I'm worried about my Old Lady

2025.01.27 04:00 WrektArt I'm worried about my Old Lady

I've just moved back to college and brought my cat back with me to my apartment. She's 16 years old at this point, and she was here last year. We stayed at my parents for an extended amount of time due to some health issues of mine, and they have 2 two year old German Shepherds. One of them got along with her, the other did not, and neither were ever left alone with her. Since we've gotten back to my apartment, she's taken to not wanting to eat, and what she does eat is mostly gravy-based and she ignores the chunks. I don't think this is much change from when she was with my parents, but the day we first got back she scarfed down some food. She doesn't talk to me when I come home from class anymore, she lays either against my bedroom door, or in the corner, occasionally in her favorite cardboard box. I've had her since I was about 6, and I just don't know what to do. I've gotten her a heating pad to stay warm, a blanket, she refuses her treats, I put her on my bed with me for extra comfort, and she used to love laying in the sun. Her fur is a bit disheveled and I can feel her bones far more than I've ever been able to before. I know this is all very rambled, but to be honest I'm just very scared and would greatly appreciate any advice for her or myself, I want to do everything I can to ensure she has the most comfortable, loved time here.
TLDR; My childhood cat is 16 and slowing down, any advice would be greatly appreciated.
submitted by WrektArt to CatAdvice [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:00 Thiga_ A carta que ela nunca irá ler

Escrevi este texto como um meio de colocar para fora oq sinto sem enviar para ela, o nome dela é joana e o sobrenome... M
"Sabe, quando você se foi em junho, meu mundo acabou, minha motivação foi embora, eu comecei a beber e a fumar, mas com o passar do tempo, comecei a esquecer, vez ou outra eu lembrava, até que uma semana antes do aniversário da elise, você apareceu lá na escola, no momento que vi você entrando, do queria me esconder, ir embora, meu coração não parava de palpitar, e mesmo querendo me esconder ou ir embora, no fundo oq eu queria mesmo era lhe abraçar e falar que eu estava com saudade, no aniversário da elise que nos vimos de novo, fiquei tão triste que você chegou e comprimeitou a todos menos a mim, só queria ter recebido seu abraço, e todos os momentos eu olhava para você para saber se você estava olhando para mim, no dia seguinte a elise me falou que você também sentia saudade como eu sinto, e no mesmo dia a tarde você me mandou mensagem, fiquei tão feliz com a mensagem que só pode me render a você de novo, e papo vai, papo vem, marcamos de sair, saímos, conversamos muito, nos abraçamos, e foi tudo muito legal, mas logo após nos separarmos percebi que mesmo querendo era algo que não daria certo no momento, tentei insistir, mas percebi que não daria mesmo, por conta disso chorei, fiquei muito triste, até lhe enviei mensagem falando que eu estava com sdds, mas quando li você falando que também estava, mas que não éramos mais a mesma coisa, meu mundo desabou, não consegui reagir e nem consegui lhe responder, mas guardei tudo para mim, até que em um noite comecei a desabar com alguém, e comecei a chorar muito, após isso, comecei a parar de pensar demais em você e comecei a aceitar que havia acabado algo que um dia foi ótimo, mas mesmo após esse tempo, frequentemente me pego pensando em voce, no seu abraço, no seu sorriso, seu jeito infantil que eu acho muito fofo, no seu jeito de contagiar o local com feliz e risadas, na sua dedicação e o quão forte você é, e quando penso que você será de outro daqui um tempinho, me deixa muito magoado, as vezes entro nos seus republicados, sla, tenho esperança de que você republique algo falando que sente minha falta para que eu saiba que não é só eu que tô sofrendo, queria te ter pra mim, te ter nos meus braços, mas não poderei e terei de carregar isso" Espero que isso não chegue nela, mas é sinto e oq passa pela minha cabeça, só queria ter de volta oq tivemos um dia
submitted by Thiga_ to desabafos [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:00 Better_Barracuda_787 What is this?

