Single lady who was 35,never had man in life,wanted pics at exotic places for her matrimony profile

2025.01.30 07:52 Own_Film564 Single lady who was 35,never had man in life,wanted pics at exotic places for her matrimony profile

Single lady who was 35,never had man in life,wanted pics at exotic places for her matrimony profile submitted by Own_Film564 to BollyGlamandRP [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 07:52 CauliflowerHappy1707 Sample Block

Sample Block This is the block I’m thinking about doing. Any thoughts about the layout?
submitted by CauliflowerHappy1707 to quiltingblockswap [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 07:52 DepravitySixx Why are so many Europeans so thoroughly convinced that they're superior to Americans?

First of all, I'm actually very fascinated by European cultures and most Europeans I've met are very kind and respectful people. This post is referring to a select group of Europeans on the internet that I just want to bitch about.
It's just annoying. Half the stuff you guys crap on us for can be easily explained by differences in geography, history, and culture.
But you don't want to listen to us because you're obsessed with us and the belief that you're superior to us.
Why would you expect another country, across an entire ocean from you, with a completely different geography, ecosystem, and politicalhcultural make-up from be exactly like you?
These people will jump at the opportunity to point out how Americans are fat and stupid. Meanwhile some of the most influencial, successful, intelligent people in the world are Americans.
You wouldn't have the internet or personal devices to bitch about America on without Americans.
You wouldn't have light bulbs, hearing aids, pacemakers, telephones, or airplanes.
We brought the world all these revolutionary things and yet somehow we're stupid?
"Americans aren't well traveled. They don't know about other cultures."
That's true, but there's one very important factor that none of you seem to consider. Europeans don't seem to understand how huge America is geographically. Unless we live right on the border of Mexico or Canada, we can't just hop in the car and drive to another country for a weekend getaway like you can.
Even if we flew. Just to cross our own country (without leaving it) costs thousands of dollars that most people don't have just lying around.
So when it comes to other cultures we have to rely on what we can discover from afar through research and asking questions.
And that's just one example of a "weird American thing" that actually has a perfectly logical explanation.
submitted by DepravitySixx to complainaboutanything [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 07:52 InfamousSea7547 M18 Caulking Gun Back Blowouts

Anyone else have this experience or am I doing something wrong?
I've noticed that I need to puncture the caulking seal multiple times or else the caulking/Silicone tube will seep out of the back of the tube to create a fun mess. I only ever run between settings 1-2 as well.
submitted by InfamousSea7547 to MilwaukeeTool [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 07:52 Similar_Housing1824 “I got a switch online membership! Oh, you can’t play right now? That’s okay, I’ll try out quickplay!”

“I got a switch online membership! Oh, you can’t play right now? That’s okay, I’ll try out quickplay!” Beo
submitted by Similar_Housing1824 to SmashRage [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 07:52 Ecstatic-Angle4633 Someone is selling me the Dior Homme parfum for 13000? Would it be legit? Usually the batch codes are genuine when we check.

I checked the scent, and it felt like a genuine blend. But I’m confused, how can someone sell this perfume for so low?
submitted by Ecstatic-Angle4633 to DesiFragranceAddicts [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 07:52 martindukz Any ideas for a good name for my cat?

Any ideas for a good name for my cat? submitted by martindukz to funny [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 07:52 mingboat What is life like at HMAS Cerberus?

Hi everyone,
I’m looking at joining the Navy and want to hear from people who have been through recruit training at HMAS Cerberus. Specifically some things like:
What did a typical day look like for you?
Did you get off base leave? If so from when and how often?
Were you able to stay at home on weekends? If so, roughly how far away did you live?
Any tips? What should I expect? What should I bring with me?
Appreciate any insight!
submitted by mingboat to ADFRecruiting [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 07:52 Maliceneko Instantly died to atlantean, but then this happened

Instantly died to atlantean, but then this happened My screen somehow bugged after i died, this looks really beautiful though.
submitted by Maliceneko to ArcaneOdyssey [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 07:52 Upbeat-Ad-1644 Data Analyst

