1 x $20 Steam Gift Card & 5 x Steam keys for Iron Roads

2025.01.24 18:31 Sandford27 1 x $20 Steam Gift Card & 5 x Steam keys for Iron Roads

Hello all!
Iron Roads has officially released to Steam Early Access on January 20th. To celebrate the developer Cowleyfornia Studios is awarding a $20 Steam gift card and 5 game keys to give away on here.
In order to enter the give-away, please tell me what your favorite game is versus what game you have the most time logged in and if they're not the same, why. I will be running the contest from when this post goes live through Monday morning January 27th 12:00 PM EST.
If you would like to check out the game or talk to others who have played it, please see all the relevant links below:
Steam Page: https://store.steampowered.com/app/2171550/Iron_Roads/
Discord: https://discord.gg/N4SqZmCS
Reddit: ironroads
Developer Page: https://www.cowleyforniastudios.com/
Thanks all and good luck!
submitted by Sandford27 to steam_giveaway [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 18:31 Sea_Expert_5465 How can i get to the tower??

How can i get to the tower?? Hi Ggg how be supposed to get in the tower?
submitted by Sea_Expert_5465 to PathOfExile2 [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 18:31 Imaginary-Big194 Valentine’s Day trip?

Has there ever been a Valentine’s Day trip? I’m itching for a new vacay 😂
submitted by Imaginary-Big194 to VirtualFamilies [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 18:31 kooiytrwer What’s next for them?

submitted by kooiytrwer to DeonteDDJ [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 18:31 Nearby_Ad_8418 Tell me anything and i’ll connect it to undertale

submitted by Nearby_Ad_8418 to WaterfallDump [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 18:31 SparePalpitation8788 哈哈哈,左逼,隐忍

哈哈哈,左逼,隐忍 submitted by SparePalpitation8788 to youxi [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 18:31 Gimble_Guerado Drow Heritage: Continuing the Mission

2 Years ago I posted on here to make Drow into a Lunar Elf Ancestry. Oh my sweet summer child how young and dumb I feel and how far I've come since those days. I have since learned a lot about PF2e and how the mechanics worked, ran some games of my own and I have learned that if Drow/Dark Elves are going to return to Golarion they would come back as a heritage and I went back to the drawing board.
Heritages don't provide an immense amount of leeway with abilities to work with as they typically provide one or two perks to work with and Drow historically have been drastically different than their surface-based cousins, usually possessing limited magic spells such as globe of darkness and levitation which in D&D 3.5 were both 2nd level arcane spells, Darkvision, and an affinity for the demon worship. Granting access to 2nd rank spells to level pathfinder 2e PCs in PF2e seemed a bit ridiculous and granting Darkvision seemed like a reskin of a cavern elf with extra steps. Or at the very least, made the Cavern Elf obsolete.
This gave me pause. I felt it was my duty to then visit the Cavern Elf and possibly tweak the Cavern Elf and tweak them as well to differentiate them from the Dark Elf or the Lunar Elf as I was calling them. The Cavern Elf ONLY had Darkvision as an ability so adding an additional feature seemed pretty harmless to me. Now there would be two Elven heritages granting Darkvision but one would grant magic abilities and one would grant survival abilities as I envisioned cavern elves as survivalists; Bear Grylls like individuals who could rough it in the unlikeliest of conditions where food wand water was scarce. I'm still working out what magical abilities the Drow would receive but all good things come to those who wait.
The Drow have always been one of my favorite races to include in my stories and campaigns and not having them in Golarion saddens me because they are so fascinating to me. Ever since I first R.A. Salvatore's books on Drizzt Do'Urden, I have fallen in love with the concept of redeeming the Drow as a society and finding a way to bring them out of shroud of metaphorical darkness they've been kept under and giving them an origin they can be proud of. I still want them to be enigmatic and mysterious, but I don't want them to be feared and hated. I don't want them to be bloodthirsty killers who worship a spider queen demon who revels in treachery, chaos, and evil. However, I still want them to be a bit cold, calculated, resourceful, callous, and lean more into the Lawful Evil they were intentionally designed to be.
To this end, I've chosen to keep them assigned to a bat demon queen, dropped the treachery aspect, focused more on tyranny and ruling with an iron fist. Kept the Matriarchal society we all know and love and instead of Driders they have "Desmodrons" which are essentially the same thing as Driders but with vampire bat bodies instead of spiders which in my opinion is far more terrifying.
In conclusion, my quest to bring the Drow back into my games continues. I refuse to give up because I absolutely love the concept and I believe the building blocks that were left behind can be molded into something great that we can use to make something we can use that can be far less problematic that what came before. I want to see stories of the Drow return to Golarion. If the people at Paizo won't do it for me, then I'll just write my own.
submitted by Gimble_Guerado to Pathfinder2e [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 18:31 Alternative-Boat-844 21 [F4M] looking new people in my life to chat

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2025.01.24 18:31 Humble-Union-4115 Ashley Coen changed her Twitter profile 👀

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2025.01.24 18:31 K-A-S-GAMES Absolute Cinema🙌

