WEN exactly??

2025.01.27 16:50 watchthebreaks WEN exactly??

Was trying to win an argument with a friend, and the internet failed me! EVERY article on the history of POG I could find basically said "in the Mid-90s".
WHEN would you say did POG really hit the mainstream and is there an event, publication, article, etc you can point to?
submitted by watchthebreaks to POG [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 16:50 ZeroOnexD Question about the Holy Weapon spell and Monk

So my party and i are gonna fight a beholder next session and i thought about a way to make it end faster, but i don't know if it is in the rules.
We have a tabaxi monk, and the tabaxi has claws, it states for them:
Cat's Claws. Because of your claws, you have a climbing speed of 20 feet. In addition, your claws are natural weapons, which you can use to make unarmed strikes. If you hit with them, you deal slashing damage equal to 1d4 + your Strength modifier, instead of the bludgeoning damage normal for an unarmed strike.
So i have read before that natural weapons are also considered weapons right? At least that gives sense.
So i thought about casting holy weapon on the claws to give the monk additional damage. Holy weapon spell description:
You imbue a weapon you touch with holy power. Until the spell ends, the weapon emits bright light in a 30-foot radius and dim light for an additional 30 feet. In addition, weapon attacks made with it deal an extra 2d8 radiant damage on a hit. If the weapon isn’t already a magic weapon, it becomes one for the duration. As a bonus action on your turn, you can dismiss this spell and cause the weapon to emit a burst of radiance. Each creature of your choice that you can see within 30 feet of the weapon must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, a creature takes 4d8 radiant damage, and it is blinded for 1 minute. On a successful save, a creature takes half as much damage and isn’t blinded. At the end of each of its turns, a blinded creature can make a Constitution saving throw, ending the effect on itself on a success.
Would this work for the unarmed strikes for monk since its done with a natural weapon?
It kinda confuses me, bc u use a weapon but at the same time its unarmed.
submitted by ZeroOnexD to DnD [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 16:50 hxaxrxixsxh_12 Realized how incestuous the group is!

Maybe not quite literally incestuous but I'm rewatching the show (stopping keeping count at this point) and I am realizing how the group has been so weird. Here's why I think so:
Penny: Involved with Leonard; (sorta) hooked up with Raj;
Howard: hit on Penny until he met Bernadette
Amy: went out with Sheldon and Stuart (even though it was just one date)
Raj: same with Penny; was obsessed with Bernadette; admitted that he is into Amy in one episode in Season 5.
Except Sheldon and Leonard, everyone has been involved in one mess or another. Which i find extremely weird and unrealistic, and i understand that this is television and fiction and etc but I think the group, in real, would have been really dysfunctional.
submitted by hxaxrxixsxh_12 to thebigbangtheory [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 16:50 SPARKLEOFHOPE6IB Need help for my first desktop setup

Hi! I've been using Bluetooth headphones for the longest time with my desktop computer setup, but want to upgrade now, with something more high quality, I listen a ton of music and want to up my game :)
I am probably gonna go for the Sennheiser 490 pro, these look great.
BUT, now I'm deciding on a DAC. There is a second hand Loxjie D40 Pro DAC near my area for 250 euros, or I can also find a Fiio k7 for +/- 160 second hand.
Which one should I go for? I could also buy a new k7 for +/- 230, but the second hand looks in perfect shape.
Thanks for the input!
submitted by SPARKLEOFHOPE6IB to audiophile [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 16:50 my_dirty_acct1 My CQS

submitted by my_dirty_acct1 to WhatIsMyCQS [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 16:50 Repulsive_Insect2262 Don’t play with my emotions like this 😰

Don’t play with my emotions like this 😰 The bottom said welcome. I had to call to be sure this wasn’t an admission. 😭😭
submitted by Repulsive_Insect2262 to OutsideT14lawschools [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 16:50 International-Sir315 Passing Candidate percentages

Do we have a usual timeframe after transcript results come out to expect the passing candidate percents to come out as well? I’m interested in how the exam FAM pass mark may have changed this sitting with the new number of questions.
submitted by International-Sir315 to actuary [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 16:50 SprainedCar22 29 (almost 30)M - Just looking to pass the time with people!

