Saint John Bosco

2025.01.30 15:12 Catholic_Daily Saint John Bosco

Saint John Bosco submitted by Catholic_Daily to Roman_Catholics [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 15:12 Original-Shock-3349 Syrup Smell when turning on heat.

2020 Ram 1500 with 5.7 HEMI. Recently purchased 3 weeks ago with 42k miles. First few days of driving it I noticed that it had a strong syrup-ish smell when using the heat. Bought one of those air freshener can that you open and turn on circulation for 15 mins, that made the smell go away but the smell has come back after a few days. After some research I found out that this smell may indicate a coolant leak or bad heater core. I haven’t found any puddles or coolant in the engine bay and I do not have any puddles in the passenger foot well. Luckily I bought extended warranty and still have the carmax 90 day/4000 mile warranty but is there any way to fix this without having to take it into the shop? Coolant level was around 80% last night but plan on topping it off and monitoring it over the next few days.
submitted by Original-Shock-3349 to MechanicAdvice [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 15:12 s197lvr ISO/help years of tears racer (??)

ISO/help years of tears racer (??) so im trying to get this years of tears osbatt racer jacket for my boyfriend because he loves it and i searched forever and ordered one off depop and got totally scammed (i was so desperate). im waiting on an approval for the actual years of tears subreddit but it seems pretty desolate anyways. does anyone know how i can get this jacket? im unfamiliar with the brand but the instagram and website are private so im assuming its drop/season based. i honestly dont know what im asking anymore but does anyone have insight or the way this brand works, or how i can buy one of these?
submitted by s197lvr to opium [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 15:12 DonCinema Entonces nos traiciona todo el mundo

Bueno, como ya saben EEUU ha retirado el permiso especial que tenian los venezolanos en dicho pais, algo que indica que de alguna u otra forma la administracion Trump esta reconociendo que Maduro es legitimo y va a recibir a los deportados, nada sorpresivo, quien haya creido que las medidas que toma Trump no estan basadas en facismo, como minimo esta mal informado. Eso por un lado, por el otro tenemos que ya han pasado 20 dias desde el presidente electo de Venezuela se supone que habria llegado al pais a juramentarse y no lo hizo, nos mintio. Anteriormente MCM previo a las elecciones se la pasaba asegurando de que estaban negociando la salida del regimen ya que se veia que perderia las elecciones, eso no paso, Maduro esta montado ahi. Salen personalidades como Bukele, a burlarse del secuestro de MCM con "mensajes ocultos" que no tienen nada que envidiarle a la teoria de los antiguos astronautas de Alienigenas Ancestrales de History Channel, el presidente de Uruguay pocos dias antes del 10 de Enero cuando EGU estaba por el sur afirmaba que "se venia una sorpresa que sacudira al continente" y nada ocurrio, un millonario gringo se pone una capa de Captain Handsight y pretende decirnos que si le damos rial nos saca a Maduro a tiros, ahora "le congelaron la cuenta de Bank of America", siempre se comio los riales, de frente y sin asco se burlo de nuestra desgracia. Nos pisotean los malos y los que supuestamente son buenos.
Todo lo antes mencionado, sin hablar de nuestra condicion inmediata como ciudadanos despreciados por el 90% de las naciones de habla hispana, quizas a nivel personal haya excepciones pero a nivel general somos despreciados por el hecho de que la mayoria somos pobres y por eso salieron a patas un monton. Si todo esto no es suficiente para que nos pongamos las pilas y recuperemos la libertad no se que lo hara.
submitted by DonCinema to vzla [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 15:12 AwakeningStar1968 I may have mislabeled this group.... but heads up on some key players right now!

so Look up PETER THIEL
and see what the plans are long term for the US and what TRUMP is currently doing by "buying out" all federal employees.
It sounds ridiculous but Curtis Yarvin is a guy who says that the US govt should be "ripped out like a tumor" and dismantled and a FRELLING CORPORATE MONARCHY should take its place.
submitted by AwakeningStar1968 to POSTTRUMPWORLD [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 15:12 One-Imagination-2274 Do you think it is possible to outgrow soap operas?

