No Interview Availability

2025.01.30 19:10 mitskiandgradschool No Interview Availability

I received an interview invite from CMU for the MSBA program. Tried to schedule my interview within 2 hours of receiving the email but all the slots were filled.
The email stated that there’s limited interview availability. I’ve sent the admissions team an email, but, just want to make sure this isn’t unusual?
submitted by mitskiandgradschool to cmu [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 19:10 Aware_Cloud_8509 Weather Boosted Dialga 042110364850

submitted by Aware_Cloud_8509 to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 19:10 Lord_Despair [Ma] Publishing text messages in an affair

A friend of mine is going through a divorce. He wants to publish the text messages to social media and more of his spouse and their partner. He says that he can get the texts between them by court order.
First what level of detail comes from the court order?
Could he actually publish them?
I told him it’s a bad idea and maybe illegal
submitted by Lord_Despair to AskLawyers [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 19:10 King_black_7876 que les parece esta putita?

que les parece esta putita? submitted by King_black_7876 to Sexconten69 [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 19:10 BAKEDTROOP2 My very first grown up watch

My very first grown up watch This is literally my very first proper watch, the last watch I had was a white Ben 10 watch my parents bought on holiday in Turkey when I was 6. It's a Citizen Eco-drive Sport. Got it at a pretty good discount, I think it looks pretty good.
submitted by BAKEDTROOP2 to Watches [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 19:10 Numbus3000 Fatigue

Hey y'all!
I've personally been struggling with a serious increase of fatigue lately which has caused a couple of mental breakdowns because I still haven't managed to master being kind to myself. Figured we might all benefit from a reminder that we aren't being lazy or any other decidedly negative thing. Fatigue is a common symptom of MS and chronic fatigue is much different than being 'just tired'.
I really liked this video from Dr. Boster talking about the things that cause fatigue in a person with MS and also general causes of fatigue.
I for one am regularly fighting some serious spasticity and right sided weakness, the way he describes how that causes exhaustion made me tear up a little and reminded me that this is not a totally self inflicted issue.
Hope you all are being kind to yourselves. <3
submitted by Numbus3000 to MultipleSclerosis [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 19:10 hhkbggjjnbb What are P1, P2, and P3 in transfections?

Didn’t start as a biology researcher but recently joined a biology lab. Was reading something written by another member and in the transfection protocol they kept using P1 P3 and P3. Are these supposed to represent generations?
submitted by hhkbggjjnbb to labrats [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 19:10 Crysis_Cult I was off my pill for a week and got my period again???

PLEASE HELP! A mistake at the pharmacy lead me to be off my pill for a week and today I’ve been getting horrible cramps and got my period for the second time this month. I’m panicking bcuz I’m on bc to prevent excruciating cramps and I’m scared I might go back to that. When I take my pill again will the bleeding stop? Should I wait for the bleeding to stop before taking the pill again?
submitted by Crysis_Cult to birthcontrol [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 19:10 miyabe33 kto też ma paranoje, że będzie musiał spierdalać z kraju??

