Oh, dude, January 1 fell on a Wednesday in the years 2003, 2014, 2020, and 2025. So, like, if you were planning a wild New Year's party on those years, you know which day to mark on your calendar. It depends on your location. The only day that the major UK and US newspapers are not produced is Christmas Day. So yes in the UK and US they will be available on New Year's Day. For any other ... Well, well, well, Christmas fell on a Wednesday in the years 2002 and 2013. So, if you're planning your mid-week holiday shenanigans, those are the years to mark on your calendar. 8000 km 8000km = in miles? 8000km is about 5000 miles. However that's got nothing to do with how long the Holy family's Flight to Egypt was. Their travels were from Bethlehem - just a few miles ... 知乎,中文互联网高质量的问答社区和创作者聚集的原创内容平台,于 2011 年 1 月正式上线,以「让人们更好的分享知识、经验和见解,找到自己的解答」为品牌使命。知乎凭借认真、专业、友善的社区氛围、独特的产品机制以及结构化和易获得的优质内容,聚集了中文互联网科技、商业、影视 ... 不要催,耐心等待就行。 系统显示的状态只是一个告知,告诉作者现在大概是什么阶段了,其实背后的工作是很细化的,一个Decision in process要包含好多事,有时候一个审稿人意见不同系统状态不变会直接再审对,或者编辑搞不清楚审稿人的意见正在挨个沟通,因为要给你一个准确统一的答复,但 ... 因为进口的物料需要报关,交期会很久,所以需要注明,交期一般用“周”(week)表示,最小订单量一般用“千个”( k pcs)表示,有特殊情况的需要备注说明,如:12天是指工作日,需要7天报关等等。其中英文报价单和中文报价单略有区别。 Woozworld this is the answer friday the 13th is a ghost day. No. Halloween is always on October 31st, which like other dates in the year, can fall on any day of the week. In years ending on Sunday ...
2025.01.24 23:00 AutoModerator 𝕎𝕙𝕠 𝕗𝕚𝕟𝕚𝕤𝕙𝕖𝕕 𝕘𝕣𝕖𝕖𝕟 𝕥𝕙𝕚𝕤 𝕨𝕖𝕖𝕜?
View Poll
submitted by AutoModerator to pennystocks [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 23:00 MainAvocado3385 What did I do to deserve this?
1000 thumbs up? 1st anniversary? submitted by MainAvocado3385 to DragonballLegends [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 23:00 Fun_Remote_4476 New AB/AP Spotify visualizer
submitted by Fun_Remote_4476 to FallOutBoy [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 23:00 agau1873 Who controls the memes, controls the universe
submitted by agau1873 to Wallstreetsilver [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 23:00 RomanOctavius Diamond 💎 In a Day at Planet Hollywood
I had a run with Caesars from 2005-2013 6 trips a year Diamond and a Seven Star on good years, switched over to MGM and have been there since.
Decided to pop in to Caesars before a Bellagio trip and spend a night. Had a nice Octavius 1 Bedroom Suite and did ok on the slots. Accrued about 700 tier on Dragon Link no multiplier. I play 1.00-5.00 a push , all denominations.
Spent 4 nights at Bellagio and did well enough to book an extra night at Cosmopolitan on Monday. Did nice and steady at Cosmopolitan so decided to head over to Planet Hollywood for 10x Tier!
I decided to bring 400 and see what I could grind, played Phoenix 🐦🔥 Link around 1.00 on pennies ,up to about 3.75 on Nickels. Heard the famous pong ball sound and sure enough a Major Major Jackpot ball hit for 1157.00 on a 1.00 2xpennies bet. Played all kinds of Link games after just grinding not playing extra hard and left with over 2200 tier earned for 22,000 on the 10xMultiplier.
submitted by RomanOctavius to CaesarsRewards [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 23:00 not_so_fast_zippy Incase you need to get your death certificate done
submitted by not_so_fast_zippy to IndiaSpeaks [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 23:00 Any-Equipment4890 Feel like I'm getting screwed.
KPMG is paying me what they're paying graduates of £32,000 despite being classified as an 'experienced hire'.
I've been asking if I can at least do the ACA if I'm being paid the same as a graduate. Company says that they won't help me to get the ACA because I'm an experienced hire.
So what advantage is there to being an experienced hire if I'm being paid the same as a graduate and they're not paying for the ACA?
submitted by Any-Equipment4890 to KPMG [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 23:00 woiskers Jesus as a mediator
So I just had a convo with my PIMI sister about jesus as a mediator for over an hour I walked her through verses like Hebrews 9:15 and 1 Tim 2:5 The conversation ended with her saying that she was frustrated that she couldn’t explain it.
She tried to give me all the borg answers but they weren’t making sense to her.
