How to get the ds160 number after h1b dropbox

2025.01.30 08:20 Castiel479 How to get the ds160 number after h1b dropbox

I have a very weird problem. I had to update my original ds160 and for that o filled it and printed only a signel copy of the new ds160 which I submitted during my dropbox appointment.
Now, I forgot to save the number of the new ds160 and am wondering if there is anyways for me to get it. Can anyone let me know if there is anyway for me to retrieve the new number?
submitted by Castiel479 to usvisascheduling [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 08:20 UnusualIncidentUnit was there any pre-great war country that WASNT a facist authoritarian nightmare?

title. pre-war america was a clusterfuck i wont even begin to delve into, so was pre-war china.and we can assume that europe was also pretty shit given they were completely fine with obliterating the middle east and the oil they were fighting for in the first place.
with our (very limited unfortunately) knowledge of the pre-great war world, do we know of any nations that was at bare minimum decent in terms of morality?
submitted by UnusualIncidentUnit to falloutlore [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 08:20 Forecastformcast When someone asks what you do in a library

When someone asks what you do in a library submitted by Forecastformcast to MandJTV [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 08:20 Training_Bumblebee_5 Tax card not updated?, automatic 60% deduction

Hi, so I'm working in Denmark for a year, started in August 2024 and ending in July 2025. I set my tax card up and it worked fine for august until December, as far as I understand it should have been updates automatically since there was no changes to my income or anything.
Come to find out this morning when receiving my pay slip that I'm getting close to 60% deductions and zero tax-free income. Tried calling skat but getting hung up on so I thought to try my luck here... any ideas what to do in this situation?
The issue has already been alerted to my boss and he's got the same issue for himself but we're the only two to get this in the company.
Any help is deeply appreciated :)
- A guy with absolutely no experience in finance
submitted by Training_Bumblebee_5 to dkfinance [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 08:20 Bug_Bunn Bro wanted to be a superman at that moment...

Bro wanted to be a superman at that moment... submitted by Bug_Bunn to indiasocial [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 08:20 Ok-Tomato4056 Amandeep Sidhu

Amandeep Sidhu submitted by Ok-Tomato4056 to Actress_Hub98 [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 08:20 WooCommerce Inbio Theme V3.0.3 for WordPress and WooCommerce

Inbio Theme V3.0.3 for WordPress and WooCommerce submitted by WooCommerce to WPWOO [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 08:20 MugShots NV Energy Alert

NVEnergy Alert Under Investigation in 89110 1 customer affected ORT: 2025-01-30 00:12:48.000-08:00 ETR:
submitted by MugShots to AlertVegas [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 08:20 Iwell_angel I have a hacked 3ds but not enough space on the micro sd can i just somehow use a game cartridge to download a game

Thanks in advance
submitted by Iwell_angel to 3dspiracy [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 08:20 cymraestori Finally seeing a surgeon!

I'm nervous and excited, but I'm finally seeing a surgeon (Dr . Lum at Hopkins) to ask about TOS surgery. I know I have positive Wright's and Roos tests, and I think positive Adson's too. I also have cervical ribs.
I'm excited to finally get a doppler ultrasound to check my veins and arteries.
I know it's a bit late but... anything to recommend asking the doctor from people who have pursued surgery?
submitted by cymraestori to thoracicoutletsupport [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 08:20 Funny-Coyote-2663 Am i being a dramatic tenant or my live in landlady annoying? Feeling like an uninvited guest

So, i (25m) recently moved to this place with a live in landlady(40s). The place itself is very nice and a good price for the place. But ever since i moved in , my landlady has so many mini rules and i feel like i am an uninvited guest all the time.
For example, i cook food which lasts for 3-4 days and make rice whenever i need with the rice cooker(once a day during weekdays). If i make rice at like 10 pm , she makes comments like "wait, are you going to cook now"?, as if an annoyed tone or idk. So i feel quite self conscious whenever i cook or go to make rice.She is basically alwayss in the common area next to kitchen , so she always sees when i cook. Our food waste bin is absolutely tiny because she says she doesn't like food waste smell, and i mean very small.
She also gets annoyed at so many small details like with regards to closing the door. I close them very carefully but a bit of door noise is unavoidable and she texted me yesterday to use the door handles (like, i did that ). There are other micromanaging examples. She does text me about these mini "law breaks" time to time.
She works at home and so she would be sleeping while i wake up for office. She mentioned to be careful during morning with noise and of course that's understandable. But i have to tiptoe my way around making breakfast because i know she'll complain otherwise.
In general i feel like i need to hold my breath around her and don't know if i should stay. Am i being overdramatic or it's the other way? Also , i have not signed any agreement, with a one month notice can i move out?
submitted by Funny-Coyote-2663 to AskIreland [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 08:20 CupcakeProper5286 Bir Ayet, Bir Hadis, Bir Dua