nie wiem zupełnie jaki tag dać, ale moje schizy wynikają z tego, że polacy tak bardzo radykalizują się na prawo, więc chyba mimo wszystko to dobry sub.
jestem queer, z klasy pracowniczej (bez WIELKIEJ biedy, mimo wszystko), synem samotnej matki i jeszcze mieszkam w mieście tragicznie ograniczonym komunikacyjnie. w każdej chwili, z takim rządem, moje życie może się pogorszyć. a co jeśli konfederacja dalej będzie zyskiwać na poparciu?
za każdym razem kiedy trafiam na newsy polityczne to mnie mrozi ze strachu. kiedyś myślałem, że ten wylew radykalnej prawicy w internecie to tylko kwestia jakiejś specyficznej bańki w którą wpadam. jednak coraz bardziej widzę, że nie. na żywo spotykam, z pozoru, niepozornych ludzi, którzy nagle w rozmowie okazują się popierać mentzena, bo lykneli chwyt na wyjście z EU. w randomowych miejscach w internecie spotykam taki wysyp mizoginii i queerfobii, że chce się zezrzygać pod siebie. wszędzie tylko to straszenie wyimaginowanym komunizmem, imigrantami i wszystkim wokół.
z dnia na dzień czuję się coraz mniej bezpiecznie, bo co jeśli konfederacja w końcu się nachapa? nie mogę żyć w kłamstwie złożonym z żartów, że nikt poważny na nich nie zagłosuje, bo w sondażach lewica jest miażdżona (a przecież i tak w aktualnej formie dużo lewicowych polityków stoi przybudówką dla platformy). po ostatnich wyborach do europarlamentu się po prostu popłakałem. strasznie się boję, że w przeciągu kilku lat będę musiał uciekać na zachód, bo odbiorą mi prawo do tranzycji albo ograniczą dostęp. że prześladowania wzrosną, a ja i tak na własnej skórze już dużo z nich doświadczyłem. albo co jeśli ktoś mnie zgwałci i zajdę w ciążę?
mam nieodparte wrażenie, że polska zbliża się do faszyzmu coraz bardziej.
lata temu, zanim w ogóle miałem prawa wyborcze (xd) nie mogłem się doczekać wyborów, kiedy moje pokolenie dostanie się do urn. wydawało mi się wtedy, że może pomoc dla mniejszości w końcu ruszy, polska się zlewicuje. jakoś wtedy ludzie w moim wieku wydawali mi się nowym, 'postępowym' pokoleniem polaków. a teraz boję się o przyszłość bardziej niż przedtem. już zaczynała mi się odpalać ta wizja kiedy na tvp pojawiała się bezczelna propaganda, a 'moj' prezydent mowil o mnie jako o ideologii. teraz to się tylko bardziej nakręca i już tracę jakąkolwiek nadzieję na lepsze państwo.
wiadomo, nie ma takiej tragedii, ale przecież to się zawsze tak zaczyna. a ja nie mam nawet jak walczyc, bo całe moje województwo ma mniej mieszkańców niż warszawa, a i tak dojechać do miasta wojewódzkiego w dzień wolny to wyczyn z taką komunikacją. zresztą w ogóle: jakbym miał? można rozmawiać, ale większość prawicowców nie chce słuchać. wszystko lewicowe wydaje się im propagandą, komunizmem czy innym buzzwordem we współczesnym świecie. a prawicowy punkt widzenia przedstawia się jako ten domyślny.
jakoś mnie to przeraża, że co jeśli jakimś cudem mentzen dostanie się do drugiej tury? bo coraz mniej zaczynam w to wątpić. a wtedy dla faszyzmu będzie tylko z górki. a ja nie zdążę nawet skończyć studiów.
i ok, może jestem schizoidem, ale terapia już w tych kwestiach nie pomaga, bo jak niby wyleczyć się ze strachu o powolną utratę bezpieczeństwa?
submitted by miyabe33 to lewica [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 19:10 Ricoadventures Support my mother post-treatment

My mother received her breast cancer diagnosis in late September 2024. She's been in chemotherapy since, and finished the first round that was Doxorubicin. Her last session of active treatment is supposed to be in mid March and her surgery is scheduled to happen after. I am not really familiar with the regimen and the specifics of her treatment plans, but I have just tried to be a moral support throughout all of it.
She has tested positive for a gene mutation that increases her risk of developing further cancers. After completing her chemotherapy, so her doctors have recommended a double mastectomy and the removal of her ovaries instead of just merely removing the tumor to eliminate future risk.
I understand the rationale behind these recommendations, but I can’t help but feel overwhelmed by the emotional implications. The idea of her undergoing such drastic procedures feels, to me, like it diminishes her "womanhood" by removing organs that hold significant identity and function in her life. I think she's the strongest most resilient woman I have ever met, but I am worried that the implication I just mentioned would have an impact on her mental health.
I am really anxious about how to best support her during this time. I want to be there for her, but I also want to ensure that I respect her feelings and choices as she navigates this path.
If any of you have experienced a similar situation, I would greatly appreciate your insights. How did you cope with the emotional and physical aspects of these surgeries? What are some ways I can provide support to my mum, both during her treatment and in her recovery? Any advice or shared experiences would mean a lot to me.
submitted by Ricoadventures to CancerFamilySupport [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 19:10 sayuismissing 🚨 nenê dj ataca novamente

submitted by sayuismissing to meiaum [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 19:10 android_tests_pac Edit comment adding giphy test for 2025-01-30 19:09:33

submitted by android_tests_pac to LssAutomation [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 19:10 WirelessBugs Outdoor rinks

Outdoor rinks Hey guys! I’m semi newish to Saint John and haven’t been able to really figure these things out yet. Are there many outdoor rinks to play a bit of pick up with my son at? I feel like I saw one down by the skatepark, does that one get flooded? Also I’ve heard lily lake pavilion, does anyone know if they are solid?
submitted by WirelessBugs to SaintJohnNB [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 19:10 Adventurous_Horse434 Is Vancouver a good place to work for neurodivergent Americans?

