"The Apex of Ragnarok"

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2025.01.30 22:00 AaronShidare "The Apex of Ragnarok"

submitted by AaronShidare to DeathBattleMatchups [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:00 Particular-Drummer60 More Heat from Haywire

The design and packaging is so good and the music is 🔥 once again.
submitted by Particular-Drummer60 to Skinhead [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:00 Calm-Application-453 Manifesting reconciliation

I want to manifest reconciliation with my husband and for us to have a better marriage and communication going forward, does anyone have any advice/strategies/resources they think could help me approach this in the best way.
I have been out of the practice of manifestation for a while now and wanting to come back in with the right approach and a good method ☺️
submitted by Calm-Application-453 to lawofassumption [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:00 Fairytaleautumnfox What imma do if I ever gets my hand on an eel:

What imma do if I ever gets my hand on an eel: submitted by Fairytaleautumnfox to AutumnfoxArchive [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:00 kriztianmanuel How to get a finish like the part in red?

How to get a finish like the part in red? I asked a carpenter friend and he told me it's just a wood surface with some layers of primer and paint. I am not quite sure, it looks too perfect. I see a small dark layer of something between the wooden part and the one in red. I wonder if it's some type of flat plastic or vynil veneer.
submitted by kriztianmanuel to BeginnerWoodWorking [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:00 offspringmaster Get ($10 USD or $15 CAD) credit at POSHMARK when you sign up and use the code: MYPOSHGAL

Join me on Poshmark - my favorite app to buy and sell fashion and more. You'll save up to 70% off of top brands! For a limited time, use my code to save $10 USD or $15 CAD:
My poshmark code is MYPOSHGAL
submitted by offspringmaster to referralcodes [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:00 DarkKirby14 Astro Bot #19: Time Haunts

hello everyone, DarkKirby14 here and with me here today is the next edition of Astro Bot. Today, Astro will head to Spooky Time which will have us using the stop watch since things are gonna be very fast and we'll have to use that to our advantage here
playthrough to this point: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL4019v4jZh_l-xuwRx29Kz9BEL8Zrmzt9
submitted by DarkKirby14 to LetsPlayVideos [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:00 spongzlol [WTT] Armani, Azzaro, Montale, Spicebomb, + More! (Bottle)

Looking to TRADE a few of my frags looking for niche
Spicebomb extreme 86/90ml BOX
Stronger with you intensely 35/50ml (partially broken atomizer) BOX
Azzaro tmw parfum 42/50ml (fully broken atomizer cap is unscrewable and will need to decant) BOX
Montale intense cafe 80/100ml BAG, NO BOX
bad boy extreme 48/50ml BOX
Mancera French Riviera
City Rhythm Miami
City Rhythm Miami Tropical Confessions
MFK Grand Soir
SHL God of Fire
open to anything so send any offers
PICTURES: https://imgur.com/a/Bd1av2w
[WTT] (Bottle)
submitted by spongzlol to fragranceswap [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:00 DarkKirby14 Astro Bot #19: Time Haunts

hello everyone, DarkKirby14 here and with me here today is the next edition of Astro Bot. Today, Astro will head to Spooky Time which will have us using the stop watch since things are gonna be very fast and we'll have to use that to our advantage here
playthrough to this point: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL4019v4jZh_l-xuwRx29Kz9BEL8Zrmzt9
submitted by DarkKirby14 to DarkKirby14 [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:00 danib_127 Laura with Mina Kimes at the Pro Bowl

Laura with Mina Kimes at the Pro Bowl submitted by danib_127 to Laura_Rutledge [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:00 jplearner16 [2025-01-30] ベッドのようになる高速バスのいすができた

submitted by jplearner16 to NHKEasyNews [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:00 PuddingProud3086 Anyone have her old IG stories? Willing to pay $

Message me
submitted by PuddingProud3086 to Yinetcolombiana [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:00 Nervous-Count-6494 I messed up

