Better beat?

2025.01.25 00:41 icantfindmylegs Better beat?

Better beat? submitted by icantfindmylegs to Lucki [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:41 Calterino ...

... submitted by Calterino to LatinoPeopleTwitter [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:41 Ok-Test2588 EEITAAAAAA ARTHUR (ala dill deu em cima do arthur)

EEITAAAAAA ARTHUR (ala dill deu em cima do arthur)
submitted by Ok-Test2588 to Dillian [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:41 Jojocrash7 I’m starting to think this “funny bumper stickers” subreddit is actually just super far left anti everything that isn’t calling the right Nazis, rapists, or pedos lol. I post something that’s actually on the back of a car and get removed but everything else is fine.

I’m starting to think this “funny bumper stickers” subreddit is actually just super far left anti everything that isn’t calling the right Nazis, rapists, or pedos lol. I post something that’s actually on the back of a car and get removed but everything else is fine. And this was all the very first ones that I saw while scrolling the subreddit. Apparently a tire cover isn’t good enough but propaganda is. I’m neither side in politics I hate both sides completely but this is just excessive the amount of anti right shit on the subreddit about funny bumper stickers. Why remove the closest thing to a bumper sticker but not random shit
submitted by Jojocrash7 to memesopdidnotlike [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:41 Monsters_Den Monsters' Den Presents: Hydrovenator

Monsters' Den Presents: Hydrovenator submitted by Monsters_Den to AllThingsDND [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:41 Past-Version-697 MCDB Iowa State University invites are out

submitted by Past-Version-697 to gradadmissions [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:41 masaccio87 now everybody’s singin’…

now everybody’s singin’… submitted by masaccio87 to ADTR [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:41 Acrobatic-Tea8392 Sorry if silly question, but can two people compete at same time singing a song like in Singstar?

Just got Let’s Sing for PS5 and I cannot work out if two players with two mics can compete/duel each other singing the same song at the same time like in the old Singstar? It seems you can only compete with each other if you are separately singing the same song or just sing different bits of the same song. Sorry if this is an easy answer and I am just not setting it up correctly.
submitted by Acrobatic-Tea8392 to LetsSingGame [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:41 neviru My dream 7800 XT PC

My dream 7800 XT PC submitted by neviru to radeon [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:41 wesmantooth111 Mitsubishi minisplit on the fritz

Mitsubishi minisplit on the fritz The system (1 outdoor with 2 indoor heads) has been having problems lately. Its been cold here 10-25°F, so occassionally the internal heads will frost up when we try and heat these back rooms. Occassionally the units shut off and wont respond to the remote. Today the ground floor unit is unresponsive and has a red light in the back lit (it is not blinking, just on). It is also unresponsive to the reset button. Any help as to what the problem is, would be greatly appreciated.
submitted by wesmantooth111 to hvacadvice [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:41 IngenuityPast8091 Book Club

I recently moved to the area and was looking to potentially start up a book club if people were interested.
submitted by IngenuityPast8091 to KingstonOntario [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:41 Cleric_Horse Super hypo question

Super hypo question I hsve a question for you guys, is it impossible for a female boa to be super hypo? Is a super hypo dependent on sex or is it not possible at all ? I'm having a really hard time finding answers on this because they do exist but the main animals I see are males. I ask because I am none the wiser to how this stuff works.
This came up because I was given a boa that was labeled as a super hypo jungle female boa. Someone else says it's not possible to be a super hypo because they claim she is a motley and not jungle at all. I don't know how these genetics work at all and I'd really like an in depth explanation on if she could be motley or not and if that's the only reason she can't be a super hypo. Thsbks so much for your time guys here she is for reference
submitted by Cleric_Horse to boas [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:41 urMOMSchesticles Me: “why is there a fuck Pierre subreddit? he’s not that bad.” Me two days later: “oh…..”

Me: “why is there a fuck Pierre subreddit? he’s not that bad.” Me two days later: “oh…..” submitted by urMOMSchesticles to FuckPierre [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:41 AsianYouAng Does anyone know this symbiote girl art? I think the owner deactivated his account from DeviantArt

Does anyone know this symbiote girl art? I think the owner deactivated his account from DeviantArt submitted by AsianYouAng to Spiderman [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:41 Alaric_Darconville Picture from my property in Florida this morning

submitted by Alaric_Darconville to natureporn [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:41 reidso22222222 Glitch

Had equipped my dawg and released it to fight and it just disappeared from the screen and my storage, has this happened to anyone else? 😭
submitted by reidso22222222 to GenerationZeroGame [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:41 FCKACTN Is it me or has the pod just been lit every episode since the end of last year

submitted by FCKACTN to BiggestBrosEnt [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:41 frizzlefraggle High mileage 4th gen rav4?

Looking at a 2016 RAV4 with 160,000 miles. I’d expect 200k-250k easy but anyone have a 4th gen with high mileage?
submitted by frizzlefraggle to rav4club [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:41 StrangePotential5360 Chalk tested my 35's- first timer

Chalk tested my 35's- first timer 35x12.50r18 Hankook Dynapro AT2's AT's(not made anymore) After getting my steering fixed I decided to try the chalk test just out of curiousity.
They were always at 35psi and it was rough, I lowered down to 34 still rough. I'm going to be needing tires by May and I'm still deciding what to go with( looking at Gladiator X-Comp AT's or Bridgestone KO3's)
Today I did the chalk test and tried 33psi and eventually 30psi but tpms is going crazy(need to order jscan and set) but here is the results at 30psi
Apologies for the quality, it was getting dark
submitted by StrangePotential5360 to Wrangler [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:41 New-Self338 1:1

1:1 submitted by New-Self338 to Monopoly_GO [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:41 CBotVonKoopa Seeking Exeggutor and Machamp EX

Seeking Exeggutor and Machamp EX Having trouble getting a second Exeggutor and Machamp EX! Cards for trade on launch in image.
submitted by CBotVonKoopa to PokemonPocketTradeCo [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:41 SansevieriaQueen Acrylic Pour on Mini Canvases

Easy project for anyone
submitted by SansevieriaQueen to PaintingTutorials [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:41 Derpturtle2 I made the drone shipping containers from ac7 in Kerbal Space Program (wouldve made it retractable if i had the dlcs)

I made the drone shipping containers from ac7 in Kerbal Space Program (wouldve made it retractable if i had the dlcs) submitted by Derpturtle2 to KerbalPlanes [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:41 Flaky-Ad-2443 Nanami deserved better

Nanami deserved better submitted by Flaky-Ad-2443 to LobotomyKaisen [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:41 EfficiencyOverall911 Medical Indemnity

Do we need personal indemnity insurance if working at Queensland health as a registrar? I was told that we don't need to arrange it on our own.
submitted by EfficiencyOverall911 to ausjdocs [link] [comments]