What are your worst Bollywood remakes/copies? For me, nothing beats Sanjay Gupta's Zinda. The only good thing that came out of it was Strings' Yeh Hai Meri Kahaani.

2025.01.30 07:52 GaloutiKababs What are your worst Bollywood remakes/copies? For me, nothing beats Sanjay Gupta's Zinda. The only good thing that came out of it was Strings' Yeh Hai Meri Kahaani.

What are your worst Bollywood remakes/copies? For me, nothing beats Sanjay Gupta's Zinda. The only good thing that came out of it was Strings' Yeh Hai Meri Kahaani. submitted by GaloutiKababs to bollywood [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 07:52 VibhuTheRedditor Did Fazbear Entertainment ever find/dispose of the bodies of the children?

Did Fazbear Entertainment ever find/dispose of the bodies of the children? I know that its stated the corpses of the children were never found, but given how shady Fazbear Entertainment is, do you think that they might have ever found and disposed of the kids’ bodies sometime after the MCI investigation?
submitted by VibhuTheRedditor to fnaftheories [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 07:52 Sad_Cow_577 What pokemon would you have sex with?

submitted by Sad_Cow_577 to AskOuija [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 07:52 NotARealJ How can I deal with a stalker from another country?

I used to be friends with someone for a couple years over the internet but the friendship has turned sour. I would just block them and keep it going but they constantly make new accounts and keep harassing me after I have made it clear that I don’t want to be friends or even be associated with them in any way. They know my email and some of my handles on social media. One of my biggest issues is that I make music as a hobby and they comment on my stuff begging me to reply to them. Is there any advice someone can give me? I know deleting everything is an option but it’s not really feasible. If it is the only option I guess I’ll have to do it. Thanks in advance.
submitted by NotARealJ to Advice [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 07:52 Glass-Dragonfruit-32 Bg3 I understand now

So I’m doing a durge pyromancer build but my character is a female. Yeah cool She’s beautiful I’d smash . But the thing is I have astarion in my party.. I understand the fandom behind him now. Female gamers are crazy the things this man says to me .my reasonable side is saying no he’s got to stay alive for the plot . But the durge side is like haha what if we push him off a cliff. No one would know but the splat of his body would be funny. Wonder if the model Would scream if it’s falling towards its death.
submitted by Glass-Dragonfruit-32 to BaldursGate3 [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 07:52 redbullcat 'Ready to bring them on board': IMSA's Doonan on Alpine

'Ready to bring them on board': IMSA's Doonan on Alpine submitted by redbullcat to IMSARacing [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 07:52 Wise_Ice7984 Have any of you dated pro hockey players and if you have what was it like?

submitted by Wise_Ice7984 to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 07:52 ComputerSea7589 Main sewer slope/drop

Looking to connect a new building on my property to the main sewer line, about 150 feet in distance. Sewer pipe will be 4in diameter and looking at 1/8 drop (don’t think I can get a 1/4 drop). My concern is will there be issues with flow of solids considering the 150 feet run. Thanks
submitted by ComputerSea7589 to askaplumber [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 07:52 FancyInk السيد البدوي

