Chupa Chups Melon & Cream is Tasty

2025.01.29 02:40 grizzlyadams33 Chupa Chups Melon & Cream is Tasty

Chupa Chups Melon & Cream is Tasty Not overly sweet and lightly carbonated. Would've liked a bit more bubbles, but the taste was lovely. Refreshing.
submitted by grizzlyadams33 to Soda [link] [comments]

2025.01.29 02:40 capricornikigai Date ta nu Feb 14? 😁
submitted by capricornikigai to baguio [link] [comments]

2025.01.29 02:40 Loose-Rate-4866 I hope the cats are included too

I hope the cats are included too submitted by Loose-Rate-4866 to Mirrorsforsale [link] [comments]

2025.01.29 02:40 NickTheJanitor Best Plex server for $1500

I need at least 8 TB of storage. I don't have a lot of concurrent streams. Hit me with your best possible build
submitted by NickTheJanitor to buildmeapc [link] [comments]

2025.01.29 02:40 Appropriate_Yam5642 i wanna move back in with my mom

I need advice, im 15(f) and these past years of living with my dad have been horrible i hate the environment im surrounded in, he and i argue most of the time, hes very rude, close minded, and ignorant. So these past few weeks i have been planning with my mom on how i can move back in with her (she lives in another state) and so i need to tell him within this week (because i would move out on march 1st) and i wanted to do it today but when he got home he was all of a sudden being nice and telling me how proud he and my step mom are for my grades and how im doing “so well in school”he wants to take me out to get dinner somewhere for my upcoming birthday (feb 13th), and it was the perfect chance to tell him i wanted to move out before he said that. How am i supposed to say “oh yeah hey btw when mom comes to visit her friend i wanna go back with her and live with her again.” right after he says that, i just dont know how to break it to him in an easier way bcs its like im not all of a sudden dying to stay living here with him just because hes nice to me for one second. I honestly rather just text it too him while im at school but i know thats not an option. PLEASE HELP AND GIVE ADVICE 😭
submitted by Appropriate_Yam5642 to Advice [link] [comments]

2025.01.29 02:40 soumars Print ID?

Print ID? I just received this adorable 3-zip cosmetic bag from my grandmother. It’s the perfectly pink print for me, and I would love to collect it in more silhouettes, but I can’t seem to find anything about it! Could someone help me ID it? Any help would be appreciated. :)
submitted by soumars to lesportsac [link] [comments]

2025.01.29 02:40 CommunicationNew7108 Strange behavior of Duckstation wile mapping gamepad.

Wile mapping DualShock3 at Duckstation 01.5624 (the newest one I can on win7 which I use) I met a problem. Can't map up and down directions on right stick. It doesn't react at all, while doing this in epsxe for example is doing fine. Also Duckstation place inappropriate names of buttons, like triangle button it name as guide and and vice versa, left shoulder as L3 and and vice versa. BUT in game triangle works as triangle. Up and Down directions can't be mapped at all. I mean even if I map up dir pushing right instead, in game when I push right it doesn't work like I pushed up. Never seen anything like this. Have you any clues about what the heck is it?
submitted by CommunicationNew7108 to duckstation [link] [comments]

2025.01.29 02:40 mountaineer2009 Suggest me a book that's sci-fi or fantasy and will keep me on the edge of my seat

Series I've loved like this: the Red Rising series (Pierce Brown), the Murderbot Diaries (Martha Wells), the Broken Earth Trilogy (NK Jemison), everything Becky Chambers has ever written.
I need to like the main characters and have an emotional attachment with them to enjoy a book.
Thanks so much!!
submitted by mountaineer2009 to suggestmeabook [link] [comments]

