Mexicul cere Google Maps să nu redenumească Golful Mexic, așa cum ordonat Donald Trump

2025.01.30 18:45 linet_addicted Mexicul cere Google Maps să nu redenumească Golful Mexic, așa cum ordonat Donald Trump

Președinta Mexicului, Claudia Sheinbaum, a scris o scrisoare către Google în care cere companiei să își reconsidere decizia de a redenumi Golful Mexic.
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submitted by linet_addicted to Sp1Ro [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:45 jvc72 Buy Signal Nextracker Inc - 30 Jan 2025 @ 13:42 -> USD50.93

Ticker: NXT
Exchange: NASDAQ
Time: 30 Jan 2025 @ 13:42
Price: USD50.93
submitted by jvc72 to getagraph [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:45 Traditional_Egg_3169 E6000 and wool not cooperating

Hello, i am adding crystals to a letterman jacket using e6000 and i noticed the crystals are falling off the wool. Does anyone have any suggestions on which glue might work better on wool?
submitted by Traditional_Egg_3169 to Rhinestoning [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:45 Content_Duck482 4-mmc Drug Screening

We love 4mmc for nights together but are both subject to drug screening at work. So we use it sparingly.
I’m aware that 5 panel screens detect the major drug categories and that compounds like MDMA will trigger a positive result for methamphetamine.
4mmc is in the cathinone family. Does anyone know if that will cause a positive test if it’s not specifically tested for? (Assuming it’s pure 4mmc)
submitted by Content_Duck482 to SEXONDRUGS [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:45 Yamez99 25 - 4 months into a bulk, how am I doing?

25 - 4 months into a bulk, how am I doing? submitted by Yamez99 to Physiquecritique [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:45 Safe_Middle_8835 Accepted 01/17 transcript updated. Dd 02/04

Return accepted 01/17 , transcript updated today with DD of 02/04 will update when deposit hits
submitted by Safe_Middle_8835 to TurboTax [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:45 lilgotchu Haircut gng

rate the cut gng
submitted by lilgotchu to haircut [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:45 linet_addicted Justin Bieber stârnește îngrijorări. Prietenii o încurajează pe soția artistului să-l părăsească: „A suportat multe”

Fanii lui Justin Bieber au temeri legate de starea acestuia. Un video recent stârnește mai multă îngrijorări, pe fondul afirmațiilor că acțiunile sale o afectează pe soția sa, Hailey, potrivit Daily Mail Online.
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submitted by linet_addicted to Sp1Ro [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:45 mikasa_ackermann07 Screaming

Im usually not a ranting person so making this post after losing all hope. Suffering from severe depression and anxiety from past 7-8 months but ignored everything thinking im making an excuse for not studying. This became obvious when I started experiencing frequent muscle twitching. Along w hyperventilation, im struggling to sleep, my focus is completely drained, concentration span is 0 (even in doing simple tasks other than studying), overthinking every goddamn thing, mind feels clouded and constantly tired, fluctuating heartbeat every now and then. I won't tell my parents about this, coz ik they'll prolly judge me or will make it worse. I was so confident back then and now Im struggling to find words while talking. Im completely shattered not knowing what to do and where to go. Having noone to talk to, im crying, panicking, breaking down in every possible way. What did I do to deserve such a life?
submitted by mikasa_ackermann07 to MEDICOreTARDS [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:45 Little-Meaning-9646 yep

his 10 years of marriage came and went and he was in my bes again. now it seems daily. not sure whats happening. do i want things to keep going? i need sex so bad and he is so beautiful. i dont care of his reasons to want me, he was in bed thats good enough for me. i shoot my shot bc it could be my last with him at any moment. i want to be with someone so badly im willing to be a small side piece for this man. i might look back one day and regret this. right now if i loose this i might not be able to breathe. i want him so badly oh so badly since we met. everything about him…. its yummy.
submitted by Little-Meaning-9646 to naughtyconfession [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:45 gregoyless Looking to buy two tickets for Red Rocks

As the title says. Will delete when I’ve purchased two. Will confirm legitimacy before any money is sent, so scammers can save their time. Thank you!
submitted by gregoyless to andrewmcmahon [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:45 MoreContribution326 XDDDDDDD

submitted by MoreContribution326 to OSITOGANG [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:45 linet_addicted România își consolidează forțele aeriene. O nouă aeronavă F-16 achiziționată de țara noastră a aterizat la Câmpia Turzii

O aeronavă F-16 Fighting Falcon, achiziționată de România de la Regatul Norvegiei, a aterizat joi în Baza 71 Aeriană 'General Emanoil Ionescu', de la Câmpia Turzii, completând astfel Escadrila 48 Vânătoare cu toate cele 16 aeronave, informează MApN.
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submitted by linet_addicted to Sp1Ro [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:45 Sufficient-Spread202 I see what you people were talking about, this feels amazing

I see what you people were talking about, this feels amazing submitted by Sufficient-Spread202 to Warframe [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:45 TheRealLardin Mi cover del solo de Guitarra de "Jijiji". Gracias por escuchar

Mi cover del solo de Guitarra de submitted by TheRealLardin to LosRedondos [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:45 Avdadri Goku tree looking really good

Goku tree looking really good submitted by Avdadri to DBZDokkanBattle [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:45 linet_addicted Declarație de ultimă oră despre poziția PSD față de candidatura lui Crin Antonescu la prezidențiale

Declarație de ultimă oră despre poziția PSD față de candidatura lui Crin Antonescu la prezidențiale....
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submitted by linet_addicted to Sp1Ro [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:45 gracekk24PL A bold strategy.

