Decentralized Publishing Launch ETA: 48 hours - "Filter by Core" :)

2025.01.25 00:40 EveYogaTech Decentralized Publishing Launch ETA: 48 hours - "Filter by Core" :)

Decentralized Publishing Launch ETA: 48 hours - submitted by EveYogaTech to WPDrama [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:40 Simon-66 Yall won't believe who I saw at the store today

Yall won't believe who I saw at the store today submitted by Simon-66 to MassEffectMemes [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:40 toweljuice has anyone had any luck with an Osteopath?

I was seeing someone that is a neurologist-based massage therapist and she told me i should go to an osteopath to help with my balance issues.
I booked one for friday next week but I'm wondering if anyone has had any success with one? I havent talked to anyone who has seen an osteo before at all. I didn't learn about them until very recently.
submitted by toweljuice to FND [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:40 James_Green9801 Y'all rate my 7'3 big 🤣🤣🤣

Y'all rate my 7'3 big 🤣🤣🤣 submitted by James_Green9801 to NBA2k [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:40 Luisar_fansito XD

XD submitted by Luisar_fansito to OSITOGANG [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:40 Radiant-Bed835 pirating on mac question

i am getting a macbook pro m4 soon and i am wondering how does it work? I see alot of cracks that say intel processors only and then some that say "macOS 10.8+" so does that mean it will work with the silicone cpus? sorry ive never used macOs before
submitted by Radiant-Bed835 to CrackedPluginsHelp [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:40 suudoe Does Wooting have red keyboard cables?

Do they take custom requests?
submitted by suudoe to WootingKB [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:40 Early-Ant652 Action Sack Self Destruct Ban

I didn't think self destruct ban would still apply for a game mode like this, I just started and trying it out and now I can't play for 6 hours, seems kind of counter productive but what do I know.
submitted by Early-Ant652 to haloinfinite [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:40 TheMemeLord4816 Zombie Zoey!!!

Zombie Zoey!!! submitted by TheMemeLord4816 to Varanusthewizard [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:40 ineedcoffeeasap Exploring CT by myself

Is there any good places to explore tomorrow? I'll drive anywhere. I like coffee shops, books, and museums. Thrift stores are cool too. I'll take any recommendations at this point ◡̈
submitted by ineedcoffeeasap to Connecticut [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:40 Prudent-Schedule-516 Why hasn’t the FBI stepped in to stop Art?

I know these movies are pure fiction given people still being alive after their arms have been chopped off.
But after the first and second movie, why hasn’t law enforcement done more to try and stop Art.
In the third movie Art killed a cop and the police departments never seemed to follow up. In the fourth movie I hope to see the police have a much bigger role in stopping Art The Clown.
submitted by Prudent-Schedule-516 to terrifier [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:40 ASHTRAE22 Did this and thought you guys might enjoy it🙂

Did this and thought you guys might enjoy it🙂 submitted by ASHTRAE22 to snails [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:40 Key_Adhesiveness_517 Roland D7 Tom Sawyer

Anybody have a good patch for Tom Sawyer on the new roland D
submitted by Key_Adhesiveness_517 to Roland [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:40 diagonalley_kgl Is it ok ? My computer case short-circuited even i switched off.

Is it ok ? My computer case short-circuited even i switched off. My new computer used a metal case, and i found it short-circuited on the top rim. But the computer is work well. Just some time i got a bit electric shock when i touch it ?
submitted by diagonalley_kgl to electricians [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:40 Kiba_Legoshi I need a arm sleeve that dosent restrict my fingers.

I currently use the original skypad 3.0 palm arm sleeve. I realized it restricts my fingers witch inhibits my scores. Getting back into Aim training after a 1+ year break. Also this is my first reddit post.
submitted by Kiba_Legoshi to FPSAimTrainer [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:40 Disastrous-Tea-2377 [UPDATE] Battle game, it now has timestop!

Idea from AnaverageuserX
(t) TimeStop - The player enters an animation where they stop time. You have eight seconds to do what you please!
submitted by Disastrous-Tea-2377 to scratch [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:40 TheBlueprint__ Birthday Week for the Champ. IG post 01-24-25

Birthday Week for the Champ. IG post 01-24-25 submitted by TheBlueprint__ to TheLegitBoss [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:40 Castieltheangell Beyler imkansiz asklarinizi salin, ahanda benimki

Beyler imkansiz asklarinizi salin, ahanda benimki submitted by Castieltheangell to HGK [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:40 LifeIntelligent4532 De jó! Tudni fogom, hogy amúgy van klíma, csak nem működik...

De jó! Tudni fogom, hogy amúgy van klíma, csak nem működik... azt hinné az ember, hogy ez nem fost... pedig tuti az
submitted by LifeIntelligent4532 to hungary [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:40 mnipm Pre-diabetic with normal fasting glucose and A1c. Check your labs!

