Advantages of Course books. From the school administration and some teacher’s point of view, there are several advantages for basing the curriculum on a series of ESL course books. First, the course books have a clearly identified set of achievement objectives which include what the learners are expected to be able to do and what to expect next. Do you prefer fiction or nonfiction books? How about movies? Do you usually watch movies at home or at a movie theater? Have you ever seen the same movie more than once? If yes, name it (or them). Have you ever seen ___? (Insert the name of a movie.) How often do you go to movies? How often do you rent videos? Native speakers may write textbooks and teachers' books, prepare cultural content, may be strong advocates of absolute authenticity in the materials, and make pronouncements and recommendations. However, their English is that which is associated with the communicative and communal needs of their community, and may not be relevant to those learning English as an international language. Why do people like to read comic books? If you can think of another good question for this list, please add it . Thanks to Jim Papple who suggested this topic and contributed the first 54 questions in August 2002. Young Adult books written in the first person perspective breaks social, cultural, gender and other such barriers. They offer ESL students a kaleidoscopic view to see the issue from multiple points of view that they may not otherwise have had access to in their own lives. This activity gives students the opportunity of selecting books that are interesting and appropriate for them to read. Procedures . The instructor emails the class a list of 10 e-books and the study guide and asks students to skim and scan some pages of each book on the web. The class votes for the books they might be interested in reading. Do you give books to your friends as a present? If so, what was the last book you gave? Why did you choose that book? Some people say that "books are best friends". Is that true for you? Do you have your own library? If so, does that mean you like books? Some people don't read books or read very rarely, Why? Books and Reading A Part of Conversation Questions for the ESL Classroom. What is your favorite story ... The Internet TESL Journal is a free online journal for teachers of English as a second language that includes lesson plans, classroom handouts, links of interest to ESL teachers and students, articles, research papers and other things that are of immediate practical use to ESL teachers. Interesting questions for discussions in Engish lessons. A Project of The Internet TESL Journal If this is your first time here, then read the Teacher's Guide to Using These Pages
2025.01.30 19:10 Crisair Essential accurate books about Rome
Hey all, for sometime now I’ve been interested in reading about Rome. I recently picked up SPQR, which was very good. Now I am looking for more books to read, however it seems there are also a lot of fictive books out there. Not that that is bad thing per se, but I’m more looking for known accurate books.
I have seen people recommending Rubicon by Tom Holland, or Storm before the Storm, but it seems like those books aren’t necessarily all that accurate or are it only minor things that make for a better story? Are there other books out there that maintain historic accuracy? I am mostly looking for books regarding the fall of the republic, Caesar and Augustus.
Hopefully someone can help me out with this, thanks in advance!
Note: I only know the very basics of Roman history.
submitted by Crisair to ancientrome [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 19:10 wow-wow-wow-wow Purdue beekeeping club info?
I missed the recent callout for the beekeeping club here, does anyone have the info? I looked on the Instagram and boiler link and couldn’t really find anything.
submitted by wow-wow-wow-wow to Purdue [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 19:10 storyforge_official What do you do with an emotional support rock? Commit emotional support murder of course
submitted by storyforge_official to StoryForge_Official [link] [comments] |
2025.01.30 19:10 SrslySam91 Did the rift seasonal challenge auto complete for everyone?
Or did I get lucky farming pale heart for this warlock bond I want for a build next season? lmao. It just randomly completed maybe 15 ish min ago give or take.
I see that the NF changed too oddly, but that's been posted about already. Kind of confused if this was meant to happen.
submitted by SrslySam91 to DestinyTheGame [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 19:10 Key-Reaction5921 Pomoc socijalna sluzba
Jel moguce anonimno prijaviti za lose roditeljstvo?
submitted by Key-Reaction5921 to AskSerbia [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 19:10 pizza_socks Annoying misprint in DnD Set 21348
submitted by pizza_socks to lego [link] [comments]
submitted by le_intrude to jumpingspiders [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 19:10 Antitect If nothing happens
If nothing happens tonight, we should pull an jontron (they turned into a scott the woz subreddit after jon's prolonged absence) and completely convert the subreddit into being about a different game. Elden Ring or Rain World would be my votes.
submitted by Antitect to Silksong [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 19:10 possumelmo Dividend ETF Reinvesting
submitted by possumelmo to dividendgrowth [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 19:10 CautiousLevel9149 Any advice for beating boss
Any advice to beat lytha, Doom Sorceress I've been struggling
submitted by CautiousLevel9149 to MagicResearch [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 19:10 wulf_rtpo6338 Net nieuwe baan maar ook net toegewezen aan een nieuwbouw koopappartement!
Ik zit nu in deze situatie:
Ik begin volgende maand aan een nieuwe baan, 1 jarige contract, 1 maand proeftijd maar wel met uitzicht op vast contract. Werkgever wilt best intentieverklaring geven. Daarnaast ben ik ook net toegewezen aan een nieuwbouw koopappartement.
Vandaag heb ik een afspraak gehad met een hypotheek adviseur en zij stonden er positief in. Ik zou ongeveer op een maandbedrag van 1050 euro (bruto) komen (dit is inclusief de kosten voor meerwerk maar ik zou zelf 6k moeten inleggen). Daarnaast zijn de VVE kosten ongeveer 150, dus totaal zou ik 1300 euro per maand moeten betalen. Ik huur nu voor 800, dus ik ga 500 euro meer betalen maar ik verdien met mijn nieuwe baan ook 500 euro meer. Ik hield altijd al 500-750 per maand over dus ik denk dat ik de maandlasten wel aan zou moeten kunnen.
