2025.01.30 23:30 Unable-Street-1216 O militante negro brasileiro moderno é tão desesperado para ter uma identidade racial própria que fica copiando discurso americano em vez de estudar a própria história.
Sou uma pessoa negra, meus avós (tanto por parte de pai como de mãe) foram criados em comunidades quilombolas e todo dia quando abro as redes sociais encontro centenas e centenas de posts de páginas voltadas para o "empoderamento negro" brasileiras traduzindo posts de influencers negros americanos para o português.
A impressão que tenho é que pra essas pessoas a escravidão, falta de apoio do estado pós-escravidão e políticas de miscigenação para clareamento da população não foi sofrimento suficiente porque nós não tivemos uma legislação apoiando a segregação racial escancarada como os americanos, afinal, eles querem porque querem forçar a narrativa "coisa de negro vs coisa de branco" a todo custo, mesmo que essa narrativa nada tenha a ver com nossa história.
Semana retrasada eu tinha visto um vídeo em inglês de uma moça negra americana que estava viajando de cruzeiro pela primeira vez e estava indo para todo lugar de colete salva vidas e na legenda do vídeo ela escreveu "Aquele momento em que você finalmente viaja de cruzeiro, mas é negro".
O que tem a cor haver com o navio? Nada, a piada que ela fez é porque durante o período de segregação racial nos estados unidos as pessoas negras não podiam utilizar as piscinas públicas, por isso há um estereótipo racial (e preconceituoso) muito antigo de que negros não sabem nadar nos EUA. O vídeo na verdade foi feito com um tom cômico e no post original em inglês as pessoas riram muito nos comentários (até onde pude ver, todos eram negros).
Essa semana uma página de "empoderamento negro brasileiro" traduziu o post palavra por palavra, e quando uma pessoa branca brasileira perguntou qual era a relação de ela ser negra com andar de navio, a página dos porteiros de Wakanda fez um comentário enorme, numa baboseira sem fim tentando justificar que era porque "a mulher como pessoa negra nunca tinha estado em um espaço como aquele e que tinha que zelar pela própria segurança de uma forma que ela, pessoa branca, jamais entenderia" ☠️.
Essas porcarias de pseudo-militantes passam o dia inteiro alimentando as pessoas com esse discurso de coisa de branco e coisa de negro quando isso NÃO É parte da nossa história.
Nós temos racismo e sim, há uma segregação no Brasil quando olhamos os dados e ainda mais quando analisamos a distribuição de renda por raça e classe social. Mas NÃO É da mesma forma que acontece nos estados unidos.
Seguindo a lógica desse povo, a mulher do meu tio, que é branca, não deveria saber como cozinhar uma feijoada, afinal é "coisa de negro" e coisa que "só negro entende".
Juro, vão lavar uma pia cheia de louça.
Ninguém faz a porra de um post falando sobre pessoas importantes no nosso país que eram negras ou pessoas que lutam pelo movimento atual, já que estamos no mundo moderno. Mas são super rápidos na hora de ficar traduzindo narrativas de meia tigela que não são parte da nossa realidade.
A mais nova que vi hoje foi uma pessoa BRASILEIRA que fez um post dizendo que os negros deveriam sempre apoiar os transexuais porque "até pouco tempo nós pessoas negras estávamos lutando para ter direito a usar banheiros públicos como os brancos e por isso entendemos melhor a luta deles".
Não tenho nada contra os transexuais, mas meu ponto é que se você queria fazer uma comparação, tivesse argumentado sobre os ''banheiros de empregado'' e ''elevador social e de serviço'', afinal isso SIM é a nossa realidade e a nossa história.
submitted by Unable-Street-1216 to opiniaoimpopular [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 23:30 PickleManAtl Justified in reducing tip for poorly packed order?
I’m handicapped and can’t go to a store physically and unfortunately the help I had in the area passed away, so right now I’m kind of on my own for groceries, meaning, everything needs to be delivered. Usually I use Walmart but Instacart had sent me one of those coupons that if you spend $80 you get $40 off, so I decided to use it. I have used Instacart a number of times over time, I just don’t use them regularly
So I chose Aldi and hit about $85. The shopper had to remove a few items because they were out of stock, but they did not seem to try to replace anything even though I had chosen to just pick the closest thing. They just refunded the items without substituting anything. Delivers it and I meet them at the door. Basically put, they had three large paper bags and all of the items were just stuffed in the bags without any kind of organization. Imagine if someone were to just scoop things off of a counter into a bag. That type of thing
I really needed bread badly so had a loaf of bread on my order. He put the bread in the very bottom of the paper bag, and then loaded up canned items, and other containers on top of the bread. Needless to say, the bread was crushed Beyond usable. A couple of the canned items were also heavily dented because they were crammed in with other items, etc.
