Gimmick Puppet

2025.01.30 08:00 Tomy-kash Gimmick Puppet

Loved playing Gimmick puppet in duel links how is it in master duel and if you rekon its good post a sc of your deck, trying to give one a go :)
submitted by Tomy-kash to masterduel [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 08:00 biernig Bausa was tust du da??

Bausa was tust du da?? submitted by biernig to GermanRap [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 08:00 rtbot2 One of Japan's "Doctor Yellow" track-testing shinkansen retires

One of Japan's submitted by rtbot2 to realtech [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 08:00 Aggravating-Bus8318 University Disciplinary Hearing – Which Option Can Save Me?

Hey everyone, I need urgent advice. I got a disciplinary notice from my university (UH) for an alcohol-related violation (underage drinking & public intoxication). Now, I have to decide how my case will be handled:

  1. Disciplinary Conference – One-on-one meeting with a Hearing Officer who makes the decision.
  2. University Hearing Board – A panel of students, faculty, and staff (5-7 people) reviews my case and decides the outcome.
This is my first offense, no one was harmed, and possible sanctions include:
I want to minimize the punishment as much as possible.
Anyone with experience—which option gives me the best shot at a lighter outcome? I’d really appreciate any insights. Thanks!
submitted by Aggravating-Bus8318 to UniversityOfHouston [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 08:00 abc_744 Feature Request: Add a research that would allow us to provide energy cells and ore to Xenon build storage

If you do not want to make Xenon stronger, please at least allow Boso Ta to research something that will use YAK technology on S miner or S trader making it possible to add wares to Xenon build storage.
I am doing my best to help Xenon in my games because I genuinely feel they are doing nothing. It is painful to see they make build storage but the station is never built because their delivery ships get hunted down.
This would be opt-in feature, if someone enjoys weak Xenon, they would not need to do anything like this. Please allow us to be bad guys in the game
submitted by abc_744 to X4Foundations [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 08:00 SK33LA [Rai 1 HD - 30/01/2025] UN PASSO DAL CIELO 8: Ep.7 1^TV

[Rai 1 HD - 30/01/2025] UN PASSO DAL CIELO 8: Ep.7 1^TV featured image
Trasmesso il 30/01/2025 alle 21:30 su Rai 1 HD
SERIE TV POLIZIESCO (120') Italia, 2023. Regia di: Alexis Sweet, Laszlo Barbo, Enrico Ianniello, Jan Maria Michelini, Beniamino Catena, Raffaele Androsiglio, Cosimo Alemà, Enrico Oldoini Interpreti: Giusy Buscemi, Enrico Ianniello, Serena Iansiti, Gianmarco Pozzoli, Marco Rossetti, Cecilia Bertozzi - Le montagne, le acque cristalline dei laghi e dei fiumi, i prati verde smeraldo, il cielo azzurro sul quale si stagliano le cime innevate. Giù in basso, a fondovalle, abitano i guardiani di questa natura meravigliosa, uomini forti e trasparenti come l'aria: le guardie forestali... Ep.7 "Il figlio del cielo" - Tobia, il figlio di Huber, trova un cadavere vicino a un torrente, mentre Carolina e Vincenzo tentano di ostacolare il coraggioso progetto di Paolino e Lisa.
I commenti sono aperti!
submitted by SK33LA to latelevisione [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 08:00 NYTSpellingBeeBot January 30, 2025 – (N) D G I L Y Z

submitted by NYTSpellingBeeBot to NYTSpellingBee [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 08:00 King1256 I feel like people dislike me

I don’t know why because I have a lot of friends and I don’t got beef with nobody why just feel like one day I’m gonna walk into school and just everybody is going to dislike or hate me and it’s driving me crazy
submitted by King1256 to teenagers [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 08:00 Shadow_strike_19 Arkpocalypse and other servers?

