Cut on finger is black and very firm after 1 week

2025.01.30 18:01 xtra_chz_plz_ Cut on finger is black and very firm after 1 week

Fell almost a week ago and cut or busted my finger. It seemed small at the time so I cleaned it with peroxide and didn't bandage it because the bleeding had stopped. It started turning black after a couple days but I grew up seeing black spots on my dad's finger injuries because he worked construction so I didn't think there was an issue. But I'm starting to think no healing is happening. It is also very hard.
I'm assuming I need to get this looked at but how urgent is something like this? Should I go to urgent care or just a primary care physician?
submitted by xtra_chz_plz_ to medical_advice [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:01 Competitive-Horror29 What are your safety tips for commuting?

Definitely need some tips lalo na't dumadami na yung mga holdap cases kahit sa mga jeep
submitted by Competitive-Horror29 to AskPH [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:01 Jaydisc2003 [21/M] looking to meet new people!!! I have the perfect place where you can meet face to face from the comforts of your own home.

I have been part of an online vc for almost a year and I have met a ton of people and I am looking for more people to meet and join up there. Everyone is always on cam and having actual conversation and I've met some of my best friends there. The place is called The Tavern and it such an amazing place to make new friends!
submitted by Jaydisc2003 to MeetNewPeopleHere [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:01 seires-t Just gotta repost this video here. Just a great piece of analysis

Just gotta repost this video here. Just a great piece of analysis submitted by seires-t to ShadowoftheColossus [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:01 Icy-File-3101 WWE 2K24 - The Rock vs Randy Orton | Hell in a Cell Amazing Full Match G...

WWE 2K24 - The Rock vs Randy Orton | Hell in a Cell Amazing Full Match G... submitted by Icy-File-3101 to WWE2K24 [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:01 aljazleban-2 Lineup

Will there be any more names added to the lineup? On the website it says "to be announced" for some slots.
submitted by aljazleban-2 to Tomorrowland [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:01 Newc04 Eoghan Clarke off to Sarries

Eoghan Clarke off to Sarries submitted by Newc04 to irishrugby [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:01 slxqqx Is skibidi form orihime overrated, underrated or properly rated

Is skibidi form orihime overrated, underrated or properly rated Ive been hearing rumors about her no diffing yhwach and aizen at the same time, although im not sure if its true tbh
submitted by slxqqx to BleachPowerScaling [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:01 Royal_Solid_8561 Ham and cheddar omelette. Half bagel

Ham and cheddar omelette. Half bagel submitted by Royal_Solid_8561 to stonerfood [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:01 JHVokie Finally found the perfect screensaver…

Finally found the perfect screensaver… submitted by JHVokie to TheDarkTower [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:01 External-Glove8059 Is this (multiple dimensions, peerless "god" creatures) a tease for a Boruto sequel, or will this be relevant in the current story?

submitted by External-Glove8059 to Boruto [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:01 ArcticGlacier40 The Duality of Man

The Duality of Man submitted by ArcticGlacier40 to StarWarsEmpireAtWar [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:01 Ok-Lack-3797 Dialga 2 locals add 507077398802

submitted by Ok-Lack-3797 to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:01 Crown_Ctrl Gonna call this RTW!

Gonna call this RTW! Zodgrod is Ready To Waaaagh!
Two tone underpaint with a chop chop ish technique.
Cork and sandy/gritty paint base.
submitted by Crown_Ctrl to orks [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:01 IR-Indigo Recovery Windows for Old Lenovo Laptops

I found 2 old Lenovo 3000 (N100 & N200) with win Xp on them.
I was intending on wiping them clean but I can't find the Recovery OEM installer CD's.
What can I do? I'm guessing that they are too old for Lenovo to keep help in the matter. No?
submitted by IR-Indigo to laptops [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:01 David_The_Goliath Files missing in file explorer but present in Obsidian and still syncing?

To anyone who can help out,
I was changing the location of my local vault on my PC because I noticed the warning about OneDrive and Obsidian Sync. I have since loaded that vault from sync in a new location and deleted the desktop location.
What I noticed in this process and in an attempt to backup my files is that some files are missing from file explorer. When I backup files or go to file explorer some folders are missing entirely. What's weird is it syncs across devices without issue.
I switch between Mac and PC and have not encountered missing files before. The first time I tried to resync in the new location the same files were missing. I am unsure how I fixed the issue syncing but I believe it might have had something to do with plugins because that seems to be a common listed issue. The exact same files are missing in both my PC's file explorer and my mac's finder, but all the correct files are syncing to obsidian and syncing correctly.
There may be something obvious I'm missing, but I have searched around and only found threads about the opposite issue, files not being present in obsidian but being present in file explorer.
Anything helps, thanks.
submitted by David_The_Goliath to ObsidianMD [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:01 DieterThePhoto Cannot connect to YT music anymore

Sonos is stating there is no internet connection, so I cannot connect to YT music. However, other services online work perfectly. When trying to remove the YT account in SONOS and adding it back, I get "no internet connection as well". Tried rebooting everything.
There is no outage on YT Music atm so ... what the hell is going on ? Anyone has the same issue ?
submitted by DieterThePhoto to sonos [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:01 bytesbutt 2 Couch Idea??

