A16z ramps up scout presence in Europe, despite closing London crypto office...

2025.01.30 08:43 Full-Discussion3745 A16z ramps up scout presence in Europe, despite closing London crypto office...

submitted by Full-Discussion3745 to EU_Economics [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 08:43 Dangerous-Sense9525 I need help

Hello everyone, I am trying to create an overkill drone with both speed and Extreme manuverablity. Can you guys help me ?
Here is some parts I have found and prices.
Money is no issue
Thank you 🙏🏽
submitted by Dangerous-Sense9525 to fpv [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 08:43 IOsifKapa Bought the DT 770 Pro 80Ohms - first impressions and questions

This is my first serious set, I got them to replace my (5x cheaper) old Roland RH-5 32ohms. Their use will be exclusively for piano practice, either directly on my Yamaha piano, or via a small Mackie HM-4 splitteamp (40€). I also started experimenting with Pianoteq via an old laptop outputing to the Mackie. An online calc shows that the 770 should require less power than the RH-5 for the same volume - so I THOUGHT they would be louder in general...
First impressions/comparisons: - very comfortable, very good isolation. - testing them on my phone with some YT music videos ("audiophile" and "normal"), the difference in quality is minimal - they also top up at the same volume. The phone is probably the limiting factor. - connecting both directly to my piano, the Rolands are louder - quality about the same. - connecting them both to the Mackie and pushing them to the max level I would like for piano practice, the 770s distort way less during intense base sounds. But they are not distortion-free unless I lower the amplification a little-bit, and I didn't expect that. - feeding them with Pianoteq sounds, the 770s really shine, delivering better sound than the RH-5s, but still distort a bit during loud base notes. What I found is that, if I lower the amplification a bit and push the volume an extra 2dB via Pianoteq, I get the same volume, distortion-free.
My questions: 1) Having no experience with good headphones, are the above observations to be expected? 2) Am I correct to assume that the distortions come from Mackie's inefficiency as an amp, not from 770's as a headphone? 3) Will an external soundcard be able to better drive the 770s (meaning louder before distorting) while possibly improving the sound coming from my 2006 DELL laptop (I am not yet thrilled with the Pianoteq sound, and I think I should)? Soundcards I can source in Greece and within budget would be Focusrite Scarlett Solo/2i2, Arturia Minifuse 1, Steinberg UR12, Behringer UMC202HD.
Thank you for your patience reading all this.
submitted by IOsifKapa to HeadphoneAdvice [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 08:43 Background_Big_962 31 de Enero #11 | 🎙️ Silvia Álvarez- Medium Evidencial Voces en la Red

31 de Enero #11 | 🎙️ Silvia Álvarez- Medium Evidencial Voces en la Red submitted by Background_Big_962 to AdriBits [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 08:43 HeWillPrevail Favorite thing about this lil lady?

Favorite thing about this lil lady? submitted by HeWillPrevail to hazbin [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 08:43 umratking damn she thick

just headers and tune left!
anyone have experience with 4-2-1 DC Sports header?
submitted by umratking to SciontC [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 08:42 Former_Ad190 Should I Strategic Rush A Alt Account?

I’ve been doing some research but can’t decide if I should strategically rush a base. Is it worth it? I am normally very against rushing. And I have 2 other accounts I haven’t rushed.
submitted by Former_Ad190 to ClashOfClans [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 08:42 TheTimeDimension Apple sleep all over the place?

Apple sleep all over the place? I’ve even turn it off after waking up at 7am … also took my watch off all day … so why is this happening?
submitted by TheTimeDimension to AppleWatch [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 08:42 kanecastlecastle How to crossplay invite?

I have Omdd on game pass and it says cross play, but I can't figure out how to invite my friend that is on steam?
submitted by kanecastlecastle to OrcsMustDie [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 08:42 duboisharrier Aiden first update

Just bought my Aiden and it’s brewing and operating perfectly but the online connectivity is giving me a headache. I tried to get it to update last night but it wouldn’t so I just disconnected it and scheduled a brew with the manual clock. By the time I woke up it had reset the clock and still hadn’t updated.
I’ve factory reseted the machine, re-paired the app with Aiden and I can’t see any progress with updating the firmware after over an hour.
Any tips guys? I’m definitely connected to WiFi and paired properly. It’s just refusing to update and allow Aiden to go online.
submitted by duboisharrier to FellowProducts [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 08:42 Commercial-Sink8444 Fanfiction Fancast Katie Deauxma for Kick-Ass reboot and Kick-Ass tv show

submitted by Commercial-Sink8444 to kickass [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 08:42 Crandin Astartes 2 Teaser & Release Date: Syama Pedersen, Scythes of The Emperor, and Deathwatch

Astartes 2 Teaser & Release Date: Syama Pedersen, Scythes of The Emperor, and Deathwatch submitted by Crandin to 40krpg [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 08:42 ScrumTumescent Discharge curve of playing with an external battery plugged in?

