عايز العب هاندبول

2025.01.24 18:31 GroundbreakingLab132 عايز العب هاندبول

انا جول كيبر قدم و الحمدلله مميز فيه ربنا مكرمنيش اني العب في نادي انتوا عارفين الوسايط و الحاجات دي فا حاسس اني لو لعبت جول كيبر يد هبقا كويس و الحوار اسهل و اقل ف الصعوبة من القدم ممكن ابدا ازاي او اعمل ايه
submitted by GroundbreakingLab132 to CAIRO [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 18:31 Brotherman1113 Rookies & Vets Color/#d/ Inserts

Rookies & Vets Colo#d/ Inserts Purchase/ Trade individual or in Bundles. Shipping is $1.20 PWE/ 5.21 BM
Trade PC: Joe Burrow, Jamarr Chase, Dwyane Wade, Tyler Herro, Luis Suarez, Pedri
submitted by Brotherman1113 to footballcards [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 18:31 aokeni Notas para minha arte de perfil?

Notas para minha arte de perfil? Ig: @aookeni
submitted by aokeni to RabiscosBr [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 18:31 Previous-Expert-378 Impacts on Virginia state employees under Trump

Genuinely curious…do you think state employees will experience and impacts now that Trump is in office?
It seems that our Governor is seeking to align himself with Trump so he will have potential opportunities after his term ends, so I wonder if he will make changes to policies like telework, benefits for same sex couples, or other “hot button” issues.
Anyone heard any rumblings? (Also apologies if this has been brought up in the community previously. I did a search and didn’t see anything.)
submitted by Previous-Expert-378 to rva [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 18:31 himicz Which option to go for..

Which option to go for.. Hi so I bought a gamecube recently for 90 euro can't wait to play it since I never owned a Nintendo but I decided to first fully mod it, I already 3d printed a new case because the old was beat up out of a nice gold/metal filament, I purchased a 40mm noctua fan and a raspberry pi pico but still waiting on those things to come, but the question is what's the best but affordable way to output to my LG C3 tv, I already built a a GBS-C for the PS2 but I only have the composite cables for the gamecube not the component (very expensive) and it looked horrible was black and white as well, I don't really want to go for a carby because they're quite expensive around the same price if not more than what I paid for the console i read something about getting a gamecube to scart cable because I have the DOL-001 and then maybe solder a scart connection to the GBS-C? Or maybe since I'm already modding the whole console should I just do an internal hdmi mod is there something good but inexpensive? I appreciate the help.
submitted by himicz to Gamecube [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 18:31 soundlad4217 Can i buy stuff for my warehouse during Chinese new year?

I am going to buy a haul in like 3 days but everyone on Tiktok is saying to not ''ship out your haul'' but I just want to buy it and store in Wearhouse until Chinese new year is over. Any help would be apricated.
submitted by soundlad4217 to WemimiOfficial [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 18:31 brick-jawa Custom Lantern VS Sinestro

submitted by brick-jawa to LegoMinifigure [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 18:31 Dependent-Spring3898 Research project on HOAs

I am doing a research project on what the largest HOA is based on housing units (even if i a housing unit is defined as a SFH). So far my research has lead to me Brambleton Community Association with 188 homes. Is this the largest HOA in NOVA? Thank you
submitted by Dependent-Spring3898 to nova [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 18:31 tsflima tremors

Hello! I have been reading a lot about the history of multiple sclerosis and I came across the description of tremors as one of the symptoms of multiple sclerosis. Does anyone in the community have these tremors and could you please share with me some of your experience with this symptom? I would greatly appreciate it.
thank you
submitted by tsflima to MultipleSclerosis [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 18:31 bfrost6661 Pocket 3 audio with / without mic

