UX / UI arbeidsmarked i Oslo

2025.01.30 14:59 Consistent_Captain_2 UX / UI arbeidsmarked i Oslo

Jeg og kjæresten har lenge hatt et langdistanseforhold og vil nå flytte sammen. Hun trenger et arbeidsvisum for å få oppholdstilatelse i Norge og vi ser derfor på UI/UX stillinger i Oslo. Jeg prøver mitt beste for å hjelpe til med jakten på jobb, men synes det virker veldig vanskelig å finne stillinger. Selv har hun søkt på mange stillinger siden i fjor høst, men de aller fleste søknader går helt uten svar. Er det mange om beinet for UI/UX/produktdesign i Oslo og omegn eller er det et lite internasjonalt miljø? Jeg spør fordi en kjapp titt på analytics siden til porteføljen hennes viser at ca null fra Norge er innom den, tross at den blir lagt ved hver utlysning som spør om det, så recruitere ser jo ikke engang på kompetansen før en evt. søknad blir fjernet. Jeg innser at det er en ganske stor hake å trenge arbeidsvisum så jeg vil jo anta at dette er største grunnen til eventuelle avslag eller manglende tilbakemelding, men er det virkelig så høy konkurranse her i Oslo at det rettferdiggjør å ghoste eventuelle kandidater?
forvirra type
submitted by Consistent_Captain_2 to oslo [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 14:59 SapphireHeaven 250130 Billlie Twitter Update - Sheon for Haruna Day

250130 Billlie Twitter Update - Sheon for Haruna Day submitted by SapphireHeaven to BILLLIE [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 14:59 Xertha549 If anyone here buys a scalped 5080 SHAME ON YOU

Scalpers are scum of the earth
Does anyone actually think they would buy one for this price??
submitted by Xertha549 to pcmasterrace [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 14:59 Bubbly-Inside-2453 A hard day work

A hard day work Had a hard day entertaining his human brother who wanted play with him all day poor rex was even used as a monster truck watcher apparently.
submitted by Bubbly-Inside-2453 to BorderCollie [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 14:59 Dangerous_Depth8541 Hosting dialgia raid

To join dialga:721305798656
submitted by Dangerous_Depth8541 to PokemonGoFriends [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 14:59 CozyAbode Hi.32M here.Let’s Talk Cinema, Books & Life—Casual & Fun Vibes!

I'm a cinephile who can talk movies for hours, a book fanatic, and passionate about astronomy and a little bit of cooking. I enjoy doing workouts daily, making people laugh, and keeping things light.
Let's connect if you think we'd vibe!
submitted by CozyAbode to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 14:59 Crocin-and-Rockin My boyfriend’s dog hates me

I moved in with my boyfriend almost two years ago and due to family issues, we took in his childhood family dog. He’s really sweet and friendly and gets along decently with my dog. But he misbehaves horribly only when I’m around and has been a non stop issue for me since we moved in together.
He only lunges at people and other dogs when I’m walking him. He has tried to pee/poo on me! I could go on and on about our problems. And lately he has decided that when my boyfriend leaves for work, he’s going to bark nonstop until I let him out of his crate. Mind you, he does not bark in his crate when we are both gone or even if my boyfriend is home with him.
He has also been dog sat by multiple different people, multiple times as does not give them any issues.
We have tried everything. I feed him, give him lots of treats. I gave him a stuffed Kong for his crate. I’m genuinely at a loss.
What can I do? I’m at my wits end and have no idea why he misbehaves around me. Please help!
submitted by Crocin-and-Rockin to DogAdvice [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 14:59 PaymentCrafty7390 Suspeito de gopee

A Navaf Nifu está me oferecendo US$ 2.500 por vídeo para uma promoção de 1 minuto, para 2 vídeos. O inglês não parece ser a língua nativa dele, o que não é necessariamente um problema. Eles dizem que vão me pagar depois que aprovarem minha promoção de 1 minuto no Youtube e após a analise poderei postar o video para o publico, mas antes de eu publicá-la em quaisquer vídeos. O programa é uma vpn para pc, porém parece um pouco suspeito, mas não tão obviamente fraudulento como outros. Obrigado antecipadamente por qualquer conselho ou compartilhamento de experiência pessoal.
submitted by PaymentCrafty7390 to PartneredYoutube [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 14:59 No-Instruction2688 Is it worth writing something that no one is ever going to read? (Mark NSFW warning)

