house but decided I have way too many 9060s so these gotta go, Near deadstock, no flaws. Size EU42.5/US9 fits like US8.5. SOLD + shipping
-N3W B4L4NC3 x AIM3 L30N D0R3 550’s: Worn gently. Real leather. EU42.5/US9, fits like US8.5. 8/10 condition. $35 + shipping.
-0FF-WH1T3 DUNK L0W5 Lot 42. Top/S2 batch: Tried on but didn’t realize I had bought lot 49s in the same order. Don’t need two nearly identical pairs. Size EU42/US8.5, fits TTS Near Deadstock, no flaws. Real leather and basically 1:1. $55 + shipping.
-PR4D4 hooded nylon zip up jacket: tagged medium but fits more like M-L. Used twice and hasn't been used since. Insane quality, TAT zippers, KF badge. Bought on the QRepsBST, not sure of batch. $120 + shipping.
PR4D4 America’s Cup: Size EU42/US 8.5. Patent leather and technical fabric. Navy blue patent leather and gray fabric. Worn once. SOLD + shipping
YŻY B00ST 350 triple whites. Size EU42.5/US9. Fits US9-9.5. Never worn, no box. SOLD shipped
N1K3 Dunk L0ws gray/white. Size EU42/US8.5. DS, never worn. ~~$50~~ $40 shipped
ŁV Dami3r3 Graphite Pattern Canvas/Leather Trim high top sneakers. Real leather and canvas trim. Worn once by me. No flaws on the upper, insole is a bit worn in but it is real lather as well. Bought off the BST. EU43. Fits like 9.5-10. SOLD shipping
-ŁV watch roll: black taurillon leather. High tier batch and quality is insane. Stitching is clean through and the inside is lined with velvet. $85 $75 + shipping.
-P0L0 R4LPH L4UR3N Black Zip up hoodie. Worn and in good condition, no flaws except the washes have faded the color a bit. 8/10 condition, hood is waffle knit and very warm. Tagged XL, fits like a roomy L, fitted XL. $25 Shipped or add to any order for $15.
-LUCKY BR4ND button up denim jacket. Really high quality with a beautiful vintage wash, 4 pockets, 100% denim and lined with thermal cotton blend. Weighs over 1kg. Real leather tab. Sized M and fits like a L which makes it great for layering if you are true Medium. Paid nearly $200 for it last year. $40 shipped or add to any order for $30
-Authentic C04CH sneakers in cream leather. Gifted to me but never wear them. Real leather, worn about 3 times. Treated with leather balm and cleaned. No box. $45 $35 + shipping.
Paypal Invoice Only
Active seller at GunAccessoriesForSale. Check the sub and view my record there. Over 40+ transactions totaling $10k there with positive reviews.
submitted by Astronaut-Proof to RepFashionBST [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 17:46 kittycatbangs Materiais de estudos - CIA (Certified Internal Auditor)

Vocês têm ou sabem onde consigo baixar materiais gratuitos de estudos de plataformas pagas? O que eu preciso em específico é para a certificação CIA (Certified Internal Auditor), geralmente as pessoas pagam pelos materiais da Gleim. Mas assim, dólar está caríssimo e não queria pagar por isso kkk
submitted by kittycatbangs to pirataria [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 17:46 Main-Might-5706 Trying to build a PC for streaming games/3D design in DAZ and autoCAD. I’d like one of the 50 series graphic cards.

Suggestions or shopping carts for trying to build a PC for streaming games/3D design in DAZ and autoCAD. The games would be COD, Rivals, Skyrim with mods (obviously), and really any other new game that rolls out just to try. The 3D design aspect is because my current laptop is dying on me and I’d rather just build a pc than get a new school laptop. Budget is around 1.7-2.5k USD
submitted by Main-Might-5706 to pcmasterrace [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 17:46 uncleanly_zeus Pynchon Doppelgänger

Pynchon Doppelgänger submitted by uncleanly_zeus to ThomasPynchon [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 17:46 IncomeEcstatic5609 a *super* cool thing to do when you disagree with someone

shoutout to whoever did this ✌🏼
submitted by IncomeEcstatic5609 to BombPartyGossip [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 17:46 sufinomo I don't know what this is but it was safe for me

submitted by sufinomo to glutenfree [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 17:46 ODSTFan Would anyone be willing to sell their Blasphemous 1 art book if you have it?

I collect artbooks and have a YouTube where I showcase them (https://youtube.com/@crimsonartbooks?si=W2ffR9F3Weo01QDz). Blasphemous is one of my all time favourite games and I’d love to own the artbook, however I can’t find a copy anywhere. If anyone here has a copy would you be interested in selling it? Thanks :)
submitted by ODSTFan to Blasphemous [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 17:46 Artistic-State4653 Problemas com ex ficante e ciúmes retroativo.

