Look who popped up in London

2025.01.30 14:30 SoilPsychological911 Look who popped up in London

Look who popped up in London submitted by SoilPsychological911 to SaintLuigiMangione [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 14:30 arroshine UEFA Conference League – Every Game Live in 4K on Next4K! ⚽🔥

The UEFA Conference League is where rising clubs fight for European glory! Watch every match of the tournament LIVE and in 4K Ultra HD with Next4K.
🎯 What Makes Next4K the Best Choice?All UEFA Conference League matches live.4K Ultra HD streaming – feel the stadium atmosphere at home.Top sports networks included – Sky Sports, TNT Sports, CBS Sports.Stream anywhere – on TV, laptop, tablet, or smartphone.
🔥 Follow the future stars of European football – subscribe now!
submitted by arroshine to WatchNext4k [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 14:30 min5745 Block USB Storage Drives but Allow External CD/DVD Drives?

Does anyone know the best way to block USB Storage but allow external CD/DVD drives?
submitted by min5745 to Intune [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 14:30 AdIntelligent9241 The Art of war! (Sun Tzu Fang)

The Art of war! (Sun Tzu Fang) submitted by AdIntelligent9241 to Brawlstars [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 14:30 Impressive-Feed5147 Kimberley Crossman breasts are fairly large

Kimberley Crossman breasts are fairly large https://preview.redd.it/ay7joo9r55ge1.jpg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5e48828d22b5ef52e6b3a268961b15ed69d95ba2
submitted by Impressive-Feed5147 to PowerRangersGoneWild [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 14:30 AudienceNearby3195 infinite highlight is still a thing

anyone else still getting infinitely highlighted?
submitted by AudienceNearby3195 to TexasChainsawGame [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 14:30 Previous-Choice-1231 Savet oko kredita i moguceg utuzenja

Pozdrav svima, zaista bih vas zamolio bez osuda, znam da sam ispao debil i svega sam vrlo svestan, prosto mi treba savet i info ko je ima. Naime, pre oko godinu dana sam uzeo prvi kredit. Osladilo se pa sam uzeo drugi, pa treci, pa cetvrti (vrlo mali). Pare sam spickao na neke gluposti, i uredno sam placao i krpio kraj s krajem jer su rate ogromne i bile su oko 50% mojih primanja tada ali sam u medjuvremenu ostao bez posla. Tada sam i imao pomoc rodbine. Posto sam bio ostao bez posla kasnio sam 3 rate, zvao, objasnjavao situaciju, saltali me s jednog sektora na drugi, s podrske u filijalu iz filijale u ..materinu i tako dalje. Sada imam super posao, super zaradjujem i planirao sam da polako to resavam, medjutim imam i nekih drugih dugova sa strane koje uredno vracam i ostalo je jos malo, i podstanar sam, i pritom rata je zaista velika, oko 39000. Danas mi je stigao poziv i iako je ostalo dve godine do kraja doz. minusa, posto mi plata leze na drugi racun da mi ovi ne bi skidali, naplatili su ga u celosti (oko 100000). Sada sam im duzan oko 2000 eura i nemam iskreno pojma kako da se iscupam, imam kao plan ali trebace mi sigurno par meseci. Krajem februara cu moci da odem da pokusam reformu jer ce isteci 9 meseci. Medjutim, danas su me zvali iz banke i kazu da je proslo 95 dana i da kada prodje 120 dan automatski dolazi do utuzenja. Koliko je to zaista tacno, i sta se konkretno desava kada do utuzenja dodje? Prosto me zanima najgori moguci scenario, bas sam zasrao pokusavam da se izvadim ali od nekih scenarija sta bi sve moglo da se desi me znoj obliva nocu. Takodje, zanima me koliko ce hteti da me saslusaju za reformu kredita i koliko cu morati da im uopste dam da bi mogli da postignemo dogovor? Hvala svima unapred.
submitted by Previous-Choice-1231 to pravnisaveti [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 14:30 Cashmoneyrash You know the stock market is absolutely F'd

When simple statements drop a stocks price 5,10,15%... This is not how it's supposed to work. Packing my bags, sticking with real estate.
submitted by Cashmoneyrash to wallstreetbets [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 14:30 AnnualPuzzleheaded AJ Paterson

Jay Heaps was on Mountain Radio this morning, and one of the things he mentioned is that AJ is injured. Sounds like he might be out for a little bit at the beginning of the season.
submitted by AnnualPuzzleheaded to BirminghamLegionFC [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 14:30 Ok_Preference_7253 Comment ça marche les restocks ?

