A ka udhetu dikush me GP Aviation?

2025.01.30 08:12 Ylli_A A ka udhetu dikush me GP Aviation?

A ka udhetu dikush me GP Aviation? A ka dikush eksperience me kompanine GP Aviation & prishtinaticket.com?
E kom ble bileten po nuk po e gjej rezervimin te webfaqja e GP Aviation, ndersa te prishtinaticket del me statusin not paid. Customer support than qe gjithcka eshte ne rregull edhe checkinin e ben ne aeroport diten e fluturimit?! 🤷🏻‍♂️
submitted by Ylli_A to kosovo [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 08:12 Spastic_pinkie Sad news. You can no longer use your phase beams on your wingmen to recharge your shields.

submitted by Spastic_pinkie to NoMansSkyTheGame [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 08:12 Ok_Age_625 Op fked up 1st sem really bad

So result just came out and I got 4.6 sgpa, wtfff. I was really reckless and didn't study the whole semI just wanted to ask can i score good in 2nd sem and upcoming sems to balance out my cgpa??
submitted by Ok_Age_625 to Btechtards [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 08:12 Whyjustwhydothat 3s lipo charger.

Is it normal that every lead has higher and higher voltage? Like lead one 4.2v lead two 8.4 and lead thre 12.6v? These arent the actual numbers if I remember correctly lead thre had 13 something.
submitted by Whyjustwhydothat to batteries [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 08:12 boastsnowflake my rubber plant is looking a bit gloomy today

my rubber plant is looking a bit gloomy today submitted by boastsnowflake to houseplants [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 08:12 Cheap-Bend-6447 Yokomo “basher” drift

Yokomo “basher” drift submitted by Cheap-Bend-6447 to rcdrift [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 08:12 NefariousnessFun9428 Úgy gondolta, jó ötlet: hetekig használt sütőolajjal locsolta a fákat lángosos a pécsi adventi vásáron..

Úgy gondolta, jó ötlet: hetekig használt sütőolajjal locsolta a fákat lángosos a pécsi adventi vásáron.. Díszburkolat bontás és teljes földcsere a pécsi Széchenyi tér közepén, mert az adventi vásár lángososa olajjal locsolta hetekig az egyik fát a főtére. A bódéja mögé hordta az elhasznált lángosolajat, ahelyett hogy összegyűjtötte és leadta volna... Én nem pénzbüntetésre, hanem közmunkára ítéltem volna. Ültessen 100 fát egyedül 2 hónap alatt!
submitted by NefariousnessFun9428 to hungary [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 08:12 GraceOfTheNorth Political activism on the rise

According to my twitter feed political activism and this declassified CIA manual on how to dismantle fascism has gone viral
I presume we're also about to see the emergence of new technical tools in political activism beyond just publications.
Do you guys have any ideas on what those forms of digital activism might be?
submitted by GraceOfTheNorth to PoliticalScience [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 08:12 Bojarow Schienenverkehr: Planung zur Elektrifizierung der Marschbahn angelaufen

Schienenverkehr: Planung zur Elektrifizierung der Marschbahn angelaufen submitted by Bojarow to drehscheibe [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 08:12 itsanokayusername Is this B-die? Can you change cas from 36 to 30?

Is this B-die? Can you change cas from 36 to 30? I have this RAM, can I change cas from 36 to 30? Thanks
submitted by itsanokayusername to overclocking [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 08:12 Celestial-Yeti Thank You Elizabeth Line People

I doubt anyone will see this but I want to put good vibes out into the universe today.
I was on the Elizabeth line heading East last night approx 8pm, totally drunk after a work event and crying hysterically because of something tiny that happened that I was blowing way out of proportion in my silly brain.
Thank you to anyone who stopped to ask if I was okay and if I needed help. There was lots of you and I feel really grateful to everyone. Especially the person who helped me pick up all my stuff when I dropped my bag. Yikes.
Life just felt too much but the people who acted kindly made it a bit better and a bit more bearable.
submitted by Celestial-Yeti to LondonUnderground [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 08:12 JoeFalchetto Quali alimentari comprate esclusivamente in Svizzera?

