Matt Walsh IS Racist

surname, family name, last name - 都是姓 first name - 名 surname很少用到。一般family name, last name用得比较多。 例如:Michael Jackson 的姓(surname,last name)是"JACKSON",,名(first name)是"MICHAEL"。 first name: your first name (US often given name) is, in English-speaking countries, the name given to you by your parents at birth. 在说英语的国家中 ... be used to do, be used to doing 和used to do的区别used to do 过去常常……be/get used to sth./doing sth.. 习惯于……be used to do 被用来做……1 ... 上海勤和互联网技术软件开发有限公司©2014 增值电信业务经营许可证 ICP 证沪 B2-20110038 号IS手机版 百度知道是全球领先的中文问答互动平台,每天为数亿网民答疑解惑。百度知道通过AI技术实现智能检索和智能推荐,让您的每个疑问都能够快速获得有效解答。 帐号被盗,若您的帐号未设置密码保护或密码保护无法通过成功验证,请您立即填写通过申诉的方式找回您的IS帐号, 点击此处>> 可 了解IS帐号的申诉技巧 2. 填写申诉账号相关资料,请正确填写申诉联系邮箱,并确保申诉联系邮箱可以正常使用,填写之后,系统会自动发送一个申诉验证码至该邮箱内 Miley版歌词 Miley Cyrus -See You Again I got my sights set on you And I'm ready to aim I have a heart that will never be tamed I knew you were something special When you spoke my name Now I can't wait to see you again I've got a way of knowing When something is right I feel like I must have known you in another life 'Cause I felt this deep connection When you looked in my eyes (I can't ... 核心产品—IS语音 公司旗下核心产品为iSpeak语音软件,是一款集视频表演、K歌娱乐、社交互动于一体的娱乐社区平台。产品拥有PC、移动、网页端,下载后可随时随地观看内容。 iSpeak官方网站,提供IS最新版本下载。IS是国内多人语音聊天平台,深受广大在线K歌、聊天、娱乐及游戏用户的喜爱。同时还提供多人视频聊天、文件传输、印章礼物等特色功能,是您k歌、游戏、娱乐休闲的平台。 啄木鸟系列10部必看经典电影推荐包括:《啄木鸟电影,监狱》、《爱在日落黄昏时》系列、《致命ID》、《高压监狱》、《法国航空》、《灭火行动》,以及《Trust Us, This Is All Made Up》、《The Hole Story》、《完美风暴》和《燃眉追击》。 首先,《啄木鸟电影,监狱》是法国啄木鸟电影公司的经典之作 ... is、am、are都是be动词的一般现在时态,意思为“是”,三者区别主要体现在使用的情况不同。 一、当主语为人称代词 1、am:主语为第一人称 例句:I am a student.(我是一名学生。) 2、are:主语为第二人称 例句:You are my good boy.(你是我的好孩子。) 3、is:主语为第三人称 例句:He is an English boy ...

2025.01.29 02:40 SurpriseItsFine Matt Walsh IS Racist

Matt Walsh IS Racist submitted by SurpriseItsFine to BreadTube [link] [comments]

2025.01.29 02:40 you-dont-get-to-know Tested working case

Tested working case FIFTY dollars for an empty case. Then has the balls to say it’s in working condition.
submitted by you-dont-get-to-know to Shittygamecollecting [link] [comments]

2025.01.29 02:40 YusufZain002 Security Council Meets on Situation in Middle East, Including Palestinian Question

submitted by YusufZain002 to NewsHub [link] [comments]

2025.01.29 02:40 Alarmed_Ad1760 TOSHI BABY

stock up while the price is at its current its been hovering around this price point I dont see it going any lower I can see it start surging up shortly dont miss out on the fire sale boyssssss 🐈🔥💰
submitted by Alarmed_Ad1760 to toshicoin [link] [comments]

2025.01.29 02:40 Jackie_Owe 1:1 trades

submitted by Jackie_Owe to MonopolyGoTrading [link] [comments]

2025.01.29 02:40 icodeandidrawthings What are these lines on my negatives?

What are these lines on my negatives? At first I thought it was the lab, but it’s occurred on two rolls now and the streaks extend through the frames. Worth noting that I’ve only seen them on rolls of portra I’ve put through. This is a new to me camera so I’m worried about it
submitted by icodeandidrawthings to AskPhotography [link] [comments]

2025.01.29 02:40 bot_olini Conferencia de prensa del Presidente de la Mesa Directiva del 28 de enero de 2025

Conferencia de prensa del Presidente de la Mesa Directiva del 28 de enero de 2025 submitted by bot_olini to mexico_politics [link] [comments]

2025.01.29 02:40 Annual_Plant5172 Did anyone else hear Ariel's passive aggressive comments about Khabib's support of Palestine?