[For Hire]
I am an academic writefreelance r with 5 years experience in this field. My specialty include data analysis in Excel, SPSS, STATA, SAS, Python, Tableau, PowerBI, Jamovi, JASP, MATLAB, Google Colab, Jupyter Notebook, R Programming, Machine Learning, Sentimental Analysis. I aslo write statistics and probability, mathematics, physics, mechanical engineering, humanities, psychology, philosophy, nursing, healthcare, exams, proposals, essays,dissertations. In any given academic work just reach me out. WatsApp at +254707981188
submitted by Upbeat-Ad-1644 to freelance_forhire [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 07:52 Top_Day2394 hood knife / hoof knife for horsesFor USA Testers DM for Info - Thanks

hood knife / hoof knife for horsesFor USA Testers DM for Info - Thanks submitted by Top_Day2394 to coupondealstore [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 07:52 gttlol Documentos

O que seria a Identidade" pedida pela UFMG no termo de responsabilidade? (Link acima) Preciso ter a CIN (Carteira de Identidade Nacional)?????
submitted by gttlol to ufmg [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 07:52 Curious-Necessary291 Knock Knock ANTM Trivia

Who 90s supermodel starred in a McDonald’s commercial that aired during the 1996 Super Bowl and also starred in a chocolate commercial for the Middle Eastern market, specifically in Israel. One of these was referenced on ANTM
submitted by Curious-Necessary291 to ANTM [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 07:52 Grouchy-Beautiful577 Boyfriend needs help, first timer

Helloo, first time posting. My boyfriend has never done anything crazy for skincare—just occasionally uses CeraVe cleanser and sunscreen in the morning. Lately, he’s been feeling insecure about the discoloration near his nose bridge and wrinkles/dark spot under his eyes, so he wants to build a proper routine. He's a nurse that works long shifts for context and wants to start taking care of his face. Also any advice on his milia
What are some products or steps he should add to target these concerns? He has normal skin (not too oily or dry) and prefers something simple but effective. ANY recommendations or critiques would be super helpful! 😊
submitted by Grouchy-Beautiful577 to koreanskincare [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 07:52 AzraelSoulHunter Found out that Blood Angels in this teaser are Vermillion which means only one thing

submitted by AzraelSoulHunter to Spacemarine [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 07:52 Lecultivateur Comment poser un congé pour un entretien quand ledit congé doit être approuvé par mon employeur actuel ?

Je suis actuellement en stage et j'ai reçu une proposition d'entretien pour un emploi qui paie plus que les 650 euros qui me sont gracieusement octroyés par ma structure. On m'a proposé un entretien un après-midi en semaine, auquel j'ai répondu favorablement.
Le problème, c'est qu'il va falloir que je pose un congé pour y aller, et que mes congés sont soumis à l'approbation de mon supérieur.
Le deuxième problème, c'est que la période de début de l'emploi en question a lieu avant la fin de mon stage.
Le troisième problème, c'est que mon employeur actuel "envisage" de me prolonger à l'issue de mon stage, mais pour un contrat vraiment indécent (1600e/mois à Paris pour 50h par semaine, sachant que j'ai deux M2, et plusieurs stages à mon actif. On parle de la fonction publique, et les crédits sont vraiment rognés à balle avec peu de possibilités de négocier au niveau de l'employé)
J'hésite donc sur la marche à suivre. Je me demande si je devrais être honnête en disant que le congé est bien pour un entretien, ce qui pourrait potentiellement inciter mon employeur à se battre pour obtenir davantage de budget pour mon embauche.
D'un autre côté, j'évolue dans un milieu très hiérarchique et j'ai peur que mon employeur le prenne mal, et ne souhaite donc pas me renouveler en apprenant la nouvelle. Pire encore, il y a le risque qu’il refuse de m’accorder ce congé, auquel cas je ne saurais vraiment pas comment faire.
Enfin, la haute administration est un petit monde et il y a toujours le risque que des coups de fil soient passés, du coup si je dis lors de l'entretien pour l'emploi qui m'est proposé que je peux négocier avec mon maître de stage pour un départ anticipé, il y a moyen qu'on l'appelle pour avoir un avis sur mon profil, et qu'il dise à ce moment que je ne suis pas dispo avant la fin de mon stage, ce qui risque de me griller auprès de l'employeur qui se dira que j'ai bullshité.
Ma question est donc dans le titre, que feriez-vous à ma place chers camarades antitaffeurs ?
submitted by Lecultivateur to AntiTaff [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 07:52 Old_Fee_2204 صدمة من العرض الوظيفي السيء جداً