Like no info online? And they removed the in game countdown apparently? Just wanted to try playing them but assuming it's late wipe? Idk, anyone got any servers a solo player would be interested in? I enjoy pvp, not much of a pve guy, mostly solo
submitted by Shadow_strike_19 to ARK [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 08:00 gunnersmoderator January 30, 2025 Daily Discussion & Transfers Thread

Use this thread for general daily football discussion.
This thread can also be used to discuss Transfer rumours and to post Tier 4 sources.
As this may fill up please sort by new to try and avoid constantly repeating the same question.
Join our Discord for live discussion and don't forget to follow us on twitter.
submitted by gunnersmoderator to Gunners [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 08:00 animemedad The Ball Hunter in Sniper Elite Resistance (Part 1)

The Ball Hunter in Sniper Elite Resistance (Part 1) submitted by animemedad to BrucesGooses [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 08:00 Akulatay Master in engineering US or Canada

So I am on JOB in OGDCL as a reservoir engineer (petroleum engineering) I have 9 years of job experience.
I wish to immigrate, either to US or Canada. And I see that admission to masters is my only way. I will be taking along my kids and wife.
Where do you think I should go. Which country offer a better chance to land a job after masters and ultimately PR.
submitted by Akulatay to pkmigrate [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 08:00 PieSubstantial8526 Vollzeitstudium neben Teilzeitstelle im öD

ich bin Polizeibeamtin (gD, A9), möchte mich beruflich umorientieren und nochmal etwas anderes studieren.
Da der Polizei-Bachelor außerhalb der Polizei ziemlich wertlos ist und ich im Falle eines Scheiterns im neuen Studium vor dem Nichts stünde, möchte ich ungern vorher kündigen.
Die beste Variante wäre, die Arbeitszeit um 50% zu reduzieren (20h/Woche) und nebenbei das Studium (normales Vollzeitstudium an einer Universität) zu absolvieren. Anschließend würde ich mir einen neuen Job suchen.
Muss ich beamtenrechtlich irgendwelche Besonderheiten beachten? Eine Nebentätigkeit stellt das Studium soweit ich informiert bin nicht dar, ansonsten hat meine Recherche nicht viel ergeben. Kann der Dienstherr mir die Teilzeit für ein nicht dem Beruf zugute kommendes Studium verwehren oder ist das Studium meine Privatsache?
Hat jemand von euch in diesem Modell studiert und mag darüber berichten, ob das ganze zeitlich machbar war und ob ihr das Studium in Regelzeit beenden konntet?
submitted by PieSubstantial8526 to OeffentlicherDienst [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 08:00 Shmouel Beginner in coding and learning with ChatGPT, but my code gets worse over time. Any advice?

Hi everyone,
I’m a rookie in coding (around 2/10 skill level) and currently learning by working on small projects, like creating a website to store my cooking recipes. I’m using ChatGPT as a guide to help me along the way.
At first, things go pretty smoothly, and I get clean, functional pieces of code. But as the project progresses, I notice the code quality starts to decline. It gets messier, and I begin running into bugs or features that don’t work as expected anymore.
Has anyone else experienced this issue when learning to code with AI assistance? If so, do you have any tips for avoiding this or for improving the overall learning process?
submitted by Shmouel to ChatGPT [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 08:00 alvisanovari What to know about bird flu - Garfield County

submitted by alvisanovari to BirdFluAlerts [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 08:00 eldoristd CH Bankinter Códigos

Estou em processo de compra de casa e a considerar seriamente o bakinter, alguém tem um código?
submitted by eldoristd to literaciafinanceira [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 08:00 bikavuxa I'm looking for Medical school application consulting??

I just wanted to know if there are services that will help you in writing your medical school application. This is my first time applying, so I'm kind of scared to do something wrong. I've heard about BEMO, but there were so many negative comments about it. Has anyone ever used these types of things? How are they? Are they worth it?
submitted by bikavuxa to businessbiz [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 08:00 symfonybot SymfonyLive Paris 2025 : Reveal of workshop topics!

submitted by symfonybot to symfony [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 08:00 Own-Goose-5456 LTB benefactor Schwartzer

LTB benefactor Schwartzer Hi everyone, looking to buy any schwartzer so if you have one please dm me or add and message me on ps: elbashier
submitted by Own-Goose-5456 to GTACarMeetMarket [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 08:00 Sam_Tech1 LLM's still don't follow any instructions