I am a longtime soap fan. I grew up watching All My Children and One Life to Live with my parents and grandparents. I have always loved the camp of the stories; I fondly remember the Eterna storyline on OLTL where Viki Buchanan's father built an entire underground city and when she and her husband ended up being tranported in time to the Old West. I started watching Y&R in 2000 in college and have followed it since. What we have now isn't really camp as much as it is horrible writing with numerous holes in the stories that just don't make sense or are insulting to the viewers' intelligence. Historically, soaps were very well written and the camp was captivating and would draw you in. I wonder if I have just outgrown the genre--which would make me sad-- or if there is hope that with a new writer, the stories on Y&R would improve. I am about 3 weeks behind on Y&R right now due to travel and I just don't know if I want to go back to it if it is more of the drivel that it has been for the last year or so. Is anyone else feeling that way?
submitted by One-Imagination-2274 to youngandtherestless [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 15:12 ThyriaTheGame Thyria is an RPG, a unique combination of dynamic exploration, turn-based combat and crafting.

submitted by ThyriaTheGame to rpg_gamers [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 15:12 SuccotashNo4765 Divya bharati

Divya bharati submitted by SuccotashNo4765 to MalluHot [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 15:12 lifedependsonart Recommend me projects!

I need to make a product designing project on blender... The laptop that I'm working on is Asus vivobook flip 14... What can be smtg it can handle?
submitted by lifedependsonart to blender [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 15:12 Redcagedbird Gravy put her head on backwards this morning

Gravy put her head on backwards this morning submitted by Redcagedbird to WhatsWrongWithYourCat [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 15:12 abjinternational Midtjylland vs Fenerbahçe Live Streaming: Europa League Match Preview

Midtjylland vs Fenerbahçe Live Streaming: Europa League Match Preview submitted by abjinternational to sportsnewstoday [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 15:12 your_house RTW CR- starting in Asia, returning to Aus for 6 months, then continue journey.

I know a few people here have done a rtw and had a little holiday first , cash fare back to aus (or to first destination) and then continue holiday after 6-12 months of being back home In Aus. I know there’s a 12 month limit but just wondering what routes people did. I’m guessing exactly like a RTW trip but just start in a different country than my own. Just after a few ideas :)
submitted by your_house to QantasFrequentFlyer [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 15:12 mcfw31 LISA (BLACKPINK) - Lalisa Manobal & Tayme Thapthimthong Get To Know @ Max (250131) [ENG]

LISA (BLACKPINK) - Lalisa Manobal & Tayme Thapthimthong Get To Know @ Max (250131) [ENG] submitted by mcfw31 to kpop [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 15:12 Strange_Duck6231 Possible UC overpayment and wanting bank statements

I’m a single parent claiming UC but also became a full time uni student in September. I informed UC of this, I uploaded my student finance breakdown, and they reduced my required work hours to 0.
My UC payments didn’t change though and I assumed that maybe there was a few weeks delay or something so I didn’t chase it up straight away. But then due to being overwhelmed by a combination of ADHD a lot of other chaos in my life I was getting behind with my assignments and chasing it up was always “something I’ll do later”.
Anyway, UC sent a message the other day saying they’d call me. When they called they said they’re going to put some links up because they want me to upload my last 4 months of bank statements and some ID. My bank releases a new statement every time a page is filled so I had exceeded the max files I could upload so I sent a message to say that and asked if I needed to resend my student finance letter that I had uploaded on the 23rd September. I made sure to say that in order to make it clear that I’ve kept them up to date with things. They said I don’t need to, just the bank statements.
It’s making me feel sick with anxiety.
So a few questions:

Thank you
submitted by Strange_Duck6231 to BenefitsAdviceUK [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 15:12 JulesChenier One of my favorites. A post apocalyptic western.