Ik vind het alleen een beetje spannend dat ik net een nieuwe baan ga beginnen. Ik nog geen optiegesprek gehad maar na het optiegesprek heb ik 14 dagen de tijd om koopcontract te ondertekenen en vervolgens 2 maanden om een hyptoheek te regelen. Met een proeftijd van 1 maand is dit dus prima te doen.
Maar wat als het fout gaat bij mijn nieuwe baan? Die kans lijkt mij wel klein voor het eerste jaar, dan moet er wel heel wat misgaan. En wat als ik toch geen vast contract krijg? Ook deze kans is heel klein maar toch is die er.
Daarom heb ik de volgende backup plan bedacht:
In spaarpotje A heb ik 22k zitten, dit dient als algemene spaarrekening/emergency fund
In spaarpotje B heb ik momenteel 6k zitten, dit heb ik nodig voor eigen inbreng/kosten van hypotheek etc.
In spaarpotje C heb ik 12k zitten, en dit is specifiek bedoelt voor als er iets gebeurt met mijn inkomen dat ik de hypotheek kan blijven betalen voor ongeveer een jaar, dan heb ik dus een jaar de tijd om iets anders te zoeken.
Voor de overige kosten ga ik vanuit dat ik een uitkering kan krijgen bij het UWV, of anders mijn emergency fund gebruiken (met 22k moet dat ook goed komen), maar hopelijk vind ik dan gewoon snel een nieuwe baan.
Is dit dan een goed backup plan en het risico waard om het nieuwbouw appartement te kopen terwijl ik net begin aan een nieuwe baan met een 1 jarig contract?
submitted by wulf_rtpo6338 to geldzaken [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 19:10 Brucewayne_1701 Suggest me some modifications for my bike
submitted by Brucewayne_1701 to motorcycle [link] [comments] |
2025.01.30 19:10 Netninja00010111 Buying runes?
I was talking with my son last night and mentioned I am getting tired of leveling up on all my saves. Saves:
current game - 235 Save two - 342 Save three - 449
I like to play overpowered in all RPGs. Cool thing though is Elden Ring is still a challenge even when leveled up.
He suggested buying runes and going to 713. Has anyone done this? Is this a legit thing to do?
submitted by Netninja00010111 to Eldenring [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 19:10 RedditIndiaGuesser Guess which subreddit these 3 images are from! #7861
submitted by RedditIndiaGuesser to RedditIndiaGuesser [link] [comments] |
2025.01.30 19:10 Peeecee7896 Briefing on Helicopter-Jet Collision
submitted by Peeecee7896 to Politicalnewsandviews [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 19:10 Lopsided_Bench9654 What’s a skill you learned during lockdown that has changed your life?
submitted by Lopsided_Bench9654 to AskReddit [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 19:10 Arakneus Magic hands pull
My wife surprised me today with an ETB. Can’t believe we pulled this 😭😭😭😭 rarely to get ETBs in Germany these days. So I am extremely happy right now 😭😭😭
submitted by Arakneus to PokemonTCG [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 19:10 Bad_Description77 what could be the reason behind this?
now idk if thats the right subreddit to ask this question but im suspicious if im an isfj.
i have good memory for recalling experiences that happened a long time ago for example : my friend could tell me something 1 year ago and he could told it to me again after, and i would still remember that he did say it before - or i remember past traveling experiences sometimes in details
in the other hand when it comes to remembering something like where i put my keys or my phone i get lost and have no clue
what could be the reason ? what cognitive function could i be using ?
submitted by Bad_Description77 to isfj [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 19:10 Responsible-Fun-268 Hello, just curious how people see me :)
submitted by Responsible-Fun-268 to amIuglyBrutallyHonest [link] [comments] |
2025.01.30 19:10 Hot_Nature1758 ISO free/cheap magazines for collage project
No idea how to go about seeking this out so I’m starting here, open to all kinds of help!
submitted by Hot_Nature1758 to jerseycity [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 19:10 ProfessionalTurn5162 Stucky? What are you doing here?
submitted by ProfessionalTurn5162 to TheRookie [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 19:10 JupiterJuicer DBC x NORTHERN NIGHTS FESTIVAL!!!
submitted by JupiterJuicer to Dirtybird [link] [comments] |
2025.01.30 19:10 RevolutionaryGift509 Alc + Weed & Stones?
Does drinking / smoking weed increase stone production? For some reason every time I drink heavily I have so much worse of the stone taste in my mouth the next day. And with smoking, does the smoke being inhaled / going past the tonsils increase calcification? I'm assuming yes to both lol...
submitted by RevolutionaryGift509 to tonsilstones [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 19:10 Salt_Supermarket_786 i can’t delete playlists, every time i delete one and refresh it reappears
submitted by Salt_Supermarket_786 to soundcloud [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 19:10 SlightEfficiency462 Wank su telegram ? SOLO GENTE FORTE .
submitted by SlightEfficiency462 to tiktokersITA_ [link] [comments]