I was lately building an AI flow and added a prompt to an LLM block (GPT-4o) for finding a right label for a task. Now I clearly instructed the LLM to give me a text output and not an json output but even after mentioning it explicitly in the prompt, it gives me json sometimes and thus my entire flow fails because text is expected for the next API call.
Now I figured out another workaround for this but this clearly shows that LLM's still dont follow instructions very well.
Below is my prompt I used:
I will give you a task and your role is to understand the task and then find me a hugging face label from the following list of labels I am giving you {{task}}
Just give me the label in simple text, nothing else. NO JSON
["audio-to-text", "image-to-text", "visual-question-answering", "document-question-answering", "video-to-text", "any-to-any", "depth-estimation", "image-classification", "object-detection", "image-segmentation", "text-to-image", "image-to-text", "image-to-image", "image-to-video", "unconditional-image-generation", "video-classification", "text-to-video", "zero-shot-image-classification", "mask-generation", "zero-shot-object-detection", "text-to-3d", "image-to-3d", "image-feature-extraction", "keypoint-detection", "text-classification", "token-classification", "table-question-answering", "question-answering", "zero-shot-classification", "translation", "summarization", "feature-extraction", "text-generation", "text2text-generation", "fill-mask", "sentence-similarity", "text-to-speech", "text-to-audio", "automatic-speech-recognition", "audio-to-audio", "audio-classification", "voice-activity-detection", "tabular-classification", "tabular-regression", "time-series-forecasting", "reinforcement-learning", "robotics"]
submitted by Sam_Tech1 to LLMDevs [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 08:00 Ashorestand89 I like to wear tight shorts to work out

I like to wear tight shorts to work out submitted by Ashorestand89 to JustNiceFits [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 08:00 Wishie_Chan NNK2 - Worth keeping weapons?

I was told by someone earlier that it’s important to keep Pebbles. I’ve kind of extended this to everything I’ve been gathering, including equipment. Right now I just got to Goldpaw and I have a ton of old, outdated equipment. I dunno if it’s a good idea to sell them or not.
submitted by Wishie_Chan to Ni_no_Kuni [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 08:00 SelantoApps Living fully in each moment transforms your daily experiences.

Living fully in each moment transforms your daily experiences. I choose to be fully present in each moment.
This affirmation empowers you to embrace the now, fostering a deeper connection with yourself and your surroundings.
When you choose presence, you cultivate mindfulness and enhance your ability to appreciate the little things that bring joy and peace.
Being fully present means letting go of past regrets and future anxieties, allowing you to experience life as it unfolds.
Start by taking a few deep breaths each morning, centering your focus on the present.
Engage your senses—notice the sights, sounds, and sensations around you to ground yourself in the current moment.
Incorporate mindfulness practices into your daily routine, such as meditation, journaling, or simply pausing to reflect.
Embrace the beauty of simplicity by finding contentment in everyday activities and interactions.
Surround yourself with supportive individuals who encourage your journey towards presence and mindfulness.
Remember, being present is a skill that grows with practice and patience.
Each moment you choose to stay present strengthens your awareness and enriches your quality of life.
I want to conclude today's reflection with a powerful reminder:
Healing is not linear, but every step forward is progress. – Unknown
This quote reminds us that every effort you make towards your well-being, no matter how small, contributes to your overall healing and personal growth.
– Here's to embracing presence and living each moment fully. Antonio
Let me know how I am doing: ​😎 Crushing it!​ ​😊 You alright today​ ​😕 Could be better​
submitted by SelantoApps to UpliftingAffirmations [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 08:00 PaleontologistOk3859 Building speed

I wanted to know if there is any mod on Steam that speeds up construction speed in the game that works.
I wanted to know if there is any mod on Steam that speeds up construction speed in the game that works.
submitted by PaleontologistOk3859 to victoria3 [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 08:00 erer1243 Currently, it's January 30, 2025 at 03:00AM

Currently, it's January 30, 2025 at 03:00AM
submitted by erer1243 to every15min [link] [comments]