Trying to Find a Specific Unofficial SW RPG

2025.01.30 07:53 RPGKiwi Trying to Find a Specific Unofficial SW RPG

So, about a year ago, I stumbled across a complete, unofficial SW RPG pdf and downloaded it. It was black and white, landscape IIRC, used dice steps, and looked quite elegant and professionally done. Unfortunately, I can't for the life of me remember what it was called or where I found it now. It's not Hyperspace D6 (which is also cool) and was absolutely its own thing.
submitted by RPGKiwi to starwarsrpg [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 07:53 Qaishasan My laptop becames unbearably slow when I unplug it

I know the comments coming and I know that laptops are supposed to get energy friendly but my laptop becames unbearable and sometimes it lags on chrome and I recorded what happened when I unplug it (mgs V highest settings) and it went from solid 60 to 80 to 16 to 25 at best and I tryed to make the fan faster and force it to use the Main gbu and everything and it got a little better because back then it didn't even run mgs V unplugged and I Also tryed battlefield 2 and it got me the same results and Im very sure a 2020 laptop shouldn't suffer on a 2005 game even unplugged
submitted by Qaishasan to GamingLaptops [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 07:53 very-creative China Direct Digital Controllers Market Focus: Key Projections for Global Expansion by 2035. -- The main aim of the report is to provide... ...

submitted by very-creative to news_release [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 07:53 Fordfuckinranger24 ULPT request how to fake pay stubs, bank statements or credit report?

A friend of mine is trying to leave an abusive situation and move into a tiny studio this guy is renting out on his property
But she’s got no actual work history as she had always worked under the table and just started her job 3 weeks ago and hasn’t gotten paid yet
She’s disabled and received settlement money which she’s been living off of and transferring from savings to checking, can we send a screenshot of her bank statement of some of those transfers?
I own a company, could I fudge a pay stub for her?
submitted by Fordfuckinranger24 to UnethicalLifeProTips [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 07:53 bumecomp I love r-PotionPermit ❤️

I love r-PotionPermit ❤️ submitted by bumecomp to PotionPermit [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 07:53 Maleficent_Hunt938 Tökéletes kis bájgombóc

Tökéletes kis bájgombóc submitted by Maleficent_Hunt938 to dagadtmacskak [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 07:53 InfiniteCollar7472 M26, so my doc recommended me Minoxidil+Finasteride topical solution.... I thought of continuing for 3 months and then switch to only Minoxidil solution, no more finasteride, Can I do that??

submitted by InfiniteCollar7472 to IndianHaircare [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 07:53 Syorker Elon Musk is not the richest man in the world, he's a useful idiot

Everyone calls him the richest man, and he aspires to be the most powerful man. But he is neither, not even close. He might technically have the most personal wealth and own several massive companies, but he isn't even a speck of dirt on Xi Jinping's shoe.
As Elon wrestles control of the US and disrupts the west, it is opening opportunites for China to assert full global dominance with wealth and influence beyond imagination.
The timing of the launch of Deepseek was no accident. Don't be surprised to see highly advanced Chinese EVs start to dominate the global market in the next year or 2. And there may even be a revelation or 2 in the space race.
submitted by Syorker to ControversialOpinions [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 07:53 iridescent_danbi Army Black Hawk helicopter collides midair with American Airlines flight at Reagan National Airport

Army Black Hawk helicopter collides midair with American Airlines flight at Reagan National Airport submitted by iridescent_danbi to whatsnewtoday [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 07:53 ZoneLoner526 I absolutely loved Entropy Zero 2 (just finished my 2nd playthrough of it,) and want to actually give Breadmen a token of gratitude. Is there a patreon or something I can subscribe to?

See title, I wanna support the creators of that absolutely amazing mod, but I don't know if its at all possible.
submitted by ZoneLoner526 to HalfLife [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 07:53 juozasburgers Im looking into buying a used audi

Im looking into buying a used audi So i found a listing for a 2007 Audi A4 (2.0TDI 103kw) Front wheel drive. Automatic gearbox but im really trying to avoid the multitronic gearbox, ive heard bad stuff about it. How do i tell it apart from a multitronic? It has this shifter in the photos of the car
submitted by juozasburgers to Audi [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 07:53 LustrousShine Hi Everyone! Just wanted to share a fun fanfic involving Charlie and My OC's childhood. Please give it a whirl!
submitted by LustrousShine to HazbinHotelOCArt [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 07:53 Animatrix_Mak This sub in last 24h