I’ve got the creator edition of the camera, so I’ve got a mic 2. It seems to be pretty easy to link the mic with the camera and have narration into the mic stamped into the video.
What I would like to be able to do, is to record narration on the mic but to have the camera microphones also operating - i.e. recording local stereo sound. Am I correct in assuming that in this mode, the mic should be unlinked from its Bluetooth connection and 32 bit float enabled for local recording inside the mic?, if this is true then the camera acts as though there was no mic and then it is up to me to download the resulting audio file from the mic and sync it up with the video (which contains the camera audio as before) in post?.
I want to do this because the camera microphone is recording stereo and will be recording my environment, but I would like to add narration to the traditionally captured video.
Thanks for your help.
submitted by bfrost6661 to osmopocket [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 18:31 Typical-Cookie-1580 4C blowout hair

Hi any advice on how to draw blowout 4c hair ?
submitted by Typical-Cookie-1580 to learntodraw [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 18:31 Cautious_Ring8574 Save big on a new Tesla! Use my referral link for up to $1,000 off FREE LIFETIME SUPERCHARGING when you buy a new Model S or Foundation Series Cybertruck in the US! EV tax credit is still available for Tesla Vehicles.

Save big on a new Tesla! Use my referral link for up to $1,000 off FREE LIFETIME SUPERCHARGING when you buy a new Model S or Foundation Series Cybertruck in the US! EV tax credit is still available for Tesla Vehicles. submitted by Cautious_Ring8574 to TeslaReferralCodesNow [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 18:31 Global-Passage-3224 Who shouldve ended up with madou

Who shouldve ended up with madou from the devils a part timer
View Poll
submitted by Global-Passage-3224 to TheDevilIsAPartTimer [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 18:31 floooof97 Hossberg Wetlands Evanuris

I’m at the altar in the courtyard and it’s not lit up. Is this a known bug? It’s literally the only altar I need to platinum 😅😭
submitted by floooof97 to DragonAgeVeilguard [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 18:31 inmyownmodefr Jumpout Merch

Jumpout Merch AMAZING IMO! credit to @fullmetalgallery for merch designs he’s been going crazy show him some love!
submitted by inmyownmodefr to osamason [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 18:31 si-uhuh Newbie Mistake ‼️please help!

Please don’t judge. I fell for the scam of paying for my credit card with a bank account my “SD” gave me. I found all these other posts on here and realized I had been scammed. What should I do? He still doesn’t know I found out. I haven’t told him anything yet. He asked me to help him with a PayPal transaction. As soon as he said that, I knew it was a scam but I had already made payments. Im keeping him in the dark until I figure out what to do. I have a lot of questions. If you all had that happened, can you tell me what happens after? What/how was your experience getting solved?

  1. Will I get in trouble with my bank?
  2. Will the payment I made be reversed?
  3. If so, how long did that take?
  4. Will I have to pay for anything else to get this fixed?
  5. Did your credit cards get cancelled?
  6. How did you fix the problem?
I’m so scared! I don’t want to get into any trouble 🥹 All I wanted was help with my bills. It’s been so hard to keep up. I’m so disappointed in myself.
submitted by si-uhuh to sugarlifestyleforum [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 18:31 ahmertash Tarih Boyunca İlâhîyat