I really want to write dark fantasy erotica, but I don't know if there is any chance of ever getting it in front of an audience.
You can't publish non-con anywhere, and I don't think it would find an audience with ao3, because it's predominantly f/f, but it starts het (I know lesbian readers hate that kind of thing). It's a sapphic work that's really messy and unfair with intense power imbalance, I want to see more of that, but I know from market trends that no one else does. There's also exploration of white/cis gaze, which I feel is unlikely to be popular on ao3. Who wants pornography that makes them feel uncomfortable? I do. I really do. I think both comedy and porn work on building tension, and creating room for acceptable release, and there's a capacity here to actually do something interesting that isn't utilized enough. Comedy gets better and better as comedians play with the form. Erotica is subject to far more restrictions, and stagnates, and recent technological advances will send it into terminal decline.
It's got really weird kinks that a lot of people will find off putting, I want to mess around with chronology, and diegesis, I want there to be this commentary on power with an unreliable narrator, I want all the characters to fail to get what they want, because one character refuses to change, but it to still remain hopeful about the nature of love. I want one of the main love interests to be an insect woman with a giant proboscis and a compound eye. I want the sexiness to come from emotional masochism. I want to write something sadomasochistic that doesn't diminish the characters, but instead takes the view that kinks are expressions of our fears and anxieties, and uses it to explore character and experience.
I feel like there is a gap in the market for pornography that's both erotic and literary, but people still like it. People still read Venus in Furs, the Marquis de Sade despite the fact that both of these are bad, because they are desperate porn that still tells us something about the human condition. Lost Girls, Anais Nin, this stuff exists, but it's not being produced, because of censorship, and because of the tyranny of genre.
How do you go about trying to create space for your work? It seems so unfair that men writing fantasy get away with writing rape, and their books are still publishable, that erotica that kind of handwaves away problematic content by saying it's not really abuse, even though it is, still gets made, while erotica authors trying to earnestly look things in the eye get censored.
I wanna try and write something sexy and beautiful and surprising. How does one find an audience, when you're trying to work between three genres (erotica, fae romance, and lit fic).
Fundamentally: is it worth just trying to write what you think people will read, or is there a value in trying to create something that there is no audience for on any platform, and still trying to get it out into the world? Maybe my focus needs to be double: trying to create things, and trying to create spaces where things that don't fit can exist and find audiences. I want to read porn that is genuinely surprising, as much as I want to write it. Like a weird pornographers collective.
submitted by No-Instruction2688 to writing [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 14:59 Economy_Gap1649 How would I raise this without damaging the aluminum?

submitted by Economy_Gap1649 to AskAShittyMechanic [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 14:59 Individual-Night-290 Nice meme

Nice meme
submitted by Individual-Night-290 to Nicememes [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 14:59 999daddy [WTS] Initio, Chanel, Thomas Kosmala, Tom Ford (Bottle)

Prices are OBO and including shipping - No traded pls
Venmo and Paypal F&F only
Thomas Kosmala Exsupero Tester no box - 97/100ml $100
Tom Ford Black Orchid Parfum BNIB - 50ml $70
Chanel Bleu De Chanel Parfum BNIB - 50ml $70
Initio Discovery Set BNIB - 6 x 10ml $160
Initio Oud For Greatness Tester - 90/90ml $160
submitted by 999daddy to fragranceswap [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 14:59 Sine_Fine_Belli "Wait that's too many red envelope!!!" (By @mpien6)

submitted by Sine_Fine_Belli to NinomaeInanis [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 14:59 kellersalame I need to make a final decision on how to protect from mold and finish this ceiling. Help.

I need to make a final decision on how to protect from mold and finish this ceiling. Help. https://preview.redd.it/k567qeus75ge1.png?width=436&format=png&auto=webp&s=cecccdf6cc2459baaf4d710e44c3a4a23c67daa8
Hi all. I have this natural wood ceiling, it is made of eucalyptus 1/2 inch boards. The walls of the house are made of concrete, and in the winter these walls were 'plastered' and finished with concrete (I'm from south america, sorry if I don't know exactly how to translate the method and materials, most houses here are made of concrete). I'm explaining this because during the winter the house was closed most of the time, and the wood in the ceiling got very moldy from the condensation of the water coming from the walls. Now it's summer time here and I've been able to ventilate the house often, I cleaned the mold and it hasn't come back. I've been reading for moths now tips on how to finish this wood, I've been reading about different kinds of oils, flaxseed, teak, etc; I've been looking at different products like this Zinsser brand mold killing primer, etc. I really want to make a decision because I've been reading so much about this and I'm confused, I'd like to keep the color of the wood, but if the best thing is to use a white primer like this Zinsser product then I'm open to do that. Thank you for any suggestions, sorry for the long text, I hope it was understandable.
submitted by kellersalame to finishing [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 14:59 jvc72 Buy Signal United Therapeutics - 30 Jan 2025 @ 09:56 -> USD365.21

Ticker: UTHR
Exchange: NASDAQ
Time: 30 Jan 2025 @ 09:56
Price: USD365.21
Link: https://getagraph.com/NASDAQ/stock/live-signals/UTHENG
submitted by jvc72 to getagraph [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 14:59 ios_post_creator Test post for comment notifications - do not delete

submitted by ios_post_creator to postRecoveryTest [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 14:59 matrim_harbaugh_snow I made a web application for events happening in the Detroit area. Please check it out!

