Looking for a poster

版本是目前最新的81.0.416.72 (官方内部版本) (64 位),试过了另存为,但是和谷歌浏览器一样,离线的话只… 投稿阶段最折磨人的莫过于审稿阶段了,这个阶段有时候持续的时间会很长,对于亟需毕业的小伙伴来说很不友好。那么这种时候我们应该如何催问审稿进度才是礼貌而稳妥的呢? Dear Editor XXX, I am not sure if it is the right time to contact you (again) to inquire about the status of my (revised) manuscript (title of your paper or ... 2017-08-17:添加 Visual Studio Code;软件更新比较快,删除推荐,避免误导 2016-04-21:更新 Atom 编辑器中文自动换行,见 Atom 配置中的备注 2016-03-06:更新 Atom 编辑器的配置用法,见编辑器介绍 Atom 项及 Atom 配置项。 维基百科上有一篇对比,超过20种编辑器。 在升级macOS之前我们会考虑版本的稳定性、是否耗电、是否有Bug,哪你觉得哪个macOS版本最稳定呢? 首先在ppt的第一页要写好“述职报告”的题目,同时标注上时间,汇报人等信息。 ppt的第二页要展示,你的述职报告的目录,1. 工作回顾,2.自我评价,3.工作体会,4.工作规划与展望。主要从以上四个方面来介绍你的个人信息和工作开展情况。 第一部分“工作回顾”,在这里主要介绍你在试用期内 ...

2025.01.30 08:32 Detroit_442_ Looking for a poster

I’m looking for a show poster. My husband and I went to the show as our honeymoon, the posters were sold out. I’m trying to find one to give him as an anniversary present.
submitted by Detroit_442_ to NoValueFest [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 08:32 Hairyratsicle Is this just or not, I feel like I got scammed from uber 😭🙏

Is this just or not, I feel like I got scammed from uber 😭🙏 submitted by Hairyratsicle to uberdrivers [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 08:32 PlentyWall8947 sneaky toothless

sneaky toothless submitted by PlentyWall8947 to CatsNamedToothless [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 08:32 turniphead_22 rip merch

rip merch this is what you’re greeted with if you check the website now. tragic, but at least this could be a cool wallpaper or playlist cover
submitted by turniphead_22 to ChuckleSandwich [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 08:32 ToneZei81 METAPHOR REFANTAZIO Part 41 Gameplay Walkthrough FULL GAME HD Regicide Difficulty

METAPHOR REFANTAZIO Part 41 Gameplay Walkthrough FULL GAME HD Regicide Difficulty submitted by ToneZei81 to Youtubeviews [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 08:32 LibertyGamingSnake Tekken 3 had one of the best Intro's in gaming history

submitted by LibertyGamingSnake to psx [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 08:32 ish8n Danielle

Danielle submitted by ish8n to mojihye [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 08:32 Remarkable-cock-2728 Porkchops came out delicious [i ate]

Porkchops came out delicious [i ate] Yummy
submitted by Remarkable-cock-2728 to food [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 08:32 vivaldibug2021 Asyldebatte: Union fordert Gesichtserkennung und mehr Überwachung

Asyldebatte: Union fordert Gesichtserkennung und mehr Überwachung submitted by vivaldibug2021 to de [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 08:32 HondoTheBrave My saves have vanished (PC, No mods)

Been playing and enjoying unloaded survival Fallout 4 for the last few weeks!
However I went to load a save from earlier in my play session, and they’ve all vanished! My current save has 2 days played, and there’s about 3 before (all in quick succession) and then it jumps all the way back to 10 hours played!
Any wisdoms or ideas? It’s really gutting :(
submitted by HondoTheBrave to fo4 [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 08:32 Desperate_Purple_242 Charm from Ambrose Darling with Hello Kitty Sticker from mini verse

I don’t know when the Jason Todd X Hello Kitty collab happened but I have enjoyed the fan art/head canon that he is an enjoyer of Sanrio
submitted by Desperate_Purple_242 to RedHood [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 08:32 FitCantaloupe798 Which team wins?

