Admirals of Ophiuchus: Spaceships designer and combat simulator

2025.01.30 18:10 penkover Admirals of Ophiuchus: Spaceships designer and combat simulator

Hello everyone, I am starting to promote the game my friends and I have been working on for few years.
Made in Godot and SFML. Its all about designing huge spaceships and fighting in a fleet vs fleet battles.
Early trailer: Admiral of Ophiuchus preview trailer
Game website: Admirals of Ophiuchus
Of course, we have ambitios long term plans, but for now, this is all we have. I'd love to hear your thoughts! Mantegral Studio
submitted by penkover to IndieDev [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:10 Exotic_Project1315 hi

submitted by Exotic_Project1315 to WhatIsMyCQS [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:10 666medusa666 Google Ads specialist - remote job

Hi guys,
I'm European and I'm trying to find some American angencies or companies hiring Performance Marketing Specialist (Google Ads Specialists) do you have any reccommendations for me. Where can I search or apply?
submitted by 666medusa666 to jobsearchhacks [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:10 Mokeymouseboi69 Fogborn and mimic serverwipes :3

Fogborn and mimic serverwipes :3 submitted by Mokeymouseboi69 to pillarchase2 [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:10 lss_web_1444 Text post title 372

Text post body
submitted by lss_web_1444 to automationContentCom [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:10 Czarben A balloon mission that could explore Venus indefinitely

A balloon mission that could explore Venus indefinitely submitted by Czarben to space [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:10 Broad-Cranberry-9050 Was I in the wrong for leaving venue because I heard a friend I dont like was showing up?

Recently I(M29) lost my job. Ive been spending my days searching job sites at home trying to get my next job. I play rec-league pickleball on tuesday nights in an outdoor place. It can be played indoors too and there are many pop-up nights for people to just show up and play. But I play at a league with friends as well as my GF(F30 Paula). The league is super casual, filled with alot of newer players and we all got into the sport. Recently some of us have gotten really good and I started to dabble in some of the pop up leagues to play with better players. I usually go if im bored with nothing to do. Tuesday night our pickleball night gets cancelled due to weather and I see there are two indoor venues (A and B) hosting pop-up nights. There were both similar distances away from my house but Venue A only had a few people going (less than 20) and Venue B had about 60. Ive been to both venues before and they try to make it tournament style so these can drag on alot. One time I was there almost at midnight. I prefer veneue B but the idea of being there till midnight didnt seem fun. I drove to Venue A and I get there around gametime. The 20 people who signed up, only like 4 had shwon up and it didnt seem like it was going to start soon.
A guy (M35? Paul) calls me and I recognized him from my rec-league. Paul was someone we met through the league. He was always socially awkward and kind of creepy. I never really befriended him but would talk to him here and there when he joined our conversations. After his teammates left the league 2 of our friend group (M38 John M40 Tom) picked him up for their team as you can have up to 3 people. Paul got kicked out of the league and the lcation we played at for harassing a waitress. I wasnt there that night but I had heard Paul and TOm for weeks talking about the waitress with the "huge tits" all the time amongst themselves but apparently Paul had decided to approach the waitress (or another waitor) asking about the "girl with the huge tits" and the manager overheard him and kicked him out because apparently he had been doing this for weeks. Everyone was disgusted about what happened except for Tom. I have no love for tom. Tom is creepy as well, likes to get handsy with girls even when it's clear they dont want it. He is very two-face as he has a knack to befriend the boyfriends and try to flirt with the girlfriends behind their back. He breaks bro-code in every way, another guy in the group who has known him for 10+ years says that Tom has tried to steal girls from him the past. But if you confront him about it he plays the nice guy card and acts like everything was firendly. He's very good at flying under the radar.
Basically the aftermath of the whole situation with Paul was that Paul tried sueing the league and the location for defamation even though there were multiple people who saw him say the same thing. Tom told a story that made it seem like Paul was the victim and said Paul got wrongfully accused. So when I saw Paul at the pop-up I had little interest in speaking with him. But I also dont want to be the person who doesnt hear every side of the story. He brought up his situation but with everything in my life I really didnt want to talk about this but I listened to his side for a few minutes. Basically he said the inappopriate comment but it was blown out of proportion and basically the waitress was sensitive. Then he tells me he invited John and Tom to the pop-up event. John never responded, but apparently he said Tom was on his way. I was already almost out the door when I found out Tom was going because the league night seemed dead and I also didnt want to talk to Paul all night as he was eager to bring up what happened to him. Tom coming was practically a nail in the coffin and I decided to just drive to Venue B and hope to be able to get to it before reservations closed. I told Paul I'd be back and just left. I proably wouldve left regardless but I'd be lieing if knowing that two people I consider creeps (and borderline predators) was not a way I wanted to spend my night especially if there were no buffers around.
Also as a side note. Tom and John have known each other for a few years (not too long) but have never really hung out. They have hung out more recently and I started to suspect John doesnt like Tom anymore. Small things like John gets real quiet when Tom is around, John is thinking of quitting the league and John is super competitive and him and Tom have the best team in the league. So it came as a shock to everyone. The kicker was (and what bothered me on that same day) John had texted the group chat to see if the league had been cancelled. It had not been yet and John was saying how he felt sore from the gym trainer the previous day and may skip regardless. Tom responds to John asking if he touched the trainer. I wasnt sure what it meant but I decided to ignore it. Then John responds "I leave the inappropriate touching to you". I wasnt sure if it was a joke or not so again I ignore the chat. Tom responds with a laughing emoji and says he just cant help himself and John never responds to that comment. Knowing John if it was a joke he would've made it clear through text but maybe Im reading too much into it. But Tom's response just made me like him even less.
Was I in the wrong to leave venue A because I didnt want to see or hangout with Tom and Paul?
submitted by Broad-Cranberry-9050 to amiwrong [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:10 bulafo Today's drawing, what do you think? I accept criticism and suggestions.

