A woman alone

2025.01.27 04:00 Effective-Test-4717 A woman alone

You all have someone to lean on, but I’m dealing with a burning pain inside me, anxiety, insomnia, fear, and countless thoughts. How can I protect myself? How can I build myself up? How can I defend myself in this harsh world? A woman alone.
submitted by Effective-Test-4717 to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:00 ProfessionalCall8550 Is she saveable???

I messed up bad and left it out during a freeze, after contemplating this big L, I wanna see what you guys think about the stem. Obviously the leaves are goners but what do you guy think is it possible for her to grow next year?
submitted by ProfessionalCall8550 to Monstera [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:00 RedApplesForBreak Bacon crumbles!

We got a pack of bacon ends and pieces, and this particular pack has just a lot of small crumbles. Other than beans and soup, looking for inspiration to use up these bits of bacon. Thoughts?
submitted by RedApplesForBreak to Cooking [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:00 AutoModerator Monday Discussion Thread

Great place for team discussion/whatever Serie A related topics you would like to bring up. Examples: Transfers, rumors, players from other teams, things you miss about the old days etc. Whatever you want as long as it isn't too off-topic.
Also a good spot to ask about the stadium, the city of Milano, bars, fan clubs in your city etc.
Here are some important links for new members:

submitted by AutoModerator to ACMilan [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:00 Next-Requirement-897 2022.7.11

submitted by Next-Requirement-897 to zhang_xiao_long_meima [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:00 4r4b3lla stop taking your anger out on employees over things we cant control

A customer called multiple times today complaining about how he was having issues scheduling a grooming appointment online. He said he kept trying the schedule it for our location but every time he confirmed it said thank you for scheduling at the San Francisco location. He either didn’t know how to schedule an appointment, his location was completely off, or the obvious tech issue.
We tried explaining that it’s out of our hands as its likely a tech issue and that we can take down his number for the groomers to call back when they are available.
He called again 10 minutes before we closed complaining about how its the last straw and he needs to book with our location. The grooming salon was already closed and i told him “i understand” and was about to offer him a solution. He cut me off saying “IM NOT FINISHED YET” just to continue bitching about how the website is working. As I began to offer an easy solution (just call the grooming salon DIRECTLY when we open) HE HUNG UP.
I understand he was frustrated but Im literally a store floor employee why did you keep calling the customer service line instead of the actual salon in the first place? Why are you yelling at ME when I have no control over how the scheduling on your end works?? The audacity of some people.
submitted by 4r4b3lla to petco [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:00 Robogoat808 Windswept Lemmie

Her front legs are bent like that because she has fused joints. Gets around just fine though, wrestles and plays and chases her brothers and sisters
submitted by Robogoat808 to JapaneseChin [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:00 Unlikely-Rabbit3335 Question

My sophomore year (4 almost 5 years ago) my “friends” I haven’t associated with them since we were skipping class smoking pot being dumb whatever they told me take this pill. Now I know I’m idiot they pressured me into taking this pill without telling me what it was and I gave in and took it(this was probably around 11am) .The pill was a Benzo my brother called it whatever it was it made me black out almost instantly. My “friends” then took pictures and videos of me pushing me into sticker bushes and ended up leaving me there and much more happened but I woke up around 6pm by myself in the middle of nowhere and made my way home.
Now I only shared this because obviously whatever it was is a hard drug do I need to tell my recruiter about this. Nothing is medically wrong with me from that I only have a scar on my right side rib cage.
submitted by Unlikely-Rabbit3335 to ArmyRecruiter [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:00 JamesMoriarty8 Where to Buy Electronics for Engineering Projects in Kottayam?

Hi everyone, I'm looking for shops in Kottayam town where I can buy electronics components and tools for engineering projects. I already know about Maxonics, but I’d like to explore other options.
I’m specifically looking for places that stock microcontrollers, sensors, breadboards, wires, and other common electronic parts. Bonus if the shop has good service and reasonable prices!
Any recommendations would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!
submitted by JamesMoriarty8 to kottayamm [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:00 EngineerVirtual7340 How strong was Peleus?

submitted by EngineerVirtual7340 to GreekMythology [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:00 Tori-lee1997 If anyone in the papakura area has seen these two cats please contact me one went missing two days ago and one has been missing since this morning, they were given to us two days ago,their name are kingy and ninja.ninja has a white patch under her neck and kingy is pure black. Please contact me.