In the past I really haven’t had any issues with Instagram beyond maybe something really minor. So this time I did call and they refunded the bread and the damaged canned items. They could not answer if my coupon would still work or not since the total was lower so I may have lost out on that. But I did go in and reduced the tip from $16 which was a little over 20% down to $5. I still feel like I should pay for gas and delivery.
Is this justified? I would assume so since the person didn’t even attempt to substitute items, and then damaged my bread. Since I can’t go out and shop myself, I will now have to wait until I can meet a minimum order with Walmart and just order it from them next week. But seriously – who puts bread at the bottom of the bag? 😖
submitted by PickleManAtl to instacart [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 23:30 Kitchen_Activity_408 Não tem pé de pamonha em Londrina?
Oi, pessoal! Sou de Angola e tô morando em Londrina faz um tempo. Sempre ouvi falar que pamonha é super tradicional no Brasil, então imaginei que fosse fácil encontrar os pés dela por aqui. Mas já rodei bastante, passei por algumas chácaras, olhei em feiras, até perguntei pra algumas pessoas, e riram de mim, mas não achei nada. Será que o clima daqui não é bom pra essa planta? Ou só cultivam em locais específicos? Fiquei curioso, porque achei que veria bastante por aqui. Alguém sabe onde tem?
submitted by Kitchen_Activity_408 to londrina [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 23:30 Far4sRL What is your opinion on Islam?
I'll do other religions Also please try to be respectful👍 submitted by Far4sRL to teenagers [link] [comments] |
2025.01.30 23:30 Anxious-Asparagus-94 New addition
submitted by Anxious-Asparagus-94 to labubu [link] [comments] |
2025.01.30 23:30 iSt3f2008 Apple Keychain in Arc for mac
Hi guys! Can someone tell me a method to use Apple Keychain on arc? It’s a big problem for me and I don’t want to save my passwords in arc. I only have this problem on Mac, on iOS the autofill with FaceID works perfectly, even with 2FA codes!
submitted by iSt3f2008 to ArcBrowser [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 23:30 Stock-Exchange2669 Masakit na tuhod
Bakit kaya ganon. Okay na yung pakiramdam ko pero nung kahapon nag walking ako at marami akong hagdan na dinaanan pag nag bebend medyo masakit ang kaliwang tuhod ko. Normal lang ba to?
May upcoming akyat ulit ako bukas at pinapakiramdam ko kung okay ba yung tuhod ko kasi kapag descent sa hagdan nasakit ang kaliwang tuhod ko.
Two weeks ago ang naging akyat ko.
submitted by Stock-Exchange2669 to PHikingAndBackpacking [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 23:30 Flyman1899 What is something you wish your office had to make it more fun/personable? Ping pong table, Nintendo Switch, Slot machine?
submitted by Flyman1899 to AskReddit [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 23:30 Enough-Suit3460 Just Approved for NIW PP
Approved today, in NE center, received Nov 29th, approved today! Total 60 calendar days.
My endeavor was in STEM Biomedicine, Ph.D. student total citation 94.
Thanks all for help in this group and best of luck to all!!
submitted by Enough-Suit3460 to EB2_NIW [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 23:30 denieltonn Can I have feedback on this beard before starts actually sculpting? does it make sense? should I change anything on the proportions, size, extension, or anything else? thanks in advance!
submitted by denieltonn to ZBrush [link] [comments] |
2025.01.30 23:30 ktmdan Kombat Missile
Curious if anyone knows..
The Kombat missile was designed for the t80 series tanks. However, online there is information leading me to believe it can be used in the t72 style auto loader.
I’m curious how you could ensure the correct alignment of the two pieces of the missile in the 72 style auto loader.
submitted by ktmdan to TankPorn [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 23:30 Select_Value_8639 Do bigger screens help gameplay?