Be aware everyone, initial lab work really masks detection of pre-diabetes! One could go undetected unless we pester our docs for more focused tests!
So here's the full story.
I recently had an extended 20 day menstrual period with other symptoms like increased hair loss, hirsutism, and acne. I then met with my gyno and got tested for testosterone and other hormones which came back abnormal, so got a PCOS diagnosis. I then quickly met with my general medicine doc for metabolic bloodwork. All of my bloodwork (lipids, fasting glucose, Hba1c, cortisol, insulin) came back great with my doc declaring that I am normal metabolically (although see the note about insulin below). After some coaxing, I got her to add fasting insulin and a 2 hour glucose tolerance test.
Here're all the results:

Test Name Result Flags Reference Range
HEMOGLOBIN A1c 5.1 4.2-5.6 %
GLUCOSE, 1/2 HR 142 <200 MG/DL
GLUCOSE, 1 HR 181 <200 MG/DL
GLUCOSE, 2 HR 152\* H <140 MG/DL
I'm officially pre-diabetic by this standard. Also, look at the "normal" reference range for insulin! It's crazy high! It should be <10 (ideally <7). Also, my HOMA-IR (glucose*insulin/405) is already 2.1 (ideally <1.1), but my doc never flagged it.
All this makes me quite skeptical of doctors in properly diagnosing and treating this condition. I said I am exploring low-carb diet plans, and both my doc and dietician didn't recommended it, instead saying carbs are an essential macronutrient and that we need 40% of calories coming from them!
I am still keen on continuing on my low-carb (~50 g net carbs) diet and doing bloodwork again in 3 months to see changes. Also exercising, strength training, proper sleep. I really don't want to go on meds if I can help it.
How many here were in the same situation and were able to reverse pre-diabetes without meds? (I think I'm still early because the A1c and fasting glucose are normal). How aggressive did you need to be on the carb cutting? My plan is currently to stay around 50-60g net carbs (70-80 total carbs). Is staying within 20 g the fastest way to see results? I also want my hair fall, hirsutism and other symptoms to come under control very soon. Appreciate all the help here always!
submitted by mnipm to PCOS [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:40 Jaw_Nee Toasted Bacon Banana PB&J

Toasted Bacon Banana PB&J Got more fried than the food at a county fair last night. And made this insane thing. I'm the kind of guy who loves a salty/sweet combo. (Especially when I'm the one who's baked.)
I originally wanted oatmeal with an egg on top. With a side of toast with butter and jelly. When the thought of jelly flooded my brain as did the famous sidekick Peanut Butter! But when you don't have jelly Peanut butters 2nd option of a sidekick hit Mr. Banana.
Why not all three? Why the fuck not?....
Then I noticed the left over bacon scraps my girlfriend had from making dinner earlier that night. (She made wedding chicken with green beans and bacon.)
I had a girlish glee look in my eyes and made this monstrosity.
submitted by Jaw_Nee to stonerfood [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:40 MrMephistoX Feeling Deflated in my Career even with Rosary

I’m trusting god has a plan here but it’s just hard for me to see what that could be since I’ve been praying the rosary daily for 3 months and several novenas to get jobs I’ve applied for. I realize god is not the tooth fairy and I know I shouldn’t expect immediate results. I suffer from Bipolar 1, and ADHD and have considered myself high performing since I’ve worked for several famous companies but I’m trying to interview for a new job out of stagnation in my current role and just can’t seem to close the deal. Part of me feels like it’s because my bipolar has gotten way way worse and maybe I’m not functioning as high as I used to. I just got back from hospitalization and IOP after that so it probably wasn’t the best time to interview but I just felt intense brain fog throughout my entire panel. IDK what to expect from this post but just wanted to vent..I don’t want to lose my current job and can’t afford to I just want to figure out gods plan.
submitted by MrMephistoX to Catholicism [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:40 treehugger195050 Is this repairable? if so, how?

Is this repairable? if so, how? submitted by treehugger195050 to AnaloguePocket [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:40 Jenny_Freedom ㅤBreaking Up Keeps Love's Honor: No Cheating Scandals Here!ㅤ

Discover how breaking up gracefully can preserve respect and integrity in relationships. In this photo, I explore the strength and dignity of concluding a relationship without deceit or scandal. Dive into the essence of honoring love by making choices that prioritize honesty and mutual respect. Join me in embracing the power of ending relationships on a positive note, reinforcing that true love's legacy is built on trust, even when paths diverge. 🔍 Find Someone Cheating Online For Free 🕵️‍♀️ For more information Link in bio 💬
submitted by Jenny_Freedom to iFindCheaters_News [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:40 kairiya Please help!

I live in Louisiana. I'm planning to do my internship in Louisiana. But I want to move ASAP. I know that North Carolina requires me to practice for five years before I can transfer my license, but where else could I move? Is there another state that isn't as long? Please help!!!
submitted by kairiya to counseloreducation [link] [comments]