I posted this in the Detroit sub and the reception has been great, so I thought I would share my event finder site EventsintheD here! So far 3100 Metro Detroiters use the site and there are even a couple of businesses directly using the platform. I've really enjoyed incorporating the community's feedback, so please let me know what you think.
Its a web application showcasing happy hours, live music, trivia, sports, and other events that happen around the city on a given day. I wanted to do this because I was seeing a lot of posts asking for this type of information and thought the community might find it useful. I've recently created a newsletter that you can sign up for as well, where I send unique/great events on Monday for the weekdays and Friday for the weekends.
I would love your feedback on types of events or features you would like to see, so if you have any please DM me! Enjoy.
submitted by matrim_harbaugh_snow to Ferndale [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 14:59 Absolute_Eb Looking ahead (4 Nations and beyond)

The 4 nations tournament is not that far away, and even though we have a few games left before the break I’m already looking forward to what this could mean for the Hurricanes’ quest for the Cup.
IMHO, there should be less judgment/scrutiny on how Hall and Rantanen are fitting in with the team until after the tournament. I think for Rantanen especially the 2 weeks away will be a nice mental reset for him to absorb the abrupt change in his life moving from Denver to Raleigh. He’ll get the opportunity to spend more time with Aho (hopefully some ice time on the same line) as well as process his new situation and hopefully come back fully locked in.
A number of Hurricanes will benefit from the time away from the ice; particularly Brett Burns. It’s no secret that he has been struggling with the load of minutes this year, and perhaps the break is just what his mind and body needs to return to the level of play we’re used to seeing from him in a Canes uniform.
I actually don’t think the break will have much of an impact on Andersen other than it’s 2 weeks where he won’t have the opportunity to injure himself in a game.
And speaking of injuries, what is the timetable for Carrier’s return? It’ll only be closer after the break. I’m hoping we get to see him in March if not sooner.
All in all, it’s not bad timing for this break for the team. What are your thoughts?
submitted by Absolute_Eb to canes [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 14:59 Beneficial_Jacket402 GRITOS DO PASSADO: O ENIGMA DA NOIVA DE MINAS GERAIS

GRITOS DO PASSADO: O ENIGMA DA NOIVA DE MINAS GERAIS submitted by Beneficial_Jacket402 to arquivodemisterios [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 14:59 AnythingResponsible0 BlinkBolt Spam

BlinkBolt Spam A samurai roleplay fighting a Lightning knight
submitted by AnythingResponsible0 to EldenRingPVP [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 14:59 krystian09210 I'm looking for a straightforward working wifi card for Debian

Long story short, I've purchased a Dell Wyse terminal that I once used for a 3D printer Octoprint server. I used an old M.2 wifi card from my friend's scrap laptop. It was a pain to set it up and I haven't been using it for quite a while. Nothing works, I can't get it to start again. I also tried using some TP-Link USB card but I also had no success.
Can someone recommend something that will just work? Preferably M.2 card.
submitted by krystian09210 to debian [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 14:59 VitaWalkingTours Scalea Sunset 🇮🇹 Calabria, Italy [3809x2142][OC]

Scalea Sunset 🇮🇹 Calabria, Italy [3809x2142][OC] One of my favourite pics so far
submitted by VitaWalkingTours to Beachporn [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 14:59 JettSoloAi Cold ashes.

Cold ashes. submitted by JettSoloAi to aiArt [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 14:59 Floati04 Condensate pump and some wiring in air return. Is this kosher?

Condensate pump and some wiring in air return. Is this kosher? I live in South Carolina and just got my HVAC installed. The central unit is in a tight closet. I’d like to know if this is safe and up to code. Last 2 pictures are in the air return just past where the filter sits and under the central unit. Thanks for the time y’all
submitted by Floati04 to hvacadvice [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 14:59 OriginalHuman1091 now WHAT js bcs of my stupid feelings for him now I gotten so depressed, I even cried

I've never been this sad lately, tbh my first time crying over a boy(I don't even once had boyfriend) so yeah I'm kinda ignorant for this. Damn, I don't know really crushing is the worst & the best thing, even though he's js my crush it caused me so much sadness bruh like cmon I'm not aware that smth like is so painful (it's only good at first)
submitted by OriginalHuman1091 to Crushes [link] [comments]
