2025.01.26 06:20 maiiqueen Díganme si mi gata no era la más hermosa mi bello ángel
submitted by maiiqueen to cat [link] [comments] |
2025.01.26 06:20 Rey_luis_tercero Arcane's social structure is poorly written
I want to start this by saying i think some of Arcane's writing is extraordinary, especially in S1, but i also think it lacks depth in everything related to the Zaun/Piltover dynamic. In most series, and in S2 since it focuses more in the arcane, i don't care if the politics of a fantasy setting are not porperly explained. But season one is ALL about politics, most characters are eihter politicians, gang members, pilocemen or fought in a revolution. Thay really could have gone more in depth, througth S1 we hear a lot about how opresive Piltover is, but we don't really SEE it. We don't ever see Piltover exploiting Zauns resources nor labor. As far as we can tell, once wealth is not derived from the others poverty. And i know they didn't have infinite time and money to make every aspect perfect, but it's a major plot point and i think it could be easily fixed too. We now Piltover is very technological and that Zaunites are miners, they could have added a two seconds dialogue were they explain Piltovers tech is built with Zauns blood. The only oppression we see is police brutality, wich irl is never the problem but more so a way to maintain an already oppresive system. So what do y'all think? Am i missing some nuance?. Pd: i apologize for any errors in my English, im not a native speaker.
submitted by Rey_luis_tercero to arcane [link] [comments]
2025.01.26 06:20 Danger_Tomorrow Thinking of becoming an accountant
Would doing summer school lessen the amount of time needed? I keep hearing it should take 4 years, but I'm trying to escape retail and I never really had a "summer off", so I can handle summer school.
submitted by Danger_Tomorrow to Accounting [link] [comments]
2025.01.26 06:20 aditya_Transformer Unacademy vs PW for GATE CS 2026
Hi everyone, I need some real guidance on subscription purchase for gate 2026. I was enrolled into unacademy for gate 2025, the educators there were good no doubt, but I need to extend my subscription further, So based on current scenario of faculties, problem solving and best content where should I go for PW or Unacademy. My opinion :- If I go for unacademy I guess I will be watching there gate 2025 lectures only, I don't think current educators ache honge.
submitted by aditya_Transformer to GATEtard [link] [comments]
2025.01.26 06:20 AppropriatePirate702 P16
Been playing a few weeks and so far out of the base game big rigs, the P16 seems to be pretty goated. Going to download a dlc truck/s any recommendations
submitted by AppropriatePirate702 to snowrunner [link] [comments]
2025.01.26 06:20 kxachz is our boy cooked
submitted by kxachz to ArgentiMains [link] [comments] |
2025.01.26 06:20 DiligentCrazy8991 Entitled women at their finest
So I liked a couple pictures of a woman who is 42. She has some soft porn pics. I made a joke about giving her a spanking. She's goes on to say she will block me because of my joke. Your half naked and your crying about a joke. Maybe you shouldn't have half naked pics. submitted by DiligentCrazy8991 to 40something [link] [comments] |
2025.01.26 06:20 ssr-boy-mr-xianzhong 无论如何我都支持川普
无论如何我都支持川普,川普不这样搞全世界,大的怎么来? 让民主党上台,团结盟友一心对付匪国,平子哪还敢打台巴? 不打台巴大的怎么来? 日本唇亡齿寒必须援台,不用担心台湾会沦陷,最多死点人而已。国内也暗流涌动容易崩溃,只需要一场战争作为开启洪水乱世的契机。
submitted by ssr-boy-mr-xianzhong to LOOK_CHINA [link] [comments]
2025.01.26 06:20 Pedrovisketion Aranha marrom?
São Paulo submitted by Pedrovisketion to BiologiaBrasil [link] [comments] |
2025.01.26 06:20 diosobreelcielo225 Liberty or death! 🗣️🗣️🗣️
submitted by diosobreelcielo225 to Rakkun [link] [comments] |
2025.01.26 06:20 RepairUnit3k6 RPG Growth : Which stat increases damage of throwing items, if any ?
I am quite far into modded playthru. SolideTitan charcter. I am thinking about next play going for Ninja/Kunoichi. But seeing that Ninja is DEX heavy character that utilizes throwing items, I wanted to ask if DEX or any other stat is improving damage of throwing weapons. By throwing weapon I mean generic "throwable item" category, not RPGG's own Shuriken category. I tried looking at fandom wiki, it seems horribly outdated, I looked up RPGG's google docs page where none of stats include throwable items and if they count as "ranged attacks" and therefore are improved by DEX is up to speculation. I'd love to know ahead of starting ninja playthrough so I know if I have to spend points on any other stats should DEX not affect throwable items.
submitted by RepairUnit3k6 to starbound [link] [comments]
2025.01.26 06:20 random_dude1111 Engine nacelle misalignment, any quick fixes?
submitted by random_dude1111 to GeminiJets [link] [comments] |
2025.01.26 06:20 Character-Worker-131 BC has not grown nor shrunk/on antibiotics over a week now
Small bartholin cyst for 2 weeks
Hey everyone. So the first time I had a bartholin cyst I was 19. It was huge and it lasted a week. I went to my OBGYN at the time and she diagnosed it as such. She didn’t give me any meds or anything and recommended hot baths. It was the most painful experience, and it was as large as a really big grape. Finally, it bursted after about a week. It was so horrible.