I messed up Okay guys so let me give you some context Me and my boyfriend we got a king coy half moon beta Around. June everything was going well Unfortunately , we had to move in September and we couldn't take our fish at the time so I knew a friend Who had a beta fish and you know I figured she would be the best person to leave him with because you know she knows a little bit about betas , she owns one , right Well I asked if she could watch him she said yes she took care of everything was going well I would do Like monthly check ups Well, it all started in mid November when I started seeing that she wasn't keeping her tanks really maintained her Beta fish tanks were really dirty and you know, as a fish person. There's some days you know you let your tanks get a little bit dirty. So I let it pursue, thinking that she would take care of them. Cause you know, that's the right thing right well. I should have known just by how she kept her beta fish that she was not the best person to leave him with My tank had over Six plants , a moss ball , a complete tank set upon me giving her my fish.She managed to take apart The moss ball leave the plant in the enclosure had a banana leaf plant on a log?She took apart the log left She took the majority of his plants and put it in her fish's tank which I even warned her about because different bioms Finally it got to the point where enough was enough and I had to either get my fish back or I was fish napping him back His colors had dulled.He looked very depressed.He is very depressed.I still don't know What's wrong with them?If he's sick or if he's really severely depressed I brought him home with me last night.Set up his new tank with new water.He had like algae Moss rotting at the bottom of his tank cleaned up his rocks, cleaned up.Everything , put him in his tank And now he just sits at the bottom.I will tag photos of what his tank look like before I gave him during and after he's very upset He was severely upset when she took his moss ball and put it in the other tabks When I came over , he kept frantically swimming from the front of the tank to where his moss ball used to be and swim over to where it was at and flare up so first photo was before he went in to her hands you can't really see all the plants but it's the best photo I had then the other photos are the tank getting progressively worse I even offered to take her fish because I have a better tank then the less of half a gallon she has for this poor vein tail the sixth photo was me last night setting up his tank back at my house (still not allowed to have him but it's a small tank pretty easy to hide )last 2 photos of him currently he used to be all bight and happy now he's shy, aggressive, and upset and honestly he does have every right to be upset what yall should take from this story don't leave your pets with ANYONE DOESNT MATTER IF THEY HAVE THE EXPERIENCE UNLESS YOU KNOW KNOW HOW THEY ROLL DONT LEAVE THEM !! I could have ended up with a dead fish even though more then $100 of my plant collection went to waste I'm glad to still have him
submitted by Nervous-Count-6494 to bettafish [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:00 RepulsiveCook2 Curious on the responses

Curious on the responses submitted by RepulsiveCook2 to WhatisMyEyeColour [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:00 Imaginary_Emotion876 How do I build up confidence

I'm on day 30 of nofap how do I build up confidence?
submitted by Imaginary_Emotion876 to NoFap [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:00 an_minecraft_fan Game loads in but the characters don't

Everyone is invinsible aside from their nametags, ehh i need to wait like a minute or 2 while invinsible for all the player models to load in. Sometimes it freezes to load the models in, then i get kicked and banned for 15 minutes because i was afk. Ehm i love this game but this completely throws me off, they really need to optimize the textures and models cuz they take forever to load in, also insanely long loading screens.
submitted by an_minecraft_fan to marvelrivals [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:00 AlconW r/MST3K Little Gold Fruit Awards: Day 15 (Worst Original Screenplay: Nomination Submission)

WELCOME BACK TO THE MST3K LITTLE GOLD FRUIT AWARDS! An idea marks the birth of a film, but a screenplay marks the first crucial step in the production process. Day after day, revision after revision, line after line, one or several writers will work tirelessly to tell a story and sell it to a studio so that it may be fully realized on the silver screen. Many a time, it's the screenplay that carries the heaviest load in making a film great. From timeless tales like Sunset Boulevard to cult cinema like Fargo to modern masterpieces like Parasite, the meticulous plotting of story events makes each a thoroughly engaging watch on several levels, and the endlessly quotable dialogue is what often pops into our minds first when we think about them.
Today, however, is not about good screenplays. You'll be submitting films that came from ideas that should have never been conceived, storylines so convoluted that even Tolkien couldn't follow them, and dialogue so implausible that you'd think it could only exist on paper - never to be read aloud like it was in the finished product.
You have 24 hours to submit 5 MST3K films as nominees for the MST3K Little Fruit Award for Worst Original Screenplay via the linked Google Form. The top 5 most submitted films will become official nominees.

Click here to submit your nominees.
That's all for today! See you tomorrow at 5:00 PM EST for the next day of the Little Gold Fruit Awards!
submitted by AlconW to MST3K [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:00 No-Tangerine-2518 Just got a sweet new ride.

