for paramont can you make this the sonic 4 poster

2025.01.27 17:15 PerspectiveFuture863 for paramont can you make this the sonic 4 poster

for paramont can you make this the sonic 4 poster submitted by PerspectiveFuture863 to Deadpoolchat [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 17:15 SkyGinge Semi-Final Draw Data Deepdive (2013-2024) & More

Semi-Final Draw Data Deepdive (2013-2024) & More Tomorrow is the semi-final draw, and with the allocation pots now revealed, it's time to dig into some draw related data!
As per the format since 2013, each country will be drawn into either the first or second half of a semi-final, with the exact order determined manually by the producers later to make every song stand out. I'll be taking a deepdive into the draw data from these past eleven contests. Which of these trends will be bucked tomorrow?
For the sake of conciseness, I've only included the 37 participating countries.
How many times has each country been drawn into each semi/half?
Some interesting observations (ignoring Luxembourg because they've only been in one semi):
  • The most times a country has been drawn into a specific semi/half is 6 times - Malta with S2 1st half and Georgia with S2 2nd half. Several countries have been drawn into a specific semi/half 5 times:
    • SF1 2nd Half: Iceland
    • SF2 1st Half: Austria, Denmark, San Marino & Serbia
    • SF2 2nd Half: Norway, Slovenia & Switzerland
  • Conversely, the following countries have not been drawn into the following quadrant:
    • SF2 1st Half: Croatia, Slovenia & Ukraine
    • SF2 2nd Half: Serbia
  • 1st Half Frequenters: A few countries have a tendency to draw the 1st half, they are:
    • Serbia - 8/10 (80%)
    • Ireland, Lithuania & Malta - 7/11 (63.64%)
    • Australia - 5/8 (62.25%)
    • Armenia, Austria, Denmark & Netherlands - 6/10 (60%)
  • 2nd Half Frequenters: Likewise, some countries have gotten 'lucky' more often and been drawn into the 2nd half. They are:
    • Georgia - 8/11 (72.73%)
    • Belgium, Greece, Norway, Slovenia & Switzerland - 7/11 (63.64%)
    • Montenegro & Portugal - 5/8 (62.25%)
    • Israel - 6/10 (60%)
  • Semi 1 Frequenters: The following countries have ended up in semi-final 1 the largest proportion of times:
    • Croatia - 7/9 (77.78%)
    • Portugal - 6/8 (75%)
    • Cyprus - 7/10 (70%)
    • Azerbaijan, Belgium, Finland & Iceland - 7/11 (63.64%)
  • 2nd Semi Frequenters: The following countries have ended up in semi-final 2 the largest proportion of times:
    • Georgia, Malta, Norway, San Marino & Switzerland - 8/11 (72.73%)
    • Denmark, Israel & Poland - 7/10 (70%)
    • Latvia - 7/11 (63.64%)
What is each country's average running order position?
Longest Current Semi/Half Streaks
  • Longest 1st Half Streak: Poor old Serbia have been drawn in the first half 8 times in a row. They are followed by Cyprus (5) and Malta (3).
  • Longest 2nd Half Streak: Nobody is on a particularly long 2nd half streak at the moment - the longest current streak is only 2 contests, held by a whooping 10 countries (Australia, Azerbaijan, Finland, Georgia, Israel, Netherlands, Portugal, San Marino, Slovenia, Sweden,)
  • Longest Semi 1 Streak: Croatia currently have the longest SF1 streak with 4 SF1 draws in a row, followed by Ukraine and Portugal with 3.
  • Longest Semi 2 Streak: Estonia, Georgia and San Marino all currently share this honour with 4 consecutive SF2 appearances, followed by Belgium with 3.
The final bit of data is which semi-final each of the big 5 & host have been drawn since 2013:
Now for the fun part. Using this year's draw's pot allocations and the above later, I've put together a few potential semi-final line-ups. All of these are very unlikely to happen, but I hope they're an interesting thought experiment:
Here we see the countries drawn into the semi/half they have been in the most times, with the exact order determined by average running order position.
This simulation is the opposite of the above, putting countries into the semi/half they have been allocated the least. Montenegro is emboldened because I was unable to fit them into the pattern due to four countries from that draw pot having a SF2 half as their least drawn half.
A simple one, this puts the countries with the lowest qualification rate in each pot in the second semi-final and the ones with the highest in the first.
My favourite one, this splits the countries into halves dependent on how they're selecting their entry this year. SF1 1st Half is all the countries doing internal selections (Australia/Georgia are unconfirmed but almost certainly internal, and Israel's song choice is internal), with the three auto-finalists who are using an internal selection allocated to vote in SF1. SF2 1st Half is NFs with only one show night, SF2 2nd Half is NFs with multiple show nights, and SF1 2nd Half is a mix though prioritising NFs with big jury power where possible.
There are all sorts of other running order data facts out there - what are your favourites?
submitted by SkyGinge to eurovision [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 17:15 ehergawhat IVF Timeline