Non è un mistero che gli svizzeri che vivono vicino al confine (siano essi a Ginevra, Basilea, Lugano, Sciaffusa, o Costanza) vadano spesso e volentieri a fare la spesa nelle nazioni limitrofe.
Ci sono però degli alimentari che comprate solo in Svizzera? Per esempio per la mia esperienza il latte, i latticini (esclusi i formaggi tipici di un determinato posto), e il maiale sono in media molto più buoni in Svizzera che in Italia (per non parlare del maiale tedesco che è una porcheria assoluta). Anche le tavolette di cioccolato sono un'altra cosa.
submitted by JoeFalchetto to Ticino [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 08:12 XYHLQMDLGX GovBall

quien va ir a governor’s ball en nyc??
submitted by XYHLQMDLGX to Feid [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 08:12 ArsonBjork Phobia usually means "uncomfortable with" rather than "scared of"

submitted by ArsonBjork to RandomThoughts [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 08:12 Anton_Pannekoek Trump plans to build mass detention facility at Guantanamo Bay

submitted by Anton_Pannekoek to chomsky [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 08:12 abjinternational Khloe Kardashian reveals the shocking incident that drove her to the edge before divorcing Lamar Odom

submitted by abjinternational to newslive [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 08:12 SUPERVERITECH A-Rex AWG Blog

A-Rex AWG Blog Some of you may already know about the longtime fan's blog posts but thought they're worth flagging as a good read. He does pretty comprehensive match reviews and rights earnestly of his perspective. I've read half a dozen and enjoyed every one so far.
submitted by SUPERVERITECH to actwresgirlz [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 08:12 tired__soul Thunderbelt stacks

Squad had 2 mm and jungler gatot , so I built a chonky badang.
submitted by tired__soul to MobileLegendsGame [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 08:12 JaruS69 Where do y'all go for haircut and how much does it cost

I am going to attend my cousin's wedding soon and need to get Mullet haircut and set my beard.
Looking for the best and affordable place to get it done.
submitted by JaruS69 to mangalore [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 08:12 MindtheProduct Platform thinking in the age of Generative AI: A practical guide for Product Managers

Platform thinking in the age of Generative AI: A practical guide for Product Managers submitted by MindtheProduct to mindtheproduct [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 08:12 junkei Enjoying a cookout with the boys

Enjoying a cookout with the boys submitted by junkei to cavesofqud [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 08:12 skhds Is snow over creek stable?

I had a scary incident in Niseko United Gate 9, where I followed through a single ski track but didn't pick up enough speed and ended up right in the middle of a creek. I kind of freaked out and took off my skiis and climbed out of there, but left me wondering how dangerous the situation was. My fear was if I stayed there long enough, the snow below me will break and I would plunge into the waters. Is it correct that it is dangerous for me to stay there? Or more importantly, is it ok to ski over creeks in the first place?
P.S. I was admittingly alone without any gear nor experience. I know it was not the best decision, I just wasn't thinking clearly at the time.
submitted by skhds to Backcountry [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 08:12 42brie_flutterbye Curious in Tucson

Hey gang. This is a rephrase of a post I left in cannabiscultivation
With proper protection from local wildlife, regardless of leg count, and from extreme weather, can I grow some perpetual plants outdoors in Tucson?
I was thinking I'd start one, and once I was able to start harvesting I'd plant a second. Maybe a third if needed. I only vape dry herb and concentrates, and ggo through a half Oz of flower and 5 or 6 1g carts in a month. And I can only ever afford to buy what's on sale. And I was a teen in the 70s and I've smoked my fair share of rope, so I don't exactly need the highest octane or smoothest ride, also don't expect 'em.
Really just want to know how feasible y'all think it is. At this point I'm only focused on growing for dhv only. We'll, and for cooking.
Thanks in advance for any ideas, tips, suggestions, etc
submitted by 42brie_flutterbye to CannabisGrowers [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 08:12 Weak-Trifle4999 Does emi spends count towards spend requirement

I have recently been upgraded to diners black metal credit card. I want to know if EMI spends on the card also count towards the annual spends required for fee waiver? Has anyone here used diners black for EMI?
submitted by Weak-Trifle4999 to CreditCardsIndia [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 08:12 vbunnyv Eye-catching and better research title for different topics

Hello, good day po. Respect my post po ☺️
I'm currently a 3rd year psychology student and our thesis is coming our way. Nakaisip na ako ng different topics for research (quantitative) but I still couldn't think of a BETTER and EYE-CATCHING title to use. These are the topics that I'm thinking of (vote rin po kayo anong magandang gawin):
a. Is there a relationship between religion and your belief in learning sex education - Target ko po dito are students talaga
b. The effect of being a fan in life - As a kpop fan myself, gusto ko po maalis yung stigma na walang kwenta at di nakakatulong ang pagiging fan sa buhay namin
c. Socioeconomic status of a family and its relationship in the stress of college students - as someone na may broke family 🥲
As of now, eto palang po naiisip ko na dalawa hehehe your suggestions are much appreciated po. Thank you po for answering!
Edit. reposted kasi binura una kong post 😑
submitted by vbunnyv to studentsph [link] [comments]