Please let me know in terms of mental health, loneliness, getting good employment and affordability of food. Trying to find a place to live independently from parents. I already know housing is expensive and healthcare can be very troublesome. The healthcare part comes from complainers on the other side of Canada in Montreal. Housing, I heard about through 604 natives on IG. Very tough rent. One guy said "Good place to travel, tough place to live" Furthermore I know transit like other Canadian cities is a hit or miss. Sometimes the service can suck. Lastly, is it true that in Vancouver I have a lot of places to exercise?
submitted by Adventurous_Horse434 to askvancouver [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 19:10 Plane-Elephant2715 Wanna Form 1 this lower I built. Does it need to be engraved? The owner of a local gun store says no.

Wanna Form 1 this lower I built. Does it need to be engraved? The owner of a local gun store says no. It's an FN lower and furniture with Geissele LPK and SSA-E. BCM MK2 Buffer System. FCD end plate and castle nut.
I wanna Form 1 this lower, and everything I've read says it needs to be engraved. A coworker recently bought a Bren pistol and just Form 1ed it through the gun shop where he bought it. They told him no engraving is necessary because It's already engraved by CZ. So what's the story?
submitted by Plane-Elephant2715 to NFA [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 19:10 Able-Ground3194 .

. submitted by Able-Ground3194 to MinecraftMemes [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 19:10 BroMandi [Amazon] 20-Count Swiffer Sweeper Multi-Surface Wet Cloth Refills for Floor Mopping and Cleaning (Pet Heavy Duty, Fresh Scent) $5.84 & More w/S&S + Free Shipping w/ Prime or on $35+ [Deal: $5.84, Actual: $10.99]

[Amazon] 20-Count Swiffer Sweeper Multi-Surface Wet Cloth Refills for Floor Mopping and Cleaning (Pet Heavy Duty, Fresh Scent) $5.84 & More w/S&S + Free Shipping w/ Prime or on $35+ [Deal: $5.84, Actual: $10.99] submitted by BroMandi to RedditShoppingDeals [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 19:10 Zashikix @EU | What server is your final destination and why?

@EU | What server is your final destination and why? submitted by Zashikix to throneandliberty [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 19:10 wetsocksssss You know the vibes

submitted by wetsocksssss to SeveranceAppleTVPlus [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 19:10 almalkilama homework

homework Is the homework solution correct?
submitted by almalkilama to Accounting [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 19:10 kylediaz263 Never talk to me, or my son, or my son's son ever again.

Never talk to me, or my son, or my son's son ever again. submitted by kylediaz263 to Gunpla [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 19:10 e-mancipate Stat Stacking Pillar/Howa but on a Blood Magic Titan

Stat Stacking PillaHowa but on a Blood Magic Titan submitted by e-mancipate to PathOfExile2 [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 19:10 Reed_Wolfe unpopular opinion: wrestling game rigged

the last game was rigged so that junseo would win and take sian to paradise again. obviously junseo is the strongest male contestant. producers maybe thought the bed scene would give them alot of exposure and viewers would want more of that.
idk but everyone but i feel really disturbed about it. sian gets swayed easily with the person she’s currently with. junseo initiated all the action, took advantage of drunk sian and the whole situation. and sian allowing him to do that definitely means there’s something else. pretty sure something more happened that night for sian to want to go back to paradise with him.

  1. yuk is just sexually attracted to sian, came off as rude esp to minseol, no manners but can hold a deep conversation
  2. jungseo is overflowing with good manners but has no direction whatsoever, he’ll probably still confuse the other girls
  3. theo is the most genuine and faithful person this season, he deserves more
  4. new guy.. meh.. totally forgot he existed
submitted by Reed_Wolfe to Singlesinferno2 [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 19:10 Val-ur MBF3C help

I’m looking for a copy of MBF3C either online or a workbook or D2L screenshots that will help me understand what I have to do. My school board has been hacked so I don’t have access to the D2L page that provides me with the lessons to understand what I’m learning, any help you can provide would be immensely appreciated!
submitted by Val-ur to learnmath [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 19:10 headtailgrep Weekend Kitchener train service for reading week

submitted by headtailgrep to kitchener [link] [comments]