Is it me or did snowbezr give more snowflakes last beesmas

2025.01.26 06:10 A_random_dudeidk Is it me or did snowbezr give more snowflakes last beesmas

Cos last beesmas i got like 300snowflakes from like. Lvl13 And now from a lvl10 it gave 100 yes i know its a 3lvl diffrence but still
submitted by A_random_dudeidk to BeeSwarmSimulator [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 06:10 DFOadmin Sharks place Ty Dellandrea on injured reserve

submitted by DFOadmin to DailyFaceoff [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 06:10 thatrandomguy565 Its gonna be a strong love hate relationship with this game isnt it?

In case it isnt obvious, I’m fresh. This was my first PvP where I actually (kinda) stood a chance and it wasnt against kitted out players hunting fresh spawns. My buddy(a lot more experienced) and I usually play on low pop Livonia or Chernarus, today we made pretty good progress, hell I even managed to find some NVGs, a saiga, had upwards of 120 9mm rounds for a suppressed MP5, the whole nine. We were looking for some gear at a military outpost when my buddy got dropped in one shot because he chose to wear a field vest instead of a plate carrier. Thus me hiding in a room for upwards of thirty minutes before sneaking around, I go to check my buddy’s corpse to see what they took and I was promptly knocked unconscious, saved by my plate carrier, I played dead for about a minute in the rain before running back inside and taking position, promptly followed by two players, one of them managed to eat a full drum mag from the saiga before dying, and before I could swap to a different weapon I’m promptly domed by his buddy, so… yeah, gonna be a strong love hate relationship huh?
submitted by thatrandomguy565 to dayz [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 06:10 J0hn-_-J0n5on CEO of being ass

CEO of being ass submitted by J0hn-_-J0n5on to Brawlstarsmeme [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 06:10 missida2608 Wie nach praktischer Prüfung abschalten können?

Guten Morgen,
hört sich vielleicht doof an - aber ich hatte diese Woche meine praktische Prüfung gehabt und seitdem geht es mir psychisch echt schlecht, ich wunder mich selber darüber wie schlecht es mir geht.
Ich muss auch sagen, die Prüfung verlief überhaupt nicht gut und gefühlt lief alles schief was nur schief laufen konnte.. ich hab zwar nichts patientengefährdendes gemacht (hoffe ich zumindest), aber leider haben sich viele Fehler aufeinander gestapelt (wovon ich die meisten auch reflektiert habe), dass ich wahrscheinlich mies verkackt habe.
Trotzdem muss ich natürlich weiter machen für die mündliche Prüfung, jedoch kann ich seitdem nicht mehr gut schlafen, ich zerbreche mir 24/7 den Kopf darüber und bin durchgehend traurig und motivationslos.
Ich habe mich auch versucht schon so gut wie es geht abzulenken mit Unternehmungen mit dem Freund, lecker essen gehen usw., aber irgendwie hilft es mir nicht so lange.
Da ich natürlich keine andere Wahl habe als zu warten bis ich meine Ergebnisse habe, ich aber natürlich nicht auch noch meine mündliche Prüfung vermasseln will, wollte ich mal nach Tipps oder Erfahrungswerten fragen, wie ihr damit umgegangen seid (klar jeder ist da anders).
Ich danke euch allen und ich wünsche euch einen ruhigen Dienst, ein schönes Frei oder einen schönen Urlaub!
submitted by missida2608 to Pflege [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 06:10 General_Ric Tigrinha visita Fracassopolis?!?!

Tigrinha visita Fracassopolis?!?! Olá fracassados e fracassadas, gostaria de anunciar que a tigrinha veio direto de Farialimabets para nós visitar e ver as artes dela em nosso sub, ela disse que amou cada uma delas e manda um abraço para todos os fracassences. Nós também concordamos em um acordo comercial, em que, Farialimabets poderá vender cursos e bolos no pote em nossa humilde cidade em troca de mais "artes saborosas". Obrigado a todos os Fracassados envolvidos nesse evento, e lembrem-se de sempre apostar no tigrinho antes das 3:00. GLÓRIA A FRACASSOPOLIS!!!
submitted by General_Ric to Fracassopolis [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 06:10 Proof-Material9820 found juice's steam account

found juice's steam account
submitted by Proof-Material9820 to JuiceWRLD [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 06:10 Bhim2 I understand the disclaimer they have put regarding the Election but why is it stating misinfo here?

I understand the disclaimer they have put regarding the Election but why is it stating misinfo here? submitted by Bhim2 to ChatGPT [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 06:10 oldwall7606 To everyone who played this game every day, you're all true springfielders. And just remember, A noble spirit embiggens the smallest man.

To everyone who played this game every day, you're all true springfielders. And just remember, A noble spirit embiggens the smallest man. submitted by oldwall7606 to tappedout [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 06:10 Apprehensive-Boss-41 Am I the asshole for wanting to hangout with my friend’s ex that cheated on him?

