Donald Trump’s son suggests “zero crypto tax policy”

2025.01.30 18:31 bestchange_pr Donald Trump’s son suggests “zero crypto tax policy”

Eric Trump is confident that eliminating taxes on crypto capital gains can drive innovation and raise investments. At the same time, this policy can also make the USA the world’s crypto industry leader.
According to the Executive Vice President of the Trump Organization, the new U.S. administration can abolish taxes on cryptocurrency gains for all U.S.-based crypto players, namely Ripple, Hedera Hashgraph, Algorand, and Cardano. For non-US-based projects, the tax can rise to 37%.
Eric Trump suggested a 0% tax rate would apply to new crypto startups and established domestic companies specializing in blockchain technology, crypto mining, DeFi, and related fields.
According to Forbes, critics of the zero crypto tax policy claim that the initiative can create an imbalance in the U.S. digital asset market and cause a significant tax revenue loss. However, journalists believe that the policy will likely remain a suggestion because, formally, Eric Trump is only expressing a personal opinion.
Moreover, President Donald Trump does not have the authority to unilaterally change tax policies. The idea must be supported by Congress to be approved.
submitted by bestchange_pr to bestchange [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:31 Relative_Case_3712 Foreign spouse - ISA question

Hi everyone,
Have a question regarding ISA’s.
In the fortunate position of being a higher earner (200k pa), and trying to understand how to make best use of savings for tax purposes! Currently max mine and have the rest of my savings spread across a stocks account and small amount in crypto.
My spouse (US Citizen) is on a spouse visa in the UK. Been seeing mixed messaging on whether they are eligible for an ISA that I can pay into, so want to understand whether it’s possible to set this up. They do not have IDLR.
Any advice would be much appreciated, thank you!
submitted by Relative_Case_3712 to HENRYUK [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:31 DrJeffreyRubin Is Depression Really So Bad?
submitted by DrJeffreyRubin to DebatePsychiatry [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:31 Salty_Baboon Marvel Rivals Matchmaking Algorithms - Is It Fair?

Recently, Kornyvah made a video explaining how Marvel Rivals determines Competitive Matchmaking. He breaks down how the system predicts match outcomes and may even subtly adjust hitboxes or mouse sensitivity to alter engagements.
This kind of matchmaking system exists in most modern competitive games to optimize player retention. Because my experience in Marvel Rivals has felt much smoother compared to League of Legends, this makes me wonder if the matchmaking is less aggressive in how it manages player progression because its a newer game.
For example, in League, there's a common belief that ranking up is followed by forced losses to encourage more grind. A possible way to counteract this is by taking breaks after a de-rank, as the system may adjust to prioritize retention patterns. Have others noticed differences in matchmaking across games?
submitted by Salty_Baboon to marvelrivals [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:31 Handsome_Bread_Roll The next big metal event in the Cape Town area: Slamfest.

The next big metal event in the Cape Town area: Slamfest. After my last post I got several enquiries about future metal events in and around Cape Town.
The Slamfest is happening on 12 April at the Daisy Jones Bar in Stellenbosch. Big local names like Dream Demon, Sunken State and the epic performers Megladon will play.
More information.
submitted by Handsome_Bread_Roll to capetown [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:31 Own_Band_3839 Low (for me) glucose. Feel like crap.

Why do I feel like garbage when my glucose is below 100? I feel so low like I could faint. It seems like my normal range is 100-130. I want to get it down more, but whenever I do I feel sick. I have no energy. I feel like I could faint. I'm new to this so any help would be awesome. I'm really struggling right now. I'm on a low dose of Metformin. Like, the lowest dose.
submitted by Own_Band_3839 to prediabetes [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:31 Reasonable-Equal-186 Has anyone tried completing missions in CS2 on FASTCUP? Is the subscription worth it?

Has anyone tried completing missions in CS2 on FASTCUP? Is the subscription worth it? submitted by Reasonable-Equal-186 to GlobalOffensive [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:31 CouldHaveBeenAPun There's not better reason for the US to join in Canada right now.

There's not better reason for the US to join in Canada right now. submitted by CouldHaveBeenAPun to EhBuddyHoser [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:31 QuantumParadox_27 I see this as an absolute win, ad decos r so ugly

I see this as an absolute win, ad decos r so ugly submitted by QuantumParadox_27 to HayDay [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:31 Razzle_Dazzle08 Considering this Trans Am for my first project car. Going for 11K AUD. Will leave more in comments, I have some questions!

Considering this Trans Am for my first project car. Going for 11K AUD. Will leave more in comments, I have some questions! submitted by Razzle_Dazzle08 to projectcar [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:30 Lopsided_Tie2649 New pfp!

