2025.01.24 23:50 Obvious_Clue8664 Heem(ex nhg) on spaces he say niggas killed a 9 year old
submitted by Obvious_Clue8664 to DuvalCounty [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 23:50 4JN00M Legit ?
submitted by 4JN00M to CanadaGoose [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 23:50 boofcan The Magic Behind Fallout 3 (Animated Video Essay)
submitted by boofcan to fo3 [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 23:50 LaughingDash [Meta] Official Subreddit Rules and Flairs
Hey Everyone!
As you may have noticed /luckystar has rapidly grown recently. There must've been a change to the algorithm as over 5,000 people have joined in the last thirty days. Yup, an entire 5th of the community and the trend has not yet slowed down.
/luckystar has always been a small niche community, but, at least for now, this is no longer the case. As such, and because it's been widely requested, I've implement a standard set of rules and flairs based on how the subreddit has been moderated in the past... with some changes:
2025.01.24 23:50 Edthebig The sidestepping really is a problem. Even if you counter it.
I mean, it just is. Im taking a break right now, but I was S5 in DP. At that point, either you sidestep or you lose. The whole match is a vanish/super counter war, then a sidestepping cha cha cha till someone falls in. Its just funny looking and not too fun. I think a little cooldown would be nice.
submitted by Edthebig to tenkaichi4 [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 23:50 IWillHoldTheCandle Then & Now
submitted by IWillHoldTheCandle to Soundgarden [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 23:50 Jayyy243 20m dm me
Dm me we can talk about anything
submitted by Jayyy243 to chat [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 23:50 Muzzy_Cuzzy PS4/PS5 MVs Currently On Sale in PlayStation Store
Based On US PlayStation Store - Sales May Vary By Region
2025.01.24 23:50 SeaweedHeavy1712 Season 2 P1. | What are you top 3 Fav games so far ?
submitted by SeaweedHeavy1712 to squidgame [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 23:50 BIKEM4D I've got the Acerbis skid plate, anyone know where I can get this?
Bought the skid plate, but I've got a disgusting bracket exposed from the Rally guard that was on there...can't find this though...really need that to remove the look of the other submitted by BIKEM4D to Tenere700 [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 23:50 Upset-Engineering-99 Pelvic floor
Anyone get vaginal cramps from pelvic floor
submitted by Upset-Engineering-99 to PelvicFloor [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 23:50 Miserable-Diver7236 Cowrie refuse to start even if setup correctly
I've installed cowrie on a virtual box debian VM to make my own honeypot however this POS just refuse to start even after following the exact instruction from the guide page: https://github.com/cowrie/cowrie/blob/main/INSTALL.rst https://preview.redd.it/yj7m6smh41fe1.png?width=587&format=png&auto=webp&s=89d9d3f1272685e8dcc248a517e040a47ca9223f what should I do to fix this ? submitted by Miserable-Diver7236 to homelab [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 23:50 astringer0014 MGS Twin Snakes - Psycho Mantis Fight
So I haven’t actually started the game yet to be clear. I recently got a gaming PC, and I chose to go with Dolphin for GameCube emulation. The first game I downloaded was MGS Twin Snakes, probably my favorite GC game.
I was watching an Internet Historian video that used footage of Psycho Mantis and it made me wonder how the Psycho Mantis tricks would work on Dolphin. One of the things I recall Psycho Mantis doing was having you move your controller to port 2. I’m not gonna be able to do that on my PC, obviously.
Has anyone on here played MGS TS on Dolphin and how did you go about that fight?
submitted by astringer0014 to DolphinEmulator [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 23:50 Luisss13 Found at FYE!
submitted by Luisss13 to funkopop [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 23:50 Metamorphotits_ Wanted to show off this lid im working on
submitted by Metamorphotits_ to Rhinestoning [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 23:50 zooolady A (dusky?) Salamander in the mountains of Tennessee
submitted by zooolady to wildlifephotography [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 23:50 Cute_Pink_HairGal I have an BSKY so hold on to your handbook and bells cuz I need followers
(Including my interests list) submitted by Cute_Pink_HairGal to BlueskySocial [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 23:50 ginuufu how many primos could i get if i caught up with my exploration in quests?
title is self explanatory. i took an extremely long break from my account for awhile while still consuming content of the game, got really attached to furina and i want lots of pulls for her now that she's coming back. i've already saved up 90 and finished the entire natlan archon quest with focused mode. i have pretty much 0% exploration in sumeru and fontaine and their quests aren't done at all, inazuma and natlan have been explored a bit, averaging around 20-50%, enkanomiya and the chasm haven't been explored much either. really just wondering the estimated amount i could get if i 100% all my unfinished regions and do all the archon and major world quests for them
submitted by ginuufu to Genshin_Impact [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 23:50 Connect-Drawer-6651 People say Zoro won't be the strongest swordsman in history because Nika was a swordsman. But, I don't think he's a swordsman, it's just different people's and nations idea of what he looks like
submitted by Connect-Drawer-6651 to OnePiecePowerScaling [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 23:50 gayroma Agentia de rating S&P modifica rating-ul Romaniei la negativ avertizand ca urmeaza JUNK - un cuvant des folosit cand romanii ii spoiesc pe drogati
JUNK este un cuvant bun, profetic, pentru pleiada de politicieni romani care nu au facut nimic ca si progres social (legi sociale mai bune gen legalizare drepturi lgbt, legalizare si decriminalizare cannabis, sosele sigure, respect pentru cetatean, digitalizare si platforme de sesizari pentru toate agentiile statului, control civil al servicilor secrete, facultati de meserii fara a obtine bacul, drepturi complete pentru femei inclusiv reprezentare egala in institutiile statului, salarii egale, discriminare sociala redusa... si lista poate continua mult pe plan social culminand cu ultimele taieri sociale).
