2025.01.30 14:33 Vamp_Ire_Sanity PLEASE HELP ME FIND THIS MOVIE!

Okay so basically here’s a little backstory on this. I have this occurring memory of me as a child in like the 2010s, and I was watching a movie with my grandma, this movie was I think on one of those channels that air movies and shows. The movie is about this old lady who I think lures this girl into her home to “clean” but traps the girl in a chest that opens into a dungeon. The girl was dusting the floor and she finds a painted red fingernail or maybe just a natural fingernail on the floor, I think the old lady seen this and then opened up a chest, and inside the chest was actually a stairwell to something that looks like a dungeon and 2 big men are down there torturing people I think, I’m not sure if they had walked out and grabbed the girl or if the old lady pulled her in. it’s an old movie from the 2010s or 2000s maybe. Could you help me find this movie??
submitted by Vamp_Ire_Sanity to find [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 14:33 OilTrick7336 ¿Algún consejo?

La verdad es que, a pesar de haber hablado esto con más gente, no dejo de sentir que debo seguir hablando constantemente de esto. Quizá por el hecho de no sentir compañía completa.
(Antes, ve a buscar algo de comer y siéntate que es una larga historia)
Les remonto al año 2022. Yo bailo desde muy pequeño y me metí a una agrupación de baile, y en este contexto conocí a una muchacha con el corazón más lindo que he conocido; atenta, divertida, apañadora y leal como nadie más que ella puede serlo. Comenzamos a atraernos el 30 de abril y el 13 de mayo tuvimos una ''Gala'', a la que yo no planeaba asistir pero decidir ir ya que sabía que ella iría. Gasté dinero en atuendo y la entrada sólo para ir a verle. El lugar era al otro extremo de mi ciudad. En ese momento ambos teníamos ansiedad ya que no eran lugares que solíamos frecuentar, y al final decidimos salir a caminar por fuera del lugar. Allí fue donde nos besamos por primera vez y desde allí comenzamos a ser más cercanos. En pocas palabras, nos hicimos novios mes y medio después.
Fue una relación bastante linda la verdad, salíamos muchísimo a caminar, escuchábamos las mismas canciones, nos reíamos de las mismas bobadas y todo era perfecto. Lamentablemente, mi época de crecimiento personal comenzó a suceder allí (Y no, no fue para nada algo positivo). Comencé a ser muy inconsistente con el amor que le entregaba y discutíamos demasiado. He de admitir que fui una persona con demasiada irresponsabilidad afectiva. Al punto en que supe que le estaba haciendo dudar de ella misma al tiempo después de nosotros habernos separado.
Oficialmente duramos 6 meses, sin embargo no nos separamos físicamente hasta quizá 7 meses después de nuestra ruptura, en un vaivén emocional del que fui responsable al no estar seguro de qué quería (Spoiler, si sabía lo que quería)
En definitiva, apenas nos separamos definitivamente, a las semanas comencé a conocer a alguien más con quien mantuve una relación formal durante meses (Lo sé, muy irresponsable de mi parte) y en este proceso le hice daño a esta muchacha de lindos sentimientos, puesto que obviamente es algo que no esperas de tu pareja.
2022-2023 y principios de 2024 fueron años donde me tocó aprender mucho y lamentablemente dañé gente en el camino.
En fin, actualmente tengo pareja y ella también, y por algún motivo, a pesar de haber hablado con esta muchacha un par de veces para cerrar lo pendiente, no puedo olvidarme de ella. Por períodos su recuerdo me genera rechazo pero otras veces me hallo buscándola en mis recuerdos.
Quizá es la sensación de no haber hecho lo correcto en su momento. Pero algo en el fondo me dice, que es consciente de que no fue con mala intención y que, por algún motivo aún no se deshace de mi recuerdo.
Y ahora no sé qué hacer con esta sensación aparte de permitirme sentirla y tratar de entenderla.
Les leo.
submitted by OilTrick7336 to RedditPregunta [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 14:33 Heatzie I watched 15 films in January!

