Sup dude

2025.01.25 00:40 Flaky_Music8258 Sup dude

Sup dude submitted by Flaky_Music8258 to femboy [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:40 East_Professional385 Mutant shark sketches by Edouard Groult

Mutant shark sketches by Edouard Groult submitted by East_Professional385 to ImaginaryLeviathans [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:40 Kitchen_Task3475 Crazy to think how many brilliant people there are in the world!

I used to be skeptic of academia and would even go as far as to claim that most published research is garbage by people who don't know what they are talking about.
But all the AI work that's coming out in the last years with people all around the world optimizing the ever living shit out of these models, and coming up with all novel and new methods and architectures. Really goes to show how many geniuses there are in the world.
Now culminating in the release of the open source Deepseak, it's crazy, you need infrastructure people, you need GPU people, you need software people, you need math people and all of them need to be wizards at what they do.
Now if only this brilliancy was reflected in the cultural, and political landscapes in our modern world, because I can't really remember the last time I saw someone worthy of admiration in those spaces, and there are so many posers.
submitted by Kitchen_Task3475 to singularity [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:40 Junkis In the case of PWA vs the police dept, prosecuting attorneys are:

In the case of PWA vs the police dept, prosecuting attorneys are: submitted by Junkis to pkmntcgmemes [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:40 Top-Information-5319 not wanting to make another post whining but it feels like something was changed, my strongest teams barely managed to get almost 3 stars, of course miyaby one wins

not wanting to make another post whining but it feels like something was changed, my strongest teams barely managed to get almost 3 stars, of course miyaby one wins submitted by Top-Information-5319 to ZenlessZoneZero [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:40 RahbinGraves Looking for advice to optimize my planned setup (see image for rough layout)

Looking for advice to optimize my planned setup (see image for rough layout) PC1 is my gaming PC kept in our office with most of the other stuff. Everything in there has an Ethernet connection. PC2 is connected to the living room PC so I can remote access my gaming PC. Currently it's connected directly to the MoCA adapter. I wanted to move my router into the living room since it's more central for wifi access and bridge the modem on the other end, but when I tried that, I couldn't get any of the devices separated by the MoCA adapters to be on the same network. So far the only way I can get all of my wired devices in the same IP pool for LAN connections is by putting both the router (set as access point) and modem (bridged) in the office, directly connected to each other. Right now I have a CAX30 Nighthawk modem and the router is Deco S4, but I decided to make an attempt using the modem that is part of my ISP to use in conjunction with the Nighthawk. The image shows my plan, but I was hoping someone more experienced might see any problems I'm missing.
Basically I need all devices on the same network to start with, then I can start isolating as I add my IoT devices back.
Thanks for any advice!
submitted by RahbinGraves to HomeNetworking [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:40 EveYogaTech Decentralized Publishing Launch ETA: 48 hours - "Filter by Core" :)

Decentralized Publishing Launch ETA: 48 hours - submitted by EveYogaTech to WPDrama [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:40 Simon-66 Yall won't believe who I saw at the store today

Yall won't believe who I saw at the store today submitted by Simon-66 to MassEffectMemes [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:40 toweljuice has anyone had any luck with an Osteopath?

I was seeing someone that is a neurologist-based massage therapist and she told me i should go to an osteopath to help with my balance issues.
I booked one for friday next week but I'm wondering if anyone has had any success with one? I havent talked to anyone who has seen an osteo before at all. I didn't learn about them until very recently.
submitted by toweljuice to FND [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:40 James_Green9801 Y'all rate my 7'3 big 🤣🤣🤣

Y'all rate my 7'3 big 🤣🤣🤣 submitted by James_Green9801 to NBA2k [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:40 Luisar_fansito XD

XD submitted by Luisar_fansito to OSITOGANG [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:40 Radiant-Bed835 pirating on mac question

i am getting a macbook pro m4 soon and i am wondering how does it work? I see alot of cracks that say intel processors only and then some that say "macOS 10.8+" so does that mean it will work with the silicone cpus? sorry ive never used macOs before
submitted by Radiant-Bed835 to CrackedPluginsHelp [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:40 suudoe Does Wooting have red keyboard cables?

Do they take custom requests?
submitted by suudoe to WootingKB [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:40 Early-Ant652 Action Sack Self Destruct Ban

I didn't think self destruct ban would still apply for a game mode like this, I just started and trying it out and now I can't play for 6 hours, seems kind of counter productive but what do I know.
submitted by Early-Ant652 to haloinfinite [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:40 TheMemeLord4816 Zombie Zoey!!!

Zombie Zoey!!! submitted by TheMemeLord4816 to Varanusthewizard [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:40 ineedcoffeeasap Exploring CT by myself

Is there any good places to explore tomorrow? I'll drive anywhere. I like coffee shops, books, and museums. Thrift stores are cool too. I'll take any recommendations at this point ◡̈
submitted by ineedcoffeeasap to Connecticut [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:40 Prudent-Schedule-516 Why hasn’t the FBI stepped in to stop Art?

I know these movies are pure fiction given people still being alive after their arms have been chopped off.
But after the first and second movie, why hasn’t law enforcement done more to try and stop Art.
In the third movie Art killed a cop and the police departments never seemed to follow up. In the fourth movie I hope to see the police have a much bigger role in stopping Art The Clown.
submitted by Prudent-Schedule-516 to terrifier [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:40 ASHTRAE22 Did this and thought you guys might enjoy it🙂

Did this and thought you guys might enjoy it🙂 submitted by ASHTRAE22 to snails [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:40 Key_Adhesiveness_517 Roland D7 Tom Sawyer

Anybody have a good patch for Tom Sawyer on the new roland D
submitted by Key_Adhesiveness_517 to Roland [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:40 diagonalley_kgl Is it ok ? My computer case short-circuited even i switched off.

Is it ok ? My computer case short-circuited even i switched off. My new computer used a metal case, and i found it short-circuited on the top rim. But the computer is work well. Just some time i got a bit electric shock when i touch it ?
submitted by diagonalley_kgl to electricians [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:40 Kiba_Legoshi I need a arm sleeve that dosent restrict my fingers.

I currently use the original skypad 3.0 palm arm sleeve. I realized it restricts my fingers witch inhibits my scores. Getting back into Aim training after a 1+ year break. Also this is my first reddit post.
submitted by Kiba_Legoshi to FPSAimTrainer [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:40 Disastrous-Tea-2377 [UPDATE] Battle game, it now has timestop!

Idea from AnaverageuserX
(t) TimeStop - The player enters an animation where they stop time. You have eight seconds to do what you please!
submitted by Disastrous-Tea-2377 to scratch [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:40 TheBlueprint__ Birthday Week for the Champ. IG post 01-24-25

Birthday Week for the Champ. IG post 01-24-25 submitted by TheBlueprint__ to TheLegitBoss [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:40 Castieltheangell Beyler imkansiz asklarinizi salin, ahanda benimki

Beyler imkansiz asklarinizi salin, ahanda benimki submitted by Castieltheangell to HGK [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:40 LifeIntelligent4532 De jó! Tudni fogom, hogy amúgy van klíma, csak nem működik...

De jó! Tudni fogom, hogy amúgy van klíma, csak nem működik... azt hinné az ember, hogy ez nem fost... pedig tuti az
submitted by LifeIntelligent4532 to hungary [link] [comments]