I AM A..

2025.01.24 18:41 No_Bit_6971 I AM A..

I AM A.. Songs starting with the title 'I Am a'
submitted by No_Bit_6971 to weirdspotifyplaylists [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 18:41 Calmweather First time painting miniatures

First time painting miniatures Hey,
First time ever getting into this hobby. And absolutely loving it.
See here my hierotek killteam with 2 different cryptek options!
submitted by Calmweather to Necrontyr [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 18:41 shiny_amelia every horror movie

every horror movie submitted by shiny_amelia to Memes_Of_The_Dank [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 18:41 notanotherdonut Volcano Looming High - that you?

Volcano Looming High - that you? submitted by notanotherdonut to spiritisland [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 18:41 RealisticAdvisor How is this house 427k and sold for £390K?

Hi all,
Was looking at this property https://www.zoopla.co.uk/property/uprn/100065072/
When surrounding properties are going for circa 450k, how did this go for 390K last year and valued atm at 427k?
Its the same size as the 3 bedrooms in sqm, all that needs to be done is to convert the bathroom so that it's 2 bedroom?
What am I missing.
submitted by RealisticAdvisor to HousingUK [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 18:41 penultimatewatch [WTS] Bell & Ross BR03-92

[WTS] Bell & Ross BR03-92 submitted by penultimatewatch to Watchexchange [link] [comments]


submitted by Specialist_Roll7822 to Drank [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 18:41 Danielle-J Reposting so the whole painting can be seen

Reposting so the whole painting can be seen submitted by Danielle-J to Paintings [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 18:41 Inevitable-Bad5953 Citizenship by Marriage

Hi all, I just wondered whether I would be entitled to citizenship 2 years from the day I entered Italy, from the day I applied for the carta di soggiorno, or from the day I receive the carta di soggiorno. I was married to my Italian husband when I entered the country (before doing the application for the CdS) as we already had our ceremony a few months before in my home country, but I wasn't sure whether the 2 year wait period starts from date of entry or any of the other days that I mentioned above. Any help appreciated, thanks :)
submitted by Inevitable-Bad5953 to ItalianCitizenship [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 18:41 kfra74 lapponian herder?

lapponian herder? hi! i just adopted Zuko in sarasota, FL 3 weeks ago. he’s a little over 2, and 52lbs. after some research i’m pretty positive he’s a lapponian herder but people say they’re super uncommon in the states. can anyone help confirm/deny? or offer other ideas? TIA!
submitted by kfra74 to IDmydog [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 18:41 Imtryingtosee Whyce and Kshordy shooting case and snitching

Kshordy did not get that man a life sentence what got Roland a life sentence was not only was his fingerprints on the bullet casings they self snitched in text messages saying that they was killing kshordy because he allegedly killed one of their brothers but at the same time he shouldn’t have wrote a statement at all even though he recanted his statement
submitted by Imtryingtosee to DuvalCounty [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 18:41 Street_Courage_904 Requesting r/Jacksonville mod

Hello I’m making my request to moderate in my city’s subreddit Jacksonville. The current mods have all been purged and/or abandoned the sub, and the group needs an unbiased, Jacksonville native both literally and figuratively.
submitted by Street_Courage_904 to redditrequest [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 18:41 Happy-Following-8359 Zhanna Sarkisyan

Zhanna Sarkisyan submitted by Happy-Following-8359 to CrazyPits [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 18:41 MegazeroMZ [Waterloo, ON] [H] Cash, Paypal [W] RTX 4090

As title said, Im looking for a 4090 at $1800, willing to drive/trade locally/surrounding city if needed
submitted by MegazeroMZ to CanadianHardwareSwap [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 18:41 Bubbly_Peanut_3669 I don’t feel saved and it’s causing me anxiety

Hi everyone, I’ve considered posting here again for a while about this but I decided to give it a chance now.
I know the title is silly as our salvation isn’t rooted in feelings (at least I’ve been told that feelings aren’t part of it) but at the core of it that’s what I struggle with. I’m constantly worried that either Jesus will say ‘depart from me’ or that God is angry at me for one reason or another, and it’s affecting my ability to feel peace.
I try to do things that feed my spirit, I read my Bible (though some days I forget admittedly), I try to have an active prayer life, I go to Bible studies and church on Sundays, I listen to Christian radio and use my social media to share the Gospel. Not to say that these things add to salvation, but despite pursuing these things I still feel this way.
I do have vices that I struggle with. I struggle a lot with lust and I try to confess and ask for forgiveness each time I relapse. I also haven’t had a job in a while because of certain circumstances, though that’s something I’m trying to correct.
I’ve told friends and church members about this and they say it’s the devil attacking me. I want to believe that but for some reason I have trouble having peace with that. I’ve also been overwhelmed and having suicidal thoughts that I don’t want to act on because of other things.
I do believe that Jesus is the Son of God and that only through believing He was raised from the dead and confessing Him as Lord is how we’re saved. I keep feeling like I’m doing something wrong though.
I’d appreciate any prayers and words of encouragement or correction that you feel led to give. Thank you and I hope you all have a blessed weekend.
submitted by Bubbly_Peanut_3669 to TrueChristian [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 18:41 airkamilek What are your all time favorite songs by The Cure?

What are your all time favorite songs by The Cure? submitted by airkamilek to TheCure [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 18:41 wesbos I wrote some code to turn our old roomba into an RC robot with an ESP32

submitted by wesbos to esp32 [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 18:41 Radiant_Yam_521 where to find live music listings in Calgary/Airdrie?

where to find live music listings in Calgary/Airdrie?
submitted by Radiant_Yam_521 to Airdrie [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 18:41 ryfr4742 [WTB] Ambi Charging Handles

Looking for 2 ambi charging handles. Price totally depends on the specific CH and condition, but around $40ea
submitted by ryfr4742 to GunAccessoriesForSale [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 18:41 Complete-Chicken7777 100 days ftp

100 days ftp Do I just push for red aoq and then tl?
submitted by Complete-Chicken7777 to Survivorio [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 18:41 Hobler Throwing my hat in the ring (10th anni predictions)

Throwing my hat in the ring (10th anni predictions) submitted by Hobler to DBZDokkanBattle [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 18:41 Alternative-Owl7459 Two queens

Two queens submitted by Alternative-Owl7459 to aivisuals [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 18:41 skinnyjeansfootbutt i fucking hate spammers

that’s it. if you spam, you suck, and don’t deserve to be playing online. please learn to play the game before you ruin everyone else’s fun, you fat fucking slob.
submitted by skinnyjeansfootbutt to SmashRage [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 18:41 Electrical-Aspect-13 Group of friends and appears part of a family, having fun with the waves and laughing. Little girl seems confused as tho what is so funny. Circa late 1890s by the elaborate bathing suits.

Group of friends and appears part of a family, having fun with the waves and laughing. Little girl seems confused as tho what is so funny. Circa late 1890s by the elaborate bathing suits. submitted by Electrical-Aspect-13 to RandomVictorianStuff [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 18:41 lemon_grab71 best way to save a MX-5 spin

So obviously with open wheel you press the brakes and full gas and it straightens it back up, but with the miata.... what do you even do? granted I am also driving with a GT wheel so I dont have a full ass wheel. Did I think that one through for wheel choice? no.
submitted by lemon_grab71 to iRacing [link] [comments]
