Probability-The Engine of Inference ($44.99 to FREE)

2025.01.30 06:50 Noledgebase Probability-The Engine of Inference ($44.99 to FREE)

submitted by Noledgebase to Udemies [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 06:50 superstrikes1999 Sanju Samson should bat at 3 only

Call me an idiot or something but Samson should bat at 3 only, we cant afford to loose him in powerplay itself in more than half of the matches because we need him for bashing spin and running the game in middle overs in which he is one of the best in IPL and his record as an opener in IPL is also not so much impressive
submitted by superstrikes1999 to RajasthanRoyals [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 06:50 Noledgebase Bell Curve ($44.99 to FREE)

submitted by Noledgebase to Udemies [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 06:50 Southern_Chard_9864 DMs open always

DMs open always submitted by Southern_Chard_9864 to CasualVSBikini [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 06:50 Dapper-Lime346 looking for sugardaddies no timewasters please

looking for sugardaddies no timewasters please submitted by Dapper-Lime346 to Meet_SugarDaddy [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 06:50 Royal_Ad2839 Can anybody predict my love life and career I am 32F

Can anybody predict my love life and career I am 32F submitted by Royal_Ad2839 to palmistry [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 06:50 Noledgebase Valor temporal del dinero y presupuesto de capital ($44.99 to FREE)

submitted by Noledgebase to Udemies [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 06:50 Squid_Femboy 2 Femboys cuddling

2 Femboys cuddling submitted by Squid_Femboy to FemboyFashion [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 06:50 kind_squidward Řemeslník co dluží peníze

před pár měsíci jsem potřeboval pomoct s nějakým zatékáním okolo komína, omítnout ho, a vyřešit drobné jiné nedostatky na foliové střeše - omítnout a srovnat sousední zeď a navařit lépe folii.
Řemeslník přes nějaký poptávkový web přijel, nacenil, vzal si zálohu, po pár týdnech uhánění přivezl nějakého hňupa, co tam na kus zdi (kterou bylo potřeba srovnat, aby na ni navázala folie lépe) napatlal lepidlo bez perlinky a pak šel domů. No a od té doby už to byly jen měsíce výmluv. Řemeslník když u mě poprvé byl a řešili jsme termín, tak říkal že musí na kontrolu, že měl/má nějakou rakovinu (měl velkou jizvu od operace na krku).
No a většina z těch výmluv byla samozřejmě že je v nemocnici apod. Já mezitím už sehnal jiného řemeslníka, který je výborný a už to dodělal, nicméně tamten mi pořád dluží 18 tis, vymlouval se na nemocnici, že mu účetní musí napsat fakturu a takové nesmysly. Na posledí zprávu kdy už jsem mu narovinu napsal že je zloděj přišla odpověď, která se tvářila, že ji píše někdo jiný, že je pan řemeslník vážně nemocný a že se mi prý ozve až bude moct. Nicméně byla napsaná úplně stejným specifickým stylem jako všechny jeho předchozí (gramatické chyby, dvojité mezery mezi slovy...).
Jelikož jsem si sám pár let zpátky zažil úmrtí táty a vím jaké je to pro tu rodinu co je na něm závislá hrozné, tak bych po rodině, které by třeba umřel nebo k tomu měl blízko jejich živitel nikdy peníze nechtěl. Prostě bych to odepsal jako ztrátu. Nicméně tady si nejsem jistý, zda to je opravdu tak vážné, zda to není jen výmluva. Pokud znal svůj stav, neměl zakázku brát, pokud ho zjistil později, měl to narovinu říct a zrušit. Zdržel mi ty opravy skoro o 3 měsíce... Chtěl bych nějak aspoň ověřit, že nekecá, ale nevím jak. Ani nevím kde bydlí, mám jen nějaké sídlo provozovny, které podle map je v areálu nějaké jiné firmy.
Co byste dělali vy?
submitted by kind_squidward to czech [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 06:50 grotesquest Finallllyyyyy

Finallllyyyyy Nell wait for me
submitted by grotesquest to arcaea [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 06:50 Extra-Act-801 In Rampage (2018), brilliant scientist Dr. Kate Caldwell grabs an insulated glove to lift the handle of a container out of liquid nitrogen. She then pulls a couple of vials (which had less than a second before been submerged in the liquid nitrogen) out of the container with her other (bare) hand.

In Rampage (2018), brilliant scientist Dr. Kate Caldwell grabs an insulated glove to lift the handle of a container out of liquid nitrogen. She then pulls a couple of vials (which had less than a second before been submerged in the liquid nitrogen) out of the container with her other (bare) hand. submitted by Extra-Act-801 to shittymoviedetails [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 06:50 Noledgebase Sampling, Central Limit Theorem, and Standard Error ($44.99 to FREE)

submitted by Noledgebase to Udemies [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 06:50 Icy-Broccoli1808 Significance of Uranus and Pluto

Why is Uranus and Pluto not discussed enough? what is significance of their positions in Lagna and Navsama chart?
submitted by Icy-Broccoli1808 to vedicastrology [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 06:50 Noledgebase Navigating the Crypto Universe ($19.99 to FREE)

submitted by Noledgebase to Udemies [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 06:50 Vegetable-Level-3545 Do we like the outcome though?