I’m curious if anyone has done this, thought about this, or if this is even a possibility.
Imagine a home theater room in your basement with 2 couches where couch A is placed in front of couch B. Couch B would be on a slightly elevated platform to not impede viewing a screen. Would this be possible with setups like 7.1.4 or am I a crazy man?!
I don’t really like the tall theater chairs that you see people put behind each other, and wanted to explore alternative ideas that make it feel more cozy.
Does a setup like this make surround/height speakers impossible to manage acoustically? I’m not talking perfect acoustics but good acoustics (I know that’s a little subjective). I just want a space that can fit my family for movie nights and have a cool experience!
Appreciate people’s advice here!
submitted by bytesbutt to hometheater [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:01 leahsimur Would you start your career over again in Canada as a 40 year old ITL if you earned only 18k per year in your home country?

I have a law degree from the UK, grew up in the UK but ended up working in Tanzania although i recently became a canadian PR. I've worked for over 10 years in Tanzania and don't really enjoy my job but was equally worried that moving to Canada at the age of 38 would be too late. Sure the cost of living in my country is lower but I also earn what would be considered a low salary for a manager in the banking or insurance sector. Is it worth starting a Legal career in Canada? Would you do it?
submitted by leahsimur to LawCanada [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:01 Known_Risk_3040 Unintended Consequences

Unintended Consequences submitted by Known_Risk_3040 to Silmarillionmemes [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:01 Charming_Willow6778 Nvidia

Nvidia Nvidia save me please
submitted by Charming_Willow6778 to swingtrading [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:01 Oleg101 ‘Hegseth: "We will have the best and brightest in every position possible ... the era of DEI is gone."’

submitted by Oleg101 to FoxFiction [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:01 ConcentrateQuick just caught the GO bug

I just caught the GO bug about 3 weeks ago. I am already in frequent rewatch mode of the Amazon Prime show and am completely smitten! As an adult child of a dysfunctional family, I am pleasantly surprised to see how fluent the show is with emotionally scarred folks wrestling with their trauma on the way to recovery. It has become a bit of therapy for me. I'd love to see more discussion on that and how it might figure into the season 3 movie, if anyone is game.
submitted by ConcentrateQuick to goodomens [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:01 dogass9-11 The British thing of like lifting up your trousers and kicking your shiny suede shoes around in the air in a joyous manner I bet is sort of orgasmic for their species

submitted by dogass9-11 to Fishdom [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:01 Single_Outcome_5190 Haladás

Sziasztok! Gondoltam írok kicsit mi a helyzet mostanában. Most 24 pornómentes napnál járok. Lehetőleg soha többé nem is szeretnék nézni. A pszichológusom javaslatára jutalmazási rendszert vezettem be. Ha nem nézek pornót minden héten megjutalmazom magam valamilyen finomsággal amit éppen megkívánok havonta pedig nagyobb jutalomként valamilyen jó minőségü borral. Szerencsére nincs egyfolytában késztetésem ritkán jut eszembe a pornó. Ha eszembe jut akkor győzködöm magam, hogy nincs rá szükségem. A maszturbálást nem vonom meg magamtól sőt segít enyhíteni a sóvárgást ha a saját fantáziámra hagyatkozva de pornó nélkül könnyítek magamon. Heti 2-3 alkalommal maszturbálok ez lényegesen kevesebb mint pornó mellett (napi 3-4). Egy ideje újra van reggeli merevedésem. Nem minden nap de legalább előfordul. Mostanában jó hangulatom van. Tudok örülni apró dolgoknak például, hogy tojni kezdtek a tyúkjaim de az is feldobta a hangulatom amikor az 1000 darabos kirakókat bekereteztem és felakasztottam a szobám falára. A leszokáshoz még az ad nekem erőt, hogy év végi céges bulin nem voltam hajlandó inni az alkoholista kollegáimmal akik rendszerint végig piálják a munkaidőt amíg mi dolgozunk. Akár hányszor kínáltak nemet mondtam. Ha másoknak azt tudom mondani, hogy nem akkor magamnak miért ne tudnék nemet mondani ha késztetésem van. A pszichológusommal dolgozok a kötödési problémámon és leszokás után cél egy párkapcsolat egészséges szexuális élettel aminek nem része a pornó. Már érzem, hogy tudok változtatni és ez motivál. Ami még úgy gondolom, hogy hatással van a leszokásomra, hogy nemrég beszélgettem egy nővel akinek a párja pornófüggő. Elégé kifakadt nekem a csaj, hogy ez mekkora fájdalmat okoz neki. Ami a legfontosabb, hogy már nem úgy tekintek a pornóra mint örömforrásra, jutalomra egy stresszes nap végén. Ez csak egy rohadt függőség ami tönkreteszi az emberi kapcsolatokat. Mindenkinek kitartást a leszokáshoz, menni fog!
submitted by Single_Outcome_5190 to hunnofap [link] [comments]