One of my favorites. A post apocalyptic western. submitted by JulesChenier to Westerns [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 15:12 abjinternational Midtjylland vs Fenerbahçe Live Streaming: Europa League Match Preview

submitted by abjinternational to footballlivewatch [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 15:12 Sea-Development-5088 Dissociation caused by Depression? Or Something else?

Hi guys,
Ever since July 2023, I've been living in a somewhat dissociated state - essentially, it feels as though I'm questioning the world around me in a way that I never used to. I understood the world and everyone around me before, and I never questioned anything or got lost in existential ruinations, but now it feels as though things are quite hazy and memories and sensations don't feel as familiar to me anymore. Is this DPDR or dissociation, or something else? I'm just not as engaged in the world as I used to be.
Also, I have no idea why I've begun to feel like this. I've had zero trauma or true pain in my life that would trigger DPDR or dissociation, so why on one random day in July 2023 I've started to feel like this is a mystery to me.
I'm starting to think it's might be a very mild psychotic thing, but I don't have any delusions or hallucinations or anything like that, so I'm at a loss really as to what I'm feeling.
I don't really know how to tackle this - there's no medication I can take, and I don't have any trauma or anything to discuss with a therapist about, so I'm just left here waiting for it to go away. What else can I do?
submitted by Sea-Development-5088 to depressionregimens [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 15:12 wKDisGooD I made this back in March 24 while we were still under a NDA for the Bladekisser DLC

I made this back in March 24 while we were still under a NDA for the Bladekisser DLC submitted by wKDisGooD to Trepang2 [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 15:12 VOZ1 [Football Meets Data] 2024/25 UEFA Champions League (estimated) prize money rankings at the end of the league stage

[Football Meets Data] 2024/25 UEFA Champions League (estimated) prize money rankings at the end of the league stage submitted by VOZ1 to MCFC [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 15:12 dgreen829 Damaged megas

Damaged megas My dad got his mega case and it came in really bad shape. Has anyone tried to return these yet? He planned on keeping them sealed so the damage is really going to hurt the value. Im sure the cards are fine.
submitted by dgreen829 to Currencytradingcards [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 15:12 903153ugo Sophie

Sophie submitted by 903153ugo to Barstoolboners2 [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 15:12 Any-Snow2700 why are supercell games still popular?

why are supercell games still popular? im referring to entirety of supercell gaming, especially brawl stars. boy do i got a lot to say about brawl stars. the game used to be fun in 2019, now all they do is collabs and making unoriginal content as well as recycling the content, which is sometimes good, but its used so often in the game. brawl stars now isnt anything more than a money milking game for little kids who watch toy story or spongebob. all 3 games are extremely p2w, talking about the stupidly overpriced offers in cr and the early access in bs. so, who pays more has advantage. brawl stars isnt balanced at all, as there are characters who dominate the meta. the fanbase is extremely toxic (all the games, thats why im on my alt account). in my opinion, those games are washed up and absolute garbage, i want to hear your opinion. no hate, those were facts.
submitted by Any-Snow2700 to videogames [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 15:12 Kottyara The most liminal furniture store

The most liminal furniture store There's literally no any customers there. Electrical appliances are not real
submitted by Kottyara to LiminalSpace [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 15:12 Crafty-Papaya-5729 What do you think of Dragon Ball as a franchise?

What do you think of Dragon Ball as a franchise? submitted by Crafty-Papaya-5729 to teenagers [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 15:12 New_Meat309 Online filing doesn’t work

So I am on my 7th rejection
All for 8962 form not included
But no matter what I input for 1095-a even omitting it entirely (as instructed by loser tax company turbo tax)
I’ve tried turbo and h & r - both are not submitting an 8962 along with my 1095 and nobody can figure it out
Help I don’t want to paper file
submitted by New_Meat309 to IRS [link] [comments]