actually satan and his cute dragon by garo

2025.01.24 18:39 Jackefrost1303 actually satan and his cute dragon by garo

actually satan and his cute dragon by garo submitted by Jackefrost1303 to fatestaynight [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 18:39 GameProfessional 🏆 Game Professional | SNK Vs. Capcom: SVC Chaos (Nintendo Switch) ( English) BRAND NEW Seller: thepickinpreacher (98.9% positive feedback)Location: USCondition: Brand NewPrice: 49.95 USDShipping cost: FreeBuy It Now

🏆 Game Professional | SNK Vs. Capcom: SVC Chaos (Nintendo Switch) ( English) BRAND NEW Seller: thepickinpreacher (98.9% positive feedback)Location: USCondition: Brand NewPrice: 49.95 USDShipping cost: FreeBuy It Now submitted by GameProfessional to GameProfessional [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 18:39 Girl_from_Poland He made my ranking, he's so cute

We were texting today and he said I was top 1 in his top 10 of me. I was like, 'What? What does the whole ranking look like?' and he send me somting like that: Ranking: 1. Happy you 1. Tired you 1. Drawing you 1. You talking to me about a similar hobby we have 1. Funny you 1. You listening to my unbearable discourses on space, physics, etc. 1. You are excited about your hobby 1. The rest of your personality
Isn't he adorable?
submitted by Girl_from_Poland to Crushes [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 18:39 TickfordGhia New Rig

New Rig Not bad for a PC i found. No idea why the last user threw it out. I think the Ryzenn5 3600 was no good and didnt boot up so they must of thought its finished.
So i got a Ryzenx7 5700x3D, 32GB ram, RX 7800XT OC
Did a bios update
And got a fully working PC.
Just have to conect the remaing case fans & were done.
submitted by TickfordGhia to pcmasterrace [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 18:39 lochnesslover Everything

Everything to give
Everything to see
Take your piece and look at me
Everything to want
Everything to need
Take your share and care for me
Everything to gain
Everything to lose
It’s everything and nothing too
submitted by lochnesslover to Poems [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 18:39 Kishilea I had to sell my car for my birds' vet bills

I had to sell my car for my birds' vet bills Lmao I'm moving from Florida to Puerto Rico and I have 5 babies. It has been 3k to bring them all to PR because of all the testing and permits needed.
Crazy what we do for our babies!!!
Pics for birb tax
NoRagrets submitted by Kishilea to parrots [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 18:39 LaughingDash 11th Annual K-ON! Christmas Rewatch! - Season 2 Episode 23

Welcome to the 11th Annual Christmas K-ON rewatch!
If you're new here we hope you enjoy the anime, but for most of you welcome aboard once again! You're probably already familiar with this process and you might see some things you missed out on your first watch!
Every day we will be watching ONE episode. We will be including the OVAs as well!
This discussion will only be for the Season 2 Episode 23.
To avoid any spoilers for those who have not watch it, please keep all discussion to the current or past episodes ONLY.
As far as I can tell there are no free, legal sites to watch K-ON! anymore. You need to sign up for a free trial to watch K-ON!
Because.Moe shows that Hidive, and VRV stream K-ON! legally, but require an account with a free trial membership.
Please do not share any illegal, streaming sites! You will be banned without warning for doing so!
Past Annual Activities:

This Year's Activity: Each episode tell us who you thought was the episode's MVP (Most Valuable Player) and why!
Links to previous rewatches (Contains spoilers, be careful!):
S1 - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, OVA
S2 - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23
submitted by LaughingDash to k_on [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 18:39 drawing-manga-on-YT HISOKA asks to FIGHT TENGEN AGAIN [ animated-manga ]

HISOKA asks to FIGHT TENGEN AGAIN [ animated-manga ] submitted by drawing-manga-on-YT to Filmmakers [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 18:39 Comfortable-Hippo701 O que é isso? (16.5736233,-94.7691576)

O que é isso? (16.5736233,-94.7691576) submitted by Comfortable-Hippo701 to GoogleEarthFinds [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 18:39 robbeton Budget touchscreen laptop