Antes de tudo, é importante ressaltar que tenho 18 anos e este é meu primeiro relacionamento. Estamos juntos há 1 ano e 8 meses. Peço desculpas se houver algo confuso ou erros de ortografia, estou com insônia e, por conta disso, minha mente não está das melhores.
Meu namorado é um cara que já se envolveu bastante, teve muitos relacionamentos e ficantes na sua vida, porém, uma se destaca, vamos chamá-la de Mah. Mah é uma ex-ficante que se envolveu com ele no mesmo ano que eu, porém os dois não progrediram num relacionamento porque ela deu um fora nele para voltar com o ex rico e superar ele. Estudávamos na mesma escola, e apesar de Mah ter progredido em seu relacionamento com o ex, ela ficava se enfiando em momentos particulares nossos, vinha com frases meio esquisitas na intenção de fazer ciúmes, e segundo um amigo nosso, ela se arrumava na intenção de chamar a atenção do meu namorado. No começo eu achava isso estranho e sentia um leve ciúme, mas não sabia sobre a história dos dois, então meio que ignorava.
Descobri sobre a história dos dois quando ele me passou a senha e o email dele do Instagram para eu mexer em umas configurações dele pelo meu celular. Fiquei curioso porque achava o comportamento dela esquisito, e lá descobri sobre tudo que tinha acontecido entre eles. Fiquei muito em choque e p da vida, porque eu já havia falado e demonstrado a ele que não apoio amizade entre ex (seja ex-ficante ou ex-namorado). Enfim, deu a maior treta na época, e mesmo eu falando várias vezes para eles cortarem contato, essa amizade só continuava. Foi só quando eu falei de término que essa amizade acabou, já que eu não suportava mais tudo aquilo.
Nisso se passou um tempão, e mesmo com inúmeros pedidos de desculpa, inúmeras conversas e discussões sobre, eu ainda sentia um puta nojo sobre o rolê todo, ainda mais devido a tudo que eu tinha lido e tudo que ele tinha me falado (não somente envolvendo ela, mas envolvendo relações sexuais dele e de outras ex) e nisso meu ciúmes retroativo só aumentou.
Mas tudo isso deu uma acalmada, depois de muitas confissões (ele me confessou que não havia superado algumas ex, mas no sentido traumático mesmo, nada de saudades ou amor por elas), esse sentimento se acalmou e a gente nunca mais tocou em assunto de ex nenhuma. Porém, de repente, uma bomba estoura durante uma ligação. Mah mandou uma mensagem através do TikTok falando que sabia que eu a chamava de puta, oferecida e falou que meu namorado merece tudo de ruim por ter feito minha mente. Foda é que isso tudo deve ter acontecido porque recentemente briguei com um grupo de amigos meus, que por sinal são amigos dela também, e antes dessa briga ter rolado, chegou a fofoca que ela traiu o ex dela, nisso todo mundo tacou o pau nela. Foda também é que em nenhum momento eu a chamei de puta ou de oferecida para eles, apenas falei que sabia que ela não prestava. Mas é aquilo, todo mundo já sabia do que tinha rolado entre a gente, e creio que devido a essa briga aí alguém pegou raiva de mim e fofocou para ela.
Meu namorado entrou em pânico e começou a metralhar ela de mensagens, e até aí tudo bem, entendo que é necessário resolver as coisas e pedi para ele mandar mensagem para ela pedindo para ela conversar comigo para a gente acertar tudo. O que eu achei estranho foi a preocupação excessiva dele, demonstrando que não iria conseguir dormir por conta disso e coisas assim. Falei para ele que não há porquê se preocupar tanto, já que nem ela e nem o grupo de amigas dela fazem parte da vida dele, eles estão longe e não há razão para se preocupar com sentimentos de quem já não faz parte da nossa vida, ainda mais nesse sentido. Porém, o que ele me respondeu me deixou meio confuso: "você não tem ex, então você não entende esse sentimento." Como assim?? Se fosse uma ex-namorada, eu até tentaria compreender, mas pô, papo de ex-ficante que ficaram tendo relação por no máximo uns 2 meses. Abordei ele com isso, e ele só desviou o assunto.
Para entender melhor, perguntei para dois amigos meus, uma amiga que possui somente 1 ex, término recente, e um amigo meu que tem um caso semelhante ao do meu namorado, muitos ex-relacionamentos. Ambos falaram que não entendem, e que se é passado não há com o que se preocupar, já que é irrelevante.
Por meio desse relato, quero perguntar especificamente sobre o que seria esse sentimento aos mais experientes. Sei que a solução para isso é o diálogo entre nós dois, mas também queria um conselho de fora.
Noto hoje em dia que não odeio ela como antes, e que se ela sentasse na minha frente pra conversar eu não ficaria puto ou triste. Mas em compensação todo o meu nojo por isso tudo voltou, meu estômago voltou a se embrulhar com isso e eu voltei a sentir ciúmes retroativo. Tenho medo disso nunca parar e eu nunca me livrar desse sentimento.
submitted by Artistic-State4653 to relacionamentos [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 17:46 incognito18263639 Need help choosing new earbuds

Hello, this is my first time posting but I got a pair of the Moondrop Ultrasonics and love how they sound and enjoy the features such as anc and transparency modes. However they are super uncomfortable after about an hour of wearing them so I’m debating on returning them and looking for a different pair of earbuds in the $80 price range. Any suggestions?
submitted by incognito18263639 to Earbuds [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 17:46 Pokemon622 [selling] boots

[selling] boots Size 6 or 39
Price 5000+s
submitted by Pokemon622 to ThriftIndia [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 17:46 Danok2028 Could you trust the concept of "cosmic consent" in case of an actual harvesting event?