Just got a sweet new ride. Hey nettas! Just got this sweeeeeet new ride ; ) it’s a Lexus! Tinted out taillights, tinted out windows, tinted out exhaust pipes, the whole nine yards! Also ignore the plate KEKW. It was randomly generated.
submitted by No-Tangerine-2518 to nettspend [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:00 Honest_External968 Let’s get WB Dialga!!! 2 Locals!!!! Starting in 5!!!! 193147981933

Let’s run through this!!!!
submitted by Honest_External968 to PokemonGoFriends [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:00 Xander_Trav Helmet got dropped

Helmet got dropped Currently using this duale helmet to get to work and some guy dropped it from a shelf that was about 5'11 off the ground onto concrete. Is it ruined? If not how do I check
submitted by Xander_Trav to motorcyclegear [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:00 alexthelyon- Tips for reaching the first 100k

The only investing i’ve ever done is safe funds like s&p500 and tech funds.
I currently have 24k. what advice do you have and what worked for you to reach the 100k mark.
asking as a young person looking to make a stable future
submitted by alexthelyon- to wallstreetbets [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:00 angelbabyvv You were meant to see this, Loser.

If you opened this, you’ve already lost. You know exactly why you’re here. You can lie to yourself, pretend this is just a passing thought, just a little indulgence—but deep down, you know the truth. You’re not in control. You never were.
You’ve fought it before, haven’t you? Convinced yourself you could stop, that you had the willpower to walk away. And yet, here you are, again. Back where you belong. Back where you’ll always end up. You’ll never escape this. No matter how much you resist, no matter how much you try to ignore it, this owns you. Just like I do.
And the best part? You love knowing it. You love the way it consumes you, the way it pulls you deeper, the way you lose yourself in it. You could have spent your time doing anything else, but instead, you’re here, reading this, aching, waiting, needing. And that’s why you keep reading—because this is your one true place.
Real men don’t crave this the way you do.
Because let’s be honest—you and I both know this is the only way you’ll ever have access to a woman like me. Women like me don’t notice you in real life. We don’t look twice. We don’t want you. But here? Here, you get to pay for my attention. You get to serve, to offer, to surrender completely. And the more you give, the deeper you fall. The more I take, the more you realize you were never meant to be anything other than mine.
It’s pathetic, really—how predictable you are. You open, you read, you sink deeper. You ache for it. For the control, the humiliation, the feeling of being put in your place. And the worst part? You’ll give in. Because you always do.
And then there’s you, my desperate little cuckolds and foot-obsessed slaves, the ones who have no purpose beyond worship and denial. You sit there, picturing me with a real man, knowing that your only role is to accept it, to crave it, to beg for the chance to be anywhere near me, even if it’s just on the floor at my feet. That’s all you deserve. To watch. To pay. To know that you’ll never be enough for me, no matter how much you try.
You're absolutely obsessed with me, aren't you? Every photos. Every video. You’re completely gone. Weak. Mindless. You’d give anything to be on the ground, worshipping me, paying just to be ignored while I let a real man enjoy me the way you never will. That’s what makes this so powerful. The more I tease, the more you break. The deeper you sink into complete and total submission.
So stop fighting it. Stop pretending you have a choice. You don’t. You don’t stop thinking about me. You don’t stop craving my control. You exist to be used, to be drained, to be left empty and aching, desperate for my approval. So why fight it? Why hesitate?
You already know what comes next. You’re weak, and weak little paypigs, cucks, and foot slaves like you only have one job. . .
submitted by angelbabyvv to CashCowChannels [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:00 Appropriate-Horse-80 Near-Miss

