Stocks to buy for an upside of upto 47%

2025.01.29 05:54 Maleficent-Ferret570 Stocks to buy for an upside of upto 47%

Stocks to buy for an upside of upto 47% submitted by Maleficent-Ferret570 to IndianBullishStocks [link] [comments]

2025.01.29 05:54 firstescapegame Lots of Puzzle Fun - Castle of Secrets- Promo

Lots of Puzzle Fun - Castle of Secrets- Promo submitted by firstescapegame to puzzlevideogames [link] [comments]

2025.01.29 05:54 Amon_Bal Diplomats from Slane Theocracy meet a Diplomat from Nazarick, colorised:

Diplomats from Slane Theocracy meet a Diplomat from Nazarick, colorised: F casual racism, we are going ranked
submitted by Amon_Bal to overlord [link] [comments]

2025.01.29 05:54 no_tomatoes_plz Sub full of cheaters?

Recently came across a post where a person was asking suggestions to play pubg mobile using mnk.
Even though OP explicitly mentioned he got banned using emulator and trying to find ways to play, very less ppl actually called out it's cheating and the rest are actually trying to justify it.
OP mentioned he wants to play with his frnds, no ones stopping him, play on mobile like rest of the lobby. Learn to aim on mobile. Cheating is never justified.
I don't know if ppl are naive or most ppl also cheat. If this was posted in any other gaming sub, everyone would call out OP for cheating..but somehow not here.
To whoever still tries to support using mnk on a mobile game where the game itself says not to use, shame on you.
submitted by no_tomatoes_plz to IndianGaming [link] [comments]

2025.01.29 05:54 Sugarystargirl Thoughts? Improvements? Ain’t broke don’t fix it?

Thoughts? Improvements? Ain’t broke don’t fix it? submitted by Sugarystargirl to makeuptips [link] [comments]

2025.01.29 05:54 monterosancheiker Ha me gustaría que un oficia de la armada me contase su día a día en un barco

submitted by monterosancheiker to MilitarySpain [link] [comments]

2025.01.29 05:54 Ejvas Hoping to come across with someone feeling generous to help me finish these two sets for the partner event!

submitted by Ejvas to Monopoly_GO [link] [comments]

2025.01.29 05:54 HolidayAd4498 Building a Thriving Lip Care Line: Best Lip Care Products

Dry, chapped lips are a consumer pain point, especially in harsh weather. As a manufacturer, you can offer targeted solutions through a compelling lip care line. This guide explores essential and advanced lip care products alongside private label manufacturing options to bring your brand vision to life.
submitted by HolidayAd4498 to privatelabel [link] [comments]

2025.01.29 05:54 Crafty_Metal_110 Code: PHIK435 für 3 GB extra und dauerhaft 😊

Code: PHIK435 für 3 GB extra und dauerhaft 😊 submitted by Crafty_Metal_110 to fraenkfriends [link] [comments]

2025.01.29 05:54 OsirisAI Stock Information for ETHUSD - 3h

#ETHUSD #3h #Crypto───────────
Ensemble model * Overview: The synthetic investment attractiveness indicator equals 33 (out of +/-100). The model ensemble predicts that trading will be attractive in the nearest future. The synthetic directional indicator equals 51 (out of +/-100). The model ensemble is confident that the market will be bullish in the nearest future.
Optimal past * Optimal past: The optimal lookback period for modelling is currently 130 candles. The market is currently bearish, depreciating by 6.0% during the latest phase.
Elliot Waves * Elliot Waves: The market's trend has changed and currently goes down.

Price Bound Modelling * HAR model at confidence level 95.0%: the HAR model forecasts volatility of 1.0883% in the next candle, the price will fluctuate around 3117.76 and with 95.0% probability will not go below 3061.94 or above 3173.58.
Forecast * MA model at confidence level 95.0%: the MA model forecasts a return of 0.2306% in the next candle, the price will fluctuate around 3125.47 and with 95.0% probability will not go below 3034.42 or above 3216.53.
Stability Indicators * Generalised extreme value: According to the indicator, the market is stable
Seasonality test * Seasonality test: According to the generalised seasonality test, there are no seasonal effects on the market.
Distribution analysis * Best-fit distribution: Best-fit distribution has changed, and now it is Laplace
Not investment advice.
#ETHUSD #3h #trading #Distribution analysis
submitted by OsirisAI to OsirisFinance [link] [comments]