A bold strategy. submitted by gracekk24PL to PrequelMemes [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:45 Ok-Chapter-9010 Possible clinical negligence by psychiatrist - NI based

Howdy all! Have a quick question.
Say you're ill and other health professionals can see you are mentally feeling unwell and it's documented also by the psychiatrist you see. However they do not change anything in your treatment scheme. Things get to the point of crisis and you end up losing your job because of your mental health because of time out of work.
Could there be a possible case for criminal negligence? As the psychiatrist knows that you are getting more and more unwell but does not change anything about your treatment which leads to you losing your job.
More detail: Have been employed 7 months, out of probation, but total time off equates to over 4 weeks (one 3 week hospital admission for gastro, and 1 week off as of now for mental health related reasons). Was called today and told I'm possibly in line to be let go due to amount of time off.
submitted by Ok-Chapter-9010 to LegalAdviceUK [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:45 Need_for_woman Kristen Stewart

Kristen Stewart submitted by Need_for_woman to Braless_Celebs [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:45 ImpressFar1273 Switch For Home Networking Playstation Portal

Hi, I have a TP Link (TP-Link LS1005G) switch and 1Gig broadband from Virgin with Superhub 5.
Superhub is in router mode, so my mum can have wifi downstairs. I have an ethernet cable running from the suberhub to the network switch upstairs.
Network switch Ports
Port 1: Ethernet IN (from superhub)
Port 2: TP Link Access Point (TP-Link TL-WA1201)
Port 3: Playstation 5 (mine)
Port 4: Playstation 5 (partners)
Port 5: PC (off most of the time)
I am getting wifi speeds of around 500-600mpbs from the wifi on 5ghz channel. I have disconnected all other devices to run the test. I would like it to be closer to 800.
I have lots of smart home devices, so I have 2.4 and 5ghz on separate SSIDs connected to the access point.
PC is getting around 900+ mbps so I can only assume my access point is the issue.
I am running a playstation portal via the access point, so I am trying to get the best speeds and latency that I can get.
Does my playstation portal data go directly from portal > access point > switch > playstation or does it go portal > access point > switch > superhub 5 > switch > playstation?
I have ordered a wifi 6 router to either replace or augment the setup (TP-Link Archer AX1500), would I be better replacing the access point with this router? So there would be an ethernet cable connecting superhub5 directly to WAN port on new router and then wire my playstation directly in to the new router via ethernet port 1.
Then I would/could still use the network switch for everything else.
Would bypassing network switch and wiring devices straight in to my router improve my speeds, and lower latency? The router has the same amount of ports as my network switch does, so technically I could stop using the switch + access point all together, however would I be better off still using the network switch + access point for non-priority devices, so I am not using up the capabilities of the router? I would put the access point + router on different channels + widths etc.
Should I still use my network switch for non-priority ethernet?
Is my network switch good enough for my internet speed and devices, or should I upgrade my network switch?
Any ideas for how to improve my setup without costing the earth? Thanks
submitted by ImpressFar1273 to Network [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:45 BrighamYoung Sen. Schumer turns off social media users after claiming ‘people are aroused’ by Trump’s federal loan freeze: ‘Calm down, Chuck

Sen. Schumer turns off social media users after claiming ‘people are aroused’ by Trump’s federal loan freeze: ‘Calm down, Chuck submitted by BrighamYoung to DouchebagDuJour [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:45 Iku_san Wallpaper inspired by nothing OS

Is there a PC wallpaper inspired by nothing OS and nothing phone, which the community created for example? Thanks in advance 😆
submitted by Iku_san to NothingTech [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:45 Geologist-Apart (Wtb) Glock 17 mag with factory extension, Glock 33rd mag

Looking for a Glock 17 mag with factory extension. $25-$30 depending on salt
Glock 33rd mag. Any color. $25
submitted by Geologist-Apart to GunAccessoriesForSale [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:45 skyhausmann Sharing another's tip for updating pixel bud pro 2 at Thank you to u/halberd_ for this tip on updating your pixel bud pro 2 at via your pc:

Thank you to u/halberd_ for this tip on updating your pixel bud pro 2 at via your pc:
submitted by skyhausmann to pixelbuds [link] [comments]