submitted by bulafo to Illustration [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:10 carvedsoft Earn 3.90% APY + 0.25% cash bonus on Marcus by Goldman Sachs High Yield Savings Account
submitted by carvedsoft to referralcodes [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:10 cali-cactus-hunter Huanucoensis "l5411" three pack of tips for $54 shipped. Continental USA only. Cashapp PayPal and zelle.

submitted by cali-cactus-hunter to sanpedrocactusforsale [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:10 Knight_Racer Season 4 episode 22 wedding Belle blues

Two things happened in the scene where we see Balki's bedroom for the first time. Noticed the orientation is different then the episode where Larry rips the apartment apart looking g for the last poem. Where the door is and dimensions. Second thing is I teared up with them expressing how close they were.
submitted by Knight_Racer to PerfectStrangers [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:10 No-Pangolin585 7 years aago: Rubio speaks about importance of foreign aid in diplomacy

7 years aago: Rubio speaks about importance of foreign aid in diplomacy Let us hope he has not changed
submitted by No-Pangolin585 to InternationalDev [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:10 FearlessChallenge504 Can anyone interpret what my brain is thinking?

I have this recurring dream but like it continues on from where it left off like 1-3 times a year. It's about this hot dude in high school I never talked to lmao. Like I literally never talked to him. Why do I have these dreams about going on dates etc.?
submitted by FearlessChallenge504 to Dreams [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:10 Horns8585 Anyone Else Love This Character?

I thought that Andy Samberg did a great job with this character. I thought his voice and performance were very memorable.
submitted by Horns8585 to spongebob [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:10 Unlimitedengravings Itachi is my favorite anime character. Ulquiorra is my second and then I'd say greedling from FMAB. Who's your favorites? Also who should I engrave on a bottle next?

Itachi is my favorite anime character. Ulquiorra is my second and then I'd say greedling from FMAB. Who's your favorites? Also who should I engrave on a bottle next? submitted by Unlimitedengravings to dankruto [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:10 sebasghp Acaso seré la única persona bloqueada permanente de tiktok?

Acaso seré la única persona bloqueada permanente de tiktok? submitted by sebasghp to GUIBELREVIEWS [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:10 HalfGeneral6910 Used as good morning!

Used as good morning! submitted by HalfGeneral6910 to ChicagoBearsNFL [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:10 braxtoncm Any clean dark blue Mazda 3 builds? I have a dark blue 2021 Mazda 3 sedan and I’m not a huge fan of the color because it’s hard to make look good. Any suggestions on rims or parts?

Any clean dark blue Mazda 3 builds? I have a dark blue 2021 Mazda 3 sedan and I’m not a huge fan of the color because it’s hard to make look good. Any suggestions on rims or parts? submitted by braxtoncm to mazda3 [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:10 tatemodernized Make it make sense

Make it make sense got kicked off a project after only 3 tasks, one was a 5/5, but the other were 2/5 with extremely inconsistent reviews vs the reality of the task (see the photo). Make it make sense, 3 tasks is not enough to decide if someone is competent or not.
submitted by tatemodernized to outlier_ai [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:10 Kasyade_Satana Solarpunk-Anarchist Flag, Take #2

Solarpunk-Anarchist Flag, Take #2 submitted by Kasyade_Satana to leftistvexillology [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:10 lyndonkai What's A Profound Yet Underrated Cartoon Quote?

What's A Profound Yet Underrated Cartoon Quote? submitted by lyndonkai to OneTopicAtATime [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:10 BigDickJennings Got It!

Got It! Never thought I’d see this money to be honest after the years of litigation
submitted by BigDickJennings to 3m_earplug_lawsuit [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:10 MikeCateley Easy FPS Editor | How To Add Weapons & Enemies

Easy FPS Editor | How To Add Weapons & Enemies submitted by MikeCateley to retrogaming [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:10 Fuzzy_Somewhere7548 repost of my custom cookie (gamer cookie and cyber cookie)note:stop saying its ai i made it my self.

repost of my custom cookie (gamer cookie and cyber cookie)note:stop saying its ai i made it my self. submitted by Fuzzy_Somewhere7548 to Cookierun [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:10 Dudster_the_drawing_ POV: that one bro when he sends you a pic

POV: that one bro when he sends you a pic Hehehe
submitted by Dudster_the_drawing_ to GorillaTag [link] [comments]