This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by Better_Barracuda_787 to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:00 queerclara my happiness is your currency; your wallet exists solely to honor my divine beauty. so f*ck off with being cheap and give it all to me.

my happiness is your currency; your wallet exists solely to honor my divine beauty. so f*ck off with being cheap and give it all to me. submitted by queerclara to findommes [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:00 ScollyAI Scolly Space Asteroid Miner - Embark on an epic Solar System adventure! Navigate through planets, destroy asteroids, battle aliens, and complete your cosmic journey!

Scolly Space Asteroid Miner - Embark on an epic Solar System adventure! Navigate through planets, destroy asteroids, battle aliens, and complete your cosmic journey! submitted by ScollyAI to WebGames [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:00 Strong_Floor_5948 22m from nyc and down to talk.

Hey there! 22-year-old guy in NYC looking to connect with some cool people. I'm a big soccer fan, always down for a good chat, and I love exploring random interests. I'd love to listen to you and make you happy. Hit me up if you're interested in grabbing coffee or just hanging out
submitted by Strong_Floor_5948 to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:00 Ok-Relationship-944 Ghost Room/check in/drive

So we have a reservation for dockside for our family of 6, three nights. Plan to get a ghost room at Portofino bay in their cheapest 6 person room... we will have our own car... so I am trying to plan what check in at portofino should look like... how long does it actually take? Curious if we will actually make it for early open or not.
Whole family drive to portefino to check in (I hear 7 am is earliest?). Then go ahead and park there (I know we will have to pay, but I think it's worth it to not have to drive back and waste park time?). Then catch the water taxi from there to US for day 1. After the day, we can walk or taxi back to the car and drive back to dockside.
Then day two we can shuttle straight from dockside to islands of adventure. To cut some time so we can honestly entry and pray for short wait times for Hagrids.
Please tell me if this makes sense?! Doable?! I haven't done universal in 30 years, and I'm a planner.
We, unfortunately, are going a few days after epic opens, bc it's the only time that works... I'm not even sure if we will do epic, that's all still up for debate... but it would be day 3 if so, and I'd add another night to dockside (unless express passes are available there, and then my whole plan is out the window)
I've also considered staying at the homewood suites nearby, to save some $, as it seems like the drive to portefino would be similar, but then we'd probably end up driving there again day two since shuttles off site are less reliable.
Also, we are military, so we will get the freedom pass, still waiting to hear about military discount for resorts after epic opening...
I know this is all over the place, so I appreciate anyone that made it to the end
submitted by Ok-Relationship-944 to UniversalOrlando [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:00 AnomicAge Why does most women’s dating advice feel like it was written by a HR department?

Everyone virtue signals a bit and reddit is an echo chamber but it’s ridiculous
I asked recently for advice on how a guy should sexually escalate without being pushy or sleazy or presumptuous, especially with women who are more reserved and less forward
The responses felt like they were written by GPT for a HR department, and I've realized that even when I've asked women in person their advice is very idealized
Always seek consent for everything - ask if they’re ok with being kissed, ask if they’re happy to have sex when you feel like they might want to (you know I actually would but in my experience verbally asking turns most women off)
Establish boundaries don’t make assumptions (what am I supposed to initiate a big discussion about sexual boundaries and preferences with some girl I haven't even slept with?)
When it comes to approaching women the typical responses are “Just don’t!" or "Wait for them to approach you” Or “wait for them to smile and hold eye contact for at least 3 seconds then smile again then turn to face you then make a come hither hand gesture then another smile etc” (women generally don’t even give guys expressions of interest these days so you have to be proactive)
When it comes to general advice for flirting and it’s “Just be yourself! Ask them some friendly questions - how their week going? What’s their favourite song? Are they a dog or a cat person? Make them laugh but don’t use innuendos that’s sleazy” sure that might lead to a good conversation but it feels more like a team building activity at work than flirting
Of course I’m not expecting women to tell me to grab em by the pussy and exploit insecurities and tell me that if I’m good looking enough I can get away with almost anything and sometimes being a volatile asshole is attractive but most of the advice they give seems completely out of touch with reality and I doubt they would even respond well to it.
So I ask you guys…
How would you respectfully flirt to signal that you’re interested in someone and how do you then transition from flirting to being sexual with them? Say you're at a bar having a nice conversation and you can tell they probably would be up for sleeping with you, but you're not sure how to make things more sexual without coming on too strong and fucking things up.
When a lady I’m interested in is more forward I’m fine but if she’s reserved (either because she’s shy or for cultural reasons where women don’t initiate anything) then I start to overthink things and hesitate and before I know it the opportunity has passed by. Sometimes it just happens naturally but usually it doesn't.
Also what do you talk about with someone you’re trying to sleep with? I don’t just want to start talking about sex or sex adjacent things but I feel like I need to make the conversation a bit sexier and less dry
submitted by AnomicAge to AskMenAdvice [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:00 minakoaino15 Faded black line on nail? Doesn't hurt, but should I be concerned?