I’m Joe and honestly, I’m just looking to change it up a bit and chat with some people!
Some of my (many) hobbies, at least right now, are going to the gym, anything tech related, and working on whatever vehicle decides to break. Really anything that keeps me from being a bum all day and sitting in front of my phone/TV.
My day at this job can be really hit or miss for time! I am either rotting away in front of my computer, or putting out fires with a squirt gun. Either way,it makes for interesting or incredibly drawn out days.
I like to think banter is one of my strong suits, so bring it!
I am open for any questions at all!
Looking for something longer term. It’s nice to chat with the same people and get to know them.
submitted by SprainedCar22 to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 16:50 Pumuckl4Life We Ranked the Best Pop-Punk Band in Each State Along With Their Weapon of Choice for Defending Pop-Punk

submitted by Pumuckl4Life to PunkMemes [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 16:50 Noledgebase From Milk to Magic: The Transformative Power of Cheesemaking ($19.99 to FREE)

submitted by Noledgebase to Udemies [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 16:50 ArduennSchwartzman "Again, it is the legend!"

submitted by ArduennSchwartzman to pcmasterrace [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 16:50 wildmementomori Encore vs Estately?

Does anyone here use either of these platforms at their firm and have any positive or negative comments they can share?
submitted by wildmementomori to CFP [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 16:50 BeGuima [BoTW] Is there any chance for botw to be on sale this year?

I’ve been looking at the price history and the game hadn’t been on sale since march 2023… I’d like to know if it was still possible to get the game for less than 60$
submitted by BeGuima to zelda [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 16:50 LaughingDash Taiga (by hiro-c)

Taiga (by hiro-c) submitted by LaughingDash to Taiga [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 16:50 Noledgebase All about vaccine and vaccnation ($19.99 to FREE)

submitted by Noledgebase to Udemies [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 16:50 Live-Size6181 Maximum Likelihood

Hey everyone, is in the formula for the maximum likelihood beta zero inculded or not. I see some formulas if i am correct, which do not include beta0 and some others do include it. If i now want to write my equation into a paper do I take beta 0 or not, beacuse I think it should be included?
submitted by Live-Size6181 to AskStatistics [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 16:50 geitie What’s the best blonde box dye that I can use?

What’s the best blonde box dye that I can use? I want to go blonder but I don’t want to use bleach. I can’t go to an salon because of medical issues. What is the best box dye that lifts the most and cancels the most orange? What do you guys think about Garnier ultra blonde 100? Or Garnier color sensation s9?
Please leave your recommendations 😊 This is my hair color now! (not natural I dyed it for many years)
submitted by geitie to HairDye [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 16:50 Sea_Marsupial_8296 Ajude uma iniciante do boglehead☝🏼

Olá pessoal, descobri o boglehead esse ano e gostaria de aplica-lo no meu portifólio.
Há um ano atrás sai do 0 para 17k investidos apenas acumulando meu salário (gastando apenas com o necessário).
Meu aporte por mês é de ~R$2.000,00.
Atualmente possuo ~15k de reserva de emergência no Sofisa (110% do CDI liquidez diária) e por volta de 2k na caixinha do Picpay (102% do CDI liquidez diária) para caso de bug o Sofisa.
Vocês, mestres magos, qual a sugestão para o meu caso? Continuo em renda fixa até ter x montante? Já começo agora nos príncios do guia do sub? Vocês possuem algum conteúdo (livro/vídeo/autor) que me recomendariam?
Obs: eu busco me aprimorar na minha área profissional para ser efetivada (ou trabalhar em outra em empresa posteriormente) sempre em busca de maximizar meu capital humano e receber mais para investir mais.
Meu perfil é """conservador""", mas estou disposta a entrar para o mundo de renda variável.
submitted by Sea_Marsupial_8296 to BogleheadsBrasil [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 16:50 EntertainmentOwl Time to pick only one skill tree: help me to choose which hobby to focus on

