TN- pushing Bill so Congressional members can be jailed for not supporting Trump’ immigration policy

2025.01.30 23:47 Ryan_e3p TN- pushing Bill so Congressional members can be jailed for not supporting Trump’ immigration policy

TN- pushing Bill so Congressional members can be jailed for not supporting Trump’ immigration policy submitted by Ryan_e3p to RepublicofNE [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 23:47 rolodex9 SNL Anniversary Shows?

Has anyone been able to watch any of the Saturday Night Live retrospective shows? Believe they are airing on Peacock but I haven’t been able to find them on Apollo.
submitted by rolodex9 to ApolloGroup_TV [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 23:47 Zayswife98 Fav Aespa songs

I wish spark and bored were on there but 🤷🏾‍♀️🩷
submitted by Zayswife98 to kpoppers [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 23:47 Funny-Technician-320 Taking tot to park

We had a shitty night, it's currently close to lunch and the park is a 2 odd minute drive away. I've packed for it but really not feeling it but also want to get out the house. And tot is becoming a bit of a turd 😆
submitted by Funny-Technician-320 to makemychoice [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 23:47 HistorianEntire311 No tengo papel y debo cagar

No tengo papel y debo cagar submitted by HistorianEntire311 to repollitos_criptidos [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 23:47 arcanyne96 Parece divertido de jogar

submitted by arcanyne96 to Lefoxybr [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 23:47 eggertinion Hello!

Hello! wanted to show off this cool synergy i got between monstros lung + cricket body. have a good one!
submitted by eggertinion to thebindingofisaac [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 23:47 underLearning_Kid Is 1500 aed good for survival for an intern

Hey I'm first year student and recently I got an internship they are willing to pay me 1500aed which includes transportation, so what do you guys think. I want to hear your valuable feedback.
submitted by underLearning_Kid to dubai [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 23:47 GermanDronePilot Ukrainian "GROMYLO" 10" Fiber Optic FPV - "Bridge Killer" used to remotely detonate a bridge with prepared explosives. January 2025

Ukrainian Published 30.01.2025 Location, unit and date not disclosed.
submitted by GermanDronePilot to UkraineWarVideoReport [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 23:47 BeyondRubicon Gravity

submitted by BeyondRubicon to UnsentMusic [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 23:47 terrariagamer420 Is game bugged or does Lorenzo's suit with balistic weave MK5 really just give it that much? (Recon marine + military fatigues mk5 for comparison)

Is game bugged or does Lorenzo's suit with balistic weave MK5 really just give it that much? (Recon marine + military fatigues mk5 for comparison)
submitted by terrariagamer420 to fo4 [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 23:47 prine_one There it is!

There it is! Took me about 15 minutes of auto-beating super strarmen.
submitted by prine_one to earthbound [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 23:47 Rise_Chance ?

? submitted by Rise_Chance to MemesBR [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 23:47 Human-Economics6894 In defense of sinners: it seems we were right about the deal with The Sun

I was going to put it as a comment on what was published about The Sun's agreement and what Chris Ship said. But it was going to be long so I better put it here
Let's go back: January 22, 2025. And Harry, after accepting an agreement with The Sun, closes that case
Do you remember what several of us discussed here? That when The Sun's lawyers and those of Harry and Watson were at the Court of Appeal, several journalists at the scene heard that the settlement Harry reached was for 1.5 million pounds. But then from the Harkles ranks there was talk of "an 8-figure agreement", which did not make sense to many of us EXCEPT if that included payment to the lawyers.
Well it seems that we were right
Because today it was learned that Judge Fancourt seems to have accepted the parties' agreement (note that the judge could have been a scoundrel and have rejected the agreement and forced the parties to go to trial, just to screw Harry, above all, but it seems that the judge wanted to get rid of our bald man)
According to what the press already knows (I can't find the text of the judge's decision on the Courts website, so I can't corroborate it) Harry, Watson and the editor of The Sun newspaper will keep the content of their agreement confidential, Fancourt ordered.
But the judge added that NGN will pay Harry and Lord Watson's share of so-called "common costs" - including lawyers' and solicitors' fees - incurred as part of the wider legal case over the alleged phone hacking.
So, let's get to the point: the judicial bill for this case was already over 30 million... but a large part of that was from lawyers. So Judge Fancourt will most likely consider settling the score and taking out dinners at the Ritz and things like that. Which could be that Sherbone pockets around 5 or 6 million between the account given by Harry and that of Watson. To which would be added the amount of compensation, the "substantial."
So, looking at what the press is publishing about it, we were right: Harry was never going to get 10 million pounds. It was compensation + payment for lawyers. Because what several here were wondering was what would happen to the costs of the trial, about which we knew nothing. Well now we know, NGN is going to pay.
Attention to detail: the settlement was a “full and unequivocal apology” and “substantial” damages. Why did The Sun, if there was a good chance it would win, accept this? Because The Sun always played to the prescription. And yes, he apologized to Hank and Watson... but it is not true that illegalities on the part of The Sun were admitted, it was just the apologies. The first AND LAST because as Judge Fancourt pointed out the week of the 22nd, it was already very unlikely that a similar case would be seen again due to what happened 20 years ago.
Then, the Harkle side leaked that the deal was for eight figures, as Chris Ship said... BUT it seems we were right: those eight figures were NOT going to go into Harry's pocket, it was going to go to the lawyers.
But don't forget one thing: ALSO to the court. Because there were several hearings in this case during these years, and several were at the expense of Sherbone and company. Harry owed £250,000 for one, £150,000 for another... Consider that a hearing costs at least £111.00, plus other court costs.
So it's not like the entire bulk of what NGN will pay will go to the lawyers. Harry was already in debt to the court for this case, so NGN will pay those debts.
So I think the initial rumor was correct, as several of us said from the beginning: Harry probably received 1.5 million pounds. And the rest was legal expenses. Hence the gossip about the eight figures, but the Harkle team passed off the total amount as if it was going to go to him. But the matter is clearer today and that "substantial amount" was not eight figures.
And if you want to be complete sinners: Harry seems to have received no more than William (according to Harry, William received 2 million pounds)
I accept that this assessment is questioned without any problem!!
submitted by Human-Economics6894 to SaintMeghanMarkle [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 23:47 LEMONandLIME_RENO Lemon & Lime Indian Cuisine & Bar

submitted by LEMONandLIME_RENO to Reno_Sparks [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 23:47 JSmagz [USA-OH][H] BNIB ASUS RTX 5080 Prime [W] PayPal, Cash