If anyone in the papakura area has seen these two cats please contact me one went missing two days ago and one has been missing since this morning, they were given to us two days ago,their name are kingy and ninja.ninja has a white patch under her neck and kingy is pure black. Please contact me. submitted by Tori-lee1997 to newzealand [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:00 fatmattreddit First Big Crash

Hello everyone, last Tuesday started my first huge crash. Feels like I have a fever, insane confusion, all the scary effects of extremely severe. I was completely unable to take any light stimuli and even hearing any sounds would really irritate me. My parents tweaked out and called an ambulance today, and it was a very traumatic day, I just slept for 8 hours after coming home, and I’m genuinely terrified about the PEM I’m about to experience, I fear it’s going to last months, will be putting the phone down for a while but I have a little energy so wanted to post here. Any other similar experiences? Am I totally fucked? Im scared. Hoping for the best for yall!
submitted by fatmattreddit to cfs [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:00 Jumpy_Log802 Newbie

I separated from active duty 20 years ago after serving from 1994 to 2004, with no deployments. At the time of my ETS, I transitioned into a DA civilian position that replaced my active-duty role. I was strongly advised by the hiring Sergeant Major not to file for disability, as it could negatively impact my chances of securing the position. As a result, I denied any medical issues during my exit exam and did not file for any claims.
I’ve been in the same civilian position for the past 20 years and recently filed for hearing loss and tinnitus. While I was on TDY, VES attempted to schedule my exam, which resulted in a Higher-Level Review (HLR) and a Duty to Assist (DTA) error being found. My exam is scheduled for tomorrow, and I anticipate a 0% rating for hearing loss and 10% for tinnitus, as the VA has already conceded the in-service event.
I plan to obtain a mental health diagnosis, DBQ, and an Independent Medical Opinion (IMO) from Valor, as my tinnitus has significantly impacted my mental health. I have strong, well-written statements from both myself and my wife detailing my condition.
My symptoms include ocular migraines and IBS, which I believe are secondary to my mental health condition. Would Valor be able to diagnose and include these conditions in the same IMO, or would I need separate evaluations?
Additionally, given the lack of service treatment and civilian treatment records, do you think the VA will take my circumstances into consideration?
Apologies for the number of questions—I’m trying to navigate the process and appreciate any guidance you can provide.
Thanks for your help.
submitted by Jumpy_Log802 to VeteransBenefits [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:00 mrgamer297 Ask Anything Thread

Use this thread to ask anything at all!
submitted by mrgamer297 to svr11pspmods [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:00 Squid989732 LF Shiny Petilil. FT in body text.

One of the following shinies: Eevee, Ursaring, Snorunt, Zorua, Stunky, Luxio, Teddiursa, Ursaring, Swinub, Raltz Dusclops, Hippopotas, Bronzor, Psyduck, Ghastly, Carnivine, Sliggoo, Graveler, Quilava, Shinx. Pokémon Legends Arceus.
submitted by Squid989732 to CasualPokemonTrades [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:00 HappyBerry_Art Frieren (by HappyBerry)

Frieren (by HappyBerry) submitted by HappyBerry_Art to frierenfolk [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:00 THE_DUCK_DINO23 [Wels Catfish] Blue Catfish (120¢)

[Wels Catfish] Blue Catfish (120¢) submitted by THE_DUCK_DINO23 to deeeepioskins [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:00 mrzoink Is it just me, or has the release schedule been slower/lighter than normal for the past several months for Great Courses Plus?

I'm going on a feeling more than any kind of analysis. I've been a subscriber for a number of years and it's just seemed like there's been a downturn in releases since sometime this past fall. Maybe there's a holiday-related effect I'm not accounting for?
submitted by mrzoink to TheGreatCourses [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:00 RLHEHE Bangkok, Thailand [XE2 23MM F2]

Bangkok, Thailand [XE2 23MM F2] submitted by RLHEHE to fujifilm [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:00 coderego Hardware requirements for ripping 4k?

I have a very old machine handy. AMD Phenom II x4 840. Could I run Automated Ripping Machine with this and dump it to my NAS? I have 100TB of storage, I really dont want to be overly compressing and losing quality. (Though I do have ~300 or so 4ks I want to rip...)
Or would I be better served by just building something more modern? TIA
submitted by coderego to 4kbluray [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:00 Huckleberry2419 Doggy Daycare Recommendations

We have a small dog (under 10 pounds) who somehow still has boundless energy after 2 long walks/day. He's gone to doggy daycare in the past and loved it, but we stopped taking him once our jobs transitioned to remote. We've used Rover on occasion, but are leaning toward daycare because he gets more energy out when he's around other dogs. Most of the daycares seem "cold" - concrete, inside, etc. Anyone have one they love?
submitted by Huckleberry2419 to AskSF [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:00 GameProfessional ⬆️ Up Game Shop

⬆️ Up Game Shop submitted by GameProfessional to UpGameShop [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:00 SockOk363 J’ai besoin d’aide avec mes héros, un ami abandonne son compte, je le récupère mais je sais pas quoi faire avec tout ça😅

J’ai besoin d’aide avec mes héros, un ami abandonne son compte, je le récupère mais je sais pas quoi faire avec tout ça😅 submitted by SockOk363 to TopHeroes [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:00 PossibleTopic4843 eBay?

Has anyone purchased a used Tudor from eBay? What are your thought or where is a good place to find second hand tudors? I really want to get a BB58 but can’t justify the brand new price
submitted by PossibleTopic4843 to Tudor [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:00 SexMachineCDMX Is it worth it?

Is it worth it? Currently Im the leader of my division but mext week I have a match against the strongest team. They’re better than my team. So, would it be worth to change the attitude to “match of the season”?
submitted by SexMachineCDMX to hattrick [link] [comments]