Is this the start of something ?
submitted by woiskers to exjw [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 23:00 FatJerri Trucks keep obliterating landscape more than a foot off of driveway
Hey guys, just wanted to share my frustration here. This is the second time this has happened. I dont even know how you miss a driveway by that much. At least have the decency to say something about the shrub you completely crushed with your truck thank you very much submitted by FatJerri to mildlyinfuriating [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 23:00 Anon_457 Ask Anything Thread
Use this thread to ask anything at all!
submitted by Anon_457 to LoveInaMillion [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 23:00 therandomthrowaway Bob fixed it
around Christmas I wrecked it fucked it up bent the disconnected the shit you can see but also burnt out the controller which I would realize later on but luckily was able to find an e scooter mechanic that’s not too far from my house after finally getting ahold of him and getting ahold of the part it’s fixed in 2 days 80$ later. I will say I went the cheaper route I always go the cheaper route I’m budgeted as you can tell I’m talking about my gotrax flex voyager here but ya it doesn’t go as fast as it used to but it’s running now so gotta take the pros with the cons. submitted by therandomthrowaway to ElectricScooters [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 23:00 AutoModerator 🎓🔬 Cheat ANY Online Exam | ProctorU| PearsonVue| Proctorio | Honorlock 📝🧑🎓
submitted by AutoModerator to cheatonlineproctor [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 23:00 princessDeex8 new Hyundai
Anyone in looking to buy a new Hyundai near Nashua, NH ?
submitted by princessDeex8 to Hyundai [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 23:00 Awakerdegree464 Missing Proteans
Why is there no protean seeds or charms/pouches for training farming and summoning these feel like they should exist. To push it farther what about a protean bait for fishing, something for mining and dungeon. I'm a causal player and maybe I am missing something but these feel like easy to add things that would improve training some of the more awful skills to trian (IMO). Most skills either have a protean or dummy system to get xp from treasure hunter keys why don't these really fit?
submitted by Awakerdegree464 to runescape [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 23:00 Intelligent_Tie914 i need recommendations on where to put the consoles and mic at
something abt the placement of the ps5 doesnt look right can any submitted by Intelligent_Tie914 to setups [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 23:00 BlackBearFTW Cannot accept incoming calls on watch 2
Hi, I am trying to accept calls from my OP watch 2, but whenever I receive a call on my oneplus 12 and I click accept on my phone, it just gets stuck on "connecting..." And doesn't accept the call. Also when I accept the call from my phone and then try to change the output device to my watch, it doesn't allow that and just changes back to phone/speaker.
I can however make calls go out from my watch, but not accept them.
Anyone who knows how to fix this?
submitted by BlackBearFTW to oneplus [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 23:00 Airacon82 I would like to learn how to help those who are new to blender
Hi! I am a mod here.
I've always been passionate about helping people dive into the world of Blender, and I'd love to get some insights from this community.
For Everyone: What do you think newcomers to Blender should know but often don't? For Newbies: What topics or areas would you appreciate some free guidance on? For the Vets: From your perspective, what do you notice most newbies are missing or overlooking when they start using Blender?
Looking forward to hearing your thoughts!
submitted by Airacon82 to BlenderAcademy [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 23:00 Rocky-bar What time of day to buy good fish and chips?
Have you found a difference in quality? For instance if it's just after the shop's opened, or just about to close?
submitted by Rocky-bar to AskUK [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 23:00 EchoPlayful2447 Finančné hriechy vlády.
Kapitola 1: Maľovaná Konsolidácia
Príjmy štátu boli navýšenie cez zvýšenie základnej sadzby DPH na 23%, vytvorenie novej transakčnej dane pre firmy ktorá bude následne (to platí pri každej dani na firmy) presunutá na produkt. Ako na zakrytie bola znížená DPH na základné potraviny ktorá urobí minimálny rozdiel v cene. Toto zníženie bolo dobre možno tak na videjko.
Zvýšenie DPH tiež spôsobí zvýšenie inflácie na odhadovaných 4.5%. Čo je priamo proti programu smeru v sekcii"o boji s infláciou"
Kapitola 2: Úprimne s penzistami
V prvom rade nesmieme zabudnúť na uplácanie seniorského voliča vo výške 600€ ako trinásty dôchodok. (900.000.000€ R2024) V čase keď Slovensko nemá ani na ten 10-tý. Toto populistické rozdávanie sa udialo pred tým ako vláda znižovala odvody do druhého piliera z 9% na 4.5%. Toto plnenie lacných sľubov na úkor budúcej generácie bol prvou drzosťou a od vtedy to išlo len ďalej dole kopcom.
Kapitola 3: Kapitán
Bolo schválené ministerstvo športu za 200.000.000€ ročne. To ministerstvo ktoré chce budovať olympijskú halu v Šamoríne pričom v nemocniciach sa na toaletách nenachádza ani toaletný papier. Tiež pán ktorý sa rad stretáva po večeroch s fľaškami a semaformi si za 19.000€ daňových poplatníkov poletí do Moskvy aby natočil sortiment lacných sýro-krémov a slúžil ako nástroj propagandy a užitočný idiot pre Putina.
