2025.01.30 08:42 ActPuzzleheaded5472 20k Gold lead spotted
EINS vs DNS in Prime League submitted by ActPuzzleheaded5472 to PedroPeepos [link] [comments] |
2025.01.30 08:42 ImJJUStnOoNe Saw this on the workshop and thought it was an interesting AWP skin and wanted to share.
Long Dog AWP skin. It's a nice take on the other dragon AWPs I've seen. Apparently not the finished version of it but still looks nice. submitted by ImJJUStnOoNe to cs2 [link] [comments] |
2025.01.30 08:42 Secure-Mortgage4601 Saw this today
submitted by Secure-Mortgage4601 to Goodwill_Finds [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 08:42 YumxYummy Mina & Nayeon
submitted by YumxYummy to 3mix [link] [comments] |
2025.01.30 08:42 Lil-Bluejay Cutting out Alcohol
I have been struggling with alcohol for a few years now. I have leaned on it for pain and to escape the grief and anxiety I feel about being sick. Both very in healthy. I was also having episodes where I would have no memory of the evening and be angry and defensive to my partner. These episodes needed to stop for my own health and life, and for my partners health and well being. I’ve recently cut out alcohol and I’m feeling so powerful and inspired about it. It feels good I feel strong.
I wanted to know if anyone else had similar stories or could share?? — hearing anything right now is so helpful.
Here’s to 2 weeks sober
submitted by Lil-Bluejay to lupus [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 08:42 Deaf_Nobby_Burton Not really a lunatic, just annoying buzzword salad.
submitted by Deaf_Nobby_Burton to LinkedInLunatics [link] [comments] |
2025.01.30 08:42 SamPey_ Help with a corrupted magic item
Hi all, I'm brainstorming...One of my player has obtained a particolar sword, Stolen from an homebrew antagonist in our game. This weapon uses ancient magic (traceable tò Ythryn) buy given how i'd build some things, i'd like It to imbued with Power but also cursed, since that type of magic isn't easily usable nosadays (or by non-netheril people).
What the party saw avout this sword was that ita previous owner could imbued It with elemental Energy/Bane (bonus action to activate, 1d6 extra damage from chosen element on hit for next minute). The player Who obtained the sword used It to kill the last eneny and i had him use this Power innately. With the next long rest i would like him to become attuned to It and therefore become cursed.
For now i've thougth avout giving this elemental Power X times a day, however i'm booking for advice on possibile powers and a suitable curse (Which Will virtually carry around for a while, given that they have no way of eliminating It - and i would like It to be an incipit for a possibile development of the player).
submitted by SamPey_ to rimeofthefrostmaiden [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 08:42 clar226 US federation confirmed to CNN that several members of its community were on board the plane
Terrible, terrible news. Link to CNN live coverage : https://www.cnn.com/us/live-news/plane-crash-dca-potomac-washington-dc-01-29-25?cid=ios_app#cm6j0hciw001k3b6ml1xk8e7a submitted by clar226 to FigureSkating [link] [comments] |
2025.01.30 08:42 eabbbbbb Anong thoughts nyo sa mga taong nagpopost ng bangkay ng loved ones nila sa social media?
Sobra akong kinikilabutan and naaawa sa bangkay at sa namatayan at the same time
submitted by eabbbbbb to AskPH [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 08:42 shlankwagon People need to stop targeting corporations for abusing FOMO when they're the ones giving in.
Every hobby I'm in these days uses the FOMO trap on their consumers, whether it be Fortnite bringing back the most desirable skin in their game for a limited time while simultaneously releasing skin after skin that's majorly hyped, or Pokemon releasing sets that are pretty much entirely catered to the people who want to resell. It's EVERYWHERE.
Of course it's not a bad thing for a company to put stuff that's desirable on the market, but it gets to a fucking point. It is EVERY. SINGLE. COMPANY. now. Things only releasing in limited stock. Some not releasing at all when they're supposed to. Having to constantly check stores just to maybe leave with something new if you beat the assholes who take the entire stock five minutes after it's put out. And it's down to stupid shit now like soap brands or even foods these days. What are we even doing anymore.
You always see the term "FOMO" being thrown around like it's some evil and forbidden term, but it's the general public creating it. Ever since the pandemic there is a market for anything, and for some reason everyone thinks they're gonna hit big, so they take EVERYTHING. Why are we acting like it's the company's fault when it's the people buying these things in the masses. It's a freaking joke. If there weren't bummy and impatient people on every corner, a lot of hobbies would be a lot more fun to get into these days.
FOMO also doesn't just negatively affect people, it's affecting markets. Action figures that SHOULD be worth dollars but are now a hot commodity because someone on YouTube said it was a "good financial investment". It's these people that are actively destroying the collecting hobby. It's destroying alot more communities too. You really do hate to see it. Back in my day if you saw a cool figure online and you wanted it, you'd stumble upon the damn thing unexpectedly after a while. Now it's like you have to hawkeye the damn things and make sure you're even able to before people throw em on eBay for double what it's worth. I fucking hate it.
I could also blame the obsessive shopping addiction the entire world is going through these days, but that's for a different post. For this one, stop beating the shit out of eachother over Pokemon cards. I'm a collector of the things myself, I hate to see a hobby I've been a part of destroyed by resellers and douchebags alike because we're going through some weird hyped up trend of "HAVING TO STAY WITH IT AT ALL TIMES"
submitted by shlankwagon to rant [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 08:42 StruggleVirtual4258 Shrinkflation na Slovensku
Ahojte, keďže ceny stále rastu aj napriek “opatreniam” našej vlády, máte prosím nejaké reálne príklady zcvrkavanie obsahu produktov(shrinkflation). Ďakujem
submitted by StruggleVirtual4258 to Slovakia [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 08:42 Less_Character_8544 Recolored Rose’s suit. Thoughts?
submitted by Less_Character_8544 to PokemonSwordAndShield [link] [comments] |
2025.01.30 08:42 obxandhstpr4life Token Straight Friend???