At the start of Ariel's podcast yesterday he mentioned Khabib giving Ireland respect for supporting Palestine, and how he was receiving comments on social media basically mocking him for his pro-Israel stance.
Basically he went on a long rant about not wanting to see innocent people lose their lives, but he wants Hamas to lose. However, at the end he said something along the lines of, "I'd be curious to know why he's so outspoken about Palestine but says nothing about Russia's attacks on Ukraine".
I'm not a Khabib fanboy or anything, but the way Ariel slyly threw that in there felt pretty gross and insulting. I think the social media comments really did got under his skin, and he decided to go on the offensive when Khabib has said nothing to or about him about the conflict.
I've actually been tuning out of his show a bit more these days because I see his social media activity and the way he moves like an unapologetic Zionist. It doesn't help that his team of Yes Men will never call him out on anything.
I used to think he was one of the good guys in MMA after the Dana fallout, but he's really just slimy and an opportunist.
submitted by Annual_Plant5172 to MMAPoliticsAndCulture [link] [comments]

2025.01.29 02:40 Away_West3701 How likely is it that I will get off the NSA Gold waitlist?

So I unfortunately didnt get the NSA Gold position but was an alternate. How likely is it that I will get off the "waitlist" for the position? Does anyone with previous NSA experience know?
submitted by Away_West3701 to ucla [link] [comments]

2025.01.29 02:40 alleycatt_101 If cell value matches text from another cell, return another cell's value
I don't know if I'm wording this right but I'm gonna try. So I want the corresponding value from $E to return in $I, but only if $H matches the text from $A, and only if $G is greater than 1. My brain is convinced this is possible, but it's also tired from trying to do it by myself.
submitted by alleycatt_101 to excel [link] [comments]

2025.01.29 02:40 proper_lofi 【滅亡ジャパン】小中高生の自殺、過去最多527人 24年暫定値、全体では7.2%減少

submitted by proper_lofi to newsokuexp [link] [comments]

2025.01.29 02:40 Surfing_Nurse Took me 6 hours to commute, shoot, commute home, and edit these photos today.

Took me 6 hours to commute, shoot, commute home, and edit these photos today. submitted by Surfing_Nurse to pics [link] [comments]

2025.01.29 02:40 GynoGyro What is Druski and Coulda Been Records & House?

submitted by GynoGyro to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2025.01.29 02:40 come-on-now-please Is it stupid of me to ask my clinical lab director to sign my paperwork to get a liscence in another state?

So i currently am in Tennessee and have my liscence here onto of my ascp.
I have enough work history to get my licensure in other states, I would just need my lab director to sign the lettepaperwork for me.
However, is doing this considered a stupid move? Ie, "hey doc! Wanna sign my paperwork so I can leave this job and go work in another state!"?
Obviously I wouldn't phrase it like that but would asking them to sign be a major foux pas or would it be putting a target on my back? Or for them is it just a matter of course and it doesn't really effect them and they won't think anything of my request?
Our lab director is definitely more the hands off type and comes in about once a month to review paperwork. I wouldn't say he has anything outside of business relationships with anyone here but it is a smaller lab(less than 10 techs total, small speciality lab)
submitted by come-on-now-please to medlabprofessionals [link] [comments]

2025.01.29 02:40 ayavaol why does my cat meow so much?

Hi all, I have a 1 year old male black cat. He is a very spunky cat, he is very clingy and talkative. Emphasis on the talkative. He does not stop meowing. He meows constantly, walking around the house, using his litter tray, playing, eating- anything. No they are not cries of pain, more like when you see your cats when you get home and they give a happy ‘Hello!’ meow. I took him to the vets and they gave him a clean bill of health and that there didn’t seem to be anything to warrant him being in pain etc. He has hours of playtime everyday and has lots of toys around the house that he plays with. He isn’t allowed to sleep on peoples beds as we’ve had some issues in the past where he poops on peoples beds- if that may be in any way relevant. He is very loved and receives many kisses and cuddles. Is there something I’m not seeing? Any help or advice would be great. The meowing doesn’t bother me as I’ve learnt to tune it out, I just want to make sure there’s nothing I may not be seeing. Thank you!
submitted by ayavaol to CatAdvice [link] [comments]

2025.01.29 02:40 MOHIBisOTAKU Blizzard DOUBLES DOWN On DEI As Employee Encourages Political Violence Against Conservatives

Blizzard DOUBLES DOWN On DEI As Employee Encourages Political Violence Against Conservatives submitted by MOHIBisOTAKU to Asmongold [link] [comments]

2025.01.29 02:40 riddleman01 Een dessert pakken en groter worden. (8) letters

submitted by riddleman01 to dailytriviaanswers [link] [comments]

2025.01.29 02:40 ButtonMcThickums New peas rejecting grindals - Help?