Kapitola 4: M art inka
Bola schválená prerobená verzia hymny za 50.000€ s fujarou od narkomana ktorý sa chodí stretávať s neonacistom v Londýne a čistou náhodou tento narkoman je bývalý spolužiak generálneho tajomníka Plochozemca. Paní ministerka ktorá je maximálne maskotom len vystavuje svoje maľovanky a predstiera s Tabak že sú druhou reinkarnáciou Moneta. Pani ministerke pri kreslení maľovaniek bolo zjavne zima a fúkal jej prievan na krk, preto uznala za vhodné výmenu okien na ministerstve za 700.000€. Ešte k nám má prísť Ruská operná speváčka za cenu mizerných 230.000€ aby nás obohatila a ukázala nám aké to Rusko v skutočnosti je.
Kapitola 5: Nastreľ Vlások
Pán minister vnútra pokiaľ teda nieje v Abú-Zabí s Bradom Pitom a Leonardom Dikapriom na Formule 1. Zbavuje sa zodpovednosti každého zlyhania v rezorte za ktorý je zodpovedný, po tom čo si kúpi zo štátneho rozpočtu 2x Mercedes v plnej výbave s dodaním do 7 dní v hodnote 326.000€. Alebo kupuje ergonomické stoličky do svojho rezortu za 300.000€ pri čom jedna stolička stojí 1500€, teda cena primeraná priemernej mesačnej mzde.
Pán minister vnútra však ale aj nakupuje hasičské autá za 46.000.000€ od firmy ktorá má nulové tržby. Pán minister ale aj utajoval konkurenta v tejto transakcii.
Kapitola 6: Kaliho oči
Minister obrany nakupuje luxusné lietadlá v hodnote 49.000.000€ zjavne aby mal miesta na ďalších Vietnamcov keby ich tento krát bolo potrebné uniesť viacero. Samozrejme nemôžme opomenúť 200.000€ upratovaciu službu ktorá vyzerá skôr ako zástierka eskort služby.
Kapitola 7: Platy Zvýšenie platov členov vlády nás bude daňových poplatníkov stáť 500.000€/ ročne. Zároveň si vláda ale aj schválila doživotnú rentu pre Premiéra. (49.000€/ ročne) Nie pre každého Premiéra, pretože podmienky sedia len na nášho jediného Roberta Fica. Dokonca aj pán generálny prokurátor Žilinka ktorý zrušil cez 363 obvinenia viacero ľudom Fica, tiež dostane doživotnú rentu. 60.000€/ ročne.
Kapitola 8: Otec po ruke
Na rok 2025 bol schválený rozpočet SIS aby mohol úspešne odpočúvať opozíciu a tvoriť správy ktoré následne môže vláda politicky využívať o 10.660.000€ VIAC ako v roku 2024.
Kapitola 9: Ukážkový pár Prezidentov
A k veľkolepému zakončeniu mame Milovníka traktorov a balzamových pier (1.500€) v Prezidentskom paláci. Ktorému zvýšila vláda rozpočet o 4.000.000€ na to aby mohol kupovať kvetinové ozdoby v hodnote 36.000€ a študent mu ani nieje ochotný podať ruku a v tom momente mohlo Pánovi prezidentovi prísť na um že aj keby mal funkciu kráľa sveta stále bude len Ficová podrž-taška, zbabelec a klamár ktorému funkcia rešpekt neprinesie.
Kapitola 10: Cena
Celková suma túto vyššie napísanej ekonomickej retardácie počítaných do tohto momentu činí sumu cca:
1 211 985 000€ jednamiliardadvestojedenásťmiliónovdeväťstoosemdesiatpäťtisíc EUR
ročné výdavky z vyššie uvedených na ďalšie 3 roky do plánovaných parlamentných volieb bude cca:
4 529 320 000€ štyrimiliardypäťstodvadsaťdeväťmiliónovtristodvadsaťtisíc EUR
Ale hlavne že boli znížené premlčacie lehoty a znížené tresty za korupciu.
Frajer na záver?
Zlatá vaňa a mramorová výrivka vo Vietname.
Pardon pokiaľ som niečo vynechal, budem rád keď ma doplníte.
submitted by EchoPlayful2447 to Slovakia [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 23:00 fiddlesticks-app Fiddlesticks Match #7341
This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by fiddlesticks-app to Fiddlesticks [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 23:00 _antisocial-media_ Maga twitter reacts to mlk files
submitted by _antisocial-media_ to ForwardsFromKlandma [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 23:00 Nodeularity Question for beginner
So I’m new to the modeler world and impulsively pulled the trigger on a quad cortex. I’m trying to understand exactly what I need to use this to play in a band practice/live scenario. From what I’m understanding you need a power amp and a cab or pa. Am I good to just run this into a Seymour Duncan power stage and then into a 4x12 Marshall cab? Also ive seen people using different power supplies do I need this if I’m just using the cortex with no other pedals? If I’m using this live do I still need to bring my power amp if I’m running through front of house? Thanks in advance :)
submitted by Nodeularity to QuadCortex [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 23:00 detroitmusik Lil Mooney unreleased LMK IF THIS OUT
submitted by detroitmusik to CrimeInTheD [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 23:00 Protext808 500 Karma Şerefine Boşaltın
submitted by Protext808 to vlandiya [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 23:00 Opposite-Childhood-6 Teto cookie!!!!
I made Teto cookie! submitted by Opposite-Childhood-6 to KasaneTeto [link] [comments] |