Fast forward I am now 25, and 2 Saturdays ago I woke up with one on the same side. Nowhere near as big as the last one, but still painful. I was taking ibuprofen and as many hot baths as I could. But I work full time in childcare and I couldn’t take care of it as much as I wanted. I was able to get into my new OBGYN Friday of last week, and she diagnosed it and gave me an antibiotic and ibuprofen 800s.
Now it’s almost 9 days on the antibiotic and ibuprofen. It doesn’t hurt unless I touch it now. It hasn’t gotten any bigger, but also not smaller. It’s firm and about the size of a chickpea, maybe a bit smaller. It hurts enough to touch that I can’t have sex with my husband. I’m not sure the antibiotic is doing anything. Last time it was much bigger that when it finally bursted I mean it BURSTED. This one is not nearly that large so I’m curious if it will burst at all. Should I call the doctor back Monday? What can I do? Has anyone had a similar experience with one that is small yet painful?
TL;DR: Bartholin cyst has not grown nor shrunk since starting antibiotics/antimfiammatories over a week ago. Chickpea size, if not smaller. Painful to touch still. Will one this small burst/need drained?
submitted by Character-Worker-131 to BartholinCyst [link] [comments]
2025.01.26 06:20 Honda--Civic I’m ruining my relationship by worrying and idk how to stop
My gf is very dry, when she’s tired she texts like she’s mad and she sounds like she’s mad, and then she gets frustrated when I ask if she’s mad, and says that it’s like I don’t trust her.
I get where she’s coming from, but idk how not to worry when her tone sounds like she hates me. I can’t keep doing it then apologizing, that happened tonight and she said my apology didn’t matter because I’d do it again tomorrow.
Idk how to quit worrying, it’s a constant fear that each day with her might be the last. She just always seems so tired of me when she gets dry.
submitted by Honda--Civic to self [link] [comments]
2025.01.26 06:20 i_make_edits_on_ytb random pictures
random submitted by i_make_edits_on_ytb to RandomPics [link] [comments] |
2025.01.26 06:20 Objective-Coconut180 I only found steezy because of salah
I found steezy when she was trashing salah after all those allegations came forward and bro if I didn’t hate salah before I definitely do now it’s all her fault I’m aware of this awful human being that should be a crime punishable by law
submitted by Objective-Coconut180 to steezytoursnark [link] [comments]
2025.01.26 06:20 ApplicationSoft9550 Am I cooked chat?
submitted by ApplicationSoft9550 to Brawlstars [link] [comments] |
2025.01.26 06:20 cartiburneraccount3 When are we getting any new maps or anything new ?
It's been 4 years since the last release and I personally love the game , but I'm starting to get bored with doing the same thing over and over again. I have everything beat including freelancer and I'm level 1022 🫠
submitted by cartiburneraccount3 to HiTMAN [link] [comments]
2025.01.26 06:20 kratehunter Guys what’s Trash Trevino’s Zodiac sign?
submitted by kratehunter to astrologymemes [link] [comments] |
2025.01.26 06:20 Emergency_Ease_5775 Snacka om 18+ irls? Dma eller kommentera din session här under
submitted by Emergency_Ease_5775 to tiktoktjej [link] [comments]
2025.01.26 06:20 RosieCotton-Dancing Who’s Afraid of Little Old Me
No, you’re not fine. You lied to me and I’m still not getting the truth. I don’t know if you actually do have D.I.D., or a clever coder is meddling and sabotaged the friendship we had that I’m fighting to get back.
Whoever this is, isn't who I remember, and it’s not who I was presented with, either. So who knows what’s going to happen when that second letter arrives. I still think the simplest explanation is likely the right one.
Whatever it is, you know how to find me if you want to. I'm not playing this game anymore, and I'm not going to stay in the darkness with you any longer.
My heart is an open door. But you're sure as fuck being a coward.
So I’m moving forward. To find the man from my dreams. The one I know is real, and looking for me, too.
What the hell are you so afraid of, huh?
submitted by RosieCotton-Dancing to UnsentLetters [link] [comments]
2025.01.26 06:20 Ana_Darkness [For Hire] I'll draw anything you want! Please send me a DM if you're interested ^^
submitted by Ana_Darkness to HungryArtists [link] [comments] |
2025.01.26 06:20 timediplomat Creeping as a Service (CraaS) - How Spoonbill reveals our obsession with identity
submitted by timediplomat to Longreads [link] [comments]
2025.01.26 06:20 Educational_Share605 Group 055be9f1e10aaa94c945b75478c729e9aaca032e41be1768c8f14a1dcc41f49122
submitted by Educational_Share605 to AbbychampNSFW [link] [comments]
2025.01.26 06:20 Jagtom83 NSW cabinet minister Jo Haylen's electorate office vandalised for 'fourth time'
submitted by Jagtom83 to LaborPartyofAustralia [link] [comments] |