On some conspiracy threads I've often seen claims that harvesters respect cosmic consent and strictly follow it during the harvest. It means they can't enter the place you consider "home" without your permission. That's where all the myths about vampires respecting this law came from. In this case it's just enough to close your doors, block all light from the window and sit in the darkness for a few days.
But would you trust such thing in the real life? Or is it that you don't have a choice?
submitted by Danok2028 to anonspropheticdream [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 17:46 Late_General8913 help pls

2006 ford focus. i’ve been using the shift interlock overdrive for a few weeks but the button has broken. is there any way to disable the shift interlock? i’ve got the center console off so far
submitted by Late_General8913 to MechanicAdvice [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 17:46 Bread_Responsible Was thinking about getting this graded but then saw this

Was thinking about getting this graded but then saw this I’m worried it’s gonna bring the grade down. Someone said it might be an ink misprint though so I thought I’d post here and get some more opinions.
submitted by Bread_Responsible to PokemonMisprints [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 17:46 theghost753 "That one," said the frog.

submitted by theghost753 to PixelArt [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 17:46 Rogstarr Could be my best speedrun, punching the air rn..

Could be my best speedrun, punching the air rn.. submitted by Rogstarr to geoguessr [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 17:46 skater_fatii Beyler sizce kutuları açayımmı

Beyler sizce kutuları açayımmı submitted by skater_fatii to HotWheelsTr [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 17:46 DreamPirates Shanaya Kapoor Indian Actress #ShanayaKapoor

Shanaya Kapoor Indian Actress #ShanayaKapoor submitted by DreamPirates to dreampirates [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 17:46 Sushiislove05 [Repost]The Impact of digital services to Immigrant Integration (Canadian and German Immigrants)

Hello Everyone,
My name is Natalie and I study Business Informatics at the OTH in Regensburg, Germany. I am researching how Canadian and German immigrants perceive digital tools that are designed to help them integrate into their host country.
The survey is completely anonymous, you don't need to login and it will take less than 7 minutes to fill out. You would do me a huge favor by filling this out as it is for my bachelor thesis!
Thank you so much!
submitted by Sushiislove05 to SampleSize [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 17:46 lss_bvt_ios_06 LssTest-CrosspostTitle

submitted by lss_bvt_ios_06 to CrosspostAutomation [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 17:46 GG42GER [PC/Steam] windowed mode locked to 60fps?

i am encountering an issue where dedicated fullscreen runs smoothly at the 120-160 fps that i am getting but when i switch to borderless window (makes alt-tabbing easier) the fps stay the same but the display rate is definitely locked to 60 hz or something in that ballpark.
iirc borderless window was smooth until a a week or two ago but i am not too sure about that.
i am using a gsync monitor with gsync enabled for fullscreen and windowed modes and switching betwenn vsync on and off (in game as well as nvidia control panel) does not change anything.
is it just the way it is or am i missing something?
submitted by GG42GER to GTAV [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 17:46 another-shy-girl Raibaru looks innocent but might kill you... so who looks like a cinnamon roll and WILL actually kill you?

Raibaru looks innocent but might kill you... so who looks like a cinnamon roll and WILL actually kill you? submitted by another-shy-girl to Osana [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 17:46 Throw_Away_My_Sole The people who name the lingerie need to do a better job... this is gross.

submitted by Throw_Away_My_Sole to torrid [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 17:46 the_FIRE_seeker How to declare stocks / ETFs in online tax declaration

In the second section there is a question about transactions made (yes / no).
If one puts no and then in “nombre de parts au 1 janvier” the total amount of shares then it’s easy to estimate the “fortune” by looking at the price on 31/12/2024 and then multiplying by number of shares and converting to CHF.
Is that the way? Or each buy transaction needs to be added? This would be an overkill.
How do you people declare this ?
submitted by the_FIRE_seeker to SwissPersonalFinance [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 17:46 Proud__Apostate 1st at home micro needling

Just used my new Korabeauticals V2 pen today. I thought I had a high pain tolerance…not on my face 😂😭 Tried starting w/ .5 then moved it down to .25. Next time I’m going to use a numbing cream. A tiny bit red in places, but not bad at all. Probably due to the .25 setting
submitted by Proud__Apostate to Microneedling [link] [comments]
