Painting Your 3D Renders

Bonjour à tous et toutes les artistes :) Je me permet de mettre ce post car j'ai un problème depuis hier avec ma tablette huion Q11K sur photoshop. Lorsque je fait un trait le dessin ne suit pas exactement le tracé que je fait sur ma tablette (il y a quelques centièmes de seconde de décalage). Po... have been doing与 have done的用法区别现在完成进行时1)从过去开始持续到现在并还可能持续下去2)现在看出明显结果现在进行时1)此时此刻正在进行的动作2)现阶段经常发生的动作现在完成时:1)过去发生的动作对现 Novice complète en digital painting, je me suis laissée tenter par ces cours pour me familiariser avec Procreate et toutes ces fonctionnalités, je ne suis pas déçue! J'ai réalisé des illustrations de folies, en suivant les instructions de Spartan. Les cours sont dynamiques et prenant, j'ai toujours hâte de passer au suivant. Apprends le digital painting avec des cours structurés et rejoins la communauté ! Deviens l'artiste que tu rêves d'être. Sa toile fait sensation et va connaître une éclatante renommée. Le réalisme employé est digne de celui des peintres flamands dans le traitement des deux oiseaux, la souplesse de la ligne et la sensualité des figures humaines respectant parfaitement la règle établie par Ingres, son aîné et contemporain. Apprends le digital painting, le dessin et la 3D avec une communauté de passionnés grâce à des cours complets en ligne et le suivi de formateurs professionnels. Concept art, illustration, dessin, manga, donne enfin vie sans limite à tout ce que tu imagines et atteins tes objectifs, même professionnels. Heading to sell their wares in a large market, the heaviest items atop large carrying herbivores, who are very gentle. Some ride faster quadrupedal animals, still loaded with as much as they can carry. Just arriving are the grandest merchants among them, with fleets of goods. One among them is raising one of these animals, for now just a tiny infant floating alongside them, only able to carry ... Apprends le digital painting avec des cours structurés et rejoins la communauté ! Deviens l'artiste que tu rêves d'être. Et l'inscription est gratuite ! Car apprendre le digital painting ne se fait pas en 10h mais s’étale sur plusieurs mois, voire années et on n’arrête jamais d’apprendre. Le secret pour réussir est de rester motivé . Voici la première raison pour laquelle les cours sont étalés sur plusieurs mois : te guider au fil du temps et garder ta motivation à son top le temps d’apprendre les bases et de prendre confiance ... Apprends le digital painting avec des cours structurés et rejoins la communauté ! Deviens l'artiste que tu rêves d'être. Et l'inscription est gratuite !

2025.01.26 07:09 3dguy2 Painting Your 3D Renders

Painting Your 3D Renders submitted by 3dguy2 to 3Dmodeling [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 07:09 DeathCat123 Day three of asking this, favorite character voiced by LONGITUDE AND LAITUDE????????

Day three of asking this, favorite character voiced by LONGITUDE AND LAITUDE???????? submitted by DeathCat123 to supermariologan_ [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 07:09 UI-DANNY_BOY Current Johan vs Current Goo but with different weapons in each round

Current Johan vs Current Goo but with different weapons in each round submitted by UI-DANNY_BOY to LookismPowerScalers [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 07:09 DonnieDarkMode Why was the first expansion a disappointment?

I hear YouTubers and across some media saying that the first expansion for Fae Farm was a huge disappointment. I came to the game late so when I started, I had the base game and the two expansions at the start of the game. For anyone who played Fae Farm and its expansions as they were coming out, please give me your thoughts.
submitted by DonnieDarkMode to FaeFarm_Game [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 07:09 only_stargazer Why are Telugu people (Indians, NRIs, and US Citizens) supporting and elevating Trump so much?