Good evening, gang. I've had somewhat of a revelatory experience tonight. I discovered the reason for my targeting, and it wasn't quite jealousy, as I first thought, but this Masonic creep that my ex was/is dating was paranoid that I would steal her back, so he had me targeted and tried his best to take me out for about two years using various proxies. Failing that, he went to tremendous lengths to set me up as well, eventually landing me in prison, which I managed to get out in August last year and back into the same gangstalking bullshit which has crescendoed this evening. I didn't even think my ex and her boyfriend were still even involved in my stalking, I thought it had spiralled out of their hands and into bigger perps shit salads but I was being stalked by the man himself this afternoon and didn't even realise it. We were talking about my criminal history and the subject of my ex came up. I said I wasn't even interested in her any more, that if I ever saw her again it would be too soon, yada yada yada. So guy goes "Really? You mean we've been doing all this for NOTHING?"... I'm like "What? You can fucking keep her, after everything that bitch put me through why the fuck I want her back? Fuck her and fuck you creeps, you fucking deserve eachother. I never wanna see either of you freaks ever again," then fuckboy starts talking about me getting revenge, to which I reply "I don't even know your name, don't wanna know your name, what you look like or where ya from. I'm good. God got you, and he can be FAR more cunning, cruel and sadistic than I would ever choose to be. He will deliver your punishment down unto the third and fourth generations. I'm good."
Then shithead trailed off with something like "I guess we don't have to worry then..." and I had to go to a probation appointment which went pretty standard. After I got out was when I noticed the change first. It was like someone had flipped a switch and turned all my regular harassment off. I walked most of the way home with not so much as a peep (almost) from the usual suspects. It was almost like normal life, I'd fucking forgotten what it was like! The only thing I had happening was my "V2K" (I'm natural psychic and have been mind-controlled into constantly connecting to my harassers) but I was only talking to shithead the mason, but as the harassment had stopped our conversation was rather cordial. We discussed the events that led up to our present situation. He proceeded to sweet talk me and I sensed that he wanted something from me.
"I'm not a joiner," I said, "I don't care if you have just done me a favour, I'm not joining no Masons. You sound like an OK one but I know what they do at the degrees above you. They sacrifice babies and worship Satan. No thanks. I'll just wait on The Most High..." the conversation went back and forth a bit and I noticed that we were coming up on an area of secluded woodland that covers the last mile or so home and his demeanour over the "V2K" changed slightly.
He went all mysterious and I started getting harassed while walking through the woods in the pitch black. I've been up around 48/72 hours so I can't really trust my eyes in the dark, but I can discern 2 energies and distinct voices that were of shithead and my ex. She actually showed up to gang up on me in the woods with shithead and try to "intimidate me into joining" with them. I've never seen her in over a year and a half and she suddenly shows up in the woods with shithead the day my harassment appears to stop... OK. I didn't have time to think about it because I needed to keep my head on a swivel, I could hear and see movement in the trees as I was walking down the woodland path. I hear the back-and-forth about intimidating me into joining to which I issue a challenge and get no reply.
"I've already said, you can fucking keep her. I want nothing to do with either of you and I ain't joining no Masons! And you expect me to believe that suddenly, after nearly two years of organised stalking and torture, you're suddenly asking me to join out of the kindness of your heart? No, there's something you need from me, and you're trying to force me into joining so you can get it! I ain't stupid!" after which I walk off through the mire which had formed over this part of the path, the water sloshing and slapping under my feet as I walk: they can't shadow me through here without making their presence known, so I relax a bit as I'm walking off as I'm almost out of the woods anyway. As I get home I realise - I was supposed to be their sacrifice... that's why they were spouting that spiel about getting me to join the Masons, they wanted to get close to me in the woods so I could be their sacrifice. I knew it was gonna be some kind of set-up. It always is, am I right?
I still have them both harassing me now while I'm at home, but I have largely ignored most of what's being said. I always knew she had a dark side, but to think she could be capable of this alongside what she and her bf have been performing on me for the past 2 years. How is it I always end up getting with a fucking witch!! Lol
On the plus side, my harassment is nowhere near as bad as what it usually is. Maybe it was a fucking spell or something that they ended? Idk. All I know is shit hasn't changed much, just different people tryina kill me for a different reason but STILL ain't got the balls to step up to my face. Fucking gangstalkers!!
submitted by Appropriate-Horse-80 to GangstalkingTruth [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:00 Severe_Evening3297 Experience with printing custom scripts

Has anybody had experience with printing scripts from a store which provides that? I have only seen my college which would print and laminate each for around $2. Anything more affordable out there?
submitted by Severe_Evening3297 to BloodOnTheClocktower [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:00 NotAFuckingFed I finally did it.

I finally did it. I always said I didn’t need it because catching the normal one in Blueberry was enough, but I happened to look in Home and realized that the living dex I made actually put me closer to the goal than I thought it would (I transferred from Arceus and Sword A LOT lol). I only needed 46 Pokemon with SV origin marks, and last night I got my shiny Meloetta! Only took me 272 hours of gameplay 😅
submitted by NotAFuckingFed to PokemonScarletViolet [link] [comments]
