Exclusive: Hamas has added up to 15,000 fighters since start of war, US figures show

2025.01.25 00:46 ThinkTankDad Exclusive: Hamas has added up to 15,000 fighters since start of war, US figures show

Exclusive: Hamas has added up to 15,000 fighters since start of war, US figures show submitted by ThinkTankDad to FutureScenarios [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:46 TerribleName01 P0130

Check engine light and other
2015 Altima SV 2.5L 4Cyl
Code P0131. Getting both Overvoltage and undervoltage for bank 1 sensor 1.
Recent work done: new catalytic converter. New upstream o2 sensor
Another intermittent issue is car stalls after starting unless I give it gas (I will see the battery symbol on the dash but the battery tested good at oreillys) but for now mostly worried about passing inspection
submitted by TerribleName01 to mechanic [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:46 mmzzmmzz Looking for an Indian chef to start a business

Dm me the CV and contacts info
submitted by mmzzmmzz to Kuwait [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:46 desertranger3365 Incite Trophy

Is the incite trophy still position on burning skies, last one i need to platinum?
submitted by desertranger3365 to resistance [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:46 lemkowidmak Drexel Women's Basketball @DrexelWBB: AND-ONE🗣️#FearTheDragon🐉 https://t.co/9jWMaAdpPz

Drexel Women's Basketball @DrexelWBB: AND-ONE🗣️#FearTheDragon🐉 https://t.co/9jWMaAdpPz submitted by lemkowidmak to phillysports [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:46 srokenbam Can't stop crying

I am at the lowest point of my life. It is too much pressure and can't talk with anyone as I am too lonely. Have no one to share what I am going through. Feeling too much suffocated. Can't breath. Can't work. Having now hope, no ground to step on. whole life wanted to find a meaningful life, be brutely honest, work what I love, have a faithful partner, giving my 100% to my partner, making a life. having these thoughts I came to Canada on 2023. No one but me and God knows every seconds till that how much effort I have put on everything. But life is I don't know what to say. I am drowning so bad. I have sacrificed my family, friends my old life. But I really want to see light instead of a dead end of life at this point. I am so alone and scared, feeling weak, and depressed.
submitted by srokenbam to mentalhealth [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:46 Familiar_Battle133 Sou babaca por reclamar que minha irmã não gosta de comida de pobre?

Crescemos comendo comida de pobre, como hambúrguer, linguiça, ovo, steak. Até porque eramos pobres e nem sempre dava para comer carne por exemplo. Ela sempre comeu, e comia muito.
Cresceu e decidiu que não gosta mais. Ela literalmente diz que essas comidas não tem gosto. Faz cara feia para comidas assim. Comprei um monte de coisa que cabia no orçamento para durar até mês que vem, incluindo peixe, partes diferentes de frango e carne moída.
O correto para mim é intercalar em comidas melhores e comidas mais simples. Passamos 10 dias comendo filé de frango (ela for no mercado na metade do mês e não pensou no mês todo, só no que ela queria comer), e nos dias que eu precisei que ela cozinhasse, após eu ir no mercado ( e precisar me virar com orçamento de 15 dias para 20) sem ela e comprar coisas diferentes a gente comeu, adivinha: frango.
Assim não da p intercalar e ficamos meses comendo comidas mais simples.
Já tivemos um esquema cada um se vira, e ela gastava o mínimo possível com comidas (fígado e hamburguer) extremamente baratas para economizar. Estou pensando em deixar cada um por si novamente porque isso está desgastante..
Podem falar que é problema bobo, mas para mim não é.
submitted by Familiar_Battle133 to EuSouOBabaca [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:46 permanentburner89 Why won't PyInstaller - - onefile executables delete temp folders?

Anybody know why this happens? I read it's a common bug but I can't fix it.
Basically, I was making - - onefile executables with PyInstaller and they had no issues deleting the temp folder.
Then one day I moved my virtual environment and PyInstaller stopped working.
I un-installed and reinstalled it. Moved files around again and got it back working.
Now, it creates executables, but if I do - - onefile executables, they can't delete their temp folder, which will create storage problems fast if it's not resolved.
Ive already un-installed and reinstalled PyInstaller and that hasn't fixed anything.
Anybody know what to do about this? Thank you in advance.
submitted by permanentburner89 to learnpython [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:46 OtamendiHacemeLaCola Una patota agredió al equipo del móvil de TN mientras cubrían una protesta de vecinos reclamando por la inseguridad en La Matanza

Una patota agredió al equipo del móvil de TN mientras cubrían una protesta de vecinos reclamando por la inseguridad en La Matanza submitted by OtamendiHacemeLaCola to argentina [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:46 MJKsecretpornaccount O

submitted by MJKsecretpornaccount to ToolJerk [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:46 Inner-Instruction157 Weapon of mass destruction

Weapon of mass destruction submitted by Inner-Instruction157 to IRLweapons [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:46 Velmeran_60021 How do I deal with the crappy Roblox Tech Support when trying to recover my son's account?

