O brasileiro está cansado, e com muito ódio.

2025.01.27 17:17 Patient_Paint_2919 O brasileiro está cansado, e com muito ódio.

Sabemos que nós, os brasileiros, sempre tivemos o histórico de ignorar os problemas do país, de meio que "ir empurrando com a barriga", de ir tentando achar um jeito de prosseguir e esperar por tempos melhores.
Mas tenho observado uma indignação geral da população agora, e vocês podem perceber sim também. Os olhos cansados, exaustos, cheios de estresse, mas também com MUITA raiva e ódio guardado também, o que é totalmente compreensível.
Um exemplo do ódio e indignação geral foi a forma como reagiram ao caso do monitoramento do PIX, aonde não houve discordância do povo; todo mundo CAIU MATANDO em cima cobrando os responsáveis por isso, e tá mais do que certo mesmo o povo se unir contra isso!
Já não é mais sobre lado A ou lado B, a galera está cansada de promessas falsas e não compridas, está cansada da impunidade e chegamos no ponto mais crítico: A fome e alimentos caros. Pessoas podem ignorar a realidade por muito tempo, mas a fome é algo que leva o ser humano ao limite; mexer com o que o povo ama, o arroz e feijão de cada dia, isso é algo que nem o brasileiro mais alienado aceitaria em circunstância alguma.
A população está com sangue nos olhos e sinto que é como uma panela de pressão; a qualquer momento isso aqui vai explodir.
submitted by Patient_Paint_2919 to FilosofiaBAR [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 17:17 No-Yogurtcloset9518 a theatre in my city is showing the movie in the coming soon list

a theatre in my city is showing the movie in the coming soon list I’m pretty shocked especially because none of the other theatres are showing it since there’s no poster or trailer
submitted by No-Yogurtcloset9518 to MichaelTheMovie [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 17:17 Jsuggs310 Stoned Pizza NYC Review

Stoned Pizza NYC Review Everything at this Resturant is infused‼️
submitted by Jsuggs310 to Cannabis_Culture [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 17:17 Direct-Wind4489 What's a good shampoo for 18m that can remove dandruff and promote hair growth

submitted by Direct-Wind4489 to IndianHaircare [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 17:17 CYANIDDE__ BOOM SHAKALAKA 🗣️🗣️

BOOM SHAKALAKA 🗣️🗣️ Asuka is the type of person to be extremely active on certain social media platforms for 2 weeks~a month before going radio silent for MONTHS until she re-downloads the app, she would be MAD confused abt the trend 😭
submitted by CYANIDDE__ to BNHA_OC_Characters [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 17:17 TheShinobiGamer Teakhaus at Costco

Teakhaus at Costco New to this sub. Costco has a teakhaus for $55. It’s pretty huge. Would it be worth it? Or will I have a heck of a time trying to fix issues?
submitted by TheShinobiGamer to Cuttingboards [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 17:17 king_kader need to shut this guys store down

my dad runs a fast food chain and hes given me one if the outlets to manage. (backstory: this outlet was tge first one my dad opened and once the business grew he had bigger stuff to care about so he stopped focusing on this outlet, hence my dad gave it to me to manage. right next to this outlet another guy has started his own place selling the same stuff for the same price amd this giy is also a local so he knows the people around here. hes been badmouthing us and sabotaging our business, which has worked and bought our business down. I NEED TO SHIT THIS GUY DOWN SO I CAN GET SOME VALIDATION FROM MY DAD
submitted by king_kader to Advice [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 17:17 Ok-Bee1417 Fanservant- Diomedes

Fanservant- Diomedes BIG BIRB! Another little project of Mine. Is he best Lancer Quick?
Servant Profile:
New terrain detected, analyzing hostility levels, initializing protocol…
(Sound of gun cocking)
“Just ignore it. Hey, the name’s Diomedes, (points to the spear) Lancer Class, the greatest pawn in history, nice to meet you…ho? What’s with that look? As disappointed as I am? Here, I have something you might like.”
Height/Weight: 193cm・25kg. What? For a bird I’m in shape!”.
Source: Greek Mythology, The Iliad.
Region: Greece, Argos.
Alignment: Lawful · Evil
Gender: Male
“Clarity of mind in the darkest days makes a stern general. A counselor and warrior king with a wild heart. With his loud war cries he incites terror and panic in his foes before calling upon his divine gallery.”
“Cool, huh? Just wait until you hear my war cry in this form.”
The Warlord cursed by Aphrodite. One of the main warriors of the Iliad, disputing with the likes of Ajax and Agamemnon for the most powerfull Warrior behind Achilles on the Greek side. Even though Diomedes is best known for his exploits in the Trojan War, even worshipped as a god years later because of it, his story begins years before this events.
His militar carrer started with him being part of the group known as "epigoni", children of 6 warriors who fell in a war against Thebes. At the funeral of their fathers, they made a vow of blood, to conquer Thebes and avenge the death of their patriarchs. ledding the most important expedition in Greece up until the days of the Trojan War. Unlike their parents, divine will was on their side now. With their revenge achieved, they installed Polynices' son as the new king of Thebes and returned home. When the army of Argos and Diomedes returned with the news to King Adrastus, days after discovering that his son had perished in battle against the king of Thebes, he died of grief. Diomedes, as his only living male descendant, had to accept the burden of the throne of Argos at the age of 14.
submitted by Ok-Bee1417 to FGO [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 17:17 Ok-Afternoon742 LM

LM submitted by Ok-Afternoon742 to LaurenMayberryHQ [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 17:17 Missclick3012 Radio Island - Was ist denn das "große Thema"?

