2025.01.27 04:19 Own-Consideration879 Lf lemon cybred gear! 🍋
Sorry for repost but just need some lemon cybred accessories! submitted by Own-Consideration879 to HorseLifeHQ [link] [comments] |
2025.01.27 04:19 Spirited-Ad-9442 Anyone driving to Reno super early Sunday?
Was hoping to ski Saturday and then catch a 515am flight on Sunday morning. I could rent a car myself but figure id ask if anyone is driving or would want to drive me for $$.
submitted by Spirited-Ad-9442 to Mammoth [link] [comments]
2025.01.27 04:19 Sixhaunt I made a web based texture generator with stablehorde
submitted by Sixhaunt to aigamedev [link] [comments] |
2025.01.27 04:19 WhiskyShenanigans I need help
I'm currently taking pre-calculus class and right now we are in the realm of linear algebra and I'm utterly confused. My professor gives us videos to go with the readings and the guy is absolutely horrible to watch. He uses a MacBook (not judging) and uses the built in microphone and while he is talking all you can hear is him tapping and typing on his laptop. I cannot follow him at all. I was hoping there were some youtube channels or any other resources you guys may know.
submitted by WhiskyShenanigans to LinearAlgebra [link] [comments]
2025.01.27 04:19 LukeVicariously I held RUN calls for almost 2 years and they expired worthless. I then held RUN calls overnight and made my money back on a +1000% gain.
This position was up almost 2000% at one point. Ended up selling it bit by bit throughout the day. submitted by LukeVicariously to smallstreetbets [link] [comments] |
2025.01.27 04:19 AlarmingAd2006 Liver spots on skin
Yellow spots on skin
I've had before yellow spots on skin, I have really bad iem innafective esophagus motility problems dysphagia innafective swallowing 90% weak les which ive been getting constant liquid coming up its not acidity burning but I read to if u hsve liver high enzymes u can get fluid build up in stomach which has made my stomach descended in ct scan recently excessive air gas fluid, anyone get yellow spits on arms? I have debilitating health problems with my neck 8 different debilitating conditions, life is unfair!
submitted by AlarmingAd2006 to LiverDisease [link] [comments]
2025.01.27 04:19 renheyy Collection (so far)
I got gifted a record player for Christmas and this is my little collection so far. Pretty happy with how it's looking! Also have my dad's Supertramp Breakfast in America and America's Greatest Hits records to add, they just need a clean up first submitted by renheyy to vinyl [link] [comments] |
2025.01.27 04:19 Kurbalija Wo in Wien kann man alte Spiele-CDs (z.B. PS1) polieren lassen?
Hallo liebe Wiener Community,
ich wollte mal fragen, ob jemand von euch einen Laden in Wien kennt, wo man alte Spiele-CDs (z.B. PS1, PS2) professionell polieren bzw. von Kratzern befreien lassen kann? Meine Sammlung hat ein paar Titel, die ich gerne wieder in besserem Zustand bräuchte.
Falls ihr so einen Service kennt oder selbst Erfahrungen damit habt, wĂĽrde ich mich ĂĽber Tipps freuen! Vielen Dank im Voraus fĂĽr eure Hilfe.
Liebe GrĂĽĂźe!
submitted by Kurbalija to wien [link] [comments]
2025.01.27 04:19 Dry-Tourist-761 Arm keeps going blue
31F 135lbs 5"3
My left arm is going blue every couple days the last week, and giving me increasing pain if I'm still (4-6/10 today on the underside or my arm, pain is relieved when I stretch arm out to side and lift it slightly, and the colour comes back). When it's still and at my side it is blue, pain increases and it goes cold. There's been 5 episodes in 8 days
This started last Saturday after my first day of doing cardio in 3 months (more intense like getting heart rate up to 170/180), the event was 2 hours after while I was eating Burger King. That pain was at where my clavicle and shoulder meet.
This has happened (arm blue and bad pains to top of arm/shoulder) while having an asthma attack or anaphylaxis before, but not without. I brought it up to my GP while it was happening this summer (with asthma exacerbations) and she wasn't worried.
I have an appointment with my physiotherapist, because I'm hoping she can help with the pain. But I'm also not sure when to take this more seriously, what symptoms should alert me to get urgent care?