بسم الله
قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم: ((ثكلتك أمك يا معاذ! وهل يكب الناس في النار على وجوههم إلا حصائد ألسنتهم؟!))
ما استطعت أن أفهم ظاهرة تَشَفّي الناس من شخص السيد البدوي رحمه الله. فكلما ذُكر ما وجدت إلا همزا ولمزا إن لم يكن تصريحا بسب فاحش، والمصيبة أن هذا الفعل لا يأتي إلا من من يعتقد نفسه متدينا، بل ويعتقد أن بفعله هذا قد نصر الدين!
وهذا الرجل ما ذكره أحد من الأئمة العلماء إلا ومدحه كابن الملقن، والحافظ السخاوي، والحافظ السيوطي، وابن العماد الحنبلي صاحب شذرات الذهب، والشهاب الرملي وغيرهم. وكثير منهم كان يعتقد فيه الولاية.
والمشكلة أن أقدم كتاب وجدته ينتقد السيد البدوي هو لرجل اسمه أحمد صبحي منصور كان يعمل أستاذا في جامعة الأزهر ألف كتابا اسمه (السيد البدوي بين الحقيقة الخرافة)، والرجل الآن منكرٌ للسنة ويسكن أمريكا وينشر هرطقاته على الإنترنت بغير انقطاع.
والسب والتنقيص من السيد البدوي رحمه الله يكون عادة مما يُحكى من مخالفاته الشرعية، وإني وجدت أكثر من واحدة منها قد فُهمت على غير مرادها، وإن كانت على هذا الفهم الخاطئ فلا يتصور من هذا الفهم إلا أنه إما كان مجذوب العقل والعياذ بالله أو فاسق والعياذ بالله. وما رأيت أحدا قد حلل سب هاتين الطائفتين.
أما ما يحكى من كراماته رحمه الله مما يستغربه الناس، فهي كرامات! وما جُعلت الكراماتُ كراماتٍ إلا لأنها تخرق العادة فَتُستَغرَب! والكرامات حقيقةٌ نؤمن بها، وما أنكرها إلا المعتزلة. ولم يجبرك أحد على الإيمان بكرامات السيد البدوي بخصوصه إن نظرت لها من ناحية السند، لكن لا سبيل لك أن تردها من باب العقل أو الشرع! فإن رددتها لأنها لا تدخل عقلك فقط حذوت حذو الملاحدة الذين لا يؤمنون بالخوارق عموما. وإن رددتها من باب الشرع فماذا نفعل بأثر سيدنا عمر رضي الله عنه: (يا سارية الجبل!) ؟
استَشْفَفْتُ من البعض أنه ما يفعل هذا إلا ليقلل من هيبة السيد البدوي عند زوار ضريحه الذين قد يرتكبون مخالفات شرعية عنده. وهذه الحجة الواهية إن مددناها إلى منتهاها لاستُنقص من الإمام الشافعي رحمه الله غدا واستنقص من سيدنا الحسين رضي الله عنه بعد غد!
خلاصة القول أن السيد البدوي رحمه الله إما أن يكون فاسقا أو مجذوبا والعياذ بالله، فلِمَ تسبه؟ وقد قال ﷺ: (وهل يكب الناس في النار على وجوههم إلا حصائد ألسنتهم؟!) وقال ﷺ: (أتدرون من المفلس؟... فقال إن المفلس من أمتي يأتي يوم القيامة بصلاة وصيام وزكاةويأتي قد شتم هذا، وقذف هذا، وأكل مال هذا، وسفك دم هذا، وضرب هذا. فيعطى هذا من حسناته وهذا من حسناته. فإن فَنيت حسناته قبل أن يقضي ما عليه، أخذ من خطاياهم فطُرحت عليه ثم طُرح في النارِ) ولا أدري من منكم يريد التبرع بقليل عمله! وقال ﷺ: (إن العبد ليتكلم بالكلمة لا يرى بها بأسا يهوي بها في النار سبعين خريفا) وقال ﷺ: (المسلم من سلم المسلمون من لسانه ويده)
وإما أن يكون السيد البدوي رحمه الله وليا من أولياء الله الصالحين كما حكاه عنه الأئمة الأعلام، فتلك مصيبة! فقد قال رسول الله ﷺ: (إن الله قال: (من عادى لي وليا فقد آذنته بالحرب))
فإن العاقل - فضلا عن المسلم - ليمتنع عن مثل هذه الأفعال التي لن تجر على فاعلها إلا الخسران.
اللهم صل على سيدنا محمد كلما ذكره الذاكرون وغفل عن ذكره الغافلون، وصل عليه في الأولين والأخرين أفضل وأكثر وأزكى ما صلى على أحد من خلقه والحمد لله رب العالمين.
submitted by FancyInk to EgyptExTomato [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 07:52 Educational_Swim8665 Trump Media Dives Into Crypto and ETFs with Truth.Fi

Trump Media Dives Into Crypto and ETFs with Truth.Fi submitted by Educational_Swim8665 to AllCryptoBets [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 07:52 OsirisAI Stock Information for EURUSD - 60m

#EURUSD #60m #Forex───────────
Ensemble model * Overview: The synthetic investment attractiveness indicator equals 15 (out of +/-100). The model ensemble suggests that trading will tend to be attractive in the nearest future. The synthetic directional indicator equals -7 (out of +/-100). The model ensemble suggests the market will move sideways in the nearest future.
Optimal past * Optimal past: The optimal lookback period for modelling is currently 516 candles. The market is currently bullish, appreciating by -0.0% during the latest phase.
Elliot Waves * Elliot Waves: The market's trend has changed and currently goes down.