Aici este un articol: https://www.startupcafe.ro/afaceri/agentia-sp-inrautatit-perspectiva-rating-romania.htm
Junkisti au ajuns sa fie facuti cei din guvern si bineinteles toti care au votat acel guvern dintre votantii PSD, PNL, UDMR si intr-o masura chiar si USR.
Despre suveranisti stim deja ca sunt junkisti putinisti, nici nu mai are rost sa vorbesc despre ei.
Uite cum se intoarce roata, cum S&P (dupa Fitch) este foarte aproape sa ii faca junkisti. Junkist economic (ceea ce de fapt e cam singurul motiv pentru care lumea a votat PSD si PNL, masuri economice) un nume f potrivit pentru cei ce fac pe altii junkisti. Bineinteles ministrul economiei a zis ca inca nu suntem facuti junkisti, inca Romania e sigura pt investitii. Inca.
Evident ca astia din guvern sunt atat de mandrii ca nu vad piciorul in groapa si ca f curand vor fi chiar facuti oficial ceea ce ei ne-au facut pe noi de ani in sir, iar prin noi ma refer aici la cei ce vrem legalizarea cannabisului.
Care apropo este si o masura economica, bani la buget, oricum mult mai multi decat au reusit penalii din guvern sa taie din cheltuieli.
Si bineinteles cativa din guvern se mira cum de am ajuns asa jos si unii zic ca nu e corect.
Desi agentia zice clar pe cifre ca inca din anii 2020 operam la un deficit de peste 7% iar in ultimii 4 ani datorita Romaniei a crescut cu 15% din PIB. Deci perspective nu bune deloc. 15% in 4 ani pentru o tara ca Romania este EXTREM de mult. Noi de ex nu avem moneda EURO sa atenuam socul.
Si inca ceva, S&P a judecat si dupa capacitatea guvernului de a corecta cifrele si au vazut ca daca in 4 ani nu au reusit sigur nu vor reusi nici in urmatorii ani. De fapt au si spus ca va fi acelasi deficit la guvern.
Deci guvernul si oamenii ce sustin acest guvern ei sunt drogatii ce ii fac pe altii drogati si trebuie mereu cineva sa le dea bani ca sa isi acopere dependenta si mereu luna de luna ies pe minus.
Deficit peste 7% este ENORM pentru un guvern mai ales intr-o tara care nu e deloc in primul esalon economic oricat incearca sa mascheze guvernantii lucrurile.
In raspunsul ministrului nu vorbeste deloc de cati angajati la stat sunt ci foloseste sintagme ca "stat mai suplu" bla bla, vrajeli care nu mai sunt crezute de S&P care din nou a avertizat ca baga Romania la JUNK. In mod normal aceste agentii de rating au vazut ca in 4 ani de zile guvernul nu a facut nimic concret pentru a taia din cheltuielile statului cu angajatii si pensiile speciale si si-au pierdut increderea ca o mai pot face.
De aici downgradarea. Cresterea PIB-ului (care apropo S&P a zis ca va fi 1% nu 2.5% cum se lauda guvernul) nu poate acoperi gaura bugetara continua si imprumuturile din ce in ce mai masive care de fapt sustin PIB-ul altfel am fi pe minus.
Si uite cum cei din guvern si votantii lor incet incet devin ei junkisti si se intoarce roata.
submitted by gayroma to buruieni [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 23:50 United-Distribution9 The Next Movie
Next movie is "Godzilla x Kong" what does everyone think? I think Godzilla will have the main focus and threat to him in the next movie and when a lot is lost Kong will help alongside Godzilla (probably with Shimo etc) Remember this movie is still in productions and things can change whenever. submitted by United-Distribution9 to Monsterverse [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 23:50 WastelandViking Best Minion inf build? (Poe 2)
Been hanging in low keys, loving chill life..
But what is the best build for high keys, for this class/spec?
Wanna start doing more difficult content. What build should I look up?
submitted by WastelandViking to PathOfExileBuilds [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 23:50 ManishaSaini1 I messed up
Idk why I skipped over the diamond badges or better part for the shiny quest but I already have a shiny badge for jisoo. Without thinking I clicked and it gave me this error message and now I’ve lost the shinies I had for that quest. Is it worth contacting support or am I cooked? submitted by ManishaSaini1 to Soundmap [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 23:50 siant Retro Video Game Arcades that are family friendly?
It's my 35th this year and I'm planning on having a weekend trip to London with my daughter. I pretty much know where I want to go except an arcade. I've seen a few recommendations but plenty seem to be adult focused with bars and such.
There are plenty of family amusements in London but I'm looking for one specifically that focuses on video game arcades. Any ideas?
submitted by siant to visitlondon [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 23:50 TheLineForPho Everything Democrats are upset about Trump doing is not the tiniest fraction as evil and destructive as what Biden just spent 15 months doing in Gaza.
submitted by TheLineForPho to AskaRealLiberal [link] [comments] |