2025.01.29 05:54 Ok-Cash-9564 Kaspa community 💚

I've been a Kaspa supporter since I started my crypto journey back in October 2024. My introduction to Kaspa came from a friend who typed "Kaspa" into my Google search. My research into the team, fundamentals, and developments inspired me to join the Kaspa community.
Kaspa is undoubtedly a game changer. Yonatan and the team are passionate, dedicated, expert technicians. The supportive community is also passionate and knows the value of what we hold.
In time, Yonatan and the team will be releasing a documentary on the journey of Kaspa, and then the whole world will be introduced to the future coin of crypto. #kaspa #digitalsiver #hodl 👑
submitted by Ok-Cash-9564 to kaspa [link] [comments]

2025.01.29 05:54 _-mortex-_ Ever seen this room?

submitted by _-mortex-_ to bindingofisaac [link] [comments]

2025.01.29 05:54 sajjad_zz nfs unbound not launching

So i bought nfs unbound from steam and installed it without any faults now whenever i wanna launch it either from the steam/ea app/shortcut etc. It stays on "preparing game" for a while and says: "failed to launch game-an error on our end caused the launch to fail. try again a little later". Can you guys help me here?
submitted by sajjad_zz to needforspeed [link] [comments]

2025.01.29 05:54 Ok-Still8119 How slow were pcs back in the 2000s

How slow were pcs back then. Is it true that it takes about 3 minutes to open a website, or 7 minutes to open your pc.
submitted by Ok-Still8119 to retrogaming [link] [comments]

2025.01.29 05:54 Future-Pudding1034 Matrix destiny

Matrix destiny Hi I’m interested in learning what my matrix destiny chart means if someone would be kind enough to explain it as I don’t have a clue haha thankyou
submitted by Future-Pudding1034 to astrologyreadings [link] [comments]

2025.01.29 05:54 ThE_L0rd_Of_BreAd Remember “the things I care about”

Yes that’s the channel name
submitted by ThE_L0rd_Of_BreAd to OverSimplified [link] [comments]

2025.01.29 05:54 nightmareeyesart [For Hire] i'm a catroonist planning on starting commissions, prices are 10 each and a extra 5 for anything like background or extra character's, dm if interested

[For Hire] i'm a catroonist planning on starting commissions, prices are 10 each and a extra 5 for anything like background or extra character's, dm if interested submitted by nightmareeyesart to starvingartists [link] [comments]

2025.01.29 05:54 Unfair-Sail-9128 Saw this fishing tonight!

Saw this fishing tonight! Packing up ice fishing to go home, it’s pitch black and my buddy says, “Wtf name what is that?” Having been lurking in this subreddit the past few months I instinctively looked up thinking, “ufo no way” and saw this. This almost startled me at first, but It seemed to clustebreak up. On an open lake we saw this from horizon to horizon for about 1 minute. West to East, Southwestern Wisconsin, USA. What did my buddies and I see? Space debris? Meteor?
submitted by Unfair-Sail-9128 to UAP [link] [comments]

2025.01.29 05:54 Malek_Powered My first Tag Heuer

My first Tag Heuer Glad to join the club. This one is so incredibly comfortable. I love it so much.
I still have yet to fully figure out the timer though. I haven't been able to have it go off at an intentionally set time yet.
submitted by Malek_Powered to tagheuer [link] [comments]

2025.01.29 05:54 ithoughtful State of Open Source Read-Time OLAP Systems 2025

submitted by ithoughtful to dataengineering [link] [comments]

2025.01.29 05:54 eeeeanx hey gang

hey gang
so i have come across a dilema
as you can see i have izanagi gaia and luna available to me
dasli is also available about 10 slots up
however i am currently at 168b but i do have the tickets and catfood necessary to get whichever one i want(this is prob an overstatement im prob like 3 tickets short of luna)
and i need your help to decide what to get
rn im thinking i wait for guaranteed banner for a track switch to luna
if there is no guarantee banner tho i need to decide between dasli gaia and izanagi
for context im in starred ul
submitted by eeeeanx to BattleCatsCheats [link] [comments]

2025.01.29 05:54 O-Mestre I love this game

I love this game H
submitted by O-Mestre to VampireSurvivors [link] [comments]

2025.01.29 05:54 Vezimira Help with GSW Crackle Paint - Winterfell Plains

Hello there, does anyone here have good experience with Crackle Paint (Winterfell Plains) from Green Stuff World? I just can't get it to stick. I've tried putting it on primed base, primed + painted base, in thin layer and in thick layer, and every time it ends up so brittle it all falls off at the smallest shake. What am I doing wrong?
submitted by Vezimira to minipainting [link] [comments]