We tried to add the contents of a Roblox gift card to my son's account and part of logging in glitched his account to the point where he couldn't access his account at all.
We tried tech support a lot. And the AI support bot sucked. It was awful. And it failed to help us claiming it couldn't verify us. It then suggested losing everything he's collected by starting a new account. What a ridiculous and stupid thing to say.
I'm unhappy and so this post is partly about me venting. But does anyone know how to overcome the terrible tech support?
submitted by Velmeran_60021 to RobloxHelp [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:46 gigagaming1256 Yeah why didn’t he?

Yeah why didn’t he? submitted by gigagaming1256 to meme [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:46 IPromiseTomorrow Did Sparkle B580 price increase?

Did Sparkle B580 price increase? I checked at my local Microcenter for b580s and saw the prices. Everything is normal except Sparkle's b580. From $269 to $299. This is spooky to me, because I'm thinking price increases will spread to other markets soon. I will say again, this is my local Micro Center's website, and I looked at New Egg, B&H, prices are the same.
submitted by IPromiseTomorrow to IntelArc [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:46 AOF_2001 Stirling GT

Stirling GT does anyone have a stock Stirling GT? i kinda ruined mine but installing Hao’s Special Upgrades. if someone would trade, it would be much appreciated 😉
GT: AOF2001
submitted by AOF_2001 to GTACarMeetMarket [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:46 didyouknowmywindowis My lonley pygmy corydora

My lonley pygmy corydora As the title says, i have a lonely pygmy cory dora and i need help getting him some friends lol.
i had a small shoal of pygmy corydoras for a while, unforunately over time they all died but one. i have no idea why the deaths occured, as i only have had them for a year. i do weekly water changes, i test my water often, and eveyrthing was always in tiptop shape. this led to kyle (my last pygmy) being all alone. hes been alone for nearly 2 months now, because all my local fish stores are not carrying any pygmies. ive ordered online, even from aqua huna and they arrived DOA. (aqua huna was amazing, it was not their fault it was USPS's fault.) anyways, ive tried everything but cant seem to get any pygmies.
this leads to my question: what are your go to sites for pygmy corydoras?
BTW, he is not completely alone. i have a couple rosy tetras in with him right now. he and the rosy tetras get along so well and he really likes them. he seems to be healthy and happy (as happy as he can be alone) hes not shy and always hangs out ontop of the drift wood.
submitted by didyouknowmywindowis to corydoras [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:46 ddanudes What does being “truly happy” mean to you? Is it achievable?

submitted by ddanudes to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:46 SherbertHorror9045 Any suggestions?

Any suggestions? Somebody help please. Idk what happened one month she's thriving and flourishing and the next she's losing leaves and just drooping. I water rarely in the winter and they way I water is by leaving them in a bowl of water to soak for 10 min. I've never had a plant act like this before. My other pathos also just went through the same thing as well. I had to repot it and start over. I wish I had before photos to show. She gets indirect sunlight everyday. I spray my plants for humidity once a week. She has great living quarters i just can't figure it out. Any suggestion?
submitted by SherbertHorror9045 to plantclinic [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:46 stellarhymns I have this thing where I can hit every note when I isolate the lyrics, but when I perform as a whole I lose traction here or there? How do i improve this?

submitted by stellarhymns to ratemysinging [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:46 --Giygas How to add to existing armies?

Trying to configure for my steam deck and this is the one thing I am stumped on.
submitted by --Giygas to TempestRising [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:46 always_sunny456 Narrow Vacuam Sealing bags for 1-2 dried sausages...where to buy.

I typically vac seal 4 dried sausages together, but am looking for a narrower roll of bags so i can seal just 1-2 per bag. Does anyone sell a 4-5" wide bag? or even narrower? Thanks
submitted by always_sunny456 to Charcuterie [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:46 os2mac CNN blocking Chrome from viewing articles saying "You're out of free articles. " Only happens on Chrome.

I dont' see the error on the same computer in Safari or Firefox. Anyone got any idea how to fix this?
submitted by os2mac to cnn [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:46 Delicious_Diver_6968 Turnips for 185!

Turnips for 185! Comment island name and I’ll dm code!
submitted by Delicious_Diver_6968 to TurnipExchange [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:46 IAdmitILie Charges dropped against Texas doctor accused of sharing records

Charges dropped against Texas doctor accused of sharing records submitted by IAdmitILie to Destiny [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:46 wishywashy4390 Borrowed B4- Need $50 will pay back $70

Hello there, I have borrowed here once before successfully. I really need $50 & can back $70 February 3rd. I have venmo, PayPal & cash app.
The reason is embarrassing, I had to leave a dv situation and it ate up my $$. If anyone can help please let me know. Like I said, I've successfully borrowed & paid before so no scammers.
submitted by wishywashy4390 to BorrowmoneyOnline [link] [comments]