Le 5080 que je voulais est parti en 5min chez LDLC du coup est ce que il faudra attendre longtemps pour le restock ou pas ? car c’est mon tout premier PC j’ai pas de GPU :/
submitted by Ok_Preference_7253 to pcmasterraceFR [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 14:30 lefzepplard Replacement parts

So i'm new to all of this but after doing some periodic maintenance on my F1 thinking about the eventuality of purchasing replacement parts. So, I started looking around.
I cannot find ANY replacement parts on the website for my F1 Ultra. No fans, for example.
I also can't find lubricant on the website to purchase though I am seeing a Knowledge Base article about HOW to do it.
I am seeing things on other sites (Geeks at large) for F1 in terms of replacement parts. How are people handling this stuff? So many YouTube videos detailing maintenance practices but where do I source this stuff?
submitted by lefzepplard to xToolOfficial [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 14:30 Whiskey_Havoc Star Slammers Ashcan edition

Do modern comic books ever do these special editions?? Would people buy them? I know I would.
submitted by Whiskey_Havoc to comicbooks [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 14:30 amritrksahu Weather boosted Dialga 057136507779

Weather boosted Dialga 057136507779 submitted by amritrksahu to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 14:30 onlyliar I absolutely don't have a type

submitted by onlyliar to Genshin_Impact [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 14:30 Snook905 [REQ] ($350) - (#Tampa, Florida, United States) (repay $400 by 2/27) (CashApp/Venmo/Paypal)

Work came to a hault after hurricane finally got some installs for glass showers rolling in. Just need a spot to keep bills good saving only held me over thus far.
submitted by Snook905 to loans_bad_credit [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 14:30 protohyped88 my favorite vhs stack in my collection

my favorite vhs stack in my collection does anyone else here collect cartoons on vhs? love this hobby and can’t wait to show this series to my son some day :)
submitted by protohyped88 to 90scartoons [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 14:30 Donda5 And now we wait!!

submitted by Donda5 to GoodAssSub [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 14:30 lss_web_1444 AMA post title 537

AMA post body
submitted by lss_web_1444 to automationContentCom [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 14:30 Independent-Koala641 speedgoat 5 stealth tech vs normal

Hi! Looking to get some Speedgoat 5s for a trip, and I’m wondering what the difference is between the stealth/tech vs regular Speedgoats. I’m specifically wondering how much the water repellant materials of the stealth/tech version impact how breathable / quick drying it is relative to the og version?
submitted by Independent-Koala641 to Hoka [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 14:30 Adept-Ad-106 maria moreno

submitted by Adept-Ad-106 to Influencers_Tugas [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 14:30 Interforce7 The last hitter on every team to have a 40+ HR season

The last hitter on every team to have a 40+ HR season submitted by Interforce7 to baseball [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 14:30 DrBiggsTv Help with Hello (not hello for business) Hybrid join

I see plenty of procedures for configuring Windows Hello for Business, but not much related to my specific issue.
I'll get straight to the point: I want to allow my "Hybrid Join" users to use PIN and biometrics without enabling Hello for Business. Everything should remain local.
I have run a ton of tests, but I can't get the expected result. Either everything is grayed out, or only the PIN is available, but never both PIN and biometrics at the same time due to profile configurations. As a result, I can't ensure that the profile configuration is working correctly.
I even isolated the PCs to make sure no GPO is interfering. Currently, I have an Entra Join PC to ensure that no local events interfere, and despite using a profile configuration and the settings catalog, the PC does not receive the instructions I want—allowing PIN and biometrics while disabling Hello for Business. We do not want Entra sign-in for now; we just want to allow users to unlock their computers.
Lastly, I’d like to mention that Hello was previously managed via GPO (not Hello for Business), and the goal is to migrate this configuration to Intune.
Thanks in advance for your help.
submitted by DrBiggsTv to Intune [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 14:30 Lokipro13YT Twitch drops broke for me and the devs are refusing to do anything

Twitch drops broke for me and the devs are refusing to do anything submitted by Lokipro13YT to GhostsOfTabor [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 14:30 lss_web_1444 Link post title 295

Link post title 295 submitted by lss_web_1444 to automationContentCom [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 14:30 Delicious_Writer_479 I got a question

If i spin ratio and get it again do i keep my mastery or does it go away
submitted by Delicious_Writer_479 to JujutsuInfinite [link] [comments]