Which team wins? submitted by FitCantaloupe798 to OnePiecePowerScaling [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 08:32 bobbelcher Trump orders sow chaos in global public health

Trump orders sow chaos in global public health submitted by bobbelcher to uspolitics [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 08:32 Penguins_cant_swim PCDs

Can anyone suggest me communities threads where active post contest discussion happen? Likely for CF and CC
(Mods : I don't know if asking this gets against the Rules Remove the post if you want)
submitted by Penguins_cant_swim to codeforces [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 08:32 Key_Caterpillar4819 Bleu pale vs bleu glacier

How similar are bleu pale and bleu glacier?
My bf facetimed me at Hermes today and was showing me orans. I ended up choosing black with white stitching since I already have white, gold, and etoupe.
He showed me bleu glacier and i completely forgot that I have a blue pale picotin 18 phw and i didn’t realize it might match!! how similar are they? is it worth exchanging?
I’ve been wanting black slides but I never got around to getting black because I usually opt for lighter colors in the summer.
submitted by Key_Caterpillar4819 to TheHermesGame [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 08:32 mrklmngbta how to deposit check to CIMB account

is there a way to deposit check to your CIMB account ? naghahanap lang ako ng life hacks para makaiwas sa fees, especially kung ipapasok ko sa isang bank account tapos transfer na lang 😁
submitted by mrklmngbta to DigitalbanksPh [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 08:32 Strict-Isopod9748 Just wanna share my trade cuz nobody I know interested in trading

Just wanna share my trade cuz nobody I know interested in trading I learn how to trade for few years I suffer loss total not over $5000 I would say , and I think I getting better on the concept of trading now, I have found my way of trading options, like always do the opposite, action when the momentum starts and set TP a realistically not gonna hit but when the market go crazy at the moment then options will be trade in overprice.
submitted by Strict-Isopod9748 to smallstreetbets [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 08:32 MemoryAggressive3888 This podcast episode (with Parvati) was amazing! If you need something to make you laugh, this will be it!

This podcast episode (with Parvati) was amazing! If you need something to make you laugh, this will be it! submitted by MemoryAggressive3888 to survivor [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 08:32 Nihilist___Blues Slept in my TØP shirt and woke up with a fast food greasy taco I love

Slept in my TØP shirt and woke up with a fast food greasy taco I love submitted by Nihilist___Blues to TwennyWunPilots [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 08:32 VegetableApartment99 Some doodle morning

Some doodle morning Nah i'm down bad.
submitted by VegetableApartment99 to DigitalArt [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 08:32 Ace_Of_No_Trades Legendary Pals - Feybreak

I took a break from Palworld before the major updates that added new areas and Raid Bosses because I had done everything up to that point. I have gotten back into it and I have seen that the Legendary Pals have had their Wild Levels increased to the new Level Cap. How much different are they now? Are they actually stronger than before or does increasing their Level just make lower tier Spheres less effective on them? I have to ask because the Level Requirements for both of the Frostallion Saddles are still 48.
submitted by Ace_Of_No_Trades to Palworld [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 08:32 Mammoth-Cap-171 HELP! Slow Wifi Connection using TPLink WR840N router but got great connection using direct LAN.

Here is my set up:
PLDT Modem - fiber optic cable - tplink router wifi
using the tplink router wifi, I only got 2Mbps
using direct LAN to laptop, I got 300Mbps
tried to reset and reconfigure the router but the problem is still the same...
submitted by Mammoth-Cap-171 to HomeNetworking [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 08:32 sin_graver I am not being enough and everything happening around me is bothering me !!

Hey i 21F have been feeling this for like 6-7 months since I went to my hometown during my Christmas holidays. I have never been enough for anybody in my home I live with my aunt and uncle as well as the friend circle I am in . Somehow I always was the third person or the person who is treated like an option. I have been always doing things thinking what will the opposite person think what if they got hurt.. when it came to my side..no one literally protects me the are always silent as if I did the whole thing even though I didn't I always support them but at my time they didn't do anything didn't say anything..I am always sad and find myself crying out of nowhere and idek what's happening to me I am ruining every bond around me and idek what to do.
submitted by sin_graver to IndianTeenagers [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 08:32 SuccessfulCobbler705 Shot this in a garage. Any Feedback on making the shot better? Do you think my rule of thirds is off?

Shot this in a garage. Any Feedback on making the shot better? Do you think my rule of thirds is off? submitted by SuccessfulCobbler705 to AmateurPhotography [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 08:32 GUPMC Ollied out

Ollied out submitted by GUPMC to NewSkaters [link] [comments]