Ortodoks Kilisesi, Resûlî Kilise’nin yalnızca zamansal devamlılığı açısından değil, öğretilerinin devamlılığı konusunda da derin bir bilincinin varlığıyla tanımlanır. İnancı ve pratikleri bakımından Yedi Ekümenik Konsilin kararlarına bağlı kalır. “Ortodoks” sözcüğü hem “doğru iman” hem de “doğru ibadet” anlamına gelir, dolayısıyla Ortodoks Kilisesi kendisini ibadetle beraber canlı kılınan kesintisiz bir doğru inanç geleneğinin taşıyıcısı olarak tanımlar.
Ortodoks Kilisesi inanç ve ibadetini açıklarken Kitab-ı Mukaddes ve Gelenek ile tutarlılık arar. Gerçekten de Kilise’nin kökleri Kitabı Mukaddes ve Gelenek’te yatar, zira bunlar Kilise ve Kilise Atalarının yaşamında dışa vurulmaktadır. Bununla birlikte hakikatin nesnel ölçütleri ön planda değildir; Ortodoks Hristiyanlık Allah’ın Vâlidesi’nin, bir diğer deyişle Vâlidetullâh’ın (Theotokos/Θεοτόκος) onurlu bir yer tuttuğu, Azizlerin Komünyonunda erişilebilir olan ve yaşayan hakikat deneyimini arar. Erken Şehitler döneminden beri saygı gören Azizler, genel olarak tüm vaftiz edilmiş Hristiyanların katılmaya davet edildikleri deneyim bütünlüğünün şahitleri olarak onurlandırılır; bu özellikleriyle de tüm Hristiyanlar için şefaatçi oldukları düşünülür. Çoğu Ortodoks kültüründe müminler bir Aziz’in adıyla vaftiz edilir, doğum günleri [isim günleri] olarak o Aziz’in anma gününü kutlarlar. Bazı Slav Ortodoks kültürlerinde, tüm ailenin koruyucusu olarak belli bir Aziz bellenir ve bu gelenek nesiller boyunca aktarılır.
Ortodoks Kilisesi’ne göre Aziz Teslis doktrini ilahiyatın ve ruhaniyetin temelidir. Selamet her zaman kişisel anlamda anlaşılır; kişiselliği ve tikelliği ima eder. Bununla birlikte selamete erişme aynı zaman da komünaldir; kardeşliği ve paylaşımı gerektirir. Ortodoks Kilisesi’nin Konsil sistemi ve genel idari yapısı, otorite ve iktidara ilişkin hiçbir dünyevî kavrama dayanmaz, tümüyle Aziz Teslis öğretisini temel alır. Öte yandan Aziz Teslis’in Sırrı, hem Allah’ın inayetiyle ilahlaşmaya çağrılmış bütün bir insanlığı kucaklayan ve şifa veren hem de ilahi kudretin tecellisi olmaya çağrılmış bütün bir hilkati uzlaştıran ve takdis eden Allah’ın Kelâmı’nın Tecessüdü [Vücud bulması, enkarnasyon], “Beden alıp aramızda sakin olması” vasıtasıyla aşikâr olan ilahi sevginin yüce ifasında sarihtir.
Kilise üyeleri İsa Mesih’in değerli Bedenini teşkil ederler. Bu Beden içinde Hristiyan hayatının nihai hedefi, İsa Mesih’in ilahlaşmış insanlığına katılmaktır. Ayrıca katılım yoluyla gerçekleşen bu selamet, Kilisenin litürjik yaşamı içinde Ruhülkudüs aracılığıyla başarılır. Ortodoks Kilisesi, teolojisini ibadetle tecrübe ve ifade eder. Kilise’nin çalkantılı dönemlerde ayakta kalabilmesini bu sağlamıştır. Osmanlıların dört yüz yıl süren Bizans egemenliği sırasında (1451-1821) ve daha yakın tarihlerde, XX. Yüzyıl başlarında devrim sonrası Rusya’daki kovuşturmalar sırasında Ortodoks müminlere cesaret veren ve onları yönlendiren işte bu litürjik boyut olmuştur.
Ortodoks ibadeti ve ruhaniyeti tüm duyulara hitap eder. Dolayısıyla da Mukaddes İkonalar ve Tasvirler, Ortodoks Kilisesinin belki de en çarpıcı ve en çok takdir edilen veçhesini sağlayan bir güzellik ve görkem duyusu yansıtırlar. İkonaların farklılığı ve çeşitliliği Ortodoks dünyasına özgü uzun ve teolojik tefekkürün ürünüdür. İkonalar onurlandırılıp saygı görse asla putlaştırılmaz veya ibadetin nesnesi olamaz. Renklerle tasvir edilmiş inançtan ibarettirler; eşzamanlı olarak da görünüm değiştirmiş evrenin bir parçasını oluştururlar. İlk Hristiyanlık zamanlarından, özellikle de 787 yılında toplanan Yedinci Ekümenik Konsil’den beri Mukaddes İkonalar, İlahi Bedenlenme doktrinine somut bir onay sunmuş ve bunun yanı sıra inanç konularında genel eğitim olanağı vermiştir. İkonalar konusundaki uzun tartışmanın 843 yılında sona erişi her yıl, Büyük Perhiz’in “Ortodoksluk Pazarı” olarak da bilinen ilk pazar günü hûşûyla anılır.
Son olarak ilahî mevcudiyeti ve içkinliği tasdik ederken bile Allah’ın Sırrını ve aşkınlığını vurgulayan apofatik (negatif) ilahiyat, ahlaki meselelerde tanımlama veya iddiada bulunma konusunda bir çekinceyi ifade etmektedir. Derin kanı her zaman için şudur: Hakikat asla nesnelleştirilemez veya tam olarak kapsanamaz. Her insan Allah’ın suretinde, benzersiz bir biçimde yaratıldığı için bir sırdan daha aşağı herhangi bir şeye indirgenmesi mümkün değildir.
Kaynak: +Patrik Bartolomeos Hazretleri, 'Sırla Yüz Yüze' sf. 63
submitted by ahmertash to OrthodoxTurkey [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 18:31 Komu_goose [For Hire] Commisions open! Starting rate at $20 | If you are interested, please feel free to Dm-ing me on here or instagram @komugoo