Hi! Starting IVF in February - in the waiting phase for my next period to begin stims. I'm curious if an April transfer is a realistic expectation? I should have a period mid-February and know stims go for about 10-14 days. I've read to expected 6 - 8 weeks between ER and FET with PGT testing. Just trying to make sure my expectations are level set on timing before I'm locking in on April and have to wait even longer. TYIA for any stories shared!
submitted by ehergawhat to IVF [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 17:15 Hour_Branch8829 Where to go with this team

Where to go with this team Have already made quite a few trades after getting bounced early last year with a lot of injuries (used to have tyreek and cmc which hurt) What’s the move now?
submitted by Hour_Branch8829 to DynastyFFTradeAdvice [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 17:15 lss_web_1444 Link post title 133

Link post title 133 submitted by lss_web_1444 to automationContentCom [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 17:15 Parking_Truck1403 Not even a Bills fan, but the NFL really wants Taylor Swift at the Super Bowl

submitted by Parking_Truck1403 to pics [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 17:15 Medical_Relative_436 [ON] Advice/tips on business plan

Hi Everyone!
I’m a piano teacher of over 7 years and am thinking about opening a music school later this year. Probably September when all the kids go back to school and their extracurriculars.
Currently, I teach about 47 kids a week in clients homes and most of them have been with me for over 5 years. I’m looking to expand and possibly hire one or two teachers to help me out at the school. I currently have a wait list of 12-15 students and will have more coming in in December (probably another 15-20) since my friend is moving away and giving me her previous students.
I had always been self employed but now that I’m expanding I wonder if it’s a good idea to incorporate. I’m also looking into registering my business and getting liability insurance + property insurance + business bank account + learning how to use quickbooks. I’m not too worried about advertising yet as I will be networking with other small businesses around and I’m hoping to connect with all the music teachers at the public and private schools as well. I’m also thinking of going door to door to hand flyers/ meet with all the parents in neighborhoods.
Some questions I have-
1) should I incorporate or stay as a self proprietor
2) what’s a good business bank account for a small business?
3) Is there anything else I’m missing in terms of insurance or anything to do with taxes?
Thanks in advance! Feeling a little overwhelmed haha
submitted by Medical_Relative_436 to SmallBusinessCanada [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 17:15 KindArt711 My trading list !!

submitted by KindArt711 to SonicSpeedSim [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 17:15 Reciter5613 Do I even need to say anything?

Do I even need to say anything? submitted by Reciter5613 to PoliticalMemes [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 17:15 19602024 This description in society of the snow

This description in society of the snow I believe this is from the chapter "We come from a plane that crashed in the mountains". I can't imagine what was Roberto describing here. Can anyone picture it better? English isn't my first language so that might be it.
submitted by 19602024 to SocietyOfTheSnow [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 17:15 MontrealBazzooooka Is traveling to USA with tourist visa safe now?