Hello everyone, I was lucky enough to snag one of these after waiting in line overnight. Looking to get $1900 shipped or $1850 local. Local is 44720. BNIB sealed.
Only PM's please, won't respond to chats.
submitted by JSmagz to hardwareswap [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 23:47 Plastic-Trouble-3799 Anyone tired of Cortland Management?

They have few properties down here, I just notice how they have all these hidden fees, “amenities” never working and their currently in the middle of a lawsuit due to antitrust and “allegedly” inflated prices through RealPage. I would like to hear from other residents as well as someone who lives here too.
submitted by Plastic-Trouble-3799 to Miami [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 23:47 NatharaNoire Blind date with a book

Okay so this could be the entirely wrong sub/thread to be posting this in but I thought I would try.
I'm currently in a librarian position (just started) and have been tasked with a display table. I was told the typical theme for February is blind date.
The problem I have is that fantasy bows my personal bookshelf. I can provide quirky little snippets to put on the paper bags for those in particular but I would prefer not to have a table full of fantasy. I also don't want to butcher the chances of other books having their dust blown off. And I refuse to use AI to come up with books and snippets for me.
So I am asking you all, whoever chances upon this, to list some of the books you hold dear that you believe don't receive enough love and then a quick snippet to pull readers in. This can be funny if you'd like, or serious, truly whatever you want because I'm desperate here. >.<
submitted by NatharaNoire to books [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 23:47 FairNeighborhood5939 My boyfriend recently converted to christianity from islam, but is not telling his mom because of the financial situation

Hello everyone
I've been a Christian my entire life, I started dating my boyfriend 3 years ago when he was muslim (I'm aware that I already set myself in a bad situation by allowing myself into a relationship in which we were not equally yolked) However, he has been introduced to Jesus and has been coming to church with me for the past two years and he really loved the religion and has converted.
He has not told his family of his newly found faith. His father is not in his life so it's just him and his mom and his sibling. Recently they had to move to a different place and the rent is triple the old house's so he pays half the rent for his mom because she cannot cover all of it. He does not want to tell them now because he is trying to find a higher-paying job so he can be able to afford to support them and support himself because he will need to move out after telling them. The problem is, I just don't know. Luke 14:26 says “If anyone comes to me and does not hate father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters—yes, even their own life—such a person cannot be my disciple.” So I am worried that because he is not telling his family, he is not being true to his faith, but at the same time I understand his situation and him telling them now would mean his mother and brother literally! might become homeless because they don't have any other family. Please guide me, anyone!
I feel like I might become trapped in a relationship where it's excuse after excuse of him not telling his family, or this situation will pass and he WILL tell his family. I'm just anxiety ridden over this and need guidance. Thank you!
submitted by FairNeighborhood5939 to TrueChristian [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 23:47 taskforceomicron Word Evolution Through History

submitted by taskforceomicron to Bible [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 23:47 ilovemyself3000 How do you feel safe going out (for those who do)?

TW for asking about self defense in situations of assault. Please don’t cause yourself to be triggered, flare up. Mention of politics because our existence has become political…
After watching the plane-helicopter crash announcement today, I have to seriously consider safety and need your input. Reason I’m asking in the first paragraph. Specific questions after that.
I often drive myself but regularly spend extra time to recover from the journey. I go to work, the doctor, and hardly anything else but sometimes necessities like clothes or haircut. I load and unload in a van with a lift. It’s not very easy to “Grey Man” my presence unless I park in the back which makes me feel more vulnerable. I often wear a mask. I can fatigue easily if I have had to push hard. I worry that if something were to happen I need to know modified self defense techniques. I did martial arts long ago, but that was another lifetime and body ability is far different and varying moment to moment. I could technically run but I don’t know how long before falling. I’m scared and I am looking for logical solutions in a world where people with disabilities are to blame for planes crashing before the evidence even exists.
Have any of you had experiences of using self defense with CFS? Severe sudden pain? Basically anything that comes on strong without much ability to contain the symptom? What would be your advise based on that experience(s)? What worked and what didn’t?
If you don’t have answers, that’s okay. In fact if you are able to think of more questions please share. I hope we can come together to provide safety in this community. Maybe this can be a post that we update as a resource. Maybe I’m too hopeful, but I don’t want to “just go die” like some people think we should. I want to survive to be seen again like the human I am.
submitted by ilovemyself3000 to cfs [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 23:47 Time_Lord_Zane Update on the massive Google Doc that cancelled Nick five years ago. Worth reading.

submitted by Time_Lord_Zane to Mccafferty [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 23:47 cgavris XXL for sale

XXL for sale submitted by cgavris to WarrenLotas [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 23:47 YoBoyMalik Backdoor found in two healthcare patient monitors, linked to IP in China

Backdoor found in two healthcare patient monitors, linked to IP in China submitted by YoBoyMalik to cybersecurity [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 23:47 charlingus Which touhou game should I play?

It has to be for cell phones
submitted by charlingus to touhou [link] [comments]