Hx. I have asthma/allergy issues, I get a xolair shot every few weeks, use puffers, nasal spray, and antihistamines daily. I've had a diagnosis of venous intracranial hypertension but my eyes were fine a week ago on exam. I've also been getting more visual migraines (2 in the last week, losing top right vision) and I've had the sparkles return for the first time in 1.5 years, but no blurring.
submitted by Dry-Tourist-761 to AskDocs [link] [comments]
2025.01.27 04:19 MarcVincent888 DeepSeek
Should I cancel my chatgpt subscription now that free DeepSeek came out?
submitted by MarcVincent888 to ChatGPT [link] [comments]
2025.01.27 04:19 wheezydk Could someone draw my baby?
submitted by wheezydk to DrawForMe [link] [comments]
2025.01.27 04:19 salchicha80 I made this model and im very proud of it gng🙏
submitted by salchicha80 to ps1graphics [link] [comments] |
2025.01.27 04:19 RobertKimsonRD He's just chillin'.
submitted by RobertKimsonRD to LiesOfP [link] [comments] |
2025.01.27 04:19 Megopoly 4 and 5-Star Trades
submitted by Megopoly to Monopoly_GO [link] [comments] |
2025.01.27 04:19 nittygritty116 Sister in law disowning us due to her love addiction, please give advice
Hello, looking for insight.. is my sister in law a love addict?
This is my husbands oldest sister, who was an alcoholic and had an eating disorder and has been married and divorced twice, and is in another relationship after only a few yrs of divorce. We are putting up boundaries with her new relationship, new BF didn't make a good first impression. But we quickly realized the is actually her...? We think she is a love addict. My husband and her came from an abusive childhood and didn't escape til she was 7,so it's easy to understand the damage that was done to her. Lots of trauma.
This issue now is the times we have seen her and BF is not around, she obsessively talks about him. Brings him up every other sentence. After telling us "I don't see see red flags, so tell if you see any when I date again!" after her second divorce, she jumps in this relationship and seems to be insisting we all approve of it. She can live her life but we are reflecting on the yrs and yrs of her crying to us, us supporting her (lending $ after divorce, my husband painting parts of her house for her, verbal and emotional support) and how she let her ex drain her retirement and didn't stick up for herself. With her ex husbands level of deception and hurt, many ppl would have left after a few yrs, after it was clear this person is not trying to change, not even apologetic. She tried to make it work for YEARS.
Fast forward and she is supposed to visit us soon so our kids and hers can have cousin time. She already invited her new BF without first asking us and we said he isn't invited, yet. My husband talked to her on the phone and explained we just have very firm boundaries right now and want to get to know him when we visit her home, not in ours. In our home it's about the kids getting cousin time. That's the focus. She said ok. Then before they are supposed to come she asks again "can he join?" We said no, still about the cousins, about the kids getting time. She says we are alienating her new BF who we have met twice, don't even know him well enough to alienate him. We tell her no, it's simply about the kids and she responds "well we won't be visiting now." I responded with "what a bummer for the kids" and said "YUP, sure is." Then we stated this is about having our guard up and taking our time, we aren't saying we don't like him or won't hang out again but not in our home, yet. She responds with "I put a lot of thought into not coming (she responded within an hr) and I wasn't emotional about it. I'm sincerely sad for the kids but he is my person and I can't explain to him why he isn't invited."
Frankly, I feel this is bullshit. It's all about her and her priorities, even over what her kids would like. Some history might help, when my husband was in college she would call and go on and on about her now ex husband and never even ask my husband a question. She shows little curiosity about us in conversation, it's always about her. She will politely listen, but she rarely if ever asks a question. So frankly I feel this relationship is just like her addictions and it must be love addiction she struggles with as well? Right? Btw this hangout time would have been one night and a day. Not very long and she can't let it be about her kids. Any insights would help, thank you!
submitted by nittygritty116 to loveaddiction [link] [comments]
2025.01.27 04:19 ComfortableVisual659 How can I improve my jawline
I’ve been trying to mew as much as possible for the past 2 years, but I always seem to go back to mouth breath when I sleep. I tried mouth tape, but it always comes off. Also I noticed this like loose skin under my jawline that isn’t helping my case. I would be okay having a soft jawline but this skin under my jaw seems to ruin it. For those who say just lose weight, I’m already 165 at 6’, I have basically no fat, all muscles. submitted by ComfortableVisual659 to LooksmaxingAdvice [link] [comments] |
2025.01.27 04:19 precisionguru [WTS] BT-361669 B&T Aluminum Lower Trigger Group for APC9/GHM9/SPC9 **** B5 Precision/BCM Gunfighter Mod-0/Magpul SL-K stocks
Timestamp: https://imgur.com/a/Msv42pV
****Must have some positive flair, tenured users on GAFS ONLY. Thanks.
Zelle or Venmo f&f only (no comments please.) I don't have PayPal. No trades.