2025.01.29 02:40 TillQueasy how… do i even go about addressing this

every so often i’ll go to the bathroom and find “residue” like this on the toilet seat. grosses me out but usually i just spray bathroom cleaner and wipe it off and call it a day. today i go to the bathroom this is what i see 😀 in the mean time im going to leave the bathroom cleaner on the toilet lid and maybe they’ll get it but one of my roommates is a real airhead and a total slob and i suspect that she’s the culprit. if anyone has suggestions as to whether i should explicitly bring this up to my roommates or not and if you have advice on how to do so…. i would appreciate it 😟 marked it as NSFW bc the picture’s kinda nasty
submitted by TillQueasy to roommateproblems [link] [comments]

2025.01.29 02:40 CollapsingTheWave 👀

👀 submitted by CollapsingTheWave to ObscurePatentDangers [link] [comments]

2025.01.29 02:40 Different-Young1866 Entrevista a El heroe de cuba. Vamos a darle visibilidad a nuestra realidad.
submitted by Different-Young1866 to cuba [link] [comments]

2025.01.29 02:40 316kp316 45,000+ members today

Amidst all the chaos around us, we crossed 45,000 members mark today. Thank you for being here with us, for all your support and contributions - reading, voting, posting, sharing, recommending, reporting (when needed). We deeply appreciate you.
If you haven’t already, do participate in our ongoing poll regarding the content on this sub:
submitted by 316kp316 to Project2025Award [link] [comments]

2025.01.29 02:40 BradyStewart777 Request for Moderator Removal and Replacement Due to Inactivity, Neglect, and Unmoderated Content in r/skincancer

I am requesting the removal of the current moderator and my replacement as lead moderator for skincancer due to multiple issues that are negatively impacting the community’s ability to provide support to individuals diagnosed with skin cancer.
submitted by BradyStewart777 to redditrequest [link] [comments]

2025.01.29 02:40 ADXMcGeeHeezack Buyout doesn't include part time employees?

The buyout email seems vague & lacking details. Does it only apply to full-time employees who refuse to return to the office of everyone?
submitted by ADXMcGeeHeezack to fednews [link] [comments]

2025.01.29 02:40 BingenTheScorpian Sage tea causes headaches

Title says it all. Has anyone else had this happen?
submitted by BingenTheScorpian to herbalism [link] [comments]

2025.01.29 02:40 CAE-GDR faca

faca submitted by CAE-GDR to japan_insoul [link] [comments]

2025.01.29 02:40 como365 MU researchers to continue work until given stop order

The University of Missouri sent out an update on Monday about some federal executive actions and how it will affect research activities at the university.
Spokesman Christopher Ave said in an email to ABC 17 News on Tuesday that researchers at the university are continuing to conduct crucial research.
"Federal grant submission portals remain open," Ave said in an email. "And our Office of Sponsored Programs Administration continues to submit grant and other sponsored project proposals to federal agencies."
The university say it recognizes the health department communications pauses are temporary and may be expanded to other federal agencies.
“The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and affiliated agencies, including the National Institutes of Health (NIH), have paused all HHS committees governed by the Federal Advisory Committee Act (FACA). This pause does affect meetings of NIH Study Section and Council meetings as well as travel until at least February 1. The Department of Energy (DOE) has paused funding actions, including awarding grants, loans, funding opportunities and cost-sharing agreements,” the email says.
Researchers who rely on federal funding should continue operations as normal until they are given a stop order, the email says.
“We recognize that these interruptions may create challenges, particularly for researchers who rely on federal funding. Unless you receive an official stop order, please continue your operations as normal,” the email says.
The university also says its grant submission portals are still active and sponsored programs administration office is still submitting grants and payment invoices to federal agencies.
This comes after President Donald Trump directed federal health agencies last week to pause external communications, which includes scientific reports, updates to website and health advisories. NIH employees had told CNN last week that purchases had been disrupted.
submitted by como365 to missouri [link] [comments]

2025.01.29 02:40 Travisgrr Is this a good deal? I'm gaming laptop illiterate. I'm thinking about going from desktop to laptop since I need to upgrade all the internals of my desktop.