Hey, found out today I’m gonna go back to school for a year (promotion) so hence in need for a budget laptop. Always had chromebooks and been really content with them. Only need the device to be able to browse, mail, office & schoolwork. Need Windows cause dependent on Office 365 . Was thinks of 14” & touchscreen. Any suggestions or recommendations? Thanks
submitted by robbeton to SuggestALaptop [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 18:39 No_Age_7346 Carro autoguiado vs Mobilidade ativa

Carro autoguiado vs Mobilidade ativa submitted by No_Age_7346 to BicicletasBrasil [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 18:39 1826-mizz 3 star trades to close set 7

3 star trades to close set 7 submitted by 1826-mizz to MonopolyGoTrading [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 18:39 Thors_Bicep 995969446262 Dialga on me.

submitted by Thors_Bicep to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 18:39 bentogames KOHO REFERRAL CODE $10 and 2 Months Everything Plan Free [CANADA]

Use this code or link when creating your KOHO account. When verified and you deposit $50 to your free account you will receive $10 AND 2 months of the Everything Plan for free.
Get cash on expensive groceries, high interest on your entire balance, and tools to build your credit history. But it does not end there — get it all + a gift when you join KOHO today!
Use this code on sign-up: 8NEGD0A3 or the link
submitted by bentogames to referralcodes [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 18:39 FABOLOUS8D Got the double AUG

Got the double AUG submitted by FABOLOUS8D to PUBATTLEGROUNDS [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 18:39 Livid-Buyer-9605 Being discouraged by those around me

I'm writing a book. I had told only my advisor, as I didn't want to share it with many people, especially not my parents (they are emotionally abuse). Well guess what, my advisor wrote a detailed email to my parents directly after our meeting which included all the details on my book, and how I'm writing a book and aspire to be an author. My dad wrote to me saying that writing a book will "not make (me) rich and famous" and will "get (me) nowhere". He said that I should focus on my grades and "getting straight A's", and "not focus on silly meaningless goals that will end up nowhere". He said that I should "let go of the past" (I have diagnosed PTSD), and that I should "be happy". I have no friends (sad, I know). And I love writing but feel discouraged, and have NO ONE to motivate me, in fact everyone around me is only bringing me down. And I feel like every success story I've seen is someone who had a dream and was motivated by one other person, or people around them, and reached their goal. I have academic pressures, am surrounded by shitty people, and it all gets to my head. This book could be the one thing that gets me out, and it means a lot to me, but when I think about that it just stresses me ot and I can't write a thing. I have no one to motivate or encourage me and everyone is bringing me down and a part of me just wants to quit all the time, please help.
Excuse my bad grammar I just cried for like 4 hours straight and I feel like shit. thanks
submitted by Livid-Buyer-9605 to writing [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 18:39 Flatworm-Capable 18m tryna find someone loyal

18m tryna find someone loyal submitted by Flatworm-Capable to teendatingapp [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 18:39 eventsbp RCMP - Major Case Management is hiring for multiple positions! COME AND MEET US IN PERSON! Get a Free Ticket & see the List of Exhibitors: For more events, follow us on Facebook!

RCMP - Major Case Management is hiring for multiple positions! COME AND MEET US IN PERSON! Get a Free Ticket & see the List of Exhibitors: For more events, follow us on Facebook! submitted by eventsbp to PrinceGeorgeHireExpo [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 18:39 asd4ahaaa Residential electrician recommendations?