New pfp! Lavender 💜
submitted by Lopsided_Tie2649 to furryart [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:30 BuyAwkward6237 ##

## submitted by BuyAwkward6237 to DeathNoteMemes [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:30 Gordiflu Musicalmente, los 80 fueron una mierda

Y con ello no quiero decir que todas las bandas de los 80 lo fueran. Existen grandísimas bandas de esa época.
Pero en los 80 (en realidad esto empezó a finales de los 70) el control del producto pasó de los artistas a las discográficas. Y aquello fue el principio del fin. Acabamos pasando de Led Zeppelin a Milly Vanilly, por poner un ejemplo.
Hoy día existen de nuevo bandas inmensas que hacen música con mucha sustancia, pero son en su mayoría de nicho. Gracias a Internet las conocen en todo el mundo pero en todo el mundo las conoce poca gente. Y luego hay un mainstream nauseabundo de música tonta tontísima con menos chicha que una tortilla de aire con nada y que llena estadios. De aquellos polvos de los 80, los lodos de ahora.
submitted by Gordiflu to OpinionesPolemicas [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:30 Best_Gynecologist In case you're wondering why tinder users are toxic, it's because tinder is toxic.

In case you're wondering why tinder users are toxic, it's because tinder is toxic. submitted by Best_Gynecologist to Tinder [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:30 ryleg Weekend Predictions?

Will Saturday be an amazing day with the entire mountain opened up, or will the good stuff be closed due to wind or avalanche control?
Will Sunday be a great day with lots of new snow and perhaps newly opened terrain, or will it be mostly skied out leftovers?
submitted by ryleg to CrystalMountain [link] [comments]


Mental health and hope for men must be cultivated for any healthy community. Therefore we reserve these two day for only positive posts (ranting and venting personal things being an exception). This means negative news, negative reactions, etc will be removed.
Post whatever negative posts that get removed on Fridays/Saturdays here.
submitted by AutoModerator to onexindia [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:30 Athletica_ai New user help needed with setting HR and pace

New user help needed with setting HR and pace submitted by Athletica_ai to athletica_ai [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:30 gayroma De ce nu vor sa puna procurorii si Ministra Justitiei praguri la substantele cu efect psihoactiv legale si ilegale Discuție

Ganditi-va putin logic. Solutia simpla ar fi sa tragi anumite praguri ca la alcool pentru fiecare substanta in parte. Numai ca nu vor sa faca asta pentru ca in mintea lor ingusta considera ca ar incuraja consumul de "droguri" si vor sa isi pastreze their "hands off policy" venita dintr-un profund rasism medical si ignoranta asupra problematicii.
De asemenea ganditi-va de ce nu pun o lista cu medicamentele legale prescrise astfel incat sa se diferentieze de drogurile ilegale si sa faca distinctia clara. De ce? Fiindca medicamentele legale si drogurile au aceeasi sursa! compusii primari sunt f similari la drogurile ilegale si la cele legale, se trag din aceeasi radacina.
In acelasi timp guvernul anti drog este de fapt anti schimbare de stare de constiinta (cu efecte potential imprevizibile) iar drogurile legale nu prea le tolereaza nici pe ele fiindca de fapt nu le intelege. Asadar orice este neinteles este privit cu rasism medical reintarit prin legile tip "nu avem ce sa intelegem trebuie sa persecutam, trebuie mentinuta presiunea (a se citi rasism medical)".
Sunt in stare de negare intr-un fel de sevraj al sobrietatii si acum sunt disperati sa isi mentina controlul. Oameni disperati dupa control, control freaks, care este si ea o afectiune psihologica care netratata duce la ce vedem in prezent: injustitie, paranoia, blocare de informatii, rasism, etc.
Iar daca persoana ce sufera de sobrietate e si intr-o functie de conducere, cu atat mai rau. Pentru ca acea persoana este in sevraj si nu ii mai pasa de cati oameni nevinovati face sa sufere (soferii care vor intra pe nedrept la inchisoare, vieti distruse pentru un tratament legal, pentru un nurofen, rasism si discriminare sociala...).
Fiind in sevraj nu mai ai cum discuta cu persoana in cauza, va face tot posibilul sa simta ca are control, prin orice mijloace imorale. Alina Gheorgiu si procurorii sunt acum in sevraj. Li s-a luat drogul zilnic pe care il consumau adica ura si prejudecata lor fata de o categorie de oameni. Cum atunci cand e in sevraj doza trebuie marita asta fac acum acei procurori, escaladeaza, vor sa extinda aria de persecutie (prosecution) incluzand si pe cei ce iau tratamente legale.
Ei sunt de fapt drogatii in aceasta situatie care striga la altii ca sunt drogati pentru a isi proteja dependenta normal.
Desigur ca nimeni treaz (in mod corect sobru nu pompat cu adrenalina si dorinta excesiva de control) vrea sa controleze fenomenul consumui de alcool si droguri la volan. Orice om cu judecata vrea asta.
Numai ca asa zisul "leac" nu inseamna sa iei o noua doza dintr-un alt drog si sa devii rasist disperat, gata, pe cine vedem ca consuma ca iese pozitiv nu mai conteaza nimic, e un drogat.
Toti acesti procurori anti drog au avut mana libera ani la rand sa persecute cu legi f nefavorabile consumatorilor, iar aceasta senzatie de putere absoluta este un drog foarte foarte puternic. Afrodisiac pentru unele persoane. Procurorii s-au pompat cu adrenalina avand controlul absolut.
iar acum prin noua decizie ICCJ li s-a luat controlul si ei ce au facut? AU INTRAT IN SEVRAJ! Au ajuns disperati sa se drogheze in continuare.
Drog nu inseamna exclusiv o substanta sau alta. Drogul puterii si al controlului e la fel de adictiv sau chiar mai adictiv decat multe droguri ilegale.
submitted by gayroma to romemes [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:30 PLACE-H0LDER 🧁🩷 (My art)