In need of a new iPad since mines really old. Currently have a mini but wondering if I should get a bigger one for Project Sekai since I play a lot. In your experience, did having a bigger screen (like 11 inch) help with your gameplay? Was it less restricting?
submitted by Select_Value_8639 to ProjectSekai [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 23:30 Sudden_Guess5912 Can I get an invite for easy wins? CFC
I just made an account on my daughter’s tablet and it has all of its clicks left. She literally just left for gymnastics w/ her tablet while I was playing PK on it lol. Hubby grabbed it. But they will be home in 2 hours, at which time I can hit u back. Absolute worst case is that I would do it when she goes to bed if she won’t let go of her tablet before then. Which would be like 8:30 PM. But I can def hit you back. That account has all of its clicks so more than 1 person can click my link and get clicked back tonight. Take care xoxo
Can't do it without You! Just a click to accept my invitation! Your Friend Are Grabbing a Free Gift - You Both Deserve Too! Don't Miss Out, Click to Get Your Freebie https://onelink.shein.com/8/4dygpbbtvzwr
submitted by Sudden_Guess5912 to Shein_PuppyKeep [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 23:30 TheRedditScaryTeller Japanese Hospital Untouched since the 60’s
submitted by TheRedditScaryTeller to abandoned [link] [comments] |
2025.01.30 23:30 anonym0us304 AITAH for breaking no contact after 6m to tell my ex how I feel about his actions?
I 25F broke up with my ex 24M a few years ago. But about 6 months ago HE reached out to me and I was cold & avoidant towards him. The relationship was turbulent on both ends but I feel like I’ve been severely emotionally hurt by all of the events that took place over and after the course of the relationship. I was drinking the other night and a wave of sadness came over me and I was compelled to message him. I apologized for my actions that caused him pain , and explained how him making our breakup public on social media and making memes out of my late grandmother’s obituary destroyed my mental health. He simply replied “ it’s ok “ then blocked me…… I suffer from BPD and I just cannot get over this. I hate that I even messaged him and I feel like an idiot. I miss him dearly but I fear this may be a trauma response . I don’t know what triggered me but I’ve been extremely depressed since I sobered up. Am I the A/H for bringing this up again? I just wanted to hear the words “ I’m sorry . “
submitted by anonym0us304 to AITAH [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 23:30 Hot_Pomelo541 when i see the kids who still defend for Nexon
submitted by Hot_Pomelo541 to Maplestory [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 23:30 Sanguine-Sunlight Ideas
I bought a M16a1 upper a few months ago. (Slick side) and was wondering what I should do with it. I could just put a A1 lower on it and a OD green sling and call it a day but that’s boring. I was wondering if there are any pictures of MAC-V-SOG guys doing anything cool with their A1’s
submitted by Sanguine-Sunlight to RetroAR [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 23:30 gswas1 Secret NSF funding freeze?
submitted by gswas1 to labrats [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 23:30 pglover83 How my son’s morning went
Driving to work in Durham NC, vents starting blowing smoke out. He stopped to look, within 30 seconds flames came out of the dash. Total loss for sure. 2005 EP3 Civic SI
submitted by pglover83 to Honda [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 23:30 ivanoski-007 First time seeing a Red Legged Honeycreeper
A6700 with a G 70-350mm submitted by ivanoski-007 to SonyAlpha [link] [comments] |
2025.01.30 23:30 huglw A message to future Oscar nominees: delete ur twitter accounts
submitted by huglw to oscarrace [link] [comments] |
2025.01.30 23:30 Low-Wish83 Zenitsu se usasse cr4ck...
submitted by Low-Wish83 to RabiscosBr [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 23:30 ripplerain7334 My recently started little collection
Here are some of my Loz sets. I especially like the mini series cos figures are don't take too much space on a shelf. At the same time they have many details, colourful and look adorable. Me and my wife have a great time building them, so please recommend me a few sets like these ones to buy submitted by ripplerain7334 to lepin [link] [comments] |
2025.01.30 23:30 Sillaysophies_kid please dont be mnean to me anymore my mom is a reddit moderator
submitted by Sillaysophies_kid to police [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 23:30 Ok-Promotion4025 Who wants to goon to Brooke with me
submitted by Ok-Promotion4025 to BrookeMonkthe3rd [link] [comments]