$550 shipped.
More photos: https://imgur.com/a/qumsURz
More photos: https://imgur.com/a/XuFXKMm
More photos: https://imgur.com/a/1tV4gdw
More photos: https://imgur.com/a/tRxinm7
More photos: https://imgur.com/a/anOgk87
2025.01.27 04:19 Current_Address_2869 Weight loss at 79?
Has the anyone near my age lost weight in monjauro or any of the injectibles?
submitted by Current_Address_2869 to Monjauro [link] [comments]
2025.01.27 04:19 SecondaryAce Why isnt my visa gift card working for subscriptions
It used to work but now it doesn't work on any subscriptions and I checked it still has money on it and can afford it, it just won't work. Anyone know how to fix?
submitted by SecondaryAce to helpme [link] [comments]
2025.01.27 04:19 NeitherWaltz1965 Sabotaging supplies/arsenals
What's the most effective way to sabotage a points supplies, and/or their ability to equip themselves aside from taking the point?
submitted by NeitherWaltz1965 to ArmaReforger [link] [comments]
2025.01.27 04:19 Markus2822 Let’s start a reasonable respectful discussion about the current X (Twitter ban)
As I and I assume many others feel that this ban is at least up for questioning, I find it personally that the mods are being incredibly hypocritical. Saying that we cannot divide between us and them, while doing something that divides people. (If you want to divide people just be honest about it, don’t act like you are and say your not) And they say that free speech is incredibly important yet they shut down discussion on the ban.
So what I ask is that we have a respectful discussion that stays kind and calm but very very clear about our concerns with this ban and why anyone should be for or against it.
I want to be clear I want to start a discussion where we do not call out anyone personally, we do not devolve into calling people Nazis, we do not devolve into calling people idiots, we don’t personally insult anyone. We use logic and reasoning and make clear our opinions as to further show the mods what the users truly want in a respectful calm manner so they have no excuse to stop the conversation.
And mods I understand how this can seem like undermining your authority, and unlike the hypocrisy I believe you have given I will be frank. It is undermining your authority, for something that is incredibly important and politically charged and I feel the people should have a say in. So as a fair compromise I would hope that if you see someone not being respectful in these comments, you punish those people. Not those you disagree with. But those who are rude, name calling, insulting etc.
And for all users here, don’t give them any valid reasons to take away your voices. Be clear be respectful and make yourself heard.
I’m sure this makes clear my stance on it, but I wanna be clear, if your all for this ban and can be respectful and kind about your voice and want to back up why we should have it, you do that too! Everyone’s voices needs to be heard
submitted by Markus2822 to SBCGaming [link] [comments]
2025.01.27 04:19 Downtown_Bet3487 Cherri Bomb Didn't Try To Get Out Of Sir Pentious' Arms
Do you kind of wonder why Cherri Bomb didn't try to get out of Sir Pentious' arms when he held her in "The Show Must Go On"?
submitted by Downtown_Bet3487 to hazbin [link] [comments]
2025.01.27 04:19 noseatbeltsong ISO: pink/salmon MCM bathroom tile SWFL
my elderly mom had a leak in her original cast iron drains that the plumber had to cut out and unfortunately destroyed most of the tile in this small area. looking to replace it for her. i will be in the south west florida area near venice/englewood/port charlotte/punta gorda until february 7th.
this is a long shot, but does anyone in the group have any matching or near matching tile i could buy from you to repair this for her? since i will only be in the area for 2 weeks, if we can’t find the tile we are going to try to sheetrock it and color match a paint, but that’s clearly not ideal
open to any suggestions or advice as well, this will be our first time tiling
submitted by noseatbeltsong to portcharlotte [link] [comments]
2025.01.27 04:19 Metal_and_mayhem I hate how it isn't centered
submitted by Metal_and_mayhem to juggalo [link] [comments] |
2025.01.27 04:19 Due-Economics7590 The sillies I'm not sure about the one in the middle there
submitted by Due-Economics7590 to FundamentalPaperEdu [link] [comments] |