Hey. Ich habe gerade Folge 60 von Radio Island gehört (Reality Realtalk - Wie geht es jetzt weiter). Max und Lotti machen darin am Anfang sehr viele Andeutungen über das Verhalten/ die Einstellung einiger Reality Stars. Offenbar folgen einige schwierigen Profilen oder posten fragwürdige Beiträge, löschen sie dann aber wieder und/oder behaupten sie wurden gehackt. Leider blieb alles mega kryptisch (für mich). Weder wurden Namen genannt noch das konkrete Problem. Sie nannten es immer nur "das Thema" und dass es auch ehemalige Gäste ihres Podcasts betrifft.
Hat jemand eine Ahnung worum es ging und kann mich erhellen? Ich hab irgendwie nix gecheckt.
submitted by Missclick3012 to TrashTVGermany [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 17:17 Linzkreig007 [WTS] x2 Troy fde BUIS, Badger Ordnance Aimpoint T1/2 1.70 mount blk

Timestamp: https://imgur.com/gallery/hSWcvgw
Going with my LPVO’s and getting away from dots/irons
WTS x2 sets of Troy fde BUIS, used but in perfect working condition $100 per set.
WTS x2 Badger Ordnance blk 1.70 RDM for the Aimpoint T1/2 pattern optics, $85 per.
Buyer pays PP g&s fee, shipping on me!
submitted by Linzkreig007 to GunAccessoriesForSale [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 17:17 Czart32 2025 Impressions show separations

Here’s some of my seps at this weekends show
submitted by Czart32 to SCREENPRINTING [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 17:17 android_tests_pac NSFW profile crosspost test for 2025-01-27 17:15:28

submitted by android_tests_pac to LssAutomation [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 17:17 congenital-itch Does anyone recognize the wallpaper used in the background during the unboxing of the M4 MacBook Pro, shown behind the "Hello" screen with a blurred effect?

Does anyone recognize the wallpaper used in the background during the unboxing of the M4 MacBook Pro, shown behind the submitted by congenital-itch to WallpaperRequests [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 17:17 Hight_Oversaff What do you think about serial killers?

submitted by Hight_Oversaff to usa [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 17:17 Witty-Main-5646 That scene always get me in tears

That scene always get me in tears https://
submitted by Witty-Main-5646 to southpark [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 17:17 Parking_Wolf_4159 Is it possible to pay or have somebody else pay for better health insurance while on SSI? Medicaid isn’t covering out of state stuff for me and I’m in the smallest state in the country (Rhode Island)

I’ve been seeing doctors for over four years now for weird neurological issues that never went away. The neurologists in Rhode Island are lacking in quality and they haven’t gotten me any answers regarding my problems. My current neurologist, who is the best one I’ve seen, suddenly left his practice, and I’ve been left to find yet another neurologist in-state. He had referred me to a person higher up in Connecticut, and that might not even be covered. I was told by Yale New Haven health that they don’t take any sort of RI Medicaid anymore due to issues with billing. Is there anyway that somebody would be able to get me insurance different from Medicaid while I’m on SSI that would cover out of state stuff? Is that not allowed?
submitted by Parking_Wolf_4159 to Medicaid [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 17:17 Febbox xAI的Grok 3 似乎已对部分用户开放访问

xAI的Grok 3 似乎已对部分用户开放访问 submitted by Febbox to singaporeChinese [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 17:17 lowfunctioningsocio MY FIRST OC FIREFOX

MY FIRST OC FIREFOX Heey my first Furry OC firefox ✨️ give me a follow on Twitter pleasee it is the watermark 🥰
submitted by lowfunctioningsocio to furry [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 17:17 Initial_Catch1542 Ai naum

submitted by Initial_Catch1542 to piscatorio [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 17:17 plasticmono SB pickups of 2025 so far

SB pickups of 2025 so far Collection is growin
submitted by plasticmono to NikeSB [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 17:17 mostlyhere-2-read First Time Experience

I’ve been loving dazzle dry! I originally wanted to try gel or builder but I was scared of developing an allergy like others.
I tried it for the first time and started with a mini kit because of the price and after the product lasted a whole week I bought more shades.
After a week passed I noticed my dominant hand started to peel along the cuticle line. But also my cuticles suck and I’m working on repairing them. My cuticles are SO dry. Would love suggestions if you have any! I have been using olive and June cuticle pen but I feel like it’s not doing much.
But all in all I am in love! I wanted to share for anyone looking for a lasting polish and may be researching. I haven’t seen as much about it besides on tiktok.
I’m surprised people are not raving about it. My guess is someone may be using only the nail lacquer and not the whole system. Which you definitely need all 4 steps. Mini kit with all the steps is $39 and you can buy on Amazon or the dazzle dry website. Anyways I frequently come to Reddit for information so I wanted to share!
submitted by mostlyhere-2-read to dazzledry [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 17:17 ghoulcityig The New Vegas Player Experience

The New Vegas Player Experience submitted by ghoulcityig to falloutnewvegas [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 17:17 ButterscotchKey9326 Knulli 2nd SD card issue, help needed

I just got my device delivered today and have setup Knulli but having issues. Steps I have done:

Now when I start the device it runs "Resizing SHARE partition" every time, and doesn't detect my roms. Even when I try to open PortMaster, it's seemingly gone and needs to be reinstalled every time. Freeware games included in the OS which I delete just come back.
It makes me think Knulli is reinstalling every time I boot, but it remembers data such as WiFi connection and sound settings. 64gb SD is definitely still selected as the Storage drive on reboot.
Any ideas?
submitted by ButterscotchKey9326 to RG35XX_H [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 17:17 DryCap682 Mitsubishi ASX leak by me

Mitsubishi ASX leak by me https://preview.redd.it/1kntl8y0lkfe1.jpg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=27286402a8923534bc4b1483886f72af30b7f856
submitted by DryCap682 to Beamng_Jamaica [link] [comments]