Anyone have recommendations for a good electrician? Independent and licensed would be ideal. Small tasks -- replacing some conduit and outlets.
submitted by asd4ahaaa to sanantonio [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 18:39 Asleep_Fix3900 Xetra Cake city 😋 🎂

submitted by Asleep_Fix3900 to MedicalCannabisAus [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 18:39 No-Improvement4712 New to investing

I'm a new investor, albeit an 80 year old investor. My 73 year old wife, also a newbie, and I want to protect our wealth against inflation, but also would like to increase our wealth moderately. We are not looking for big financial hits.
Background: both retired. Our monthly income is greater than our expenses--expenses are approximately 2/3 of our income. We own 4 laddered CDs, totalling $450k+ and have approximately $550K in cash. We own our home and cars and carry no debt on our credit cards. We have no outstanding loans. We live simply, and would not need to draw cash from investments for living expenses or vacations.
My wife is seven years younger than I, has a considerable history of longevity in her family, and I think it's best to structure investments based on her age. Tentatively, I thought an initial investment of $150K in a 3-fund portfolio might be a good start, given our inexperience. We would be open to investing more after observing the results of the initial investment. After reading a lot about index funds, including reading the threads in this forum, I'm considering a Vanguard 3-fund portfolio: VTSAX, VTIAX, and VTBLX, at 40%, 20%, and 40%, respectively. In addition to the above funds, we plan on keeping 2 to 2 1/2 years living expenses in cash, once all investments are in place.
I'm aware of the 100-120 rule, and recognize that a 60-40 (stocks-bonds) ratio is a little aggressive, owing to our ages; but I would like to get the forum's opinon on that.
Again, we are newbies, knowing very little more than I have shared here with you. Please don't hesitate to share even the most basic realities.
submitted by No-Improvement4712 to Bogleheads [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 18:39 UsernameSquatting Avoiding rubber frames when shopping online?

I've never bought any sunglasses over $10 and am looking at sales and secondhand online to get some nicer pairs. I want to avoid rubber-coated frames because of how they break down over time but there's a few examples where I'm unsure whether the frame is rubber or not based on the description. For more savvy users, could you help me learn what to look for?
For example, this Maui Jim is described as a "matte soft black" nylon frame.
Are matte frames typically rubberized or will the rubber explicitly be called out?
submitted by UsernameSquatting to sunglasses [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 18:39 BranchCold9905 You can make a spinoff of any movie focusing on a side character

You can make a spinoff of any movie focusing on a side character My choice is Vinnie from Atlantis. That guy was great.
submitted by BranchCold9905 to Letterboxd [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 18:39 SensitiveLimit3628 Vergebener Kollege hat sich in mich verliebt

Ich (w, 28) habe ein Problem, mit dem ich nicht umgehen kann und deshalb Rat bei euch ersuche. Mein Ausbildungslehrer im Ref und ich haben starke Gefühle füreinander. Das merke ich stark an seinem Verhalten. Er wird sehr eifersüchtig, wenn er mich mit anderen Kollegen reden sieht und macht sich schon sehr emotional abhängig von mir. Er ist verheiratet und hat einen ein Jahr alten Sohn. Ich führe mir das immer vor Augen und versuche mich deshalb von ihm zu distanzieren. Wie kann es sein, dass er sich so stark verliebt hat? Wieso ersucht er immer meine Nähe, wird eifersüchtig, wenn er mich mit anderen Kollegen sieht, schaut mich ständig an, selbst wenn er mit anderen spricht usw. Wie kann er sich da selbst nicht zurücknehmen? Er ist ein wirklich toller Mensch, aber ich weiß nicht, wie ich mit diesem Dilemma umgehen soll.
submitted by SensitiveLimit3628 to beziehungen [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 18:39 AirportMother391 I never face Arjac in TA and he’s amazing

I never face Arjac in TA and he’s amazing We always see complaints about Ragnar comps but hand on heart I regularly get wins out of them because of Arjac. A few people regularly say this, but I never actually see him during tournaments so I think people must be skeptical. He is my first pick. He deepstrikes and prevents Ragnar from using his howl, you then can get in position, that’s usually enough to swing it. Works just as well for Abraxas and the boss line ups. The entire opposing team can attack him and he can still survive. This is a big mistake, best to avoid him. If there’s no need to stun, you can save the hammer and it will delete even the tankiest characters at the end of the fight. This works especially well as they often see a slow melee threat coming towards them and the ranged nuke comes out of nowhere. The battle pass is coming soon people, if you hate Ragnar this is your chance ✊
submitted by AirportMother391 to WH40KTacticus [link] [comments]