I moved to US in my childhood and became a citizen couple years ago. I'm not a democrat, liberal, or Harris supporter. I'm mostly a nihilist because at the end of the day, it doesn't matter.
I would've voted for Republican but didn't because of Trump. I voted for Dems being completely aware that they will loose. Their fate was already sealed when Biden insisted on running on a second term instead of stepping down. Also, they relied a lot on minorities who are very conservative.
But what I do not understand is why Telugu people, are very supportive of Trump considering his history and first term:

I understand that people, like me, don't have a choice in electing a candidate. Biden's term was not great either with Russia war and Israel war. Expenses skyrocketed after COVID not just in US, but around the world.
Trump became the president and recently signed multiple executive orders.
Despite all this, I don't understand why Telugu people support Trump. I notice that previous NRI communities support Trump and it makes sense. They don't like newer immigrants.
I don't understand why h1B, f1, and people in India support Trump. Even NRI insta pages support Trump. I've seen pro-Trump posts as well in this sub.
Do they don't know or are they overlooking Trump?
submitted by only_stargazer to Ni_Bondha [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 07:09 Icebucket_Prime Negative Mandrakes

Negative Mandrakes I wanted to flip the script and do some icy mandrakes for Kill team. I sculpted the icicles out of greenstuff and added some frosty effects to the blade. The icicles are greenstuff, the frost is done with green stuff world frost effects and the base is made from cut up plasticard. Winter is coming.... (That's still a relevant reference right?)
submitted by Icebucket_Prime to killteam [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 07:09 AstronautFew3753 To be sure the anniversary at Global is in July right?

submitted by AstronautFew3753 to DokkanBattleCommunity [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 07:09 healing-heathen Bisalp - how to determine readiness?

Hey! I’m 26F and am contemplating bisalp.
I am very sure that I do not want children and very sure that I won’t change my mind. There’s always that tiny sliver in my mind that makes me wonder if I will want children in my 30s, though I highly doubt I will. I cannot think of one good reason to have a child. I’ve never had baby fever. I’ve never wanted children, just thought I would eventually have them die to social/cultural pressure.
I’m sick of hormonal birth control and want something that is more permanent and less harmful.
I have recently learned more about bisalp and it seems like a great option, but I want to make sure I don’t jump into this decision too quickly.
I’m wondering if anyone has advice on how to determine readiness for bisalp. What things would be helpful for me to consider before making this decision?
submitted by healing-heathen to sterilization [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 07:09 annoyingrainbow ISO perfect match-a

ISO perfect match-a am open to other 3 trading just need this one most
submitted by annoyingrainbow to MonopolyGoTrading [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 07:09 Simple-Taro1540 What kind of father would Soos be?

Trick question! He'd be better than his own dad cuz he would never leave to go get milk (which everybody knows is deadbeat talk for leaving the family). We don't know anything about his mom (she's probably dead or something). He would probably also make Dipper and Mabel the godparents of his child (and Wendy the babysitter). And Melody would be an alright mom too.
submitted by Simple-Taro1540 to gravityfalls [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 07:09 hutaoies i think i got catfished. what do i do?

i met this person on a dating app and after a short chat we exchanged phone numbers. i’m really really embarrassed to admit this, but i sent them nudes and even a video with my face in it. they told me to do a few things, which i did and sent pictures of. they know what i look like from my profile on the dating app too. yeah, they sent me some too but mine were more revealing and embarrassing.
i confronted them about it after reverse image searching the selfie they sent me. it sent me to a tweet from 2023. the thing is, they were so convincing with the way they talked and everything. but we didn’t facetime or hear each others voices and i feel so fucking stupid and scared. its been a couple hours and i havent heard anything. the dating profile and tiktok account they followed me on is deleted too. i dont know what to do or how to feel.
submitted by hutaoies to catfish [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 07:09 Alib16_BT Same vibes

Same vibes submitted by Alib16_BT to Eldenring [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 07:09 Key-Try1122 Gladsun - Die

Gladsun - Die My band’s first single!
submitted by Key-Try1122 to indie_rock [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 07:09 nizuuo how can i fix this? am i balding?