31F. dx heart defect. on blood thinners and afib medication.
Have this light/faded black mark on my thumb that goes from the top of the nail to the end. It doesn't hurt. Appeared sometime during OctobeNovember. Would this just be a vitamin deficiency?
submitted by minakoaino15 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:00 Milhouselittlenoodle Just looking for any info

I know this is not anything ancient, but I’m curious if anyone has any input on what it says or if the markings on the beetle mean anything. My grandma picked it up in Egypt maybe 50ish years ago. Thanks in advance.
submitted by Milhouselittlenoodle to egyptology [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:00 cebolla_acaramelada no espérense algo no me cuadra dijo el emanem

no espérense algo no me cuadra dijo el emanem submitted by cebolla_acaramelada to Darkraiposting [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:00 Conscious-Ruin9065 What The Apeture Science?

What The Apeture Science? submitted by Conscious-Ruin9065 to Portal [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:00 StereomancerBot Dinosaur! My fave single lens stereo shot. (|| converted)

Dinosaur! My fave single lens stereo shot. (|| converted) submitted by StereomancerBot to CrossView [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:00 DelightSatellite Clean mysteries/thrillers?

Looking for some books for my high school students (age 14-18) for a YA lit class, but having a difficult time finding books without sexual content, excessive/detailed substance abuse, etc.
Does anyone have any recommendations? Thanks in advance!!
submitted by DelightSatellite to YAlit [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:00 BlueRidgeSpeaks The article that reported the arrest of Brett “Tommy Scoville” Miller for forcible sexual assault, stalking and harassment.

The article that reported the arrest of Brett “Tommy Scoville” Miller for forcible sexual assault, stalking and harassment. This is only one of the crimes he has served time in prison for. None of his crimes can be described as “victimless”.
submitted by BlueRidgeSpeaks to UnrelatableReese [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:00 laughy Giving away five (5) copies of FF7 Rebirth!

Or remake if you haven’t played that yet :) Just comment why you’d like to play the game. Winners will be picked at random. Good luck.
submitted by laughy to RandomActsOfGaming [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:00 Sufficient-Gur4336 Should I blind buy Orto Parisi Boccanera or Nasomatto Pardon?

submitted by Sufficient-Gur4336 to Colognes [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:00 SuperbHealth5023 What Happens When Your Pilot Is Coldplay Fan? Mid Air Concert! Pune-Ahmedabad IndiGo Flight Pilot Wins Internet Viral Video

submitted by SuperbHealth5023 to coldplayindia [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:00 ajammaj Preventative use

Hello everyone! As the title says, anyone maybe taking LDN as a preventative measure? Those of us that are benefiting fom it, do you ever wonder...If I only knew x, y, z time ago about this medication, that health wise things would've turned out much different?!
submitted by ajammaj to LowDoseNaltrexone [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:00 Terrible-Guitar-5638 5 fun things to do in & around YEG this week