Hello, my partner is worried about traveling to usa with me. More about the situation:
I am mexican immigrant in the US, entered the US legally (green card) around 12 years ago and became citizen around 5 years ago. My partner is also mexican, and lives in Mexico. They and their family have had a tourist visa for many years, and entered the country with it many times. More specifically, my partner has come visit me many times in the last couple of years, they stay at most 2 months at a time, and of course, they do not work while they are here. We are engaged and we plan to get married at the end of this year.
Now, we have stayed in Mexico for the last couple of months, but now they are worried about coming back to the USA with me (for them this would be a visit, and they would come back to mexico to continue prepearing the wedding).
My partner is worried that the immigration agent at the airport would see that they are mexican and that they have entered the country many times in the last couple of years and will get suspicious of them and revoke their visa, put them in jail and deport them. My partner is also worried about it happening to me.
I believe it is OK and safe to continue traveling, as they have not shown any signs of wanting to stay or work illegal in the country. I also do not think people have stopped traveling to the USA with their tourist visa.
What is your opinion/ experience?
submitted by MontrealBazzooooka to USVisas [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 17:15 harunamiko pais...

acho que é a primeira vez que eu tento dizer sobre isso com pessoas diferentes do meu ciclo atual de amigos.
Hoje eu descobri que passei na faculdade e estava muito feliz. Então contei para a minha mãe, ela simplesmente só olhou para mim e tratou tudo como se não fosse nada. Eu já me acostumei a não demonstrar meus sentimentos mas isso doeu muito. Faço 18 daqui a umas semanas e tudo de novo que ta acontecendo na minha vida era muito importante eu ter o apoio e o carinho dos meus pais. Hoje em si era para ser um dia feliz, sempre via videos da familia ficando super feliz por seus filhos terem passado em algo que eles queriam muito. Mas não, meus pais só me submeterem a por um curso na faculdade, então eu coloquei o que eu queria. E passei. Fiquei mal e ansiosa mas tudo isso passei sozinha, só eu sabia meus reais sentimentos. Tudo me deixa machucada e mal por dentro.
ainda teve o dia que eu fui fazer o enem e foi humilhante. Minha mãe sabe que ela nunca me deixou trabalhar e na hora de comprar o lanche antes da prova ela além de comprar em cima da hora ainda me disse "você deveria ter guardado dinheiro para comprar" sendo que ela sabia que o pouquinho que eu ganhava era para cuidar da minha autoestima, ano passado eu estava tentando melhorar de um episodio depressivo. Foi o pior dia da minha vida aquele enem, doeu muito e fiz a prova mal.
O que me dói é saber que experiencias que deveriam ficar eternizadas na minha mente como boas memorias so me fazem sentir dor e vontade de chorar. Eu me sinto tão mal com tudo isso que já cheguei a pensar em me m4t4r. Eu so to cansada de me sentir um fardo. So queria que meus pais me vissem como um ser humano que tem sentimentos.
Um dia vou ver eles partirem do mundo sem nem ao menos terem tentado melhorar. E o pior disso tudo é que por mais que eu tente seguir em frente e ser uma pessoa melhor, tenho muitos traumas e problemas, o que me deixa mentalmente instavel em certos momentos.
enfim peço desculpas pelos erros ortográficos, estou escrevendo isso enquanto eu tento não chorar, não estou raciocinando direito, mas obrigada a todos que leram até aqui.
submitted by harunamiko to desabafos [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 17:15 Dependent_Feeling663 Just an appreciation post

Hey new here. I'm a Sag with Gemini Rising. And Geminis are my favorite people. Don't listen what they say, you guys are awesome. Love been around Geminis all my life.
submitted by Dependent_Feeling663 to geminis [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 17:15 c00chieMonster420 Ex-military turned hitman

Ex-military turned hitman submitted by c00chieMonster420 to TopCharacterTropes [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 17:15 RenegadeBraveheart Franchouchou on the beach

submitted by RenegadeBraveheart to MizunoAi [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 17:15 Vivzy685 What is this?