Bir Ayet, Bir Hadis, Bir Dua Bir Ayet Kim iyilik yaparak kendini Allah'a teslim ederse, şüphesiz en sağlam kulpa tutunmuştur. İşlerin sonu ancak Allah'a varır. (Lokman, 31/22)
Bir Hadis Müslüman, dilinden ve elinden müslümanların zarar görmediği kimsedir. Muhâcir ise, Allah'ın yasakladığı şeylerden uzak duran kimsedir. (Buhârî, Îmân, 4–5)
Bir Dua Ey kalpleri hâlden hâle çeviren Allahım, kalbimi dinin üzere sabit kıl. (Tirmizî, De’avât, 124)
islam #Kuran #Hadis #Dua #Allah #Peygamber #Tevhid #Namaz #İman #Merhamet #Sabır #Şükür #Nimetler #Zikir #Sadaka #Sevgi #Barış #Fatiha #Sünnet #Cennet #Cuma #Hidayet #Bağışlanma #Tövbe #Sabır #Nur #Mümin #Takva #Kardeşlik #Salavat submitted by CupcakeProper5286 to ayethadisdua [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 08:20 jelani_an Why do so many Architecture firms use the word "remodel" when what they did in reality was a renovation?

submitted by jelani_an to Architects [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 08:20 Brilliant-Respond-35 Need someone that has NOT played Temu redeem credit before to enter my code please! Comment with your username and code after doing mine 88138741

Need someone that has NOT played Temu redeem credit before to enter my code please! Comment with your username and code after doing mine 88138741
submitted by Brilliant-Respond-35 to TemuNewUsersASAp [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 08:20 Yeah_i_suppose Är det här en PostNord-scam?

La upp ett set bildäck på marketplace. Potentiell köpare hörde av sig efter två minuter. Inga frågor. Ville köpa direkt. Lovar förskottsbetalning med PostNord (?).
Är det här en väletablerad scam typ eller kan det vara legit??
submitted by Yeah_i_suppose to Asksweddit [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 08:20 pbrandoli The last comment is spot on for a post about "Special plenary to commemorate International Holocaust Remembrance Day" from the European Parliament

The last comment is spot on for a post about submitted by pbrandoli to LinkedInLunatics [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 08:20 Ambitious_End_9602 I need more stickbugs

I need more stickbugs submitted by Ambitious_End_9602 to BeeSwarmSimulator [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 08:20 riqosuavekulasfuq Trump's orders take aim at critical race theory and antisemitism on college campuses

Trump's orders take aim at critical race theory and antisemitism on college campuses submitted by riqosuavekulasfuq to CRT_so_scary [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 08:20 AndresMan2004 Love this figure

Love this figure submitted by AndresMan2004 to McFarlaneFigures [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 08:20 Rich-Koala7042 For trade preferably a convertible rolls Royce but send offers

For trade preferably a convertible rolls Royce but send offers submitted by Rich-Koala7042 to CPM2 [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 08:20 Nio_Exe Finally location 9 finished

Finally location 9 finished This Escapee Zombie is a good enemy, however its damage when reborn is ridiculously high and more depending on the level. The witch zombie and the Tough blue zombie are better balanced and the reason for their stats is justified. Or what do you think?
submitted by Nio_Exe to DeadAhead [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 08:20 speakjustly It’s never too late to fill your bags with small market cap coins that have strong fundamentals.

submitted by speakjustly to KuCoinTradingBot [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 08:20 Minute_Activity1237 What the game, Platinum Astrobot ❤️❤️

I finish it with platinum trophy 4 months ago. Astrobot is one of the best in last 5 years
submitted by Minute_Activity1237 to Astrobot [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 08:20 kittykatwhiskerson A gentle reminder

Good morning all 👋🏻
Here to remind you that behind all the filters, witch costumes, mountains of makeup and the very occasional hair brush, this is the real eOD.
internally shudders 💀
Oh and side note: those red hearts aren’t aimed at you know who, they’re people in the chat putting ‘red hearts if you support Donald Trump’. I don’t believe barely anyone truly does, it was clearly just winding eOD up. Not hard to do really is it 🫠
submitted by kittykatwhiskerson to UKtiktokbehavingbadly [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 08:20 scaryscara Where is a good place to buy a scooter/ moped type

Hi all, i have a scooter thats on its last legs, and mrs is nagging to buy a new motosy lol.. is there any good places to look around jomtien?? Thanks in adv..
submitted by scaryscara to Pattaya [link] [comments]