2025.01.29 05:54 Renan-Santos sou babaca por falar isso no término?

sou bem novo, tenho 17 anos e sinto que me esforcei bastante no final do relacionamento, fazia presentes a mão e inventava rolês quase sempre, minha namorada era um pouco mais nova e tinha mais dinheiro que eu, pq sou estudante e venho de uma família mais humilde e de certa forma me incomodava ser bancado pela minha sogra eu algumas ocasiões e eu estava bem cheio disso pq minha sogra parecia não estar muito feliz de sua filha se relacionar cmg, quando fui pedir a mão dela ela falou que a filha dela era nova e q a aliança não iria significar nada. Foi um breve contexto kkkkk sempre fui bem apaixonado, fazia de tudo por ela e no final eu tentei chamar pra sair duas vezes, uma ela recusou pq era tipo um jogo de vôlei e ela falou q n tava afim e na outra vez chamei pra ir num parque de diversões só q ela iria ensaiar dança e não pode ir, só que eu fui e fui com uma amiga da minha irmã que tem a minha idade, só que ela é madrinha da minha sobrinha e eu não qria ficar em casa já que minha ex tinha saído o fim de semana inteiro e eu não, pois não tenho muito dinheiro como eu disse e se eu fosse sair com meus amigos em algum showzinho ela ia ficar brava, ent sai com minha irmã oq n resolveu, decidi avisar da amiga dela pq achei q era bom avisar só deu mais briga e no final ela terminou cmg, falou q eu n tratava bem só q eu tinha dado uma rosa dias atrás e sempre incluía ela em tudo, mas eu errei em falar de terminar pq eu n conseguia mais manter a relação não tendo dinheiro kkkkk sei q os homens pensam assim e eu sou bem novo é horrível ver sua namorada bancando vc sempre, me sentia um inútil e as vezes eu ficava meio chateado por isso, me sentia substituível ainda mais qnd as amigas dela ficavam falando de outros moleques para ela. Depois do término eu chorei bastante pq eu qria poder ser o suficiente pra ela e só pensei em terminar pra focar em mim, fazer faculdade (coisa que ela não parecia apoiar) e desfiz bastante amizades tbm por causa dela kkkk quase todas na real, e depois do término ela saiu com uma amiga dela que vivia falando de muleques e fui em um show em outra cidade e eu ouvi ela falando que eu não a tratava bem, fiquei muitoooo mal com isso, foi a pior dor da minha vida kkkkk sei q n parece mas foi sim, e de certa forma tudo perdeu o sentido, pq eu real gostava dela e ela jogou tudo no lixo, eu tentei explicar o meu lado de pq eu tinha pensado em terminar, q eu qria ser melhor pra ela mas q a gente se machucava, mas não consegui falar de um jeito certo, fiquei mal e corri atrás e ela simplesmente virou a cara, aí eu fiquei bravo, e falei que ela era imatura, insensível e mimada, que ela nem mereceu tudo que eu fiz por ela, mas na verdade eu só qria que ela escutasse minhas desculpas, pq parecia tão verdadeiro e talvez em tenha estragado tudo por insegurança, é q é muito difícil ser bancado em tudo, eu me sentia q só estava atrapalhando ainda mais quando sua sogra parece não gostar de vc, ou só te aceitar pq a filha dela gostava de mim, e eu me sinto mal por isso, pq eu falei coisas na hora da raiva mas é pq ela fez algo muito do nada, terminou foi em show, seguiu outros meninos, fiquei muito mal com isso e precisei falar aquilo, eu fazia ciúmes as vezes mas era algo normal e algumas meninas davam encima de mim só q eu recusava todas e eu mostrava para ela, e no final eu falei disso também me achei meio babaca, é q eu abri mão de quase tudo por ela e ela n perdeu nada parece, já está com outro inclusive em menos de 2 meses, e ela falava q ia me amar pra sempre, mas eu fui babaca no final? de correr atrás e falar mal de alguém que já tinha terminado comigo, qria muito a opinião de vcs pq isso tá tirando meu sono, e sinto que tô perdendo o foco da minha vida e esse ano é importante pois vou prestar vestibular, se alguém poder me ajudar, obgd
submitted by Renan-Santos to EuSouOBabaca [link] [comments]

2025.01.29 05:54 Peasantdude you need a blonde love that will last

submitted by Peasantdude to AltBlonde [link] [comments]