My friend and his wife head been married for 10 years or so and I met them through a mutual friend 3-4 years ago. I met them both at the same time and they had really always been together in my mind. Last year she cheated on him with their roommate … long story short, I think I’ve always liked her better than him. She was more fun, interesting, and just all around cool. I took my friends side right away but now I’m kinda regretting it… thoughts?
submitted by Apprehensive-Boss-41 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 06:10 awwshole Anyone travelling to Surat from Ahmedabad on 26th after cold play?

Hey, me and my wife are travelling from Bangalore. Need some help to get to surat post the 26th Jan cold play show in Ahmedabad. Can anyone help me on this? 🙏🏼
submitted by awwshole to surat [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 06:10 Major-Let-6568 Ryzen 7 9700x or 5070 Ti

i know the title is really dumb but i need help deciding. So i live in india and will be coming to the US in early feb, due to my budget constraints i can only get one thing as of now, a microcenter ryzen 7 9700x bundle or a RTX 5070 ti founders edition. I've been wanting to get the graphics card after hearing about the shortage incoming and what if later it rises in price like 2021, but if i got only the gpu i wont be able to run the computer, however if i get the cpu combo i will be able to get the pc running, even the integrated gpu is going to be better than my current gpu (gt 730). Please help me decide a better one.
submitted by Major-Let-6568 to buildapc [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 06:10 Beach_Expert [Japanese > English]Concern over an e-mail to an older friend

This may not be a translation question, but I heard that I should post this here.
I recently replied to an e-mail that an older friend in Japan sent to me over New Year's. I had sent him a message before, telling him a late New Year's greeting, and since he had/has been feeling bad, and had the flu last year, I wanted to check up. Anyways, I am concerned that this last one I sent, especially a couple of sentences and a typo, could come across as rude, or something that can just be laughed off as no big deal. Here is the conversation after my initial e-mail:
My friend:
お久しぶりです、あけましておめでとうございます~ 私はまあまあ何とかやっております、
今度こそお会いして、 どこかで食事でもしながらお話したく思います。 前回は僕がコロナやらインフルエンザで、 記憶障害になってしまっていました。 今度、 日本にお越しの際は 私まで御連絡いただけませんか?お会いしたいです。
My reply:
The few things in this reply that I am concerned about are whether or not I should have begun this message with '明けましておめでとうございます。’ Even though it was already late. But he said it to me. However, in my first e-mail, I had already said '新年のご挨拶が遅くなりましたが、お元気でいらっしゃいますか。' and ended with, '本年もよろしくお願いいたします。’
This sentence, '色々と大変だったかと思いますが、少しずつ良くなられているといいですね。' I am hoping it means something like, "I'm sure it was tough (being sick), but I hope you are starting to/are feeling better little by little now." Should it be, ’なるといいですね。’?
Last question I have is my error of using ’無料’ instead of '無理’.
I am hoping my friend recognizes it as a typo or just finds it funny. But, is it a big deal?
Anyways, sorry for the long post. If you guys can offer any input, I would love to hear it, as I am a bit uneasy over this.
submitted by Beach_Expert to translator [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 06:10 PatchTheMedic funny/silly uneducated things about women's anatomy that wasn't at all supposed to be offensive, just genuinely didn't know?

My youngest brother (16m) shares a bathroom with me, I have a heavy flow and so i use a lot of tampons. my brother noticed all the blood in the trashcan and he got very concerned, poor kid shuffled up to me in the kitchen and asked in a worried tone, "are you okay??? do you need to go to the hospital???" he was honestly scared for my wellbeing because i "lost so much blood" and he was like, "how are you even still alive???" poor kid looked like he saw a ghost.
submitted by PatchTheMedic to badwomensanatomy [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 06:10 my_Little__Unicorn One night with cockroaches

One night with cockroaches To postando aqui pq n sei outro sub pra postar isso
Eu tava na minha cama de boa, aí eu sinto um negócio no meu pé, eu tirei super rápido e fui ver se tinha alguma coisa, até pq eu achei que era barata. Aí não achei nada, e até pensei que fossem os bigodes da minha gata mas fiquei de olho, coloquei meu cll pra carregar e do nada minha gata(não a que tava na cama) sai correndo pra perto da minha cama e começa brincar com algo que eu não consigui ver, peguei o meu celular e liguei a lanterna, quando eu vi, era uma barata, na mesma hora que a luz bateu nela, ela correu pra debaixo da minha cama, nisso eu fiqueicom medo dela subir pelo vão entre a parede e a minha cama. Passou um ttempo(menos de um minuto) e minha gata começou a bater no que eu achei que fosse o chaveiro da bolsa da minha irmã, era uma barata, ela saiu correndo pra debaixo da minha cama, mas antes dela chegar, minha gata de um tapão nela que ela virou(tipo bafo), nisso eu catei o meu chinelo nela, e vonsegui errar, não que eu tenha errado, mas pegou de lado e ela foi na direção oposta, aproveitei que ela ainda tava de barriga pra cima e botei meu chinelo em cima dela e esmaguei(ela ainda ta agonizando). Nisso eu to apontando pra cada canto da minha cama com a panterna pra essa vagabunda não sair de la de baixo, o inseticida acabou TuT e a minha gata acabou de sair pra varanda e a minha outra gata que n pega nem uma bolinha direito ta dormindo aqui do meu lado
submitted by my_Little__Unicorn to adolescentesbr [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 06:10 jodio_hoestar drawing tablet suggestion around 200