What's Up St. Albert! Once a week I go through most events happening in and around our beautiful city over the coming week, and then send a large list out to my friends. I thought I should share it here.
Get this & 40+ other events as a weekly email update:
Note: The linked publication is ad free & non-monetized. Use it as a directory of things to do as we reconnect in our communities. I send it out every Tuesday morning.
P.S. To all of you who regularly read the publication, send me emails and read/respond to these reddit posts... you folks rock! Thanks for all the positive feedback. It means a lot = )
Note: If you're hosting an event and want to see it in the letter, email me at [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])
It's pretty awesome living in a city where there is just so much going on! Yesterday I noticed someone put up an informative post on Edmonton outlining many events commemorating Chinese Lunar New Year & I highly recommend checking it out! There are scores of things to do including day and night markets, traditional dance and singing, K-pop, Tai-chi, Guzheng & other performances, and more! With this honorary mention, here are an additional 5 (amongst many) awesome things to check out this week = )
5 cool events this week:

Red Bull Ibiza Royale Local Qualifier We've all seen a Red Bull video, but did you know that you could potentially be in one? From April 10th through 13th, qualified teams will arrange on the starting line of a thrilling obstacle race through Ibiza Castle. BUT, the key word is qualified. On Thursday night, grab your most trusted partner and make your way down to Boulders Climbing gym right here in YEG. Once there, expect to be put through your paces in timed physical challenges designed to test speed, strength, balance and reflex. The first 100 attendees receive FREE entry into the event and even if you don't wish to compete, all are welcome! Cheer on your favourite athletes as they grit it out for a chance at awesome prizes and top bragging rights!
YOUth SPEAK Summit Are you a future leader between the ages of 16 and 24, with great things to say but no platform on which to say it? If so, the Town of Stony Plain has the ultimate proposition for you. This coming Friday, gather in the small town west of YEG for an informative event tailored specifically for you. With a focus on community building, those in attendance will be delighted by a keynote from Tyler Smith, winner of The Amazing Race Canada & a survivor of the Humboldt Broncos bus tragedy. Additional events include inspiring community-based workshops, dinner and an evening performance by the now-acclaimed but local country-pop artist Mandy McMillan. This event is 100% FREE to attend!
Big-B BHM Proclamation Festival February 1st marks the start of Black History Month in Canada, an official response and celebration of "the many achievements and contributions of Black Canadians and their communities who, throughout history, have done so much to make Canada a culturally diverse, compassionate, and prosperous country" (as per the Canadian Government official website). To commemorate our incredible countryfolk, on Saturday afternoon, head to Beaumont for a FREE proclamation and party featuring the sultry tones of Mission Hill Brass Band, traditional dance performances, cultural cuisine to sample, art exhibits & much more!
Edmonton Oilers Skills Competition Have you been meaning to check out the Oilers this season but just haven't found the time to attend a game? A match of stick and puck can be long and though exciting, I totally understand your plight (haha... not! but anyways...). This coming Sunday, squash your goals while keeping that tight schedule in line and check out the Edmonton Oilers Skills Competition. A fan favourite for decades, this thrilling event features your favourite Oil boys laying down their best tricks as they compete in on-ice challenges. Grab the kids or a date and cheer on Connor, Leon and the rest of the crew as they display their speed, skill and endurance in a race to be the best of the best. Live event tickets are (unfortunately) sold out, but the event can be streamed from the comfort of wherever you may be.
Flying Canoë Volant Festival Once upon an ancient time, a French Nobleman refused to attend Catholic mass & instead stayed out hunting. His punishment for doing so was a mandate to eternally pilot an airborne canoe through the night skies while being forever chased by howling wolves and galloping horses. Or so the legend, based on a mix of Indigenous and French storytelling heritage goes. This narrative is so steeped in tradition that in 2013, a small YEG-based NPO launched a similarly-themed event in honour of Edmonton's own French, Métis and Indigenous heritage. Alluring and irresistible, original iterations of this epic affair were immediately popular with our city's lively crowds. It soon changed hands and was deemed a festival, one which 12 years later continues to be as historically significant as it is incredibly fun to attend. This year, head into the city's French Quarters to experience a voyageur spin on a traditional tale & be sure to reap the many rewards in store. With a host of mostly FREE and some paid programs and events, there is simply too many things going on to list them all. But here are a few of the highlights.
For those attending, expect a great deal of live music, a cabaret, the infamous Portage La Prairie Relay (which features axe throwing, wood stacking, buck sawing, canoes & you!), illuminated artwork, Cultural storytelling, cultural cuisine and traditional performances, bonfires, snow slides with other kids activities & much more.
As a regular patron of this annual event, I highly recommend checking it out. It's a hoot!
Have a fantastic week, folks!
Find 70+ events and things to do in the next newsletter edition. Sign up here, if interested.
submitted by Terrible-Guitar-5638 to stalbert [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:00 DirkDongus I did something stupid. Need advice ASAP.