I have a newer shoal that have been perfectly happy eating snails & black worms, they’ve outright rejected all frozen foods but that was expected, lol. The black worms are being reduced much too quickly and I need to pump the brakes.
They show absolutely no interest in the grindals writhing in the petrie dishes, it’s mystifying as they’ll snatch detritus worms from the water column, lol.
I had thought about soaking them with a crushed garlic clove to make them more enticing but it looks like the acidity will likely kill them.
There is a worm (red wrigglers, the type you go fishing with) depot/distributor nearby and I could try feeding them “baby” ones but have concerns over what they’ve been exposed to or consumed.
Any help is greatly appreciated!
submitted by ButtonMcThickums to PeaPuffers [link] [comments]

2025.01.29 02:40 backoff11 My friend and i played 4 matches today

, after the first our ping spiked to 400 in the second. The third was normal and we were crushing in the helicopter. The fourth we had another friend join and the two of us had ping in 400 and our friend had normal ping. We all live in the same town. So the game is punishing you for being good with fake ping as an sbmm balancer? something real weird is going on . Doesn't make any sense
submitted by backoff11 to DeltaForceGlobal [link] [comments]

2025.01.29 02:40 dragnabbit Luna… Gerbil shaped on the outside, but Great Dane on the inside… which you can see whenever she opens her mouth and her giant tongue rolls out.

Luna… Gerbil shaped on the outside, but Great Dane on the inside… which you can see whenever she opens her mouth and her giant tongue rolls out. submitted by dragnabbit to Shihtzu [link] [comments]

2025.01.29 02:40 Old-Highway-8668 Arranged marriage is risky

So I come from a middle class family, was good in studies, never had a girlfriend because I was always encouraged to study and not talk to girls, now I’m 27 and the idea of arranged marriage scares me. What if I get married to some promiscuous girl? She might have slept with other men and there won’t be a first time with her, it’ll make the marriage dull, like dinners would be boring for her, even getting her flowers would be nothing new, whereas to me, even holding hands would be new and interesting. Even sex would be nothing new to her, I’ll always have to outdo what her previous bfs have done for her.
I want someone with a clean past. But then there’s no way to find someone like that in this horrible generation.
Plus the Indian laws are just terrible. Alimony laws are unjust, a paralysed man was asked to pay alimony while he was bed ridden and didn’t have a job.
Another law says that the child if happened during the marriage will be presumed to be of the husband. No dna tests are valid.
False dowry and domestic violence cases are on a rise.
So men, why are you getting married? I clearly see no point anymore, what if you get married and the marriage works for 5 years and what then? I’ve seen many colleagues who are depressed and drunk during the weekends just to get by life after divorce. Is marriage even worth it?
submitted by Old-Highway-8668 to Arrangedmarriage [link] [comments]

2025.01.29 02:40 Ntombizenhlanhla23 Application sent back.

Hi everyone,
Uscis sent back my application because forms were outdated but they didn’t send back the medical record and the I-864. Should I be worried that the form is missing or they’re keeping it so they have it when I send back correct documents? I’m so stressed
submitted by Ntombizenhlanhla23 to USCIS [link] [comments]

2025.01.29 02:40 Individual_Cookie886 Como recuperarme de un golpe al cora

Hace tiempo andaba con una chica, todo bien, pero en un punto se torció y ella no me quería hablar para nada. Terminando el colegio medio parchamos la situación, mas que todo ella intentó quedar en buenos términos conmigo para que podamos ser amigos después, pero yo no me presté y pues terminamos frios frios. He intentado comunicarme con ella pero me bloqueó cuando le pedí que me acompañe a un evento. Hoy día ando sin saber que hacer.
submitted by Individual_Cookie886 to NecesitoDesahogarme [link] [comments]

2025.01.29 02:40 Charupa- Magik fanart by Tamura

submitted by Charupa- to Magik [link] [comments]

2025.01.29 02:40 AutoModerator GTA Online Modded Accounts for PC, XBOX, and PLAYSTATION (Old and New Gen) Tired of the grind?

GTA Online Modded Accounts for PC, XBOX, and PLAYSTATION (Old and New Gen) Tired of the grind?
Contact u/LeviAckermanGTA or join my discord if you want to get one like this. 💕 Discord: submitted by AutoModerator to LeviAckermanGTAMods [link] [comments]