This little girl has a big surprise 🐈‍⬛🙀🖤

2025.01.27 04:01 AllNaturalNerd This little girl has a big surprise 🐈‍⬛🙀🖤

submitted by AllNaturalNerd to blackcats [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:01 sharewithme Word of The Hour: preparat

preparat translates to preparation
Join our new subreddit for language learners @ /LearnANewLanguage
submitted by sharewithme to SwedishFeed [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:01 Alarmed_Buddy1399 Had a coupon

Local big box had a 15% off coupon last week so I picked this up for $128. I’ve never been a mezcal guy but everyone I talked to said this is a must try if want to try an agave spirit that’s a little different. I have to say it’s really, really good. Smoke is there but by no means overpowering. It’s a nice change of pace from tequila. I’m going to enjoy this one!
submitted by Alarmed_Buddy1399 to tequila [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:01 Alarmed_Arm_3253 New user needed, give 3 clicks in exchange, hat trick 92072050

submitted by Alarmed_Arm_3253 to TemuNewUsersASAp [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:01 GazelleIndependent94 Original Broadway cast + movie fan art

Original Broadway cast + movie fan art WARNING⚠️: The movie fanart has bright colors!! I thought it would be fun to go abstract with the movie fanart. Playing with colors and shapes is always fun.
submitted by GazelleIndependent94 to SweeneyTodd [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:01 Awe5omem00n81 My tunnel matched my hoodie

I’m only at 13mm but I love how the flare makes it look much bigger.
submitted by Awe5omem00n81 to Stretched [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:01 jared10011980 A Very Stable Genius

submitted by jared10011980 to MarchAgainstNazis [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:01 sharewithme Word of The Hour: preparação

preparação translates to preparation
Join our new subreddit for language learners @ /LearnANewLanguage
submitted by sharewithme to PortugueseFeed [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:01 yeetermuffin69 I've hit a bit of a wall

I've hit a bit of a wall I'm a completely F2P player and I've been hitting too many walls recently. Any advice is greatly appreciated
submitted by yeetermuffin69 to AFKArenaCompanions [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:01 IndependentTheme7942 What is That Manhwa Where the guy has long hair , he gets reincarnationed as a ruler of a country that betrayed him and just becomes a villain

Well it's around the lines of that I can't remember the full story it's been too long
submitted by IndependentTheme7942 to manhwarecommendations [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:01 hockeycoach14 Sunday with Fig Newton 🧡

Sunday with Fig Newton 🧡 submitted by hockeycoach14 to torties [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:01 YoungWopFYB How does this only pay 9x

How does this only pay 9x I went 5/5 because of the 6 man pushing… but 5/5 with a red demon only paid 9x… a regular 4 leg pays 10x so I’m not sure how this works
submitted by YoungWopFYB to PrizePicks [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:01 CapturedCougar It’s never been so over…

It’s never been so over… submitted by CapturedCougar to trippieredd [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:01 GusGangViking18 What fight had the most tension in the series?

What fight had the most tension in the series? submitted by GusGangViking18 to Dragonballsuper [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:01 Shinsu_Hifumi How to defeat spiderman?

I have been talking to this girl. We were goofing around and she sends me a sticker with a cat holding a pistol saying that it's me. She starts saying "Oh no!! You have a gun! You'll kill me!" I say that "I'll not kill you but your enemies" She told me that her enemy is Spiderman. I stated that I'll defeat him but idk how. Tbh I actually wanna show her proof that I defeated him.
Ps. I have never watched Spiderman nor do I know anything about him.
submitted by Shinsu_Hifumi to Spiderman [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:01 ImEliasK Its currently January 27, 2025 at 05:01AMat GMT +2

Its currently January 27, 2025 at 05:01AM at GMT +2
submitted by ImEliasK to gmt2 [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:01 OTN Suck it BMW, American muscle rules- from this weekend’s Rolex 24 Hours of Daytona