Do we like the outcome though? submitted by Vegetable-Level-3545 to AFKJourney [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 06:50 ErosGrandy Your Last Week Single – Date-Ready in 5 Days! |Thursday|

submitted by ErosGrandy to YouTubePromo [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 06:50 Noledgebase CSS, Bootstrap And JavaScript And Python Stack Course ($54.99 to FREE)

submitted by Noledgebase to Udemies [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 06:50 Risen-Shonnin Mother in law died

Mother in law died Hello all
Unfortunately, six months ago my mother in law died very suddenly after knee surgery, which has left a huge whole in my partners life. I’m wondering if anyone can do a few photos of my partner and son with her mother in. I can’t pay much sorry, around £20 if that’s okay? I can do it via PayPal.
submitted by Risen-Shonnin to PhotoshopRequest [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 06:50 Noledgebase Google Ads Hidden Truths Uncovered: A Complete Guide ($44.99 to FREE)

submitted by Noledgebase to Udemies [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 06:50 evilresidnt What kind of stains could these be? (Race wear jacket %100 nylon)

What kind of stains could these be? (Race wear jacket %100 nylon) I acquired this used Castle X race wear jacket and i noticed these blue stains on the back what i could do to minimize them/ remove them? Im currently trying to use a stain remover, on the tag says the shell is 100% nylon
submitted by evilresidnt to CleaningTips [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 06:50 Nakano_gotoh Motorcycle installment

Hello im just gonna ask some question especially to those tnvs moto driver. I’ve planned ko kumuha ng motor and i’ve save naman ng money atleast 20k and recently i just joined sa food panda is there any chance na maaprove ako for installment ?
submitted by Nakano_gotoh to PHMotorcycles [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 06:50 rileyswords Lucy the lap cat

Lucy the lap cat Lucy (now 13 y.o.) permitted us to adopt her from a shelter in 2020. She had well-defined boundaries, right up to this month when she suddenly became a lap cat!
submitted by rileyswords to TuxedoCats [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 06:50 Noledgebase Learn Spring GraphQL ($54.99 to FREE)

submitted by Noledgebase to Udemies [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 06:50 ThrowRa_RedditRebel AITA for expecting her to lay out her past infront of me?

Me (M32) and the girl (F31) . I have been in love with the girl since 2017.. and she has had slight liking for me from around the same time. This continued till 2018 when I shifted to another city for Civil Services preparations. Meanwhile, there was always this one guy in the picture whom I thought is her best friend of sorts.. but she never accepted he was in fact her bf. In 2019 I came to know about this bf (she herself told me) she couldnt tell me because she thought it would hurt me a lot and I would be devastated and she too had feelings for me. I was infact heartbroken to another level and couldn't believe I was kept in the dark.. but I had strong feelings for her and somehow convinced myself that she is not a bad person. (And she is not. I know her, and she is one of those people who hate confronting on sensitive topics) I chose to stay and didn't end the relationship, she also came close to me later. But that trauma and insecurity was always present in the back of the mind. There were instances when we got too close to each other.. her feelings changed, but my feelings remained strong as ever. Since I was an aspirant for Civil services, we could never spend quality time with each other..had to change cities, meetings limited to 3 or 4 times a year on average.. but we were always in touch. Soon my attempts at the exams exhausted and I proved to be a failure careerwise.. so my struggles intensified.. meanwhile she did very well in her career. Now her family and she herself wants her to settle with a decent groom. (Her mother and her family has always had a soft corner for me and mother wants her to marry me, inspite of me being an utter failure career wise) but she has mixed feelings and she is not wrong. Even I don't want her to compromise.. but we both do share a very special bond and we both secretly want to marry each other. (That will obviously require much efforts because of all the damages in the past) but we are helpless right now because of my career. We have never been in an official relationship, but were always there.. Now the main pressing issue is this: I am ready to let go off that has happened in the past and she is ready to compromise on a well settled groom with high package. Since I have been too much possessive of her and because of my trauma, I expect her to not get into any kind of physical intimacy with anyone (or even too emotional) and she says since we are not officially committed she is not answerable to me. She is logically correct but there has always been feelings from both sides.. and if we are planning a future tgther it is important for me to proceed with a clear mind. I am also expecting her to atleast tell me everything she has been through but she doesn't want to accept this at all.. and this is a deal breaker for both of us.. we both want each other to mend. I am here to seek advice on the same.. Am I wrong in expecting her to lay it all out in front of me? Is she wrong in denying to do so.. ?
submitted by ThrowRa_RedditRebel to AITA_Relationships [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 06:50 dungsucker Best bang for your buck on reliability?

I'm ooking into buying a used vehicle; I don't need anything fancy, and am looking for compact, economical, and reliable.
Sadly, so is everyone else!
Top of my list is a Toyota Corolla, but on the used market, they're ridiculous due to their popularity. I've also been considering Mazda 3 or a civic, but I'm looking around to see if there's any lesser-known gems out there which meet my criteria, but don't have an inflated price on the used market. Most of all, I want the biggest bang for my buck.
I'll take any advice offered.
submitted by dungsucker to askcarguys [link] [comments]