This sub in last 24h submitted by Animatrix_Mak to soccercirclejerk [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 07:53 Ok_Assumption_3733 Good Morning from my rooftop :)

submitted by Ok_Assumption_3733 to hookah [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 07:53 Big_Cattle_9611 الكروماتولوجيا علم الالوان حقيقي او فييك؟اذكر لونك المفضل وراح اقول الاشياء السلبية ولو صاح بيكون شي غريب فعلا!!

submitted by Big_Cattle_9611 to AlexandriaEgy [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 07:53 Careful-Bug5665 ThriveR Add The Pearl Marble Shovel Beause There Are No More Shovels The Code is

submitted by Careful-Bug5665 to Voxiom [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 07:53 PsychologyFlaky6855 Be honest , am I attractive?(like beautiful pretty cute etc.)

submitted by PsychologyFlaky6855 to highschool [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 07:53 Chmonyanya Guess who

Guess who Yeah, me ‘:D
submitted by Chmonyanya to gartenofbanban [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 07:53 justonceokay5 Summer by ちぇりぼん

Summer by ちぇりぼん submitted by justonceokay5 to ImaginaryInteriors [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 07:53 Traditional_Cup_1182 My first gpu!

My first gpu! Building my first ever pc powered by this guy right here
submitted by Traditional_Cup_1182 to radeon [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 07:53 flintsparc Northeast Syria: Apparent War Crime by Türkiye-Backed Forces

submitted by flintsparc to kurdistan [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 07:53 lepain3 Gagamaru appreciation post

Gagamaru needs to be appreciated more like bro saved more goals than goals he didn’t save and bro is better than more gk out there
Gagamaru = 🐐 Gagamaru = best gk
submitted by lepain3 to BlueLock [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 07:53 Opposite_Mango_8071 any recommendations?

can someone help me with the undyne fight? im new to undertale and im stuck on the undyne fight. im doing pacifist rn. does anybody know her attack patterns bc i keep dieing on the orange arrow part. pls i need tips.
submitted by Opposite_Mango_8071 to Undertale [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 07:53 Lecultivateur Comment poser un congé pour un entretien quand ledit congé doit être approuvé par mon employeur actuel ?

Je suis actuellement en stage et j'ai reçu une proposition d'entretien pour un emploi qui paie plus que les 650 euros qui me sont gracieusement octroyés par ma structure. On m'a proposé un entretien un après-midi en semaine, auquel j'ai répondu favorablement.
Le problème, c'est qu'il va falloir que je pose un congé pour y aller, et que mes congés sont soumis à l'approbation de mon supérieur.
Le deuxième problème, c'est que la période de début de l'emploi en question a lieu avant la fin de mon stage.
Le troisième problème, c'est que mon employeur actuel "envisage" de me prolonger à l'issue de mon stage, mais pour un contrat vraiment indécent (1600e/mois à Paris pour 50h par semaine, sachant que j'ai deux M2, et plusieurs stages à mon actif. On parle de la fonction publique, et les crédits sont vraiment rognés à balle avec peu de possibilités de négocier au niveau de l'employé)
J'hésite donc sur la marche à suivre. Je me demande si je devrais être honnête en disant que le congé est bien pour un entretien, ce qui pourrait potentiellement inciter mon employeur à se battre pour obtenir davantage de budget pour mon embauche.
D'un autre côté, j'évolue dans un milieu très hiérarchique et j'ai peur que mon employeur le prenne mal, et ne souhaite donc pas me renouveler en apprenant la nouvelle. Pire encore, il y a le risque qu’il refuse de m’accorder ce congé, auquel cas je ne saurais vraiment pas comment faire.
Enfin, la haute administration est un petit monde et il y a toujours le risque que des coups de fil soient passés, du coup si je dis lors de l'entretien pour l'emploi qui m'est proposé que je peux négocier avec mon maître de stage pour un départ anticipé, il y a moyen qu'on l'appelle pour avoir un avis sur mon profil, et qu'il dise à ce moment que je ne suis pas dispo avant la fin de mon stage, ce qui risque de me griller auprès de l'employeur qui se dira que j'ai bullshité.
Ma question est donc dans le titre, que feriez-vous à ma place chers membres d'Askfrance ?
submitted by Lecultivateur to AskFrance [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 07:53 vueeylephotos One Of My Favourite View

One of my favourite views whenever I arrive / finish work
submitted by vueeylephotos to Adelaide [link] [comments]