I deal with extreme anger, anxiety, and depression. Sometimes the littlest things set me off into a rage cause I hold a lot in.
Something happened and I went into a rage. All my negative emotions came out when I was mad. I smashed a picture of Jesus and spit on it. I said "Fuck you and your gay ass Holy Spirit. Believing in you has destroyed my life. I pray to die in Jesus's name" while stomping on the picture.
I feel awful but rebellious about it. It's like I see how the most rottenest people are loved and have it so easy but I struggle so I'm like"Where are you for me???" type of rebellious.
I heard cursing the Holy Spirit is an unforgivable sin and I can't believe I actually said what I said in Jesus's name.
Am I able to be forgiven or did I really screw up this time?
submitted by DirkDongus to Christianity [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:00 fellonmysword Jimmy’s reaction to Anya’s pregnancy.

Their whole dynamic absolutely intrigues me. It’s implied that until the direct assault, Jimmy was acting inappropriately towards Anya- belittling her and making charged comments. Then, around the time Curly lets the hammer drop about this being their last haul, in rage and anger Jimmy assaults Anya.
In a self-indulgent sense I wish we saw a scene of Anya telling Jimmy that she was pregnant. Obviously the assault is an open secret between them— they’ll never talk about it, but it happened. The pregnancy is that but a much larger scale. In some-odd months time, there was a possibility of a baby entering the world that was proof of what happened. I’m surprised that Jimmy didn’t try to attack Anya in that moment, but I guess he was in shock as well.
Their dynamic is so interesting as Jimmy can barely stomach Anya, he can’t manage a bare conversation without reverting to low-blows. Anya at least tries to focus on the task at hand- taking care of Curly, but Jimmy takes everything she says to him as an annoyance. Even when she comes up with great ideas, she needs to frame as to where it doesn’t seem like she’s trying to take the spotlight.
I could go on, but I’m curious as to what you all think of their dynamic.
submitted by fellonmysword to Mouthwashing [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:00 imhere-anyways Hey dad

I wish I could have known you better. My sisters really do love you. I keep telling people if I wrote a book about all the shit between you and mom it would sell out in no time. Did you really filter your drugs through the coffee filters and make coffee for mom? How did you not know you had stage 4 lung cancer? When you basically stalked our small town to all my friends house because I had to leave my house because you were honestly stalking mom. I was in the closet of Isabellas house. You were like two foot away from finding me that time. What were you going to do if you found me? I never called the new guy dad btw. Dave fits him well and means more then the word dad did. But we're human Ik. And you lost your brother and you lost your mind. Watching my friend play with the same shit you did helped me see you were barely there. I can't explain the feeling when hearing my sister talk about you and wish so bad to know the good guy you were to them. The difference is clear to anyone who sees those things. I wish I could say I love you or that I cried at your funeral but I didn't. I only cry for the missed experiences that could have been. I could have learned books full from you. And btw I really am sorry that I didn't get your ashes from the old house when I moved. The house haunts me when I drive by it. I couldn't stay in there long to get my stuff. I could feel the happiness draining out of my soul the second I stepped through the door. I'm sorry but I hope to think of you less this year. Except March. You know why.
submitted by imhere-anyways to letters [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:00 InfluenceWestern8080 😍

😍 submitted by InfluenceWestern8080 to taylorswiftarmpits [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:00 mechasloth9000 First ever misprint card

First ever misprint card Paid $4 for this cool unown. How much would you say it’s worth? The back is upside down as well
submitted by mechasloth9000 to PokemonMisprints [link] [comments]