Is this a good deal? I'm gaming laptop illiterate. I'm thinking about going from desktop to laptop since I need to upgrade all the internals of my desktop. submitted by Travisgrr to GamingLaptops [link] [comments]

2025.01.29 02:40 Main_Bluejay_4283 Married to a potential red piller guy

It was never my intention to be a SAHM. I went to post secondary to secure a job, I met my husband while I was in post secondary. He was there as I completed my course and we often talked about me working and how it would benefit us as the job I have pays well, with the potential to be in the triple digits with overtime.
However, after we had our first kid things went south. I won’t go into everything, but I felt all the fights we had were behind us, and the disagreements were just normal stuff between 2 people. But, he held into everything and internalized everything as me being disrespectful to him.
When I was pregnant with our second he cheated. He started criticizing everything about me, if anything happened (like the dog got into some garbage) he acted like it was the end of the world and I was the cause of him being stressed and unhappy (no joke).
When I was 6 months postpartum he told me he wasn’t attracted to me, he didn’t want a romantic relationship with me wasn’t romantically interested in me. But, he told me he could feel a spark for me again if
1) I sent him $2000 a month. He said it was to pay bills BUT our total bills result in less than $2000 a month. He said he added groceries. I also pay for groceries, + everything for the kids as he never does. I was paying already paying for half the bills but he was trying to get me to send him more than half. 2) if he has criticism I accept it and act accordingly. No arguing. Just do it. 3) stop disrespecting him. The only time I ever nagged him was when I had PPD and I felt he wasn’t helping enough. I also compliment him, but he can’t get over that rough year.
After days of back and forth and me refusing these demands and trying to reason with him he decided to separate. But, we are still living together. He had no savings when we met. I put everything I had into this house, and if we split he gets some of the money I put in. That money should go to our boys. That is their inheritance, not just some money for their deadbeat dad to YOLO into the sunset with. Out of twisted fate we just found out he has a chronic illness that gives him a decade to live, tops. Basically an organ is a ticking time bomb, and he dosent qualify for a potential organ transplant until that bomb near explodes. Statistically, he won’t even make it to his late 40s.
I didn’t think he was like this. He knew I was not going to be a SAHM. He knew I would expect an equal division of domestic labour. He knew I would expect him to help with the kids. But, in his mind, I’m just incompetent and lack in the female department. Be careful who you marry. Also, when I was pregnant he lost his shit when he saw my T4. He was super jealous about the amount I was making.
The reason I think the red pill got him is because during our break up he referred to himself as a man no one cares about, he said women can’t take of babies because they don’t play with dolls anymore, and just the way he started treating me like I was just an unnecessary thing in his life.
submitted by Main_Bluejay_4283 to TwoXChromosomes [link] [comments]

2025.01.29 02:40 owlpellet The cord has given up hope

The cord has given up hope submitted by owlpellet to TVTooHigh [link] [comments]

2025.01.29 02:40 nyanbaek 'Sunset Hues' - chill R&B playlist for road trips

submitted by nyanbaek to SpotifyPlaylists [link] [comments]

2025.01.29 02:40 JesterOfDeath77 My first attempt at terrain, cut out this piece from the new killteam box (first attempt at this post got messed up)

submitted by JesterOfDeath77 to TerrainBuilding [link] [comments]

2025.01.29 02:40 ShikWolf Hack 'n Slash

submitted by ShikWolf to GFUEL [link] [comments]

2025.01.29 02:40 TREvr24x This game hates me

I either suck or this game wants me to spend money. I’ve been stuck on this level for 2 days 😩🤦🏾‍♂️
submitted by TREvr24x to TownshipGame [link] [comments]

2025.01.29 02:40 Mr_Bananaman69 What is your favorite Socksfor1 Channel, without saying their names.

What is your favorite Socksfor1 Channel, without saying their names. submitted by Mr_Bananaman69 to Socksfor1Submissions [link] [comments]