This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by Vivzy685 to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 17:15 Traditional_Intern28 327 RANK!!🌟 [TH-17] 4 HEROES MAXED ACCOUNT 💥| MAXED DEFENCE/WALLS & TROOPS💥💥💥| SC-LINKED | XP-266✅ | NAME CHANGE-1000 | 33K+ LEGEND CUPS 🏆| 6166 ATB 🔥 | ALL EQUIPMENTS AVAILABLE WITH HIGH LEVELS 🔥 | BUILDER HALL-10 💥| DM FOR PRICE & MORE INFO 🤝| Discord-rockybst007
NOTE: All my accounts comes from trusted sources✅
After sale policy: Will do refund / replacement account in case of account get locked/recoveghost login💯🤝
How its works:
You will get full access of account gmail & password or if you wish i will shift account own your email adresss than simply add protection in your purchase account in both case thats all✅🍻.
Thnx have a nice day 🫡
submitted by Traditional_Intern28 to ClashofClansAccounts [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 17:15 BabaDooney 28 F , right hand :)

28 F , right hand :) submitted by BabaDooney to PalmReading [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 17:15 ShadyPinesMa104 Huntsville Hospital W2-wtf

I need an accountant or a HH employee or both to weigh in...
I just opened my husband's W2 from HH and realized there were almost no federal income taxes withheld. So thinking this surely must be a mistake and they told us that no it was correct. If you claim dependents and make less than $4K a check they DON'T WITHHOLD FED TAX???? Please tell me I am in some sort of bad dream.
submitted by ShadyPinesMa104 to HuntsvilleAlabama [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 17:15 AcanthisittaHour4995 Latest data on MAXN

Latest data on MAXN
submitted by AcanthisittaHour4995 to MAXN_Maxeon_Investors [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 17:15 ocolly 'Our work doesn't stop' students react to Israel-Hamas ceasefire

'Our work doesn't stop' students react to Israel-Hamas ceasefire submitted by ocolly to ocolly [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 17:15 FeatureUpper1979 DeepSeek e AI Bubble

Lavoro per un noto asset manager e mi occupo di investimenti. So che non siamo nel forum di scimmie in borsa o simili, ma qui è pieno di sviluppatori e professionisti del settore IT, ovvero persone che realmente sanno scrivere linee di codice e che concretamente conoscono cosa significhi creare un LLM, effettuare training su una GPU, ecc. Mi rivolgo a voi… Dopo aver passato la giornata a leggere tutti i report degli analisti del settore semiconductors, e dopo aver ricevuto chat rassicuranti (e non), vi chiedo: siamo di fronte alla fine del boom dell’AI? Voi che ne capite davvero, cosa ne pensate? Mi scuso in anticipo perché so che non siamo in un thread dedicato a questi temi, ma ritengo che buona parte degli utenti qui dentro possa fornire spiegazioni più valide di molti analisti di Wall Street. Grazie
submitted by FeatureUpper1979 to ItaliaCareerAdvice [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 17:15 Ok_Faithlessness8643 Im M20. How to get taller?

Problem/Goal: Im M20 and only 5'7. Some would say its okay, its average, its tall, its short. The thing is, its not enough for me.
Context: Im M20, and I wanna get taller. Ive been working out for over a year now, but the insecurity of not being "tall" is still there and its making me desperate since its something i cant ever control. My dad is 5'8, my mom is 5'2
What ive tried so far: i started to sleep more, eat healthier (protein, calcium, fibre rich food), and so far nothing has helped talaga for the past 5 months. HOWEVER, ive recently come across this 10FT vitamins and its making me think about it rlly hard.
Pero nung ni search ko sya, its FDA registered but High Risk naman. Additionally its main ingredient is PANAX NOTOGINSENG,which is just a normal plant and is usually used for improved blood flow etc.
hUHUHU i know its not the biggest problem in the world but if there are really proven tips and information tha would help so much.
submitted by Ok_Faithlessness8643 to adviceph [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 17:15 Due_Category8495 “Milkin it is the 2nd worst shifty death” JUNK IN THE TRUNK EXISTS

“Milkin it is the 2nd worst shifty death” JUNK IN THE TRUNK EXISTS submitted by Due_Category8495 to happytreefriends [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 17:15 OriginalGyalus God Of War Ragnarok now on portal streaming.

What Triple A releases are you waiting for on the portal? I hope TLOU2 remastered is in the horizon with RDR2.
submitted by OriginalGyalus to PlaystationPortal [link] [comments]