submitted by PLACE-H0LDER to JustNatsuki [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:30 longtimeAlias Seeing Brynn being ganged up on like this truly breaks my heart.

Yes she lies. Yes she fucked up. But she is human, and watching these women lord it over her like they are somehow beyond reproach, while Brynn just sits there and takes it, is a really dark thing for me.
Sai in particular needs to stop attacking Brynn. She is trying to make people forget how she came across last season on this show. She should know that whatever happened this season, she is still the biggest asshole on this show.
Ubah is also an asshole. Ubah is the one who slut shamed Brynn, claiming she slept her way onto the show. That isn't exactly girl's girl behavior either, so why isn't Ubah being called out for it?
If this show comes back I hope they keep Jessel and Brynn and get rid of everyone else.
submitted by longtimeAlias to BravoRealHousewives [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:30 birrakilmister Horn Of The Rhino - Builder Of Carrion Effigies

submitted by birrakilmister to stonermetal [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:30 CakeEater2020 Interesting Creature

Interesting Creature 😅 Definitely A Keeper
submitted by CakeEater2020 to NoMansSkyTheGame [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:30 613reasons I committed infidelity

We celebrated our 18th wedding anniversary this past week. Actually, we didn’t celebrate. He forgot. Also forgot our daughter’s birthday and instead he went out to drink with his friends after work; he lied about it saying he went to the gym. He doesn’t know how to lie and I probed.
Early in our relationship—around one to two years in—he cheated on me. I forgave him, and we moved forward. Years later, in 2014, I was unfaithful. There were many reasons, though none justified my actions. I deeply regretted what I had done, knowing the immense pain it would cause him. I held onto the guilt for a year before confessing because I couldn’t bear the weight of the secret. More importantly, I wanted to start a family, and I believed he deserved the truth before making that commitment with me. He chose to stay and forgave me—or so I thought.
By 2020, we had bought our first home and welcomed our first child. Throughout my pregnancy, he was a supportive husband, but I struggled postpartum with depression, anxiety, and preeclampsia. Despite the challenges, I believed we were managing. But after our child was born, something shifted in him. He became emotionally distant—no longer
I love my children deeply—one of whom has special needs—and I’ve long since accepted the role of the default parent. Since he works so much, I’ve been the one handling everything: therapy appointments, school registrations, medical visits—every responsibility that comes with raising them. And now, he wants to separate. Not divorce yet, just separate.
I can’t help but think how different things could have been if he had been honest with me back then—before we had children, before we built a life together. If he had told me that he could never truly forgive me, we could have made different choices. Instead, he stayed, we bought a house, had children, and now, years later, I’m left to be a single mother struggling with school, work, and everything else.
submitted by 613reasons to survivinginfidelity [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:30 Tiny-Ant-4275 Hvor tidligt kan man få symptomer på graviditet? Hvornår kan man teste?

Hej Reddit☺️ Er helt ny i det her graviditetsgame, så jeg har mange spørgsmål og folk plejer at være så behjælpelige herinde❤️
Første dag med menstruation d. 1. januar 2025.
Er ikke sikker på om jeg testede helt korrekt, for fik første positive ægløsningstest den. 20. januar, men så negativ den 21. og 22., og så en positiv igen d. 23.?
Min kæreste og jeg havde ubeskyttet sex den 19, 20, og 21. januar. Ifølge flow havde jeg størst chance for undfangelse i dagene 19-25 januar.
Min menstruation er super uregelmæssig, men Flo beregner min næste menstruation dag 1 til at være den 8. februar.
De sidste par dage har jeg haft ret meget udflåd. Igår fik jeg dog krampesmerter i maven og underlivet, som føltes på en måde som det ikke plejer at gøre op til min menstruation eller op til min ægløsning.. det samme har været tilfældet i dag, hvor jeg også har haft lidt kvalme. I morges var der også en lille bitte smule blod og en smule brunlig/slimet udflåd..
Måske det bare er min menstruation der er tæt på.. men vil det give mening at tage en graviditetstest nu? Eller hvornår vil i anbefale at tage en tidlig graviditetstest?
Sorry for langt skriv🙈
submitted by Tiny-Ant-4275 to Gravid_DK [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:30 GreenSoda84 Always down

Always down submitted by GreenSoda84 to weirddalle [link] [comments]