my parent is getting me a drawing tablet I'm guessing the max is around 200? I have a wacom tablet now that I stole from my school(I'll give it back) I was hoping to get one with a screen that could connect to my phone(not sure if they all can) tysm
submitted by jodio_hoestar to drawingtablet [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 06:10 IntoTheStupidDanger My happy boring life

on Preservation Fucking Station. Murderbot says that when talking about getting back to its normal life once it wraps up the investigation in Exit Strategy. And it always makes me happy to imagine what it and PresAux get up to when not on dangerous missions. We know that they spend time at the theater together, and Murderbot always has media to enjoy. Based on the recent props auction, the new series seems to be featuring artistic hobbies among the Preservation team, which I love. And I can still imagine Gurathin maintaining a fabulous tank full of exotic fish. Something tells me Pin-Lee would enjoy parkour or its future equivalent. Mensah? I feel she spends a not-insignificant amount of time deep in media too.
What other hobbies and activities do you think Murderbot and the team might enjoy?
submitted by IntoTheStupidDanger to murderbot [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 06:10 -Suspicioustrader Domestic Travel

How do I maximize points used for domestic travel?
submitted by -Suspicioustrader to amex [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 06:10 marylilacc where should i put my bed???

(please ignore my messy and all-over the place room, i'm in the middle of moving stuff in and out). i'm literally so stressed out with my room layout. this is my childhood bedroom and i've had my bed in every corner and angle you could think of but there's never been a PERFECT one. like, there's always something that makes it not right. i personally hate this room and the windows are horrid. i'm trying to make it work though, please let me know where you all think my bed should be, i could really use some input!
submitted by marylilacc to DesignMyRoom [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 06:10 johnathontj_22 Lien

I have someone I know that got into a small accident with there car that had no insurance, & the car still has about 25k left on it, but they won’t take it back I guess cuz it didn’t have insurance so they would have to fix it to resell? So long story short I want to buy it for cheap from him but before I do I want to know if there’s anyway to void a lien, does anyone know if what I’m asking is possible ?
submitted by johnathontj_22 to car [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 06:10 YSG_GG Lavatorio Signs

What is the significance of the sign the orisha comes in lavatorio and does it impact the message of the sign they provide in ita? Its been explained to me, but im still struggling to understand it.
submitted by YSG_GG to Santeria [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 06:10 TheOGRex The hero can't forgive a redeemed villain, but recognizes their desire to change

The hero can't forgive a redeemed villain, but recognizes their desire to change Luke Skywalker (ROTJ) knows that Vader's crimes are irredeemable, but chooses to honor his sacrifice and change to the light.
Optimus Prime (IDW) recognizes Megatron's defection to the Autobots as a true change of heart, but does not let him off the hook for his violent ways.
Miles Morales (Spider-Man 2) doesn't forgive Martin Li for killing his father, but appreciates his help in saving Peter and the city.
submitted by TheOGRex to TopCharacterTropes [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 06:10 beetroottree [homemade] pan seared duck breast with wine reduction, duck leg confit with kumquat jam with a side of salad, on buttery mashed potato. First time buying a whole duck!

[homemade] pan seared duck breast with wine reduction, duck leg confit with kumquat jam with a side of salad, on buttery mashed potato. First time buying a whole duck! submitted by beetroottree to food [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 06:10 Massive_Pumpkin5164 Need help with lost cat

Need help with lost cat Lost her yesterday night in Half Desert/الرويه
Her name is Ray and she’s microchipped (no collar, clothes, or airtag). She’s a black/orange Persian and her nost is injured and slightly red. She responds to the sound of a shopping bag.
submitted by Massive_Pumpkin5164 to dubai [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 06:10 Present_Medicine7159 This might be the month

This might be the month Unfortunately the AfterHours app doesn’t work well for me (doesn’t recognise a bunch of positions for some reason) so I gave up on it but after a crazy crypto run getting very close to the $10m mark!
It’s not all crypto obviously, about $2m in real estate, just under $2m in stocks and about $1m in cash or equivalents
submitted by Present_Medicine7159 to TheRaceTo10Million [link] [comments]