Hello people! I need some help with settling on fewer hobbies cause I don't have enough time so I need to choose from these 2 (assuming that I just started with both, so same lvl of "experience"):

Any thoughts? Assuming I'm going to spend the same amount of hours no matter what I chose.
submitted by EntertainmentOwl to Hobbies [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 16:50 TheVamp116 What is the current roadmap for ASA?

I've looked online but only find older outdated ones from 2025
submitted by TheVamp116 to playark [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 16:50 Purple-Cap4457 Snake Game ✨

Hey guys, do you remember (maybe dinosaurs only :)) the Snake game from old Nokia 3310? wiki link) The good news is that you can play it today in your Linux terminal ;)
I wrote a simple C implementation: Github: https://github.com/alsception/snake
Gameplay: Arrow keys (or WASD) control the snake to eat food and grow. The game ends if the snake collides with itself unless in "god mode."
Core Mechanics: A grid-based system with x, y coordinates for the snake's head and body. Food is randomly placed; eating it increases the snake's length. The snake passes thru the screen edges. Main part about game mechanics involve moving the snake head and shifting body segments to follow the head, simulating movement, all text-based.

The main function spans 20 lines, and the program is divided into manageable components for easier understanding and potential extensions (e.g., Tetris or Ping Pong).
The old-fashioned gameplay gives a retro vibe, reminiscent of 1970s games.
Let me know what you think
submitted by Purple-Cap4457 to C_Programming [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 16:50 Noledgebase Lean and Quality Management, Six Sigma, Continuous Improvement ($44.99 to FREE)

submitted by Noledgebase to Udemies [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 16:50 sugrals Traded in my 2022 hybrid

Well, between all the infotainment problems with Sync2, the laggy reverse camera, numerous recalls, CV axle replacement AND a brand new noise that I suspect is the braking system when at a complete stop…. I traded in my Maverick. I did a lot of truck stuff, hauling plenty of stuff in just over two years of ownership. It does truck stuff great. It just had too many issues that require the dealership to resolve. I really wanted this to be my long haul vehicle, but I can only handle so many issues in under 28k miles. I wish all of you the best with better experiences than I’ve had.
submitted by sugrals to FordMaverickTruck [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 16:50 Perfect_Escape_3217 Weekly Design Competition

Weekly Design Competition
The weekly competition for card designs is here, you may submit a design for the day by posting a link to custommagic or a image of it in the comments.
The winner, determined by me the and any other mods, will have their design included in the set of appropriate and a post honoring their victory.
submitted by Perfect_Escape_3217 to mtgcommunityset [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 16:50 Dankrez2898 Ex wanted to be platonic friends, now her friend reached out and is nasty

Hi all, last week my girlfriend and I ended things mutually after a long 9 toxic months. She got caught cheating and when confronted she said she lost all romantic interest after my accusations and wants to remain platonic friends and couldn’t imagine me not in her life. I told her I remove ex’s from my life and deleted her and her family off everything. She disagreed with my decision to remove her. A couple days later she started copying my instagram bio adding threads and facebook and looked identical. I changed my bio again, she changed hers. Now she keeps removing her vsco and adding it daily when I change mine. Her good friend messaged me last night asking about where our photos went on instagram? Which I told her we broke up. She said she wasn’t aware we broke up and asked why, which I was vague and said I wish the best for my ex, not stating she was cheating. Her friend then immediately mentioned I accused her of cheating and that my ex loved me so much and was “all in” and “loved the shit out of you” and her loyalty can’t be questioned. Did my ex speak to her? And is she trying to fish information out of me?
submitted by Dankrez2898 to ExNoContact [link] [comments]