At the start of the year, I decided to track every movie I watched, just for fun. Now that January is over, I checked my list and realized I watched 15 movies this month! I have no idea if that’s a lot or not, but it’s been a fun way to keep track of what I liked (or didn’t).
I also rated each one based on my own experience, these are just my personal scores, not based on what others think. Some movies really impressed me, some were just okay, and one or two were disappointments.
I highly recommend tracking your movie watching. By the end of the year, it’ll be interesting to see how many movies I watched, which ones were my favorites, and maybe finding patterns in veiwing habits.
For those who track their movie watching, how many did you watch in January? Do you rate them too? And if you don’t track, start from today.
submitted by Heatzie to kollywood [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 14:33 Ttonno Immagini random

Immagini random Mandatemi le immagini più random che avete
submitted by Ttonno to MemeItaliani [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 14:33 noxsanguinis RTX 5090 no Kabum. Preço de um carro semi novo.

RTX 5090 no Kabum. Preço de um carro semi novo. submitted by noxsanguinis to computadores [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 14:33 Grimm_Stereo Steamed Hams | Art by lampopo

Steamed Hams | Art by lampopo submitted by Grimm_Stereo to Guiltygear [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 14:33 Mysterious-Bake-9677 5 Day Road Trip Starting in KCMO

Hey all, me and my friend are planning a roadtrip mid-March beginning in Kansas City, MO. We'd like to hit Colorado and Nebraska. Any recommendations of parks/sights/routes?
submitted by Mysterious-Bake-9677 to roadtrip [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 14:33 K_iDraw_ Jinx powder cross over with Miles and Gwen

Jinx powder cross over with Miles and Gwen submitted by K_iDraw_ to TimeBomb [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 14:33 Whiskey_Havoc Star Slammers Ashcan edition

Star Slammers Ashcan edition Do modern day comics still do these limited edition runs? Would people buy them? I know I would.
submitted by Whiskey_Havoc to comicbooks [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 14:33 Toe_Stubber What should I have done?

As soon as I saw tick picked first I thought we were doomed, but then the Nani? I mean he picked a brawler that Kenji works well against. Frank pick was good, maybe I could have picked Collette? Griff worked well enough for me to be star player but I was just not able to do everything.
submitted by Toe_Stubber to BrawlStarsCompetitive [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 14:33 WizardForums The Vampyre and Left Hand Path Sufism

The Vampyre and Left Hand Path Sufism submitted by WizardForums to WizardForums [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 14:33 Obvious-Bag73 Am i cute enough to be your wife

submitted by Obvious-Bag73 to MTFSelfies [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 14:33 waltco7 [WTB] FromSoftware Original Paintings

Hi, I am searching for an original painting for my office. In particular, I would like to find a piece based on Sekiro, Elden Ring, or Bloodborne. Size is not much of an issue. I simply would like to commemorate my appreciation for these games. I prefer more expressive or landscape works.
Thank you!
submitted by waltco7 to artstore [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 14:33 WizardForums How to Pent a Gram

How to Pent a Gram submitted by WizardForums to WizardForums [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 14:33 Wonderful_Tree_4247 21 M ,how this year is going to be for my academics, working really hard from last 3 years getting zero results,also if some good news in the chart this year

submitted by Wonderful_Tree_4247 to vedicastrology [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 14:33 WizardForums Summa Sacre Magice of Stephen Skinners

Summa Sacre Magice of Stephen Skinners submitted by WizardForums to WizardForums [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 14:33 Deea-akko What are some cringe memories that don't let you sleep?

submitted by Deea-akko to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 14:33 r_u_seriousclark I followed my curiosity and ordered a children’s book about a little girl who wants to learn how to figure skate.