السلام عليكم،
تواصلت معايا احدى الشركات المتوسطة في مجال النقليات لعمل مقابلة بمسمى مدير قسم التسويق وانا حالياً مشرف عام في قسم التسويق في احدى الشركات الكبيرة والمعروفة في جدة، وقت المقابلة كانت جداً سلسله وجاوبت على كل الاسئلة بطريقة احترافيه يخص المجال والخطط والاستراتيجيات التسويقية وعن خبرتي بشكل عام، مع العلم ان عندي خبرة 5 سنوات في التسويق منها سنتين في امريكا مع اكبر الشركات ولله الحمد.
عند نهايه المقابلة، سالني مدير الاتش ار عن راتبي وقلتلهم عن راتبي الحالي، وسالني عن كم المتوقع، جاوبت اني انتظر منهم الرد حسب القيمة السوقيه لهذا المنصب وفي هذا المجال واكير ان فيه سلم الرواتب يبين هذا الشيء ووضحت له اني جداً مرن في موضوع الراتب وماراح يكون عائق في اني انضم لهم. المهم بعد اسبوعين ارسلولي عرض الوظيفي لكن الصدمة ان الراتب نص الي استلمه حالياً، والمسمى اخصائي تسويق!!
الصراحة انصدمت واتصلت على نفس الشخص بالايميل لايكون فيه خطأ في عرض السعر او انه لشخص ثاني غيري! ولكن رده ان هذا عرض الوظيفي. على العموم سحبت عليهم ولا رديت عليهم ولا راح ارد لاني مغبون. حاب اعرف ايش سبب الشركة انها ارسلت العرض الوظيفي بهذا الراتب البخس جداً وغير المسمى الي اقل من انا فيه حالياً. الحمد لله اموري مستقرة مع الشركة ولي معهم فوق سنتين تقريباً، لكن قلت لعل وعسى منصب افضل وراتب اعلى لكن اكتشفت ان سوق العمل في جدة جداً ضعيف والرواتب جداً متدنية مقارنه بالتضخم والرواتب الخرافيه في الرياض.
استفساري هذا فقط للفضفضه! واعطوني رايكم عن السبب!
submitted by Old_Fee_2204 to SaudiProfessionals [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 07:52 YeetieMcYeeterson Importing Fukusaya's Nagasaki Castella

Would anyone happen to know of any Nagasaki City stores that export Fukusaya's Nagasaki castella? I love the cake, but I have yet to see it abroad. Thank you for any tips or leads!
submitted by YeetieMcYeeterson to Nagasaki [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 07:52 Randomized_Error_69 So, there has been some controversy relating to my latest post.

User SownAthlete5923 has recently re-posted an image of mine. This post is confirmation that I am the true owner of the image in question. May someone stay vigilant, and keep close watch on this user?
submitted by Randomized_Error_69 to piratesofthecaribbean [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 07:52 110haruflower And then it happened

Dear me,
I thought my heart was completely dead, crushed, smashed, torn to shreds. And then it this the inkling of a crush? I'm shocked I'm not going to lie, I didn't think I would feel this way so soon. It is small, not anything crazy, more of a general interest. But...I'm happy about it. Like really happy. Like "thinking about what dates would be like" happy. Ok, maybe I need to slow my roll here though, lmao. No guarantee they even find me remotely attractive.
The only issue is they are the worst person I could have ended up having an interest in. Like, this was a coincidence but it would look like I'm doing it on purpose. Oh well, I don't really care.
submitted by 110haruflower to UnsentLetters [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 07:52 Bubbly_Substance_551 Website where you can get all the information on what covid rent relief was supposed to be for who it went to where the money actually the proceeds went and how they're supposed to be spent and how it was presented to each state and other

submitted by Bubbly_Substance_551 to ACCEMEMBERCOVIDHELP [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 07:52 reddit_lss_2 Edit comment test for 30/1/2025 07:51:38

submitted by reddit_lss_2 to LssAutomation [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 07:52 gupguru OpenAI PROVES DeepSeek COPIED Them!

OpenAI PROVES DeepSeek COPIED Them! submitted by gupguru to PostAI [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 07:52 Critical-Homework902 Navigation Bar Active State for Current Page

I just ran into a bottleneck in Framer.
Imagine my nav bar menu items are individual components and I need them to like change color or something when it's on that current page.
I'm aware that scroll variants help for one pagers but I have multiple pages. How can this be achieved?
submitted by Critical-Homework902 to framer [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 07:52 DEAD1nsane Baba got rid of live table games

unless I'm just blind I don't see live blackjack or any of that anymore. that's lame. u/BabaCasino can you give some insight?
submitted by DEAD1nsane to CasinoFreebies [link] [comments]