Price Bound Modelling * HAR model at confidence level 95.0%: the HAR model forecasts volatility of 0.1279% in the next candle, the price will fluctuate around 1.04 and with 95.0% probability will not go below 1.04 or above 1.04.
Forecast * MA model at confidence level 95.0%: the MA model forecasts a return of 0.0049% in the next candle, the price will fluctuate around 1.04 and with 95.0% probability will not go below 1.04 or above 1.04.
Stability Indicators * Generalised extreme value: According to the indicator, the market is stable
Seasonality test * Seasonality test: According to the generalised seasonality test, there are no seasonal effects on the market.
Distribution analysis * Best-fit distribution: Best-fit distribution has changed, and now it is Power
Not investment advice.
#EURUSD #60m #trading #Distribution analysis
submitted by OsirisAI to OsirisFinance [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 07:52 Regicold Looking for Gyarados EX

Its the last big hit I need in Mythical Island, I Have 2x Charizard EX's, 2x Mew EX, 1x Marowak EX and a Gengar EX for trade.
submitted by Regicold to PokemonTGCP [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 07:52 Equivalent_Cap_9448 expert game developer for hire

submitted by Equivalent_Cap_9448 to GameDevelopersOfIndia [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 07:52 Original-Zone9651 Need loan of €250 via revolut Can pay back sunday!

submitted by Original-Zone9651 to BorrowmoneyOnline [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 07:52 himkickz WTS paypal goods & services priority shipping timestamped stamped 01/30/25

Message me if interested to discuss pricing
RTFKT 9.5M AJ3 9.5M used good condition Nike Air Max 9M,9.5M,9.5M,9.5M AJ11 11M AJ4 10.5M AJ1 Low 9.5M AJ4 10.5M AJ1 Low 12W/10.5M AJ4 10M AJ3 9.5M
submitted by himkickz to repcitykickz [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 07:52 Successful-Smoke-436 needed help what to do ?

my mum is 74 with dementia for 5 years now on Ebixa medication for 5 months , notice she dont like to swim lately and sleep for long hours at night and day time . Her short term memory is bad she could not remember what we told her say 10 minutes ago , What must we do ?
submitted by Successful-Smoke-436 to dementia [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 07:52 Cool_Story_Bro123 hey so toshi is on crypto.com right? i’ve heard some say its only on coinbase so idk what i’ve got here

hey so toshi is on crypto.com right? i’ve heard some say its only on coinbase so idk what i’ve got here submitted by Cool_Story_Bro123 to toshicoin [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 07:52 hudsonspayer420 UHC Rally Towel

It looks like they gave them out at tonight's game, but I am not sure. Either way, anybody know where to find them or do any of you have any you'd be willing to part with?
submitted by hudsonspayer420 to Utah_Hockey [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 07:52 boredd_girl ¿Algún soltero? Quiero serle infiel a mi novio.

submitted by boredd_girl to RedditPregunta [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 07:52 Dracosto Temps of my 6 months old lappy

Temps of my 6 months old lappy
  • Been using IETS GT500v2 since Day 1 (Only cleaned its detachable filter twice; every 3 months)
  • AC temp set to 26 Celsius
  • Living in a hot SEA country
  • Wearing keyboard silicon cover (the silicon is bloated as seen in the pic due to how strong the cooler blows underneath)
  • Wiping and placing a 16" microfiber cloth everytime I close the lid.
Also when playing valo it reaches upto 50 celcius, which is quite hot for me; atleast when I place my hand on the keyboard.
So what I think when they say about the 80+ celsius being normal for a gaming laptop, I think that is quite high & dangerous, and might toast the motherboard in the long run.
Endpoint, taking good care of your laptop might prolong its life (might sound absurd coming from a 6-month unit owner, but I did own a previous laptop, and believe me, it took some abuse. So I wanna treat it right this time).
And lastly, I think it's worth it to invest in a good cooling pad. When I peeked at my Legion's internals, it's still as clean as it was brand new.
submitted by Dracosto to GamingLaptops [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 07:52 Prudent_Nail_1211 Limit Testing 🦀

Limit Testing 🦀 submitted by Prudent_Nail_1211 to UrgotMains [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 07:52 One_Film720 Pictures from Do Dashers Know How to Read??

Pictures from Do Dashers Know How to Read?? submitted by One_Film720 to doordash [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 07:52 3RR0RFi3ND MSP RL30 invasion build

MSP RL30 invasion build Need help and advice if this is even worth the point investment.
My weapons are +2/(+0)
Mostly focused on Mohgwyn’s Sacred Spear. The AoW just to keep the Bloodflame buff on or use x3 as a finisher.
I could swap out Mirror for Bullgoat and would set me to 55 Poise.
Incantations are mostly flavor reasons.
I have Volcano pots, Kukiris, and Fan Daggers.
submitted by 3RR0RFi3ND to EldenRingBuilds [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 07:52 cathyjeanxx Visited the grounds of a plant junkie recently...I wanted to take all of them home

Visited the grounds of a plant junkie recently...I wanted to take all of them home submitted by cathyjeanxx to plants [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 07:52 jiya83095 can someone make a customise bracelet

submitted by jiya83095 to smallbusinessindia [link] [comments]