This is part of a longer experience but basically I rediscovered a book from my childhood and got so excited and curious about rediscovering something that I decided to order a second book by this author. These books were released in the 80s so I had to find them used, which is sort of besides the point. The second book I ordered is about a little girl who wants to learn how to figure skate and is gifted a pair of skates and a necklace with a pair of skates. I’m still waiting for the book to be delivered but yesterday evening I got so impatient that I decided to find a reading of the book on YouTube, which I did; and I listened and watched it.
This morning when I opened Reddit, one of the first things I saw was the breaking news about a passenger jet (carrying none other than a group of figure skaters) that crashed into a helicopter in DC airspace.
I feel very calm about the ordeal but it also makes me think. Is that just a crazy coincidence, synchronicity, or (possibly) something else? All insights welcome.
submitted by r_u_seriousclark to Synchronicities [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 14:33 my-anon-reddit-name M27 I need a pulse check

M27 I need a pulse check 6'3 if height matters. Been trying to put more effort into my appearance over the last year but still can't tell if I l still look like too much like a skinny fat fent ghoul
submitted by my-anon-reddit-name to amiugly [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 14:33 Conscious-Passion278 What the fuuuuuck!?

The morning struggle is killing me. We got the notice from school for 17 tardies this year and it does not matter what we do to wake up early, set things up the night before, gentle wake ups, alarms, being firm, whatever. It is a struggle every day and I feel so angry right now. We have been trying to get my daughter up and dressed for over 45min, she’s 8 and fully capable of getting up and putting her clothes on. But today it’s that the light is too bright so she “can’t see” but when the light was dimmed or off she didn’t get up and do anything either. Then it’s that she took too big a sip of water so she’s upset, or her legs are too tired to stand up. It’s obstacle seeking for every little thing and it is driving me crazy.
I want to be sensitive to her needs but at some point she has to function in the world and when she fucks around then at some point the time runs out and then the stress of having no time sets her off.
Thank goodness for my husband because right now I had to tap out because I just want to grab her little body and force her clothes on, cram her meds in her mouth, and toss her on the car.
submitted by Conscious-Passion278 to ParentingADHD [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 14:33 eddyX92 Xbox Series X All digital noise

My Series X All Digital Console makes a high pitched very annoying noise when downloading a game in standby mode.
Does your Xbox make the same noise?
submitted by eddyX92 to XboxSeriesXlS [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 14:33 123ticklemyknee How I look buying Gros Michel or Cavendish at any point in the game

Nana go brr
submitted by 123ticklemyknee to balatro [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 14:33 Great_Stay_331 but We ARe ONly AgAINSt MoDi VRo, DoNt caLl US aNTI-natioNal VrO

but We ARe ONly AgAINSt MoDi VRo, DoNt caLl US aNTI-natioNal VrO submitted by Great_Stay_331 to desimemes [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 14:33 butterjack MEOW_IRL . #CatsOfTwitter #aww

MEOW_IRL . #CatsOfTwitter #aww submitted by butterjack to butterjack [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 14:33 wutwutisthere2do What are the prospects for found footage outside of the horror genre? (Pic as example)

What are the prospects for found footage outside of the horror genre? (Pic as example) Very cool to find this community and excited to hear your takes on this. There are really good reason that horror is the go to genre for found footage. It revels in the fundamental question of “how did this footage get here?” and is able to entertain the tension between the movie maker and its mystery. One of my first experiences with found footage was the Marble Hornets videos. However, I’ve also seen a couple of movies that broach going outside the strict horror thriller genre. Europa Report (2013) is a good example. It’s Sci-fi thriller and I could see it being lumped in to horror too, but I think it’s a good example of how creative the scenario of “how did this footage get here” is answered.
You Were Never Really Here (2017) while not FF does have a very compelling sequence when Joaquin Phoenix is shown through security cameras mutely rampaging with a hammer. The distance that the security camera give us to an already known brutality lenses it into a disquieting and discomforting experience in a way that showing him going ham with his mallet just doesn’t do in the same way.
Which brings me to the picture included in this post. Searching (2018) is widely composed of FF but has an interesting answer to the “how did this footage get here” as John Cho actively chases the digital forensics to find his daughter. While a screenlife movie is slightly different than FF, I see a lot of similarities and was wondering more broadly what this community thinks of it?
I do think that horror is just too good of a fit for found footage and it really will probably stay the most common genre to use this story telling technique. But we are heading in a direction where there is going to be more video made of people just in general. Security cameras are getting cheaper by the day and now it’s a standard feature of most cars to have dashcams in them. What does this community think? Is there legs for found footage outside horror? Or even if there is, would this community even have interest in it?
submitted by wutwutisthere2do to foundfootage [link] [comments]