Suck it BMW, American muscle rules- from this weekend’s Rolex 24 Hours of Daytona submitted by OTN to MURICA [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:01 Aphexis Teaching my cat to jump through a hoop

Teaching my cat to jump through a hoop So I need some advice how to proceed. We've trained a bit and he walks through the hoop when it's low. When I elevate it he jumps halfway through and lands with his belly on the ring and that of course causes it to lower to the ground and then he slowly walks across with his hindlegs. How do I make him understand he has to leap through it all the way?
I also don't know when to click, when he jumps even though he's not through or when he takes his final step through?
submitted by Aphexis to cats [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:01 sharewithme Word of The Hour: preparare, pregătire

preparare, pregătire translates to preparation
Join our new subreddit for language learners @ /LearnANewLanguage
submitted by sharewithme to RomanianFeed [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:01 theycallmeloopy $30 block pool in support of my cheer team. If interested in any # or #s at random please DM. Can provide FB link for legitimacy purposes. TIA❤️🖤🤍

$30 block pool in support of my cheer team. If interested in any # or #s at random please DM. Can provide FB link for legitimacy purposes. TIA❤️🖤🤍 submitted by theycallmeloopy to SuperBowlBetting [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:01 30PackOfHamms Even in Madden the refs love the Chiefs

Even in Madden the refs love the Chiefs This was called for a roughing the kicker. It 21-23 in the 4th quarter.
submitted by 30PackOfHamms to Madden [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:01 nanoscientist_here Does anyone have pictures from the audience volunteer on-stage bit from Boston night 1 and feel like sharing? Asking for a friend.

The friend is me, because I would love some evidence of having been on stage 😅
submitted by nanoscientist_here to dropout [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:01 ConceptTrick9907 Can Warhammer make StarCraft 3 already?

For real man, Path of Exile is Diablo 4. Rivals is Overwatch 2. Terran in StarCraft are “influenced” from Space Marines anyway. This is a 15 Year Old IP that Blizzard has seemingly abandoned but even for an old game it’s still one of the most well known names in the genre and is certainly not dead just yet. But for years Blizzard has not updated nor announced any continuation of the series Just copy the game 1 for 1, make Warhammer themed, add races, steal existing player base, cash in on cosmetics. Big W?
submitted by ConceptTrick9907 to starcraft [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:01 AggressiveTable2019 Drift

Drift submitted by AggressiveTable2019 to Transformemes [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:01 drunkenpenguin28 Day 3 because once again, I can’t sleep

Hello all, I am on day 3 of internal (grade 3s) and external hemorrhoidectomy. I knew it was going to be bad. I followed the directions and only had (mostly) soup for 2 days before surgery and took miralax and Phillips to clear everything out I could.
I woke up after surgery to be told I bled way more than usual (go me) and was already in pain. Dr gave me Tylenol there and a script for norco and Valium. I tried not to take them because I was worried about getting constipated but I knew I wouldn’t get any sleep without something.
Next morning, woke up feeling like I had to poop. Getting the packing out was one of the worst parts of the experience so far. Managed a couple small ribbons and thought I was good. Rest of the day wasn’t bad as long as I kept up with all pain meds.
Today, woke up like I had to poop again. Didn’t get anything out and had a very hard time not straining. Adding in a cough and needing to blow my nose and it’s been a pretty crappy day. Felt like I needed to poop again this evening so I got in the shower to move things along and it moved it too much, ended up pooping on the floor and then made it to the toilet. Good news is I am not currently constipated, decent pile of mostly liquid poop. Bad news is I almost passed out between the shower, toilet and bed. Husband had to help me to bed while my ears were ringing and it was scary. And recovery from even the nice soft poop took 3 hours. Now I’m just waiting to take another dose of Motrin and Valium so maybe I can sleep for a couple hours.
Best of luck to all doing recover right now!
submitted by drunkenpenguin28 to hemorrhoid [link] [comments]