16 year old here. i have to admit i used to do a lot of ponytails and wear them daily 24/7 so i think this is a result of tension. how can i fix this?
submitted by nizuuo to Haircare [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 07:09 Muted_Surprise972 Accidental withdrawal

I accidentally withdrew all of my courses. I'm kinda panicking. So stressed out. What should I do? Is there any way to undo this
submitted by Muted_Surprise972 to langara [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 07:09 Existing-Pace5163 Master the Marathon

Proven tips to prevent you from finishing fast, 3 minutes reading.
submitted by Existing-Pace5163 to PrematureEjaculation [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 07:09 elyshells Benson & Tucker

It's been a while since I watched this episode where Tucker died. I can't move on they ended his character that way. I know the won't end together but why do they have to make it so tragic??? like I'm so heart broken. Like they could have made Tucker disappear like how Eliot did and not talk about him ever but they just had to make him a sick man and die from suicide 💀
submitted by elyshells to SVU [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 07:09 Frong0010 So Davies stamina is actually 4 stars not 4.5 lmaoo

So Davies stamina is actually 4 stars not 4.5 lmaoo submitted by Frong0010 to FUTMobile [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 07:09 S4_rg Got it as a gift, had redtags but I threw it away at some point during 2021, are these offwhites legit?

submitted by S4_rg to LegitCheck [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 07:09 reddiituser90210 Um..

Um.. Why does she use literal dish soap to clean her counters 😭 and she wipes the surface with a dry NAPKIN ???? bruh
submitted by reddiituser90210 to michellepaazsnark [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 07:09 ankbon LinkedIn Report Reveals Most In-Demand Marketing Skills

LinkedIn's latest marketing jobs report reveals a surge in demand for skilled marketers, with job postings on the rise!
As the Founder of Ekagrit, (AI-assisted Digital Marketing, Strategy & Consultation company) I'm thrilled to see the industry growing and evolving.
Top In-Demand Skills The report highlights the top hard skills for marketers, with significant growth in:

  1. Creative Execution: 443% increase in demand over the past two years.
  2. Artificial Intelligence: 392% growth in demand.
  3. Marketing Technology: 351% increase in demand.
These numbers reinforce the importance of staying up-to-date with the latest technologies and trends in marketing.
What This Means for Marketers As marketers, we must continually adapt and develop new skills to remain relevant. Investing in AI, marketing technology, and creative execution can help you stay ahead of the curve.
Let's Stay Ahead Together! At Ekagrit, we're committed to helping businesses and marketers leverage AI and digital marketing strategies to drive success. Let's connect and explore how we can help you thrive in this rapidly evolving landscape!
submitted by ankbon to indianstartups [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 07:09 Murky-Sample-363 Should I Give Him Another Chance ?

Me (17f) and my partner (20m) have been together for about 2 years now. He lives 4 hours away from and and every second week I would drive up to spend time with him. He ended up losing his job & car and moved in with me, he has only been staying with me for about a month and a couple of days ago he went drinking with my cousin. The next morning I had work so I stayed home, anyways the next morning comes and he had left me a voice message of him and another boy on Omegle chatting with girls. He was the main instigator talking dirty and what not, I had also found out the he had texted and called my brothers girlfriend, I'd confronted him and kicked him out. He was genuinely sorry and said the cliche give me on more chance I won't fuck it up I promise laaady da it's been 2 days since this has happened and as a young women I'm so confused and don't know if I should take him back or not please someone give me advice,
submitted by Murky-Sample-363 to BreakUps [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 07:09 nickhlaus Yellow discharge

Hi Folks,
I’m currently travelling through the Philippines and I have had great freediving opportunities so far.
However today i was doing the sardine run in Moalboal (around 7-10 m depth) and had some minor yellow/orange discharge coming out of my mouth and nose. Very minor, to the point I had to spit to see it. It didn’t look like blood, it’s more like mucus, but I feel great, I’m not sick or have any pains whatsoever.
I’m not a pro free diver by any means, I’m still learning, but I’ve done quite a lot spear fishing in my life and I know how to equalise and I feel like my equalisation is improving. But obviously I must be doing something wrong. Anyone would like to share their knowledge on the cause and potential solutions to this issue? Thanks in advance :)
submitted by nickhlaus to freediving [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 07:09 brooksterrr soft ebony findomme open for drains❤️

soft ebony findomme open for drains❤️ worship this big ass while i drain you of your last drop
submitted by brooksterrr to findommes [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 07:09 UnpropheticIsaiah Taiwan is so pretty

Taiwan is so pretty submitted by UnpropheticIsaiah to ITookAPicturePH [link] [comments]