If i feel i cannot complete your request, i will let you know. Large revisions are possible until i have started the lineart.
Reference images are very much appreciated!
Commisions will be individually priced based on complexity and work load. Turnaround is usually within 2 weeks.
Looking forward to working with you, thank you for your interest in supporting me!
submitted by Komu_goose to artistforhire [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 18:31 Maleficent_Nobody596 How bad is it not getting a job for 1L summer?

So far I got 2 interviews out of 34 applications, after the second interview they basically told me to look for other opportunities and I just received an email today from the first one informing me that I didn't get it.
Some of my classmates already have offers, my grades aren't that great I admit but I made to the dean's list so I think they are pretty average at least. I am still applying other things,but it just feels like I am not going to get an internship, most of the things I applied to are unpaid or PI and I didn't hear from them but others in my class got interviews with them. Maybe its a but early to freak out, but if I don't get an internship this summer does it destroy my chances for internships the next year and a job after graduation?
submitted by Maleficent_Nobody596 to LawSchool [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 18:31 Vast_Shopping3593 My favourite

My favourite submitted by Vast_Shopping3593 to MandyRoseSubreddit [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 18:31 Forsaken_Increase_47 Flooring

Hey guys, just bought a house. Was wondering what type of flooring you guys got? Sq footage of the house and how much it cost? I’m reading mixed reviews on vinyl and was wondering what you guys had! Thank you for any and all the help!
submitted by Forsaken_Increase_47 to FirstTimeHomeBuyer [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 18:31 DiabitusMaximus Love it

Love it submitted by DiabitusMaximus to LICENSEPLATES [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 18:31 Wonderful-Balance357 Is my hair falling out? What does it look like?

Is my hair falling out? What does it look like? submitted by Wonderful-Balance357 to bald [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 18:31 Purple_Fencer Interesting (read: WTF) epee issue

Client brought an epee I'd recently returned.
Fencer hits anything -- ungrounded floor, foot, opponent -- no light.
Switches sides, same result (which generally means the issue is in his gear).
Switches weapons....works fine (same body cord).
Other fencers on same strip...no issues on either side.
The weapon works fine in my box...reliable firing, and no grounding.
Client put it on a mutimeter and showed proper function.
I'm at a loss here.
submitted by Purple_Fencer to Fencing [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 18:31 H3lenBike TEST

submitted by H3lenBike to WhatIsMyCQS [link] [comments]