Fairly technical question: the discharge curves for batteries aren't linear, meaning that the time you can spend drawing 25w @ 80% charge capacity from any source will be longer than when drawing, say, 25w from a 30% capacity source.
This is the same as saying you will get more time spent drawing 25w from a 80wh battery than 2x40wh batteries.
But what I don't know is which battery the Rog Ally draws from when plugged in: the internal, external, or does it link them in parallel and draw from both at the same time? If so, that would be like having a 40wh + 88wh = 128wh battery (minutes thermal losses over the cable and transformer, which might cost 10-20%).
So, is it better to plug in a fully charged Anker 737 (or whatever) into a a 100% charged ROG Ally, or wait until the optimal spot on the discharge curve of the Rog (I'm guessing around ~50%) before plugging in, which will split the battery's output between running the APU/GPU and charging the internal battery?
Thanks all you EE gamers
submitted by ScrumTumescent to ROGAlly [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 08:42 CartographerNo2923 Ricette con il Salame Ungherese Fusion

Ricette con il Salame Ungherese Fusion Ricette con il Salame Ungherese Fusion Ecco alcune idee per utilizzare il Salame Ungherese Fusion in deliziose ricette:
1. Bruschette con Salame Fusion e Formaggio Crema Ingredienti: - Fette di pane casereccio - Formaggio crema - Salame Ungherese Fusion (affettato) - Rucola - Olio d'oliva - Pepe nero
Preparazione: 1. Tostare le fette di pane in forno o su una griglia. 2. Spalmare un generoso strato di formaggio crema su ciascuna fetta. 3. Aggiungere le fette di salame fusion. 4. Completare con rucola, un filo d'olio d'oliva e una spolverata di pepe nero. 5. Servire come antipasto o aperitivo.
2. Pasta al Salame Fusion e Zenzero Ingredienti: - 300 g di pasta (tipo spaghetti o linguine) - 100 g di Salame Ungherese Fusion (a cubetti) - 1 cucchiaio di olio d'oliva - 1 cucchiaino di zenzero grattugiato - 1 peperoncino fresco (facoltativo) - Prezzemolo fresco tritato
Preparazione: 1. Cuocere la pasta in acqua salata secondo le istruzioni. 2. In una padella, scaldare l'olio d'oliva e aggiungere il salame fusion a cubetti. 3. Aggiungere lo zenzero e il peperoncino e rosolare per qualche minuto. 4. Scolare la pasta e unirla alla padella, mescolando bene. 5. Servire con prezzemolo fresco tritato.
3. Insalata di Patate e Salame Fusion Ingredienti: - 500 g di patate - 150 g di Salame Ungherese Fusion (affettato) - 1 cipolla rossa (affettata) - 100 g di cetriolini sott'aceto - 2 cucchiai di olio d'oliva - 1 cucchiaio di aceto di vino - Sale e pepe
Preparazione: 1. Lessare le patate in acqua salata fino a cottura. Scolarle e lasciarle raffreddare. 2. Tagliare le patate a cubetti e metterle in una ciotola. 3. Aggiungere il salame fusion, la cipolla rossa e i cetriolini. 4. Condire con olio d'oliva, aceto, sale e pepe. Mescolare bene e servire.
4. Frittata con Salame Fusion e Verdure Ingredienti: - 6 uova - 100 g di Salame Ungherese Fusion (a cubetti) - 1 zucchina (a rondelle) - 1 peperone rosso (a cubetti) - 1 cipolla (tritata) - Sale e pepe - Olio d'oliva
Preparazione: 1. In una padella, scaldare un filo d'olio e rosolare la cipolla, le zucchine e il peperone per circa 5-7 minuti. 2. In una ciotola, sbattere le uova con sale e pepe. Aggiungere il salame fusion. 3. Versare il composto nella padella con le verdure e cuocere a fuoco medio fino a quando i bordi iniziano a rapprendersi. 4. Terminare la cottura in forno per 5-10 minuti o fino a doratura. 5. Servire calda o a temperatura ambiente.
Spero che queste ricette ti ispirino a gustare il tuo Salame Ungherese Fusion in modi deliziosi! Buon appetito!
submitted by CartographerNo2923 to BiscottieAromi [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 08:42 nihilistrambler SSG PAKISTAN

SSG PAKISTAN submitted by nihilistrambler to SpecOpsArchive [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 08:42 IHATMYLIFE42069 Guys i got custard and alchemist 🙏🙏🙏

Guys i got custard and alchemist 🙏🙏🙏 submitted by IHATMYLIFE42069 to CookierunKingdom [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 08:42 IronStylus Have you all seen what’s going down in r/sfv? War were declared.

Check out the silliness in the San Fernando Vally sub. I think Glendale needs to get in on the action. Burbank has already been roped in. We need to rally now.
submitted by IronStylus to glendale [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 08:42 joavdals The Ancient Sword crafted to slay The Serpent in Hellfire 👀

The Ancient Sword crafted to slay The Serpent in Hellfire 👀 submitted by joavdals to Piratefolk [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 08:42 Extra-Stress301 Did you mean what you said ?

submitted by Extra-Stress301 to sixwordstories [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 08:42 sil_ve_r How do i get him off

How do i get him off submitted by sil_ve_r to Kanye [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 08:42 Taxipfahrer Rainbow Rares?

I just checked the card list and havent seen anything more Rare than the two golden crown rares palkia and dialga . Wasn't there a new rarity announced with "rainbow rares"? Correct me if i'm wrong.
submitted by Taxipfahrer to PTCGP [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 08:42 Organic_Room_2322 Seems fair

Seems fair submitted by Organic_Room_2322 to pcmasterrace [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 08:42 Make_the_music_stop ‘The best of both worlds’: people reveal why they are childfree by choice. Those who decided not to have children speak about the friendship challenges, joys and questions they have faced

‘The best of both worlds’: people reveal why they are childfree by choice. Those who decided not to have children speak about the friendship challenges, joys and questions they have faced submitted by Make_the_music_stop to uknews [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 08:42 Fine-Environment4550 Daily task event - Last day

Daily task event - Last day 20/20 tasks completed.
In total, I had spent around 70 diamonds increasing machine capacity to finish orders.
submitted by Fine-Environment4550 to HayDay [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 08:42 groundnewsfeed First of three Israelis to be freed from Gaza received by Red Cross as hostage releases begin

submitted by groundnewsfeed to groundnews [link] [comments]