I was just thinking that if in season 1 Isaac didn't know he was aromantic and asexual yet, then how come Tao was calling himself the token straight friend if as far as he was aware Isaac was straight too? I think that maybe Isaac was out as something else before he realised he was aroace, and that would also make sense why the others were trying to set him up with James, but I'm not too sure as nothing was said about his sexuality before that.
submitted by obxandhstpr4life to HeartstopperNetflix [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 08:42 wrongaccountbutok anyone know what happened to the massive corner panel?
i’m so confused i was looking at this thinking “something seems off” before realising oh yeah the corner is just gone now apparently submitted by wrongaccountbutok to Adelaide [link] [comments] |
2025.01.30 08:42 Smooth-Raccoon7461 ENEMY STAND USER NEARBY
submitted by Smooth-Raccoon7461 to YoujoSenki [link] [comments] |
2025.01.30 08:42 icydrippin 4 letter psn account for sale
discord: abjg submitted by icydrippin to FortniteAccountsSale [link] [comments] |
2025.01.30 08:42 TraviiiD Just one more. I swear.
submitted by TraviiiD to PTCGP [link] [comments] |
2025.01.30 08:42 tlozbotwamiibos Stella Chung’s 2025 Chinese New Year in Hokkaido, Sapporo
https://www.instagram.com/p/DFbUyMET21G submitted by tlozbotwamiibos to Gina_Darling [link] [comments] |
2025.01.30 08:42 garbageaxount Worth getting repaired? (Looks matter) Seeing mixed reviews of repairs.
Favorite jacket. Super small tears so more of a preventative thing. I see mixed reviews on how it comes out. I like having nice things but also am frugal so I don’t want tenacious tape, a patch over it, or wrong color patch work replaced so what’s the experience like? Would rather it just be left alone and get it sewn up elsewhere than there be a notable difference. Will they more than likely just throw tape over it or replace the square with an off color black? Etc. submitted by garbageaxount to PatagoniaClothing [link] [comments] |
2025.01.30 08:42 Odd-Dragonfly-6524 Can anyone help me identify what's this lump called near my ear ?
It's not painful at all. It's been near my neck for years. However, it's growing in size in recent years. submitted by Odd-Dragonfly-6524 to delhi [link] [comments] |
2025.01.30 08:42 DAREALHAZE0 So called "Power of an Angel" when coin
submitted by DAREALHAZE0 to Ultrakill [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 08:42 burman84 What type of tracksuit colour would go well with this type of shoe?
Looking for advice on the best fit colour of tracksuit to wear with this shoe... The shoe is described as a Taupe Grey but in my eyes looks a little Khaki. What colour tracksuit trousers would fit well with this type of colour shoe? https://preview.redd.it/ix3aqo6zf3ge1.png?width=363&format=png&auto=webp&s=e9cceb74da18128c3c691c48a06c199a09f17c6a https://preview.redd.it/h8dj7spxf3ge1.png?width=362&format=png&auto=webp&s=54f0e8a803e9a53dfee67a18be24d09feedf669f submitted by burman84 to mensfashionadvice [link] [comments] |
2025.01.30 08:42 Ok-Computer-7671 Parque Arco do Cego "fechado"
Boas, já por 2 vezes em cerca de 16 que quiz usar o parque de estacionamento telpark do arco do cego havia uma grade de plastico laranja colocada à entrada com uma mensagem a dizer que só podia entrar quem tivesse a reserva mensal ou algo do género. Alguém me sabe explicar o porquê? Ou se existe um padrão para quando isto acontece? Acho estranho um parque tão grande ser tao limitativo.. nenhum dos outros faz isto.. (ja experimentei o do saldanha, e o que esta mesmo em frente ao IST, e nunca têm nada disto) É chato para quem usa multipass, depois temos de andar a comprar nos outros parques em cima da hora porque não há qualquer aviso prévio...
submitted by Ok-Computer-7671 to lisboa [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 08:42 mark_sepctor Need some friends guys
submitted by mark_sepctor to teenagers [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 08:42 LeoTheImperor Che fine ha fatto il partito Forza Nuova?
Ciao a tutti,
Mi piacerebbe aprire una discussione sul partito Forza Nuova, un movimento che ha avuto una certa rilevanza politica in Italia negli anni passati soprattutto nell'ambito dell'estrema destra. Forza Nuova è stato noto per le sue posizioni forti, le sue manifestazioni e per alcune figure di spicco che ne hanno caratterizzato l'immagine pubblica. Negli ultimi tempi, però, sembra che il partito abbia perso visibilità. Mi chiedo quindi che fine abbia fatto e se sia ancora attivamente presente sulla scena politica italiana.
Vorrei sapere cosa ne pensate riguardo al ruolo che ha avuto Forza Nuova nella politica recente, se la sua ideologia abbia avuto un impatto duraturo. Inoltre, se qualcuno di voi ha seguito le sue ultime evoluzioni, mi piacerebbe sapere se ci sono cambiamenti significativi nelle sue posizioni o se è stato superato da altri movimenti.
Infine, vorrei riflettere sulla percezione che avete del partito: credete che le sue posizioni siano giustificate o ritenete che abbiano avuto un effetto negativo sulla politica italiana? In generale, quale credete sia il destino dei partiti di questa natura in Italia nel contesto attuale?
submitted by LeoTheImperor to Italia [link] [comments]