Absolute Cinema🙌 Tried my best😭
submitted by K-A-S-GAMES to Sayori [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 18:31 MoonLightAAcid Handling

I have had my bearded dragon around a year and a half she has never like shown signs of being unconftable with handling but like she never really liked it like she would end up just walking away practicly straight away. I'll admit I have done absolutely terible and neglected her with handling I have her a good tank and feed her well but I was bad with handling and I whant to adleast do better. If she's in her tank she doesn't mind me petting her back If I move slowly she opens her mouth a tiny bit but stops nearly instantly and she will let me for like 15 to 30 minuites but she hates her beard getting touched and she comes out but goes back into her tank after like not even 5 minuites. I know difrent beardies have difrent personality but I'd like to get her use to proper handling if anyone has any tips from how I can progress like do i just start picking her up for like 10 minutes daily or idk i would really apreacate some help
submitted by MoonLightAAcid to BeardedDragons [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 18:31 Disastrous-Object416 The real reason why Remilia doesn't shower

submitted by Disastrous-Object416 to 2hujerk [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 18:31 jonnylizzle Car Salesman Dave

This segment was gold and we need more of it.
Definitely a front runner for touch madness.
submitted by jonnylizzle to CirclingBack [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 18:31 phalca La horă în Tineretului.

submitted by phalca to Romania [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 18:31 babadork Japanese TV host Masahiro Nakai announces retirement after sexual misconduct allegations

Japanese TV host Masahiro Nakai announces retirement after sexual misconduct allegations submitted by babadork to HollywoodReceipts [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 18:31 chairitable Microwave vent - is there a replacement vent to change the direction of the air output, or is my cabinet too deep? (Samsung ME16K3000AS/AC, details in comments)

submitted by chairitable to Appliances [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 18:31 Loewes25 Vacuum high speed blender

Is this a better option than a regular one? heard that it preserves the vitamins and nutrients better
submitted by Loewes25 to medicalmedium [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 18:31 M1_Garandalf A few images

submitted by M1_Garandalf to hardaiimages [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 18:31 Banduwithacig i love DisDisDisDisDisDisDis's website

submitted by Banduwithacig to softwaregore [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 18:31 NappingForever Ube is unwell and I'm exhausted

My sweetheart Ube was neutered late November after exhibiting signs of hormonal aggression. The operation went well but we've had endless post-op complications.
Firstly, he developed what vets initially thought was a haematoma under his surgical site. It was about an inch in diameter and they said it would be reabsorbed naturally with time. Six weeks later it was still there and a smaller mass appeared beside it.
The vet ended up opening him up to investigate and it turns out they were two abscesses, the larger of the two with such a thick casing antibiotics wouldn't have worked. So surgery was the right call, at least. The smaller one was only a few days old at this point and unfortunately burst internally before it was removed. They flushed as well as possible but as a precaution he was put on three weeks of Metacam and Doxycycline. That was 15 days ago.
Then the day after his procedure he opens the wound up (I expected this as he did it at the initial neuter) but a few days later he seems to have an active infection. Back to the vets, they flush and say to continue as we were with his meds and saline cleans and fortunately the incision closes over a couple of days later. All seems to be going well until suddenly yesterday evening another scrotal abscess appears alongside tachycardia and an increased respiratory rate. The abscess looks to be coming to a head externally at least.
So back to the vets today, and now he's on 4 different meds, 3 of which are twice a day. Plus warm compresses for the abscess multiple times a day. I am so exhausted from the endless treatment regime and now I've got another 2 weeks to go. He is worth it, I will do whatever is needed to get him better, and I hope it works. The vet said if he worsens or there is no improvement we may have to consider his quality of life. He is so poorly and it's so sad to see.
submitted by NappingForever to RATS [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 18:31 blipsterrr Why are pre-rolls like this???

Why are pre-rolls like this??? submitted by blipsterrr to MDEnts [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 18:31 FoxGlittering4946 Yaşadık

Yaşadık submitted by FoxGlittering4946 to shitpostfrommygallery [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 18:31 Kevotrox Raid add 7715 7248 4539 please help I am Level 50 :)

Raid add 7715 7248 4539 please help I am Level 50 :) submitted by Kevotrox to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 18:31 AdLife9714 Gaslit by colorectal surgeon

Had an appointment today with crs and explained that I got bad bacteria in my gut like Klebsiella that causes me to have histamine problems and that I have no beneficial bacteria in my gut and have c.diff. He said what I done and I explained that I tried low histamine probiotics that worsen my brain fog and symptoms and he says “Probiotics and Covid doesn’t cause you to have all these symptoms” I just walked out .. didn’t say anything so fuck him I’m tired of these healthy ass doctors tryna tell me shit … have them experience this madness and drunken brain 24/7 lets see if he would be cheerful
submitted by AdLife9714 to covidlonghaulers [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 18:31 sawitwice DION - RUNAROUND SUE

DION - RUNAROUND SUE submitted by sawitwice to OldSchoolCoolMusic [link] [comments]
